Enmienda IFRS 17 IFRS2020 PDF
Enmienda IFRS 17 IFRS2020 PDF
Enmienda IFRS 17 IFRS2020 PDF
IFRS® Standards
Amendments to IFRS 17
Amendments to IFRS 17
Amendments to IFRS 17 is issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (Board).
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ISBN: 978-1-911629-77-1
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from page
JUNE 2020 55
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Paragraphs 4 and 7 are amended, and paragraph 8A is added. New text is underlined and
deleted text is struck through.
(i) ...
(b) ...
8A Some contracts meet the definition of an insurance contract but limit the
compensation for insured events to the amount otherwise required to settle
the policyholder's obligation created by the contract (for example, loans with
death waivers). An entity shall choose to apply either IFRS 17 or IFRS 9 to such
contracts that it issues unless such contracts are excluded from the scope of
IFRS 17 by paragraph 7. The entity shall make that choice for each portfolio of
insurance contracts, and the choice for each portfolio is irrevocable.
Paragraphs 10‒12 are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
4 © IFRS Foundation
An entity shall apply paragraphs 11–13 to identify and account for the
components of the contract.
11 An entity shall:
(a) ...
(a) apply IFRS 15 to attribute the cash inflows between the insurance
component and any promises to provide distinct goods or
non‑insurance services other than insurance contract services; and
(b) attribute the cash outflows between the insurance component and any
promised goods or non‑insurance services other than insurance
contract services, accounted for applying IFRS 15 so that:
Paragraphs 19 and 24 are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
19 For contracts issued to which an entity does not apply the premium allocation
approach (see paragraphs 53–5459), an entity shall assess whether contracts
that are not onerous at initial recognition have no significant possibility of
becoming onerous:
24 An entity shall apply the recognition and measurement requirements of
IFRS 17 to the groups of contracts issued determined by applying paragraphs
14–23. An entity shall establish the groups at initial recognition and add
contracts to the groups applying paragraph 28., and The entity shall not
reassess the composition of the groups subsequently. To measure a group of
contracts, an entity may estimate the fulfilment cash flows at a higher level of
© IFRS Foundation 5
aggregation than the group or portfolio, provided the entity is able to include
the appropriate fulfilment cash flows in the measurement of the group,
applying paragraphs 32(a), 40(a)(i) and 40(b), by allocating such estimates to
groups of contracts.
25 An entity shall recognise a group of insurance contracts it issues from the
earliest of the following:
(b) the date when the first payment from a policyholder in the group
becomes due; and
(c) for a group of onerous contracts, when the group becomes onerous.
6 © IFRS Foundation
28B An entity not applying paragraph 59(a) shall recognise as an asset insurance
acquisition cash flows paid (or insurance acquisition cash flows for which a
liability has been recognised applying another IFRS Standard) before the
related group of insurance contracts is recognised. An entity shall recognise
such an asset for each related group of insurance contracts.
28C An entity shall derecognise an asset for insurance acquisition cash flows when
the insurance acquisition cash flows are included in the measurement of the
related group of insurance contracts applying paragraph 38(c)(i) or
paragraph 55(a)(iii).
28E At the end of each reporting period, an entity shall assess the recoverability of
an asset for insurance acquisition cash flows if facts and circumstances
indicate the asset may be impaired (see paragraph B35D). If entity identifies an
impairment loss, the entity shall adjust the carrying amount of the asset and
recognise the impairment loss in profit or loss.
Paragraph 29 and the heading above it are amended. New text is underlined and deleted
text is struck through.
(a) ...
© IFRS Foundation 7
The heading for paragraph 32 is amended. Paragraphs 34 and 38–39 are amended. New
text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
34 Cash flows are within the boundary of an insurance contract if they arise from
substantive rights and obligations that exist during the reporting period in
which the entity can compel the policyholder to pay the premiums or in
which the entity has a substantive obligation to provide the policyholder with
insurance contract services (see paragraphs B61–B71). A substantive obligation
to provide insurance contract services ends when:
(a) ...
(i) ...
(ii) the pricing of the premiums for coverage up to the date when
the risks are reassessed does not take into account the risks
that relate to periods after the reassessment date.
(a) ...
(b) any cash flows arising from the contracts in the group at that date;
(c) any cash flows arising from the contracts in the group at that date.
8 © IFRS Foundation
Paragraphs 44–45 and the heading above them are amended. New text is underlined and
deleted text is struck through.
44 For insurance contracts without direct participation features, the carrying amount of
the contractual service margin of a group of contracts at the end of the
reporting period equals the carrying amount at the start of the reporting
period adjusted for:
(a) ...
(b) the change in the amount of the entity’s share of the change in the fair
value of the underlying items (see paragraph B104(b)(i)), except to the
extent that:
(i) ...
© IFRS Foundation 9
Paragraphs 47–48 and 50 are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
Onerous contracts
47 An insurance contract is onerous at the date of initial recognition if the
fulfilment cash flows allocated to the contract, any previously recognised
insurance acquisition cash flows and any cash flows arising from the contract
at the date of initial recognition in total are a net outflow. Applying
paragraph 16(a), an entity shall group such contracts separately from
contracts that are not onerous. To the extent that paragraph 17 applies, an
entity may identify the group of onerous contracts by measuring a set of
contracts rather than individual contracts. An entity shall recognise a loss in
profit or loss for the net outflow for the group of onerous contracts, resulting
in the carrying amount of the liability for the group being equal to the
fulfilment cash flows and the contractual service margin of the group being
10 © IFRS Foundation
(a) ...
(b) solely to the loss component until that component is reduced to zero:
Paragraphs 53 and 55–56 are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
(a) ...
(b) the coverage period of each contract in the group (including insurance
contract servicescoverage arising from all premiums within the
contract boundary determined at that date applying paragraph 34) is
one year or less.
55 Using the premium allocation approach, an entity shall measure the liability
for remaining coverage as follows:
© IFRS Foundation 11
(b) at the end of each subsequent reporting period, the carrying amount of
the liability is the carrying amount at the start of the reporting period:
(vi) ...
Paragraphs 60, 62, 65–66 and 69 are amended, paragraph 62 is bifurcated creating new
paragraph 62A, paragraph 65 is bifurcated creating new paragraph 65A, paragraphs
66A–66B and 70A are added. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
62 Instead of applying paragraph 25, an entity shall recognise a group of
reinsurance contracts held from the earlier of the following:
12 © IFRS Foundation
(b) in all other cases—from the beginning of the coverage period of the
group of reinsurance contracts held.
65A If (b) the net cost of purchasing reinsurance coverage relates to events that
occurred before the purchase of the group of reinsurance contracts held, in
which case, notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph B5, the entity
shall recognise such a cost immediately in profit or loss as an expense.
© IFRS Foundation 13
(c) changes in the fulfilment cash flows, measured at the discount rates
specified in paragraph B72(c), to the extent that the change relates to
future service, unless:
(ii) the change results from applying paragraphs 57‒58 (on onerous
contracts), if the entity measures a group of underlying
insurance contracts applying the premium allocation approach.
66A An entity shall adjust the contractual service margin of a group of reinsurance
contracts held, and as a result recognise income, when the entity recognises a
loss on initial recognition of an onerous group of underlying insurance
contracts or on addition of onerous underlying insurance contracts to a group
(see paragraphs B119C‒B119E).
66B An entity shall establish (or adjust) a loss-recovery component of the asset for
remaining coverage for a group of reinsurance contracts held depicting the
recovery of losses recognised applying paragraphs 66(c)(i)‒(ii) and 66A. The
loss-recovery component determines the amounts that are presented in profit
or loss as reversals of recoveries of losses from reinsurance contracts held and
are consequently excluded from the allocation of premiums paid to the
reinsurer (see paragraph B119F).
(a) ...
14 © IFRS Foundation
Paragraph 71 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
(a) the date of initial recognition (see paragraphs 25 and 28paragraph 25)
is the date the entity becomes party to the contract.
