McCrae and Costa
McCrae and Costa
McCrae and Costa
The principal difference between basic The precise amount of OCEAN is unique to all of
tendencies and characteristic adaptations is us, and much of our uniqueness results from
their flexibility. Whereas basic tendencies are variability in our genotype.
quite stable, characteristic adaptations can be (2) Origin
influenced by external influences, such as Takes a clear if somewhat controversial stance:
acquired skills, habits, attitudes, and All personality traits are the result solely of
relationships that result from the interaction of endogenous (internal) forces, such as genetics,
individuals with their environment. hormones, and brain structures.
(3) Development
(3) Self-Concept Assumes that traits develop and change
through childhood, but in adolescence their
development slows, and by early to mid-
adulthood (roughly age 30), change in
personality nearly stops altogether (Costa &
McCrae, 1994; Costa, McCrae, & Arenberg,
(4) Structure
States that traits are organized hierarchically
from narrow and specific to broad and general.