Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0130855A1

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US 2013 013 0855A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0130855A1
LONG (43) Pub. Date: May 23, 2013
USPC ............................................................ 474/84
(75) Inventor: BO LONG, Shenzhen City (CN)
CO.,LTD., Tu-Cheng (TW); HONG FU
(Shenzhen) CO., LTD, Shenzhen City A robot arm assembly includes a first output shaft, a first
(CN) driving mechanism, a second output shaft and a second driv
(21) Appl. No.: 13/592,620 ing mechanism. The first driving mechanism includes a first
driving motor for driving the first output shaft to rotate, a first
(22) Filed: Aug. 23, 2012 driving belt pulley non-rotatably connected to the first output
shaft, and a first belt winding on the first driving motor and the
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data first driving belt pulley. The second output shaft is rotatably
sleeved in the first output shaft. The second driving mecha
Nov. 21, 2011 (CN) ......................... 2O1110370583.3 nism includes a second driving motor for driving the second
Publication Classification output shaft to rotate, a second driving belt pulley non-rotat
ably connected to the second output shaft, and a second belt
(51) Int. Cl. winding on the second driving motor and the second driving
FI6H 7/02 (2006.01) belt pulley.
Patent Application Publication May 23, 2013 Sheet 1 of 3 US 2013/O130855A1


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Patent Application Publication May 23, 2013 Sheet 2 of 3 US 2013/O130855A1

Patent Application Publication May 23, 2013 Sheet 3 of 3 US 2013/O130855A1

US 2013/O 130855A1 May 23, 2013

ROBOT ARMASSEMBLY tion portion 1315 is substantially a half-ring. The mounting

tube 135 is substantially hollow cylindrical. The cover body
BACKGROUND 15 is assembled with the mounting wall 131. The cover body
0001 1. Technical Field 15 and the mounting wall 131 cooperatively form a receiving
0002. This disclosure relates to robot arm assemblies, and space (not shown).
particularly, to a robot arm assembly using belts for driving (0012. The first output shaft 30, the second output shaft 50
and transmission. and the third output shaft 60 are hollow cylindrical, and are
0003 2. Description of Related Art rotatably assembled in the mounting tube 135, respectively.
0004 An industrial robot includes a plurality of individual The second output shaft 50 is received in the first output shaft
robot arms. A plurality of driving mechanisms is installed in 30, and sleeved on the third output shaft 60. The first output
the industrial robot to drive the robot arms to move. The bevel shaft 30, the second output shaft 50 and the third output shaft
gears are used in the transmission mechanisms to drive the 60 extend out of an end of the mounting tube 135 away from
robot arms. However, excessive vibration, impact and noise the mounting wall 131.
level are the existing problems for the bevel gears during 0013 The first driving mechanism 70 includes a first driv
operation. In addition, lubricating oil is used for maintaining ing motor 71, an installation member 72, a first driving belt
the bevel gears. It is confirmed that the maintenance cost will pulley 73, a first belt wheel 74, a second belt wheel 75, a first
be improved. belt sleeve 77, a first belt 78 and a transmission belt 79. The
0005. Therefore, there is room for improvement within the first driving motor 71 is mounted on the cover body 15 and
art. extends inward into the receiving space for driving the first
driving belt pulley 73. The installation member 72 is substan
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS tially a ring with an incision, and is positioned on the instal
lation portion 1315. The first driving belt pulley 73 is non
0006. The components in the drawings are not necessarily rotatably connected to the first output shaft 30 at one end
drawn to scale, the emphasis instead being placed upon thereof adjacent to the through hole 1313 to drive the first
clearly illustrating the principles of the present disclosure. output shaft 30 to rotate. The first belt wheel 74 includes a
Moreover, in the drawings, like reference numerals designate flange portion 741 and a shaft portion 745 connected with the
corresponding parts throughout several views, and all the flange portion 741. The shaft portion 745 passes through the
views are schematic. installation member 72. The flangeportion 741 is sandwiched
0007 FIG. 1 shows an isometric view of an embodiment between the mounting wall 131 and the installation member
of a robot arm assembly. 72. The second belt wheel 75 sleeves on the shaft portion 745
0008 FIG. 2 shows an isometric view of the robot arm at one end away from the flange portion 741, and non-rotat
assembly of FIG. 1 without a cover. ably connects to the shaft portion 745. The first belt sleeve 77
0009 FIG. 3 shows an exploded isometric view of the is Substantially cylindrical, and sleeves on the first driving
robot arm assembly of FIG. 2. motor 71. The first belt 78 winds around the first driving belt
pulley 73 and the flange portion 741. The transmission belt 79
DETAILED DESCRIPTION winds on the second belt wheel 75 and the first belt sleeve 77.
0010 Referring to FIGS. 1 through 3 an embodiment of a 0014. The second driving mechanism 80 includes a sec
robot arm assembly 100 is shown. The robot arm assembly ond driving motor 81, a second driving belt pulley 83, a
100 includes a housing 10, a first output shaft 30, a second second belt sleeve 85 and a second belt 87. The second driving
output shaft 50, a third output shaft 60, a first driving mecha motor 81 is positioned on the cover body 15 adjacent to the
nism 70, a second driving mechanism 80 and a third driving first driving motor 71 and extends inward into the receiving
mechanism 90. The first output shaft 30 is rotatably sleeved space for driving the second driving belt pulley 83. The sec
on the second output shaft 50 and received in the housing 10. ond driving belt pulley 83 is non-rotatably connected to the
The second output shaft 50 is rotatably sleeved on the third second output shaft 50. The second belt sleeve 85 sleeves on
output shaft 60, such that the second output shaft 50 is rotat the second driving belt pulley 83. The second belt 87 winds
ably located and sandwiched between the first output shaft 30 around the second driving belt pulley 83 and the second belt
and the third output shaft 60. The first driving mechanism 70. sleeve 85.
the second driving mechanism 80 and the third driving 0015 The third driving mechanism 90 includes a third
mechanism 90 are assembled within the housing 10 for driv driving motor 91, a third driving belt pulley 93, a third belt
ing first output shaft 30, the second output shaft 50, and the sleeve 95 and a third belt 97. The third driving motor 91 is
third output shaft 60 to rotate relative to the housing 10. In the positioned on the cover body 15 above of the first driving
illustrated embodiment, the first driving mechanism 70, the motor 71 and the second driving motor 81, and extends
second driving mechanism 80 and the third driving mecha inward into the receiving space for driving the third driving
nism 90 are located on an end of the housing 10 away from the belt pulley 93. The third driving belt pulley 93 is non-rotat
first output shaft 30. ably connected to the third output shaft 60. The third belt
0011. The housing 10 includes an installation base 13 and sleeve 95 sleeves on the third driving belt pulley 93. The third
a cover body 15 detachably mounted to the installation base belt 97 winds on the third driving belt pulley 93 and the third
13. The installation base 13 includes a mounting wall 131 and belt sleeve 95.
a mounting tube 135 substantially perpendicularly protruding 0016. In use, the first driving motor 71 drives the first,
from the mounting wall 131. A through hole 1313 is defined second belt wheels 74, 75 to rotate via the first belt sleeve 77
in the mounting wall 131. The through hole 1313 is coaxial and the transmission belt 79. The first belt wheel 74 drives the
with the mounting tube 135. An installation portion 1315 is first driving belt pulley 73 to rotate via the first belt 78. Such
formed on the mounting wall 131 deviating from the mount that, the first output shaft 30 is driven to rotate. The second
ing tube 135 and under the through hole 1313. The installa driving motor 81 drives the second driving belt pulley 83 to
US 2013/O 130855A1 May 23, 2013