Paragraphs 72 and 76 are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
(i) the modified contract would have been excluded from the
scope of IFRS 17, applying paragraphs 3–8A8;
(ii) ...
© IFRS Foundation 15
Paragraphs 78–79 are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
79 An entity shall include any assets or liabilities for insurance acquisition cash
flows recognised applying paragraph 28B27 in the carrying amount of the
related portfoliosgroups of insurance contracts issued, and any assets or
liabilities for cash flows related to portfoliosgroups of reinsurance contracts
held (see paragraph 65(b)65(a)) in the carrying amount of the portfoliosgroups
of reinsurance contracts held.
Paragraphs 83, 86 and 88‒89 are amended and paragraph 87A is added. New text is
underlined and deleted text is struck through.
(a) ...
16 © IFRS Foundation
(b) treat amounts from the reinsurer that it expects to receive that are not
contingent on claims of the underlying contracts (for example, some
types of ceding commissions) as a reduction in the premiums to be
paid to the reinsurer; and
89 In applying paragraph 87A(b), forFor insurance contracts with direct
participation features, for which the entity holds the underlying items, an
entity shall make an accounting policy choice between:
Paragraphs 97, 99–101, 103–105, 106‒107 and 109 are amended, paragraphs
105A–105B, and 109A are added. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
99 An entity shall provide enough information in the reconciliations to enable
users of financial statements to identify changes from cash flows and amounts
that are recognised in the statement(s) of financial performance. To comply
with this requirement, an entity shall:
© IFRS Foundation 17
(b) for each reconciliation, present the net carrying amounts at the
beginning and at the end of the period, disaggregated into a total for
portfoliosgroups of contracts that are assets and a total for
portfoliosgroups of contracts that are liabilities, that equal the
amounts presented in the statement of financial position applying
paragraph 78.
100 An entity shall disclose reconciliations from the opening to the closing
balances separately for each of:
(c) the liabilities for incurred claims. For insurance contracts to which the
premium allocation approach described in paragraphs 53–59 or 69–
70A70 has been applied, an entity shall disclose separate
reconciliations for:
101 For insurance contracts other than those to which the premium allocation
approach described in paragraphs 53–59 or 69–70A70 has been applied, an
entity shall also disclose reconciliations from the opening to the closing
balances separately for each of:
103 An entity shall separately disclose in the reconciliations required in
paragraph 100 each of the following amounts related to insurance services, if
(a) ...
(i) ...
(ii) the change in the risk adjustment for non-financial risk that
does not relate to future service or past service; and
(c) ...
18 © IFRS Foundation
105A An entity shall disclose a reconciliation from the opening to the closing
balance of assets for insurance acquisition cash flows recognised applying
paragraph 28B. An entity shall aggregate information for the reconciliation at
a level that is consistent with that for the reconciliation of insurance
contracts, applying paragraph 98.
106 For insurance contracts issued other than those to which the premium
allocation approach described in paragraphs 53–59 has been applied, an entity
shall disclose an analysis of the insurance revenue recognised in the period
(a) the amounts relating to the changes in the liability for remaining
coverage as specified in paragraph B124, separately disclosing:
(i) ...
(b) the allocation of the portion of the premiums that relate to the
recovery of insurance acquisition cash flows (see paragraph B125).
107 For insurance contracts other than those to which the premium allocation
approach described in paragraphs 53–59 or 69–70A70 has been applied, an
entity shall disclose the effect on the statement of financial position
separately for insurance contracts issued and reinsurance contracts held that
are initially recognised in the period, showing their effect at initial
recognition on:
109 For insurance contracts other than those to which the premium allocation
approach described in paragraphs 53–59 or 69–70A70 has been applied, an
entity shall disclose an explanation of when it expects to recognise the
contractual service margin remaining at the end of the reporting period in
profit or loss, either quantitatively, in appropriate time bands, or by providing
qualitative information. Such information shall be provided separately for
insurance contracts issued and reinsurance contracts held.
© IFRS Foundation 19
Paragraph 114 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
Transition amounts
114 An entity shall provide disclosures that enable users of financial statements to
identify the effect of groups of insurance contracts measured at the transition
date applying the modified retrospective approach (see paragraphs C6–
C19AC19) or the fair value approach (see paragraphs C20–C24BC24) on the
contractual service margin and insurance revenue in subsequent periods.
Hence an entity shall disclose the reconciliation of the contractual service
margin applying paragraph 101(c), and the amount of insurance revenue
applying paragraph 103(a), separately for:
Paragraph 117 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
Paragraphs 128–129 and 132 are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is
struck through.
20 © IFRS Foundation
(a) a sensitivity analysis that shows how profit or loss and equity would
have been affected by changes in risk variablesexposures that were
reasonably possible at the end of the reporting period:
(i) ...
(ii) for each type of market risk—in a way that explains the
relationship between the sensitivities to changes in
risk variablesexposures arising from insurance contracts and
those arising from financial assets held by the entity.
129 If an entity prepares a sensitivity analysis that shows how amounts different
from those specified in paragraph 128(a) are affected by changes in risk
variablesexposures and uses that sensitivity analysis to manage risks arising
from contracts within the scope of IFRS 17, it may use that sensitivity analysis
in place of the analysis specified in paragraph 128(a). The entity shall also
(a) ...
(c) the amounts that are payable on demand, explaining the relationship
between such amounts and the carrying amount of the related
portfoliosgroups of contracts, if not disclosed applying (b) of this
© IFRS Foundation 21
contractual service A component of the carrying amount of the asset or liability for
margin a group of insurance contracts representing the unearned
profit the entity will recognise as it provides insurance
contract servicesservices under the insurance contracts in the
coverage period The period during which the entity provides insurance
contract servicescoverage for insured events. This period
includes the insurance contract services that relatecoverage
that relates to all premiums within the boundary of the
insurance contract.
group of insurance A set of insurance contracts resulting from the division of a
contracts portfolio of insurance contracts into, at a minimum, contracts
issuedwritten within a period of no longer than one year and
that, at initial recognition:
insurance acquisition Cash flows arising from the costs of selling, underwriting and
cash flows starting a group of insurance contracts (issued or expected to
be issued) that are directly attributable to the portfolio of
insurance contracts to which the group belongs. Such cash
flows include cash flows that are not directly attributable to
individual contracts or groups of insurance contracts within
the portfolio.
A new definition is added after the definition of ‘insurance contract’. New text is
22 © IFRS Foundation
The definitions of ‘investment component’, ‘liability for incurred claims’ and ‘liability for
remaining coverage’ are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
(b) pay amounts that are not included in (a) and that relate
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24 © IFRS Foundation
Paragraph B1 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
(ba) asset for insurance acquisition cash flows (see paragraphs B35A–B35D);
B5 Some insurance contracts cover events that have already occurred but the
financial effect of which is still uncertain. An example is an insurance
contract that provides insurance coverage against an adverse development of
an event that has already occurred. In such contracts, the insured event is the
determination of the ultimate cost of those claims.
© IFRS Foundation 25
Paragraphs B33‒B35 are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
B35 A good or non-insurance service other than an insurance contract service that
is promised to the policyholder is not distinct if:
(a) ...
(b) the entity provides a significant service in integrating the good or non-
insurance service with the insurance components.
Paragraphs B35A–B35D and the heading above paragraph B35A are added. New text is
26 © IFRS Foundation
B35B At the end of each reporting period, an entity shall revise amounts allocated
as specified in paragraph B35A to reflect any changes in assumptions that
determine the inputs to the method of allocation used. An entity shall not
change amounts allocated to a group of insurance contracts after all contracts
have been added to the group (see paragraph B35C).
(ii) the excess determined applying (b)(i) has not already been
recognised as an impairment loss applying (a).
Paragraphs B64–B66 and B71–B72 are amended and paragraph B66A is added. New
text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
© IFRS Foundation 27
it can amend the benefits to be consistent with the price it will charge.
