Construction Specification Report

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2019 – 2020







Kumar Abhishek Prof. Taqdees Anjum



1.0 CONCRETE WORKS…………………………………………………………………………….3

1.1 GENERAL……………………………………………………………………………………………3

1.2 MATERIALS………………………………………………………………………………………..3

1.3 TESTING OF CONCRETE MATERIALS……………………………………………………3

1.3.1 CEMENT…………………………………………………………………………………………….3

1.3.2 SAND…………………………………………………………………………………………………4
1.3.3 COURSE AGGREGATE…………………………………………………………………………4

1.3.4 WATER………………………………………………………………………………………………4

1.4 STEEL REINFORCEMENT……………………………………………………………………..4

1.5 Design mix concrete…………………………………………………………………………..5

1.6 Tests…………………………………………………………………………………………………5
1.6.1 COMPRESSIVE……………………………………………………………………………………5
1.7 MIXING OF CONCRETE………………………………………………………………………5


1.9 PROTECTION OF CONCRETE………………………………………………………………6

1.10 CURING OF CONCRETE………………………………………………………………………6

1.11 FORMWORK…………………………………………………………………………………….6

1.12 Removal of Formwork……………………………………………………………………..7

1.13 SUPERVISION…………………………………………………………………………………..7




 This description covers, the accepted requirements, for material to, be acclimated on, jobs
tender on-site, assembly accessories including, requirements in attention, to the superior,
handling, accumulator of ingredients,, proportioning, batching, bond, and testing of
accurate, and as well as, requirements in attention, to the storage, superiority, angle, and
acclimation of reinforcement,.
 This as well, covers the transport, of precise from, the mixer to, the abode of, final drop
and, the curing,, placing, protecting, acclimation, and finishing of material,.”[ CITATION 1920
\l 1033 ]


“Quality of any material, shall not be, changed during the course, of the contract, except with the,
approval of the Architects/ Engineer.
The Contractor shall, provide a certificate, from the manufacturer, for each and every, delivery of
material,, showing the source,, quantity delivered and, confirming that the, material has been
tested, and conforms to, the required Indian Standard,.”[ CITATION AGO09 \l 1033 ]


“Prior to the initiation, of concrete work,, the Contractor shall, get all cement,, sand, aggregates and
water, tested in the laboratories, approved by the Architects,/ Engineer and shall keep, approved
samples, in the site office, for inspection of the, Architects/ Engineer at, any time of the concreting,

During construction also, the materials shall, be sampled, and tested as, necessary by the Architects/
Engineer. Samples shall be, taken and tested in, accordance with the, latest revisions of, relevant
Indian Standard, Specifications.”[ CITATION 1920 \l 1033 ]

1.3.1 CEMENT

“The cement used, during the work, shall be to the approval, of the Architects/ Engineer. A
certificate shall, be obtained from, the manufacturers and produced, to the Architects/ Engineer, for
each delivery, of cement and in case, of Ordinary Portland Cement, it shall observe with, the
requirements of, IS : 269 and IS : 8112. The Contractor shall, store the cement in, sheds to be
provided, by him for, this purpose, at site. The Cement, shall be, delivered, to the site, in bags,
sealed, with the manufacturers, seal and different, types of cement shall be, stored separately. The
storage sheds, with water tight, walls and roof, shall be maintained, in a perfectly dry, and well

ventilated condition,, 30 cm above, ground level. Any, cement which has, been deteriorated, or
which has, been damaged, due, to any, reason, of any, kind, shall not be used. No cement, shall, be
used, for, the works, that, has been, stored, at site, for, more than, three, months unless, it, is
retested. Result, of test, shows, that any, sample, does not, comply, with the, specified,
requirement, the whole, consignment, from, which the, sample, was, taken, shall, be rejected, and,
immediately removed,, entirely from the,, site and replaced,, with cement of,, suitable
quality.”[ CITATION 1920 \l 1033 ]

