Mindful Learning: Current Directions in Psychological Science December 2000
Mindful Learning: Current Directions in Psychological Science December 2000
Mindful Learning: Current Directions in Psychological Science December 2000
Mindful Learning
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1 author:
Ellen J Langer
Harvard University
All content following this page was uploaded by Ellen J Langer on 14 August 2014.
variation and perspective. After (Levy & Langer, in press), children they are learning, and the experi-
they were well practiced, we sur- with attention problems (Langer, ence tends to be positive (Langer,
reptitiously changed the ball they Carson, & Shih, in press), or even 1997; cf. Fox & Langer, 1999).
were using to one that was much Harvard undergraduates (Bodner
heavier. Subjects who learned the & Langer, 1995), when they were
game mindfully were more likely instructed to vary the target of at-
to accommodate to this change; tention, their performance im-
that is, their performance did not proved. Not only is it easier to pay
suffer the way performance did for attention this way, but people re- Most of us believe that it is good
those who took the basics for member more about the target of to be in the present, to be involved
granted and learned the game their attention when they attend to in what we are doing, and that it is
mindlessly. Given the way most it mindfully (study by Lieberman good to keep our minds active. The
people are taught to practice, the & Langer, described in Langer, problem is that we are typically un-
idea that “practice makes perfect” 1997), and they like the target of aware of when we are not in the
is questionable (cf. Langer & Im- their attention better after having present and when our minds are
ber, 1979; study by Pietrasz & done so, as described next. virtually closed. The simple pro-
Langer, described in Langer, 1997). cess of mindful learning, of actively
drawing distinctions and noticing
Myth 3: It Is Important to Learn new things—seeing the familiar in
How to Delay Gratification the novel and the novel in the fa-
Myth 2: To Pay Attention to miliar—is a way to ensure that our
Something, We Should Hold It minds are active, that we are in-
Still and Focus on It This idea suggests that tasks are volved, and that we are situated in
inherently good or bad. To get the present. The result is that we
through the bad ones, we should are then able to avert the danger
My colleagues and I asked high look forward to the good ones, or not yet arisen and take advantage
school teachers and students what perhaps “add a little sugar to help of opportunities that may present
it means to pay attention to some- the medicine go down.” However, themselves. Teaching mindfully
thing. They all agreed that to suc- evaluation does not reside in tasks; not only sets students up for these
cessfully pay attention, people it resides in our minds. Work and advantages, but has advantages for
should hold the target of their at- study are not negative, although teachers as well.
tention still and focus on it the way we may make them appear to be. Respect for diversity often cre-
they would focus a camera. There My colleague Sofia Snow and I ates a dilemma regarding the
does not seem to be a problem of asked subjects to evaluate how hu- choice of teaching material. How
communication between teachers morous cartoons were. For half of can teachers find material that will
and students. The problem is this is the subjects, we called the activity be meaningful to people with such
essentially the wrong instruction. work; for the other half, we re- different cultural backgrounds as
To test this, just bring your thumb ferred to it as play. Even though we find in many of our schools?
up to your eyes for scrutiny. If you the task we used could seem inher- What is exciting about the research
try to pay attention to your finger ently fun to some people, when we I have discussed is the implication
by holding the image of it still, you called it work, subjects did not en- that if the content of the material
will quickly come to see how hard joy it, and their minds tended to encourages mindful learning,
this is. The image fades from view. wander while they were doing it rather than freezing the material in
Instead, attend to your thumb (see Langer, 1997). one rigid perspective, students
mindfully—notice different things In other experiments, subjects more easily may be able to make
about your thumb—perhaps its engaged in tasks they did not like the material relevant to their idio-
size, a fleck of dirt, a spot of red- (listening to rap music or classical syncratic concerns.
ness. It is easy now to pay atten- music, viewing art, watching foot- Should all learning, beginning
tion. ball). Some of the subjects were led with children’s earliest experi-
In several studies, my colleagues to engage the task the way they ences, proceed in this conditional
and I asked subjects either to pay typically did; others were asked to fashion? Or do we need to teach all
attention to a stimulus or to notice notice three, six, or nine new things (or some? and if some, which?)
new things about the stimulus (i.e., about it. The more they noticed, the children stability first so they will
to attend to it mindfully). Whether more they liked the task. Mindful not be overwhelmed by all the pos-
the subjects were elderly adults learning engages people in what sibility mindful learning theoreti-
cally makes available? Some need certainties, because that is the References
people (e.g., Bargh & Chartrand, way we ourselves were taught. Bargh, J., & Chartrand, T. (1999). The unbearable
1999) believe that mindlessness is automaticity of being. American Psychologist,
54, 462–479.
important because it frees limited Recommended Reading Bodner, T., & Langer, E. (1995). Mindfulness and
cognitive resources. This might be attention. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
true, but it raises the question, “At Langer, E. (1989). Mindfulness. Read- Fox, B., & Langer, E. (1999). Mere exposure versus
ing, MA: Addison Wesley. mindful exposure. Unpublished manuscript,
what cost?” (return to the example Langer, E. (1997). (See References) Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
of antilock brakes). These are mat- Langer, E. (1997). The power of mindful learning.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
ters still to be determined. My own Langer, E., Carson, S., & Shih, M. (in press). Sit still
view is that we are poorly served and pay attention? Journal of Adult Development.
by mindless learning. So that we Note Langer, E., & Imber, L. (1979). When practice
makes imperfect: The debilitating effects of
do not prematurely close the fu- overlearning. Journal of Personality and Social
ture, we should at least consider that 1. Address correspondence to Ellen Psychology, 37, 2014–2025.
J. Langer, William James Hall, 33 Kirk- Langer, E., & Piper, A. (1987). The prevention of
all of our learning be mindful or po- land St., Harvard University, Cam- mindlessness. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 53, 280–287.
tentially mindful (i.e., not mindless). bridge, MA 02138; e-mail: langer@wjh. Levy, B., & Langer, E. (in press). Improving attention
Perhaps we only believe that we harvard.edu. in older adults. Journal of Adult Development.