Similarly, an entity has that practical ability to set a price when it can reprice
an existing contract so that the price reflects overall changes in the risks in a
portfolio of insurance contracts, even if the price set for each individual
policyholder does not reflect the change in risk for that specific policyholder.
When assessing whether the entity has the practical ability to set a price that
fully reflects the risks in the contract or portfolio, it shall consider all the
risks that it would consider when underwriting equivalent contracts on the
renewal date for the remaining servicecoverage. In determining the estimates
of future cash flows at the end of a reporting period, an entity shall reassess
the boundary of an insurance contract to include the effect of changes in
circumstances on the entity’s substantive rights and obligations.
B65 Cash flows within the boundary of an insurance contract are those that relate
directly to the fulfilment of the contract, including cash flows for which the
entity has discretion over the amount or timing. The cash flows within the
boundary include:
B66 The following cash flows shall not be included when estimating the cash flows
that will arise as the entity fulfils an existing insurance contract:
(f) income tax payments and receipts the insurer does not pay or receive
in a fiduciary capacity or that are not specifically chargeable to the
policyholder under the terms of the contract. Such payments and
receipts are recognised, measured and presented separately applying
IAS 12 Income Taxes.
B66A Before the recognition of a group of insurance contracts, an entity might be
required to recognise an asset or liability for cash flows related to the group of
insurance contracts other than insurance acquisition cash flows either
because of the occurrence of the cash flows or because of the requirements of
28 © IFRS Foundation
another IFRS Standard. Cash flows are related to the group of insurance
contracts if those cash flows would have been included in the fulfilment cash
flows at the date of initial recognition of the group had they been paid or
received after that date. To apply paragraph 38(c)(ii) an entity shall
derecognise such an asset or liability to the extent that the asset or liability
would not be recognised separately from the group of insurance contracts if
the cash flow or the application of the IFRS Standard occurred at the date of
initial recognition of the group of insurance contracts.
Contracts with cash flows that affect or are affected by cash flows to
policyholders of other contracts
B71 After all insurance contract services havethe coverage has been provided to
the contracts in a group, the fulfilment cash flows may still include payments
expected to be made to current policyholders in other groups or future
policyholders. An entity is not required to continue to allocate such fulfilment
cash flows to specific groups but can instead recognise and measure a liability
for such fulfilment cash flows arising from all groups.
B94 An entity shall use the consideration received or paid for the contracts as a
proxy for the premiums received. The consideration received or paid for the
contracts excludes the consideration received or paid for any other assets and
liabilities acquired in the same transaction. In a business combination within
the scope of IFRS 3, the consideration received or paid is the fair value of the
contracts at that date. In determining that fair value, an entity shall not apply
paragraph 47 of IFRS 13 (relating to demand features).
© IFRS Foundation 29
B95 Unless the premium allocation approach for the liability for remaining
coverage in paragraphs 55–59 and 69–70A applies, on initial recognition the
contractual service margin is calculated applying paragraph 38 for acquired
insurance contracts issued and paragraph 65 for acquired reinsurance
contracts held using the consideration received or paid for the contracts as a
proxy for the premiums received or paid at the date of initial recognition.
B95A If acquired insurance contracts issued are onerous, applying paragraph 47, the
entity shall recognise the excess of the fulfilment cash flows over the
consideration paid or received as part of goodwill or gain on a bargain
purchase for contracts acquired in a business combination within the scope of
IFRS 3, or as a loss in profit or loss for contracts acquired in a transfer. The
entity shall establish a loss component of the liability for remaining coverage
for that excess, and apply paragraphs 49–52 to allocate subsequent changes in
fulfilment cash flows to that loss component.
B95B For a group of reinsurance contracts held to which paragraphs 66A–66B apply,
an entity shall determine the loss-recovery component of the asset for
remaining coverage at the date of the transaction by multiplying:
(a) the loss component of the liability for remaining coverage of the
underlying insurance contracts at the date of the transaction; and
B95C The entity shall recognise the amount of the loss-recovery component
determined applying paragraph B95B as part of goodwill or gain on a bargain
purchase for reinsurance contracts held acquired in a business combination
within the scope of IFRS 3, or as income in profit or loss for contracts acquired
in a transfer.
B95D Applying paragraphs 14‒22, at the date of the transaction an entity might
include in an onerous group of insurance contracts both onerous insurance
contracts covered by a group of reinsurance contracts held and onerous
contracts not covered by the group of reinsurance contracts held. To apply
paragraph B95B in such cases, an entity shall use a systematic and rational
basis of allocation to determine the portion of the loss component of the
group of insurance contracts that relates to insurance contracts covered by the
group of reinsurance contracts held.
30 © IFRS Foundation
(b) future insurance contracts, other than those in (a), after the date of the
transaction without paying again insurance acquisition cash flows the
acquiree has already paid that are directly attributable to the related
portfolio of insurance contracts.
B95F At the date of the transaction, the amount of any asset for insurance
acquisition cash flows shall not be included in the measurement of the
acquired group of insurance contracts applying paragraphs B93‒B95A.
Paragraphs B96–B97 are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
(b) changes in estimates of the present value of the future cash flows in
the liability for remaining coverage, except those described in
paragraph B97(a), measured at the discount rates specified in
paragraph B72(c).;
(d) changes in the risk adjustment for non-financial risk that relate to
future service. An entity is not required to disaggregate the change in
the risk adjustment for non-financial risk between (i) a change related
to non-financial risk and (ii) the effect of the time value of money and
© IFRS Foundation 31
B97 An entity shall not adjust the contractual service margin for a group of
insurance contracts without direct participation features for the following
changes in fulfilment cash flows because they do not relate to future service:
(a) the effect of the time value of money and changes in the time value of
money and the effect of financial risk and changes in financial risk.
These effects comprise: (being
(c) ...
Paragraphs B104, B107, B112, B115–B116 and B118 are amended. Paragraph B117A is
added. Paragraph B101 is not amended, but is included for ease of reference. New text is
underlined and deleted text is struck through.
32 © IFRS Foundation
B104 The conditions in paragraph B101 ensure that insurance contracts with direct
participation features are contracts under which the entity’s obligation to the
policyholder is the net of:
(a) ...
(b) a variable fee (see paragraphs B110–B118) that the entity will deduct
from (a) in exchange for the future service provided by the insurance
contract, comprising:
(i) the amount of the entity’s share of the fair value of the
underlying items; less
(ii) ...
B107 Paragraph B101(b) requires that the entity expects a substantial share of the
fair value returns on the underlying items will be paid to the policyholder and
paragraph B101(c) requires that the entity expects a substantial proportion of
any change in the amounts to be paid to the policyholder to vary with the
change in fair value of the underlying items. An entity shall:
(a) ...
(ii) ...
B112 Changes in the amount of the entity’s share of the fair value of the underlying
items (paragraph B104(b)(i)) relate to future service and adjust the contractual
service margin, applying paragraph 45(b).
Risk mitigation
B115 To the extent that an entity meets the conditions in paragraph B116, it may
choose not to recognise a change in the contractual service margin to reflect
some or all of the changes in the effect of the time value of money and
financial risk on: the entity’s share of the underlying items (see
paragraph B112) or the fulfilment cash flows set out in paragraph B113(b).
(a) the amount of the entity’s share of the underlying items (see
paragraph B112) if the entity mitigates the effect of financial risk on
that amount using derivatives or reinsurance contracts held; and
(b) the fulfilment cash flows set out in paragraph B113(b) if the entity
mitigates the effect of financial risk on those fulfilment cash flows
using derivatives, non-derivative financial instruments measured at
fair value through profit or loss, or reinsurance contracts held.
© IFRS Foundation 33
B116 To apply paragraph B115, an entity must have a previously documented risk-
management objective and strategy for mitigating financial risk as described
in paragraph B115.using derivatives to mitigate financial risk arising from the
insurance contracts and, in In applying that objective and strategy:
(a) the entity uses a derivative to mitigate the financial risk arising from
the insurance contracts.