1.3.2 SAND

“Sand to be, used for concrete shall, be well graded mixture, from coarse to, fine grains, comply
with, the requirements of, IS 383 and 515. Fine, sand of uniform, size or silt shall not, be used. It
will, observe with, sieve analysis in, accordance with, IS: 2386 Part I and II. Unless initially, clean, all
sand shall be thoroughly and carefully cleaned by screening. The screened and washed sand shall
not contain more than 8% by volume of clay, dust and silt immediately after allowing it to settle for 3
hours in water.”[ CITATION 1920 \l 1033 ]


“The coarse aggregate for the reinforced concrete work shall contain of crushed gravel, granite or
other stone to the approval of the Architects/ Engineer and shall be free from dust. If considered
necessary, the aggregate shall be washed especially until an approved cleanliness is obtained. The
combined coarse aggregate shall in all respects be graded as to allow 95% to 100% by weight to pass
a 20mm IS sieve; 25% to 55% by weight to pass a 10mm IS sieve and 0% to 10% by weight to pass a
5mm IS sieve. The aggregates of different sizes shall be stored in separate stacks in clean state and
free from all dirt.
The coarse aggregate where absorption of water after 24 hours immersion is more than 5% by
weight shall not be used.””[ CITATION AGO09 \l 1033 ]

1.3.4 WATER

“Water used for all purposes in this contract shall be free from oil, acid, salts or dirt of any kind
which will have adverse effect on cement or steel in the case of reinforced concrete.
Average 28 days compressive strength of at least three 15 cm concrete cubes prepared with water
proposed to be used shall not be less than 90% of the average strength of three similar concrete
cubes prepared with distilled water. Sea water shall not be used .”[ CITATION 1920 \l 1033 ]”


“The following types of reinforcement shall be used.

1) Mild steel round bars conforming to IS: 432 (Part-I)
2) Hot-rolled deformed bars conforming to IS: 1139
3) Cold-twisted bars conforming to IS: 1786

All steel reinforcement shall be fabricated and fixed in accordance with IS 2502. Bars shall be
definitely bounded together with hardened steel wire not thinner than 16 SWG at sufficient
intersections to ensure that the network of rods will retain its original form and the mesh will be so

temporarily supported as to retain its correct position in the formwork during the process of
depositing the concrete. An acceptable number of MS chairs and spacer bars shall be used in order
to ensure accurate positioning of reinforcement. All splices and lengths of overlaps in reinforcement
shall be strictly in accordance with the drawings. The overlaps shall be staggered and their positions
shall be approved by the Architects/ Engineer. Before deposition of the concrete, reinforcement
shall be well cleaned and made perfectly free from dirt, loose, rust, scales, paint, oil wash, grease or
any other coatings which may destroy or reduce bond.”[ CITATION AGO09 \l 1033 ]”

1.5 Design mix concrete

“All designs mix concrete shall be designed on the basis of preliminary tests. The contractor shall
make trial mixes using samples of aggregates and cement characteristic of those to be used in the
works. All these preliminary tests approvals shall be got done well in advance by the contractor
before any concreting is considered.
Based upon the successful preliminary crushing and workability tests, the contractor shall submit
mix proposals to the engineer-in-charge who will have the right to reject any trial mix not deemed
It shall be the ultimate responsibility of the contractor for selection of the trial mix to the complete
satisfaction of the engineer-in-charge.””[ CITATION AGO09 \l 1033 ]

1.6 Tests


“The Contractor shall keep on-site a minimum of six standard 15 cm test cube moulds and additional
equipment for preparing test cubes. Before the Contractor commences any concrete construction
he shall make six cubes of mix concrete with the cement, sand, aggregate, and water which he
proposes using on the contract and shall have them tested at a Laboratory approved by the
Architects/ Engineer. Three cubes shall be tested at 7 days and three cubes at 28 days after casting
and curing. In all cases, the cubes shall give the minimum compressive strength for preliminary tests
specified above, no concrete.
Construction shall be commenced until preliminary tests on the six cubes referred above have been
completed and the result shows the concrete to have the minimum compressive
strength.””[ CITATION 1920 \l 1033 ]


