By Neal Smith Extension Area Specialist - 4-H
By Neal Smith Extension Area Specialist - 4-H
By Neal Smith Extension Area Specialist - 4-H
Neal Smith
Extension Area Specialist – 4-H
Module 2: Beef Cattle
Judging Breeding Heifers
Judging Beef Cattle
Will Evaluate:
Breeding Heifers
Market Steers
Do Not Judge Bulls at Regional 4-H Contest
Learn Terms To Use:
When judging breeding cattle
When judging market animals
Judging Beef Cattle
Evaluating Breeding Cattle
Ideal breeding heifers or bulls should:
Be well balanced
Have ample size and scale
Show meat-type characteristics
Have sound feet and legs
Exhibit proper breed and sex character
Display adequate reproductive organs
Ideal Beef Heifer
Angular through
neck & shoulders
Feminine head Long, level rump
Strong topline
Neat tailhead
Neat, smooth
Bold spring of rib Deep, long
muscled rear
Neat throat, dewlap Long bodied Long stifle quarter
& brisket
Deep rear flank
Deep ribbed
Ideal Beef Heifer
Long bodied
Well balanced
thickness down
back & loin
Long, smooth
muscled rear
quarter Smooth
Deep, wide
Correct set of chest floor
Hock is too straight, Too much set to the hock, Hocks turn in, does not
severely limits forces rear feet too far provide good balance
flexibility and puts under the heifer adding of weight, and places
stress on the joint. pressure to hip and stress on inside toes
rump. and ankles
Judging Heifers
Correct rump structure should be:
Level from hooks to pin bone
Essential for length of stride
Good blending
of shoulder to
Judging Heifers
Too much
1 2
3 4
Official Placing
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 4 2 3
Official Placing: 1 – 4 – 2 – 3
Cuts: 5–2-5