(a)(b) an economic offset exists between the insurance contracts and the
derivative, non-derivative financial instrument measured at fair value
through profit or loss, or reinsurance contract held (ie the values of the
insurance contracts and those risk mitigating itemsthe derivative
generally move in opposite directions because they respond in a
similar way to the changes in the risk being mitigated). An entity shall
not consider accounting measurement differences in assessing the
economic offset.
B117A If the entity mitigates the effect of financial risk using derivatives or non-
derivative financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss,
it shall include insurance finance income or expenses for the period arising
from the application of paragraph B115 in profit or loss. If the entity mitigates
the effect of financial risk using reinsurance contracts held, it shall apply the
same accounting policy for the presentation of insurance finance income or
expenses arising from the application of paragraph B115 as the entity applies
to the reinsurance contracts held applying paragraphs 88 and 90.
B118 If, and only if, any of the conditions in paragraph B116 ceaseceases to be met,
an entity shall:
(b) An entity shall not make any adjustment for changes previously
recognised in profit or loss.
Paragraph B119 is amended and paragraphs B119A–B119B are added. New text is
underlined and deleted text is struck through.
(a) identifying the coverage units in the group. The number of coverage
units in a group is the quantity of insurance contract servicescoverage
provided by the contracts in the group, determined by considering for
each contract the quantity of the benefits provided under a contract
and its expected coverage periodduration.
34 © IFRS Foundation
(b) allocating the contractual service margin at the end of the period
(before recognising any amounts in profit or loss to reflect the
insurance contract services provided in the period) equally to each
coverage unit provided in the current period and expected to be
provided in the future.
Paragraphs B119C–B119F and the heading above paragraph BC119C are added. New
text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
B119D To apply paragraph 66A, an entity shall determine the adjustment to the
contractual service margin of a group of reinsurance contracts held and the
resulting income by multiplying:
© IFRS Foundation 35
Paragraphs B121, B123, B124 and B126 are amended and paragraph B123A is added.
New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
(iii) ...
(b) ...
B123 Applying IFRS 15, when an entity provides services, it derecognises the
performance obligation for those services and recognises revenue.
Consistently, applying IFRS 17, when an entity provides services in a period, it
reduces the liability for remaining coverage for the services provided and
recognises insurance revenue. The reduction in the liability for remaining
coverage that gives rise to insurance revenue excludes changes in the liability
that do not relate to services expected to be covered by the consideration
received by the entity. Those changes are:
36 © IFRS Foundation
(a) changes that do not relate to services provided in the period, for
B123A To the extent that an entity derecognises an asset for cash flows other than
insurance acquisition cash flows at the date of initial recognition of a group of
insurance contracts (see paragraphs 38(c)(ii) and B66A), it shall recognise
insurance revenue and expenses for the amount derecognised at that date.
B124 Consequently, insurance revenue for the period can also be analysed as the
total of the changes in the liability for remaining coverage in the period that
relates to services for which the entity expects to receive consideration. Those
changes are:
© IFRS Foundation 37
Paragraphs B128 and B134 are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is
struck through.
Paragraph B137 and its heading are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is
struck through.
38 © IFRS Foundation
© IFRS Foundation 39
Effective date
C1 An entity shall apply IFRS 17 for annual reporting periods beginning on or
after 1 January 20232021. If an entity applies IFRS 17 earlier, it shall disclose
that fact. Early application is permitted for entities that apply IFRS 9 Financial
Instruments and IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers on or before the
date of initial application of IFRS 17.
(a) the date of initial application is the beginning of the annual reporting
period in which an entity first applies IFRS 17; and
(b) the transition date is the beginning of the annual reporting period
immediately preceding the date of initial application.
Paragraphs C3‒C5 are amended and paragraphs C5A‒C5B are added. New text is
underlined and deleted text is struck through.
C3 Unless it is impracticable to do so, or paragraph C5A applies, anAn entity shall
apply IFRS 17 retrospectively unless impracticable, except that:
(a) ...
(b) an entity shall not apply the option in paragraph B115 for periods
before the transition datedate of initial application of IFRS 17. An
entity may apply the option in paragraph B115 prospectively on or
after the transition date if, and only if, the entity designates risk
mitigation relationships at or before the date it applies the option.
(a) ...
(aa) identify, recognise and measure any assets for insurance acquisition
cash flows as if IFRS 17 had always applied (except that an entity is not
required to apply the recoverability assessment in paragraph 28E
before the transition date);
C5 If, and only if, it is impracticable for an entity to apply paragraph C3 for a
group of insurance contracts, an entity shall apply the following approaches
instead of applying paragraph C4(a):
40 © IFRS Foundation
C5A Notwithstanding paragraph C5, an entity may choose to apply the fair value
approach in paragraphs C20–C24B for a group of insurance contracts with
direct participation features to which it could apply IFRS 17 retrospectively if,
and only if:
C5B If, and only if, it is impracticable for an entity to apply paragraph C4(aa) for an
asset for insurance acquisition cash flows, the entity shall apply the following
approaches to measure the asset for insurance acquisition cash flows:
Paragraphs C7‒C9, C11 and C15–C16 and C17 are amended. Paragraphs C9A, C14A‒
C14D, C16A‒C16C and C17A are added. New text is underlined and deleted text is stuck
C8 To achieve the objective of the modified retrospective approach, an entity is
permitted to use each modification in paragraphs C9–C19AC19 only to the
extent that an entity does not have reasonable and supportable information to
apply a retrospective approach.
(a) ...
© IFRS Foundation 41
C9A To the extent permitted by paragraph C8, an entity shall classify as a liability
for incurred claims a liability for settlement of claims incurred before an
insurance contract was acquired in a transfer of insurance contracts that do
not form a business or in a business combination within the scope of IFRS 3.
C14A Applying paragraph B137, an entity may choose not to change the treatment
of accounting estimates made in previous interim financial statements. To the
extent permitted by paragraph C8, such an entity shall determine the
contractual service margin or loss component at the transition date as if the
entity had not prepared interim financial statements before the transition
C14B To the extent permitted by paragraph C8, an entity shall use the same
systematic and rational method the entity expects to use after the transition
date when applying paragraph 28A to allocate any insurance acquisition cash
flows paid (or for which a liability has been recognised applying another IFRS
Standard) before the transition date (excluding any amount relating to
insurance contracts that ceased to exist before the transition date) to:
C14C Insurance acquisition cash flows paid before the transition date that are
allocated to a group of insurance contracts recognised at the transition date
adjust the contractual service margin of that group, to the extent insurance
contracts expected to be in the group have been recognised at that date (see
paragraphs 28C and B35C). Other insurance acquisition cash flows paid before
the transition date, including those allocated to a group of insurance contracts
expected to be recognised after the transition date, are recognised as an asset,
applying paragraph 28B.
42 © IFRS Foundation
C14D If an entity does not have reasonable and supportable information to apply
paragraph C14B, the entity shall determine the following amounts to be nil at
the transition date:
(b) the asset for insurance acquisition cash flows for groups of insurance
contracts expected to be recognised after the transition date.
C16 If applying paragraphs C12–C14DC14 results in a loss component of the
liability for remaining coverage at the date of initial recognition, an entity
shall determine any amounts allocated to the loss component before the
transition date applying paragraphs C12–C14DC14 and using a systematic
basis of allocation.
C16A For a group of reinsurance contracts held that provides coverage for an
onerous group of insurance contracts and was entered into before or at the
same time that the insurance contracts were issued, an entity shall establish a
loss-recovery component of the asset for remaining coverage at the transition
date (see paragraphs 66A–66B). To the extent permitted by paragraph C8, an
entity shall determine the loss-recovery component by multiplying:
(a) the loss component of the liability for remaining coverage for the
underlying insurance contracts at the transition date (see paragraphs
C16 and C20); and
(b) the percentage of claims for the underlying insurance contracts the
entity expects to recover from the group of reinsurance contracts held.