“Mixing of concrete shall continue until there is a uniform distribution of material and the concrete
is uniform in colour and consistency and shall be for at least two minutes.”
“Mixers and weigh batches shall be maintained in first class condition throughout the contract and
any mixer or plant which is faulty shall not be used. The drums on all mixers shall revolve at the
speed recommended by the manufacturer. A mixer of any type which has been out of use for more
than 20 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned out before any fresh concrete is mixed. The
subsequent 1st batch shall have additional cement to allow for sticking in the drum. All equipment’s

shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition. All controlled mix of concrete shall be from
RMC plants, which are properly approved .””[ CITATION AGO09 \l 1033 \m 1920]


“The concrete shall be transported maintaining required workability in a manner such as to avoid
the segregation of the essential materials and loss of any of the ingredients. It shall be deposited as
nearly as possible in its final position to avoid handling. It shall be placed and compacted before
setting commences and should not be subsequently disturbed. Methods of pouring should be such
as to preclude segregation and to avoid displacement of reinforcement and movement of
“The concrete should be thoroughly compacted and fully worked around the reinforcement, around
embedded fixtures and into the corner of the formwork without the formation of honeycombing,
pinholes or surface irregularities and any other defects whatsoever. The use of mechanical vibrators
having a capacity of producing vibrations at a rate not less than 5000 cycles per minute is
recommended. Over vibration or vibration of very wet concrete is harmful and should be avoided. In
addition hand tools must be used to ensure full consolidation around reinforcement and at edges
and corners.””
“The deposition of concrete shall be carried out as continuously as possible to reduce to a minimum
joint between new concrete which has set. Concrete shall not be dropped from a height of more
than 1.0 M. No unset concrete shall be brought into contact with unset concrete containing cement
of different type. Special permission and instructions shall be obtained when concrete has to be
deposited underwater. Underwater concreting shall be done with the help of trim pipeline only.
Concrete shall contain 10% more cement than that required for the specific mix placed in dry
Before fresh concrete is deposited upon or against any concrete which has already hardened, the
surface of hardened concrete shall be well roughened if necessary by chipping and all Latinate
removed. The surface shall then be swept clean with wire brushes, thoroughly wetted and covered
with a thin layer of cement mortar.””[ CITATION AGO09 \l 1033 \m 1920]


“Newly placed concrete shall be protected by approved means from rain, sun and drying winds.
Approved means shall be taken to protect immature concrete from damage by excessive loading,
vibration, abrasion, deleterious groundwater, mixing with earth or other materials that may impair
the strength and durability of concrete .”[ CITATION 1920 \l 1033 ]


“Exposed surfaces of concrete shall be kept continuously in wet condition for at least fourteen days
from the date of placing of concrete.”
When the concrete has set, the surface shall be cleaned by using wire brushes before plastering
without additional cost.””[ CITATION 1920 \l 1033 ]


“The Formwork shall be designed for rigidity and durability, strength, water tightness, easy removal,
surface finish required for concrete in contract with shuttering and economy.””
“The material used in formwork shall be 12mm thick film faced shuttering plywood’s, steel props,
steel plates, or specially designed and manufactured moulds out of plastic or reinforced fiberglass or
steel. It depends upon the location.”
Formwork designed with proposed material which is in use and it should be able to retain its shape,
lines and dimensions shown in the drawings. It should safely carry the full load of concrete self-
weight, reinforcement weight together with any live and impact load likely to occur during
concreting.””[ CITATION AGO09 \l 1033 \m 1920]

1.12 Removal of Formwork

“Under normal situations and where O.P. Cement is used, forms shall be removed after expiry of the
following periods. As per IS: 456-2000

a) Walls, columns and vertical faces - 24 to 48 hours

b) Slabs (props left under) - 3 days

C) Beams (props left under) - 7 days”[ CITATION 1920 \l 1033 ]


“Constant and strict supervision at all items of the construction is necessary during the progress of
the work, including the proportioning and mixing of the concrete. Supervision is also of extreme
importance to check the reinforcement and it’s placing before being covered. Before any important
operations, such as concreting or striking off the formwork is started, notice shall be given to the
Architects/ Engineer.[ CITATION AGO09 \l 1033 ]”

I. References
Anon., 2019. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 November 2019].
Available at:


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