rotate via the second belt sleeve 85 and the second belt 87, flange portion is positioned and sandwiched between the
thus, the second output shaft 50 rotates. The third driving mounting wall and the installation member.
motor 91 drives the third driving belt pulley 93 to rotate via 6. The robot arm assembly of claim3, further comprising a
the third belt sleeve 95 and the third belt 97. Then the third first belt sleeve sleeved on the first driving motor, the trans
output shaft 60 is driven to rotate. mission belt winds on the first driving motor via the first belt
0017 Compared with conventional bevel gears driving sleeve.
mechanisms, the belt driving members with simpler structure 7. The robot arm assembly of claim 1, wherein the second
produce minimal vibration and noise when in use. In addition, driving mechanism further comprises a second belt sleeve
the belt members do not need the lubricating oil, thereby sleeved on the second driving motor, the second belt winds on
decreasing the manufacturing cost of robot arm assembly the second driving motor via the second belt sleeve.
1OO. 8. The robot arm assembly of claim 2, further comprising a
0018. The number of the output shafts and the driving third driving mechanism, wherein the third driving mecha
mechanisms is not limited to three of the illustrated embodi nism comprises a third output shaft rotatably received in the
ment, the number of the output shafts and the driving mecha second output shaft, a third driving motor for driving the third
nisms can be varied depend on actual needs. Namely, the output shaft to rotate; a third driving belt pulley non-rotatably
robot arm assembly 100 may include at least one output shaft connected to the third output shaft and positioned adjacent to
and at least one driving mechanism. the mounting wall, and a third belt winding on the third
0019 Finally, while various embodiments have been driving motor and the third driving belt pulley.
described and illustrated, the disclosure is not to be construed 9. The robot arm assembly of claim 8, further comprising a
as being limited thereto. Various modifications can be made to third belt sleeve sleeved on the third driving motor, wherein
the embodiments by those skilled in the art without departing the third belt winds on the third driving motor via the third belt
from the true spirit and scope of the disclosure as defined by sleeve.
the appended claims. 10. The robot arm assembly of claim 2, further comprising
What is claimed is: a cover body mounted on the mounting wall away from the
1. A robot arm assembly comprising: mounting tube, wherein the cover body and the mounting wall
cooperatively form a receiving space, the first driving belt
a first output shaft; pulley and the second driving belt pulley are received in the
a first driving mechanism comprising a first driving motor receiving space, the first driving motor and the second driving
for driving the first output shaft to rotate, a first driving motor are mounted on the cover body and extend inward into
belt pulley non-rotatably connected to the first output the receiving space.
shaft, and a first belt winding on the first driving motor 11. A robot arm assembly comprising:
and the first driving belt pulley; a first output shaft;
a second output shaft rotatably sleeved in the first output a first driving mechanism comprising a first driving motor
shaft; and for driving the first output shaft to rotate, a first driving
a second driving mechanism comprising a second driving belt pulley non-rotatably connected to the first output
motor for driving the second output shaft to rotate, a shaft, and a first belt winding on the first driving motor
second driving belt pulley non-rotatably connected to and the first driving belt pulley;
the second output shaft, and a second belt winding on the a second output shaft rotatably sleeved in the first output
second driving motor and the second driving belt pulley. shaft;
2. The robot arm assembly of claim 1, wherein the robot a second driving mechanism comprising a second driving
arm assembly further comprises a housing, the housing com motor for driving the second output shaft to rotate, a
prises an installation base, the installation base comprises a second driving belt pulley non-rotatably connected to
mounting wall and a mounting tube protrudes from the the second output shaft, and a second belt winding on the
mounting wall, the first output shaft and the second output second driving motor and the second driving belt pulley;
shaft are rotatably located within the mounting tube, the first a third output shaft rotatably sleeved in the second output
driving belt pulley and the second driving belt pulley are shaft;
positioned adjacent to the mounting wall. a third driving mechanism comprising a third driving
3. The robot arm assembly of claim 2, wherein the first motor for driving the third output shaft to rotate, a third
driving mechanism further comprises a first belt wheel, a driving belt pulley non-rotatably connected to the third
second belt wheel and a transmission belt; the first belt wheel output shaft, and a third belt winding on the third driving
is rotatably positioned on the mounting wall, the second belt motor and the third driving belt pulley.
wheel is non-rotatably connected to the first belt wheel, the 12. The robot arm assembly of claim 11, wherein the robot
transmission belt winds on the first driving motor via the first arm assembly further comprises a housing, the housing com
belt wheel and the second belt wheel. prises an installation base, the installation base comprises a
4. The robot arm assembly of claim3, wherein the first belt mounting wall and a mounting tube protrudes from the
wheel comprises a flange portion and a shaft portion con mounting wall, the first output shaft and the second output
nected with the flange portion, the second belt wheel sleeves shaft are rotatably located within the mounting tube, the first
on the shaft portion and is non-rotatably connected to the driving belt pulley, the second driving belt pulley and the third
shaft portion, the first belt winding on the flange portion. driving belt pulley are positioned adjacent to the mounting
5. The robot arm assembly of claim 4, wherein the first wall.
driving mechanism further comprises an installation member, 13. The robot arm assembly of claim 12, wherein the first
an installation portion is formed on the mounting wall, the driving mechanism further comprises a first belt wheel, a
installation member is positioned on the installation portion, second belt wheel and a transmission belt; the first belt wheel
the shaft portion passes through the installation member, the is rotatably positioned on the mounting wall, the second belt
US 2013/O 130855A1 May 23, 2013