C16B Applying paragraphs 14‒22, at the transition date an entity might include in
an onerous group of insurance contracts both onerous insurance contracts
covered by a group of reinsurance contracts held and onerous insurance
contracts not covered by the group of reinsurance contracts held. To apply
paragraph C16A in such cases, an entity shall use a systematic and rational
basis of allocation to determine the portion of the loss component of the
group of insurance contracts that relates to insurance contracts covered by the
group of reinsurance contracts held.
C16C If an entity does not have reasonable and supportable information to apply
paragraph C16A, the entity shall not identify a loss-recovery component for
the group of reinsurance contracts held.
© IFRS Foundation 43
(a) the total fair value of the underlying items at that date; minus
(iv) insurance acquisition cash flows paid (or for which a liability
has been recognised applying another IFRS Standard) before the
transition date that are allocated to the group (see
paragraph C17A).
C17A To the extent permitted by paragraph C8, an entity shall apply paragraphs
C14B‒C14D to recognise an asset for insurance acquisition cash flows, and any
adjustment to the contractual service margin of a group of insurance
contracts with direct participation features for insurance acquisition cash
flows (see paragraph C17(c)(iv)).
C19A Applying paragraph B137, an entity may choose not to change the treatment
of accounting estimates made in previous interim financial statements. To the
extent permitted by paragraph C8, such an entity shall determine amounts
related to insurance finance income or expenses at the transition date as if it
had not prepared interim financial statements before the transition date.
44 © IFRS Foundation
Paragraphs C20A‒C20B and C22A are added and paragraph C21 is amended. New text
is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
C20A For a group of reinsurance contracts held to which paragraphs 66A–66B apply
(without the need to meet the condition set out in paragraph B119C), an entity
shall determine the loss-recovery component of the asset for remaining
coverage at the transition date by multiplying:
(a) the loss component of the liability for remaining coverage for the
underlying insurance contracts at the transition date (see paragraphs
C16 and C20); and
(b) the percentage of claims for the underlying insurance contracts the
entity expects to recover from the group of reinsurance contracts held.
C20B Applying paragraphs 14‒22, at the transition date an entity might include in
an onerous group of insurance contracts both onerous insurance contracts
covered by a group of reinsurance contracts held and onerous insurance
contracts not covered by the group of reinsurance contracts held. To apply
paragraph C20A in such cases, an entity shall use a systematic and rational
basis of allocation to determine the portion of the loss component of the
group of insurance contracts that relates to insurance contracts covered by the
group of reinsurance contracts held.
C21 In applying the fair value approach, an entity may apply paragraph C22 to
(a) ...
C22A In applying the fair value approach, an entity may choose to classify as a
liability for incurred claims a liability for settlement of claims incurred before
an insurance contract was acquired in a transfer of insurance contracts that
do not form a business or in a business combination within the scope of
© IFRS Foundation 45
Paragraphs C24A‒C24B and the heading above paragraphs C24A‒C24B are added. New
text is underlined.
(c) future insurance contracts, other than those in (b), after the date of the
transaction without paying again insurance acquisition cash flows the
acquiree has already paid that are directly attributable to the related
portfolio of insurance contracts.
C24B At the transition date, the entity shall exclude from the measurement of any
groups of insurance contracts the amount of any asset for insurance
acquisition cash flows.
Paragraph C34 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
46 © IFRS Foundation
This appendix sets out the amendments to other Standards that are a consequence of the
International Accounting Standards Board amending IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts in June
2020. An entity shall apply these amendments when it applies IFRS 17.
In the amendments to IFRS 3 Business Combinations, paragraphs 31A and 64N are
amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
Insurance contracts
31A The acquirer shall measure a group of contracts within the scope of IFRS 17
Insurance Contracts acquired in a business combination, and any assets for
insurance acquisition cash flows as defined in IFRS 17, as a liability or asset in
accordance with paragraphs 39 and B93–B95FB95 of IFRS 17, at the acquisition
Effective date
64N IFRS 17, issued in May 2017, amended paragraphs 17, 20, 21, 35 and B63, and
after paragraph 31 added a heading and paragraph 31A. Amendments to IFRS 17,
issued in June 2020, amended paragraph 31A. An entity shall apply the
amendments to paragraph 17 to business combinations with an acquisition
date after the date of initial application of IFRS 17. An entity shall apply the
otherthose amendments when it applies IFRS 17.
3 This IFRS shall be applied by all entities to all types of financial instruments,
© IFRS Foundation 47
(e) ...
44DD IFRS 17, issued in May 2017, amended paragraphs 3, 8 and 29 and deleted
paragraph 30. Amendments to IFRS 17, issued in June 2020, further amended
paragraph 3. An entity shall apply those amendments when it applies IFRS 17.
48 © IFRS Foundation
In the amendments to IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, paragraphs 2.1 and 7.1.6 are
amended. A new heading and paragraphs 7.2.36–7.2.42 are added. New text is
underlined and deleted text is struck through.
Chapter 2 Scope
2.1 This Standard shall be applied by all entities to all types of financial
instruments except:
© IFRS Foundation 49
(f) ...
7.1.6 IFRS 17, issued in May 2017, amended paragraphs 2.1, B2.1, B2.4, B2.5 and
B4.1.30, and added paragraph 3.3.5. Amendments to IFRS 17, issued in June 2020,
further amended paragraph 2.1 and added paragraphs 7.2.36‒7.2.42. An entity
shall apply those amendments when it applies IFRS 17.
7.2 Transition
7.2.37 An entity that first applies IFRS 17 as amended in June 2020 at the same time
it first applies this Standard shall apply paragraphs 7.2.1–7.2.28 instead of
paragraphs 7.2.38–7.2.42.
7.2.38 An entity that first applies IFRS 17 as amended in June 2020 after it first
applies this Standard shall apply paragraphs 7.2.39–7.2.42. The entity shall
also apply the other transition requirements in this Standard necessary for
applying these amendments. For that purpose, references to the date of initial
application shall be read as referring to the beginning of the reporting period
in which an entity first applies these amendments (date of initial application
of these amendments).
50 © IFRS Foundation
Such a designation and revocation shall be made on the basis of the facts and
circumstances that exist at the date of initial application of these
amendments. That classification shall be applied retrospectively.
7.2.40 An entity is not required to restate prior periods to reflect the application of
these amendments. The entity may restate prior periods only if it is possible to
do so without the use of hindsight. If an entity restates prior periods, the
restated financial statements must reflect all the requirements in this
Standard for the affected financial instruments. If an entity does not restate
prior periods, the entity shall recognise any difference between the previous
carrying amount and the carrying amount at the beginning of the annual
reporting period that includes the date of initial application of these
amendments in the opening retained earnings (or other component of equity,
as appropriate) of the annual reporting period that includes the date of initial
application of these amendments.
7.2.41 In the reporting period that includes the date of initial application of these
amendments, an entity is not required to present the quantitative information
required by paragraph 28(f) of IAS 8.
7.2.42 In the reporting period that includes the date of initial application of these
amendments, the entity shall disclose the following information as at that
date of initial application for each class of financial assets and financial
liabilities that was affected by these amendments:
(b) the new measurement category and carrying amount determined after
applying these amendments;
© IFRS Foundation 51
139R IFRS 17, issued in May 2017, amended paragraphs 7, 54 and 82. Amendments to
IFRS 17, issued in June 2020, further amended paragraph 54. An entity shall
apply those amendments when it applies IFRS 17.
4 This Standard shall be applied by all entities to all types of financial
instruments except:
52 © IFRS Foundation
97T IFRS 17, issued in May 2017, amended paragraphs 4, AG8 and AG36, and added
paragraph 33A. Amendments to IFRS 17, issued in June 2020, further amended
paragraph 4. An entity shall apply those amendments when it applies IFRS 17.
© IFRS Foundation 53
In the amendments to IAS 36 Impairment of Assets paragraphs 2 and 140N are amended.
New text is underlined.
2 This Standard shall be applied in accounting for the impairment of all
assets, other than:
(h) contracts within the scope of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts that are
assets and any assets for insurance acquisition cash flows as defined
in IFRS 17; and
140N IFRS 17, issued in May 2017, amended paragraph 2. Amendments to IFRS 17,
issued in June 2020, further amended paragraph 2. An entity shall apply those
amendments when it applies IFRS 17.
In the amendments to IAS 38 Intangible Assets paragraphs 3 and 130M are amended.
New text is underlined.
(g) contracts within the scope of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts and any assets
for insurance acquisition cash flows as defined in IFRS 17.
(h) ...
130M IFRS 17, issued in May 2017, amended paragraph 3. Amendments to IFRS 17,
issued in June 2020, further amended paragraph 3. An entity shall apply those
amendments when it applies IFRS 17.
54 © IFRS Foundation
© IFRS Foundation 55
IE3A In June 2020, the International Accounting Standards Board (Board) amended
IFRS 17 and made the following amendments to these examples:
Footnote (b) to the table after paragraph IE28 is amended. New text is underlined and
deleted text is struck through.
IE28 ...
(b) This example illustrates the amounts recognised in the statement of profit or
loss. Example 3B3A illustrates how these amounts could be presented.
56 © IFRS Foundation
The table after paragraph IE40 and the related footnote are amended. New text is
underlined and deleted text is struck through.
IE40 ...
Closing balance – – – –
(a) ...
(b) Applying paragraph 50(a), the entity allocates on a systematic basis the
subsequent changes in the fulfilment cash flows of the liability for remaining
coverage between the loss component of the liability for remaining coverage and
the liability for remaining coverage, excluding the loss component. In this
example the allocation is based on the 22 per cent proportion of the loss
component of the liability for remaining coverage of CU113 to the total liability
for remaining coverage of CU517 (CU404 + CU113). Consequently, the entity
allocates subsequent changes in fulfilment cash flows to the loss component of
the liability for remaining coverage as follows:
© IFRS Foundation 57
(ii)(i) the change of the loss component of CU118 is the sum of:
1 the estimates of the future cash flows released from the liability
for remaining coverage for the year of CU94CU99, calculated by
multiplying the expected insurance service expenses for the
incurred claims for the year of CU350 by 27 per centplus the
investment component of CU450 (CU350 + CU100) by 22 per cent;
58 © IFRS Foundation
Paragraph IE50 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
The title of Example 6, paragraphs IE58 and IE62 and the tables after paragraphs IE70
and IE71 and the related footnotes are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text
is struck through.
(a) ...
(b) do not meet the criteria for insurance contracts with direct
participation features applying paragraph B101(a) because a pool of
assets is not specified in the contracts.
(d) estimates the risk adjustment for non-financial risk to be CU30 and
expects to recognise it in profit or loss evenly over the coverage period.
Applying paragraph 81, the entity does not disaggregate the changes in
the risk adjustment for non-financial risk between the insurance
service result and insurance finance income or expenses.
© IFRS Foundation 59
IE70 ...
Changes in the estimates of future cash flows in Year 2 Estimates of Estimates of the
future cash flows present value of
future cash
Beginning of Year 2 (present value discounted at 10% for
(a)(b) (b)
2 years) 3,414 2,824
The effect of changes in financial assumptions (and interest
accretion) (186) (c) 195193 (d)
(a) See the table after paragraph IE69.The entity calculates the estimates of the
present value of the future cash outflows using a current discount rate that
reflects the characteristics of the future cash flows, determined applying
paragraphs 36 and B72(a).
(b) The entity calculates the estimates of the present value of the future cash
outflows using a current discount rate that reflects the characteristics of the
future cash flows, determined applying paragraphs 36 and B72(a). All the cash
flows—other than the death benefit payable at the end of Year 2—are payable at
the end of Year 3.See the table after paragraph IE69.
(c) ...
(d) The change in estimates of the present value of the future cash flows of
CU195CU193 is the difference between the estimates of the present value of the
future cash flows at the end of Year 2 (revised for changes in financial
assumptions) of CU3,019CU3,017 and the estimates of the present value of the
future cash flows at the beginning of Year 2 (before changes in financial
assumptions) of CU2,824. Hence, it reflects the effect of the interest accretion
during Year 2 and the effect of the change in financial assumptions.
(e) ...
60 © IFRS Foundation
IE71 ...
(a) Applying paragraph B97, the entity does not adjust the contractual service
margin for a group of contracts for changes in fulfilment cash flows related to
the effect of the time value of money and financial risk and changes therein,
comprising (being(i) the effect, if any, on estimated future cash flows; (ii) the
effect, if disaggregated, on the risk adjustment for non-financial risk; and (iii)
the effect of a change in discount rate). This is because such changes do not
relate to future service. Applying paragraph 87, the entity recognises those
changes as insurance finance expenses. Consequently, the insurance finance
expenses of CU197CU195 are the sum of:
(i) the effect of interest accretion and the effect of the change in financial
assumptions of CU195CU193 (see the table after paragraph IE70IE69);
(ii) ...
Paragraph IE76 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
© IFRS Foundation 61
(e)(d) all other amounts, including the effect of discounting, are ignored for
Paragraph IE82 and the tables after paragraphs IE94–IE98 and the related footnotes are
amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
IE82 An entity issues 100 insurance contracts with a coverage period of three years.
The coverage period starts when the insurance contracts are issued and the
services are provided evenly over the coverage period. It is assumed, for
simplicity, that no contracts will lapse before the end of the coverage period.
IE94 ...
(c) Applying paragraph B119(b), the entity allocates the contractual service margin
at the end of the period (before recognising any amounts in profit or loss)
equally to each coverage unit provided in the current period and expected to be
provided in the future. Applying paragraph B119(c), the entity recognises in
profit or loss the amount allocated to coverage units provided in the period of
CU52, which is CU103 divided by two years.
62 © IFRS Foundation
IE95 ...
IE96 ...
Release of expected insurance service
expenses for the incurred claims for the year (241) (159) (a) (400)
Change in the risk adjustment for non-financial
risk caused by the release from risk (48) (32) (a) (80)
Contractual service margin recognised in profit
or loss for the year (52) – (52)
(a) ...
© IFRS Foundation 63
(ii) analysed by the entity applying paragraph B124 as the sum of the
insurance service expenses for the incurred claims for the year of
CU400, and the change in the risk adjustment for non-financial risk
caused by the release from risk of CU80 and the amount of the
contractual service margin recognised in profit or loss in the period of
CU52 minus the reversal of the loss component of the liability for
remaining coverage of CU191 (CU159 + CU32), ie CU341CU289 = CU400 +
CU80 + CU52 – CU191.
IE97 ...
Rounding difference 1 – – 1
Closing balance – – – –
(a) ...
(b) Applying paragraph 44(b), the entity calculates interest accreted on the carrying
amount of the contractual service margin of CU3CU5 by multiplying the
opening balance of CU51CU103 by the discount rate of 5 per cent determined
applying paragraphs 44(b) and B72(b).
(c) ...
64 © IFRS Foundation
IE98 ...
Closing balance – – – –
(ii) analysed by the entity applying paragraph B124 as the sum of the
insurance service expenses of CU100, the change in the risk adjustment
for non-financial risk caused by the release from risk of CU80 and the
contractual service margin recognised in profit or loss of CU54CU108, ie
CU233CU287 = CU100 + CU80 + CU54CU108 – CU1 rounding difference.
(b) ...
© IFRS Foundation 65
Paragraph IE99 is moved to after the title of Example 9. Paragraphs IE104 and IE105, and
footnote (a) to the table after paragraph IE111 are amended. New text is underlined and
deleted text is struck through.