wheel is non-rotatably connected to the first belt wheel, the wherein the transmission belt winds on the first driving motor
transmission belt winds on the first driving motor via the first via the first belt sleeve.
belt wheel and the second belt wheel. 17. The robot arm assembly of claim 11, wherein the sec
14. The robot arm assembly of claim 13, wherein the first ond driving mechanism further comprises a second belt
belt wheel comprises a flange portion and a shaft portion sleeve sleeved on the second driving motor, the second belt
connected with the flange portion, the second belt wheel winds on the second driving motor via the second belt sleeve.
sleeves on the shaft portion and is non-rotatably connected to 18. The robot arm assembly of claim 12, further compris
the shaft portion, the first belt winding on the flange portion.
15. The robot arm assembly of claim 14, wherein the first ing a cover body mounted on the mounting wall away from
driving mechanism further comprises an installation member, the mounting tube, wherein the cover body and the mounting
an installation portion is formed on the mounting wall, the wall cooperatively form a receiving space, the first driving
installation member is positioned on the installation portion, belt pulley, the second driving belt pulley and the third driving
the shaft portion passes through the installation member, the belt pulley are received in the receiving space, the first driving
flange portion is positioned and sandwiched between the motor, the second driving motor and the third driving motor
mounting wall and the installation member. are mounted on the cover body and extend inward into the
16. The robot arm assembly of claim 13, further compris receiving space.
ing a first belt sleeve sleeved on the first driving motor,

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