(c) estimates the risk adjustment for non-financial risk to be CU25 and
expects to recognise it in profit or loss in Years 1–3 as follows: CU12,
CU8 and CU5; and
(e)(d) expects that one insured person will die at the end of each year and
claims will be settled immediately.
IE105 During the coverage period, there are changes in the time value of the
guarantee and changes in the fair value returns on underlying items, as
IE111 ...
(a) Applying paragraphs B110–B113, the entity adjusts the contractual service
margin for the net of changes in:
(i) the amount of the entity’s share ofin the fair value of the underlying
items; and
1 There is no prescribed method for the calculation of the time value of a guarantee, and a
calculation of an amount separate from the rest of the fulfilment cash flows is not required.
66 © IFRS Foundation
The title of Example 11 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
The title of Example 12 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
Paragraphs IE138A‒IE138O and their related headings are added. For ease of reading,
this new example is not underlined.
IE138B At the beginning of Year 1, an entity enters into a reinsurance contract that in
return for a fixed premium covers 30 per cent of each claim from the groups
of underlying insurance contracts. The underlying insurance contracts are
issued at the same time as the entity enters into the reinsurance contract.
(a) no contracts will lapse before the end of the coverage period;
(c) all other amounts, including the effect of discounting, the risk
adjustments for non-financial risk, and the risk of non-performance of
the reinsurer are ignored.
IE138D Some of the underlying insurance contracts are onerous on initial recognition.
Thus, applying paragraph 16, the entity establishes a group comprising the
onerous contracts. The remainder of the underlying insurance contracts are
expected to be profitable and, applying paragraph 16, in this example the
entity establishes a single group comprising the profitable contracts.
© IFRS Foundation 67
IE138E The coverage period of the underlying insurance contracts and the
reinsurance contract held is three years starting from the beginning of Year 1.
Services are provided evenly across the coverage periods.
IE138G The entity measures the groups of underlying insurance contracts on initial
recognition as follows:
Estimates of present value of future cash
inflows (900) (210) (1,110)
Estimates of present value of future cash
outflows 600 300 900
IE138H Applying paragraph 61, the entity establishes a group comprising a single
reinsurance contract held. The entity pays a premium of CU315 to the
reinsurer immediately after initial recognition. The entity expects to receive
recoveries of claims from the reinsurer on the same day that the entity pays
claims on the underlying insurance contracts.
IE138I Applying paragraph 63, the entity measures the estimates of the present value
of the future cash flows for the group of reinsurance contracts held using
assumptions consistent with those used to measure the estimates of the
present value of the future cash flows for the groups of underlying insurance
contracts. Consequently, the estimate of the present value of the future cash
inflows is CU270 (recovery of 30 per cent of the estimates of the present value
of the future cash outflows for the groups of underlying insurance contracts
of CU900).
IE138J At the end of Year 2, the entity revises its estimates of the remaining
fulfilment cash outflows of the groups of underlying insurance contracts. The
entity estimates that the fulfilment cash flows of the groups of underlying
insurance contracts increase by 10 per cent, from future cash outflows of
CU300 to future cash outflows of CU330. Consequently, the entity estimates
the fulfilment cash flows of the reinsurance contract held also increase, from
future cash inflows of CU90 to future cash inflows of CU99.
68 © IFRS Foundation
IE138K The entity measures the group of reinsurance contracts held on initial
recognition as follows:
Contractual service margin of the reinsurance contract held (after the loss-recovery
adjustment) (72) (b)
(a) Applying paragraph 66A, the entity adjusts the contractual service margin of the
reinsurance contract held and recognises income to reflect the loss recovery.
Applying paragraph B119D, the entity determines the adjustment to the
contractual service margin and the income recognised as CU27 (the loss of CU90
recognised for the onerous group of underlying insurance contracts multiplied
by 30 per cent, the percentage of claims the entity expects to recover).
(c) The reinsurance contract asset of CU27 comprises the fulfilment cash flows of
CU45 (net outflows) and a contractual service margin reflecting a net cost of
CU72. Applying paragraph 66B, the entity establishes a loss-recovery component
of the asset for remaining coverage of CU27 depicting the recovery of losses
recognised applying paragraph 66A.
© IFRS Foundation 69
IE138L At the end of Year 1, the entity measures the insurance contract liability and
the reinsurance contract asset as follows:
Estimates of present value of future cash
inflows (recoveries) – – (180)
Estimates of present value of future cash
outflows (claims) 400 200 –
(a) Applying paragraphs 66(e) and B119, the entity determines the amount of the
contractual service margin recognised in profit or loss for the service received in
Year 1 as CU24, which is calculated by dividing the contractual service margin
on initial recognition of CU72 by the coverage period of three years.
Consequently, the contractual service margin of the reinsurance contract held
at the end of Year 1 of CU48 equals the contractual service margin on initial
recognition of CU72 minus CU24.
IE138M At the end of Year 2, the entity measures the insurance contract liability and
the reinsurance contract asset as follows:
Estimates of present value of future cash
inflows (recoveries) – – (99) (a)
70 © IFRS Foundation
(a) The entity increases the expected remaining cash outflows of the groups of
underlying insurance contracts by 10 per cent for each group (CU30 in total) and
increases the expected remaining cash inflows of the reinsurance contract held
by 10 per cent of the expected recoveries of CU90 (CU9).
(b) Applying paragraph 44(c), the entity adjusts the carrying amount of the
contractual service margin of CU200 by CU20 for the changes in fulfilment cash
flows relating to future service. Applying paragraph 44(e), the entity also adjusts
the carrying amount of the contractual service margin by CU90 for the amount
recognised as insurance revenue ((CU200 ‒ CU20) ÷ 2). The resulting contractual
service margin at the end of Year 2 is CU90 (CU200 ‒ CU20 ‒ CU90).
(c) Applying paragraph 48, the entity recognises in profit or loss an amount of
CU10 for the changes in the fulfilment cash flows relating to future service of
the onerous group of underlying insurance contracts.
(d) Applying paragraph 66(c)(i), the entity adjusts the contractual service margin of
the reinsurance contract held for the change in fulfilment cash flows that relate
to future service unless the change results from a change in fulfilment cash
flows allocated to a group of underlying insurance contracts that does not adjust
the contractual service margin for that group. Consequently, the entity
recognises the change in the fulfilment cash flows of the reinsurance contract
held of CU9 by:
(ii) adjusting the contractual service margin of the reinsurance contract held
by CU6 of the change in the fulfilment cash flows (CU9 ‒ CU3).
(e) Consequently, the contractual service margin of the reinsurance contract held
of CU21 equals the contractual service margin at the end of Year 1 of CU48
adjusted by CU6 and by CU21 of the contractual service margin recognised in
profit or loss for the service received in Year 2 (CU21 = (CU48 – CU6) ÷ 2).
© IFRS Foundation 71
IE138N A possible format of the reconciliation required by paragraph 100 between the
amounts recognised in the statement of financial position and the statement
of profit or loss for Year 2 is as follows:
Cash flows – – 90 90
(a) Applying paragraph 86, the entity decides to present separately the amounts
recovered from the reinsurer and an allocation of the premiums paid.
(ii) analysed applying paragraph B124 as the sum of the recoveries for the
incurred claims of the underlying insurance contracts of CU90 less the
reversal of the loss-recovery component of CU9 and the contractual
service margin of the reinsurance contract held recognised in profit or
loss in the period of CU21 (see the table after paragraph IE138M),
ie CU102 = CU90 – CU9 + CU21.
(d) The amount recovered from the reinsurer relating to the loss-recovery
component of CU6 is the net of the reversal of the loss-recovery component of
CU9 and the additional loss-recovery component of CU3. Applying
paragraph 86(ba), amounts recognised relating to the recovery of losses are
treated as amounts recovered from the reinsurer.
72 © IFRS Foundation
IE138O The amounts presented in the statement of profit or loss corresponding to the
amounts analysed in the tables above are:
(a) Applying paragraph 86, the entity decides to present separately the amounts
recovered from the reinsurer and an allocation of the premiums paid.
(b) For Year 1, the profit of CU10 from the groups of underlying insurance
contracts is calculated as follows:
(ii) insurance service expenses of CU360, which are the sum of the loss
component of the onerous group of CU90 and the claims incurred in the
period of CU300 minus the reversal of the loss component of CU30
(CU360 = CU90 + CU300 – CU30).
(c) For Year 1, the income of CU3 from the reinsurance contract held is the net of:
(i) the allocation of reinsurance premiums paid of CU105, which is the sum
of the recoveries for the incurred claims from the underlying insurance
contracts of CU90 less the reversal of the loss-recovery component of
CU9 and the contractual service margin of the reinsurance contracts
held of CU24 recognised in profit or loss in the period (CU105 = CU90 –
CU9 + CU24); and
(ii) the amounts recovered from the reinsurer of CU108, which are the
income of CU27 on initial recognition and the recoveries for the incurred
claims from the underlying insurance contracts of CU90 minus the
reversal of the loss-recovery component of CU9 (CU108 = CU27 + CU90 –
© IFRS Foundation 73
(d) For Year 2, the profit of CU80 from the groups of underlying insurance
contracts is calculated as follows:
(ii) insurance service expenses of CU280, which are the sum of the increase
in the loss component resulting from the changes in the fulfilment cash
flows of the onerous group of CU10 and the claims incurred of CU300
minus the reversal of the loss component of CU30 (CU280 = CU10 +
CU300 – CU30).
(e) For Year 2, the expense of CU18 from the reinsurance contract held is the net of:
(i) the allocation of reinsurance premiums paid of CU102, which is the sum
of the recoveries for the incurred claims from the underlying insurance
contracts of CU90 less the reversal of the loss-recovery component of
CU9 and the contractual service margin of the reinsurance contract held
of CU21 recognised in profit or loss in the period (CU102 = CU90 – CU9 +
CU21); and
(ii) the amounts recovered from the reinsurer of CU84, which are the sum of
the recoveries for the incurred claims from the underlying insurance
contracts of CU90 minus the reversal of the loss-recovery component of
CU9 and the additional loss-recovery component of CU3 (CU84 = CU90 –
CU9 + CU3).
(f) For Year 3, the profit of CU90 from the groups of underlying insurance
contracts is calculated as follows:
(ii) insurance service expenses of CU290, which are the claims incurred of
CU330 minus the reversal of the loss component of CU40 (CU290 =
CU330 – CU40).
74 © IFRS Foundation
(g) For Year 3, the expense of CU21 from the reinsurance contract held is the net of:
(i) the allocation of reinsurance premiums paid of CU108, which is the sum
of the recoveries for the incurred claims from the underlying insurance
contracts of CU99 less the reversal of the loss-recovery component of
CU12 and the contractual service margin of the reinsurance contracts
held of CU21 recognised in profit or loss in the period (CU108 = CU99 –
CU12 + CU21); and
(ii) the amounts recovered from the reinsurer of CU87, which are the
recoveries for the incurred claims from the underlying insurance
contracts of CU99 minus the reversal of the loss-recovery component of
CU12 (CU87 = CU99 – CU12).
The heading above Example 13 and footnote (b) to the table after paragraph IE145 are
amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
IE145 ...
(b) Applying paragraphs 47 and B95AB95, the entity concludes that the group of
insurance contracts is onerous on initial recognition. This is because the total of
the fulfilment cash flows of a net outflow of CU45 and cash flows arising at that
date (proxy for the premiums of net inflow of CU30) is a net outflow of CU15.
The entity recognises a loss in profit or loss for the net outflow of CU15,
resulting in the carrying amount of the liability for the group of CU45 being the
sum of the fulfilment cash flows of CU45 and the contractual service margin of
(c) ...
© IFRS Foundation 75
Paragraphs IE146 and IE147 and footnotes (a) and (b) to the table after paragraph IE151
are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
IE147 An entity acquires insurance contracts as part of a business combination
within the scope of IFRS 3 and it:
(b) ...
IE151 ...
(a) Applying paragraph 38, the entity measures the contractual service margin on
initial recognition of a group of insurance contracts at an amount that results in
no income or expenses arising from the initial recognition of the fulfilment cash
flows and any cash flows arising from the contracts in the group at that date.
On initial recognition, the fulfilment cash flows areis a net inflow (or asset) of
CU10 (proxy for the premiums received of CU30 minus the fulfilment cash flows
of CU20). Consequently, the contractual service margin equals CU10.
(b) Applying paragraphs 38 and 47, the entity recognises the contractual service
margin as zero because the sum of fulfilment cash flows and cash flows at the
date of initial recognition is a net outflow of CU15. Applying
paragraph B95AB95, the entity recognises the excess of CU15 of the fulfilment
cash flows of CU45 over the consideration received of CU30 as part of the
goodwill on the business combination.
76 © IFRS Foundation
The table after paragraph IE184 and the related footnote are amended. New text is
underlined and deleted text is struck through.
IE184 ...
Opening balance – 61 33
Closing balance 61 33 –
(a) Applying paragraph B112, the entity adjusts the contractual service margin for
the change in the amount of the entity’s share of the fair value of the
underlying items because those changes relate to future service. For example, in
Year 1 the change in the amount of the entity’s share of the fair value of the
underlying items of CU16 is 5 per cent of the change in fair value of the
underlying items of CU311 (CU1,811 – CU1,500). This example does not include
cash flows that do not vary based on the returns on underlying items. For more
details about the changes related to future service that adjust the contractual
service margin see Example 10.
(b) ...
© IFRS Foundation 77
Paragraphs BC6A–BC6C and the heading above paragraph BC6A are added. For ease of
reading new text is not underlined.
Amendments to IFRS 17
BC6A After IFRS 17 was issued in May 2017, the Board undertook activities to
support entities and monitor their progress in implementing the Standard.
These activities included establishing a Transition Resource Group for IFRS 17
to discuss implementation questions, and meeting with stakeholders affected
by the changes introduced by IFRS 17, including preparers and users of
financial statements, auditors and regulators. These activities helped the
Board to understand the concerns and challenges that arose for some entities
while implementing the Standard. In the light of these activities, the Board
concluded that the costs of proposing targeted amendments to IFRS 17 to
address concerns and challenges could be justified if those amendments would
not change the fundamental principles of the Standard. The Board considered
suggestions to amend the Standard in relation to 25 topics.
BC6B To maintain the benefits of IFRS 17, the Board decided that any amendments
to IFRS 17 must not:
BC6C The 2019 Exposure Draft Amendments to IFRS 17 set out the targeted
amendments that the Board proposed, considering the criteria described in
paragraph BC6B. The Board received 123 comment letters about the proposed
amendments. Having considered the feedback on the 2019 Exposure Draft, the
Board issued Amendments to IFRS 17 in June 2020.
Paragraph BC10 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
BC10 If the Board extended the scope of existing IFRS Standards to include
insurance contracts, an entity would need to:
78 © IFRS Foundation
Paragraph BC19 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
(a) a current, unbiased estimate of the future cash flows expected to fulfil
the insurance contracts. The estimate of future cash flows reflects the
perspective of the entity, provided that the estimates of any relevant
market variables are consistent with the observable market prices for
those variables (see paragraphs BC147–BC184NBC184).
(b) an adjustment for the time value of money and the financial risks
associated with the future cash flows, to the extent that the financial
risks are not included in the estimate of the future cash flows. For
example, if the cash flows being discounted are an estimate of the
probability-weighted average (the mean), that mean itself does not
include an adjustment for risk, and any financial risk (ie uncertainty
relating to financial risk on whether the ultimate cash flows will equal
the mean) will be included in the discount rate (a risk-adjusted rate). If,
in contrast, the cash flows being discounted are an estimate of the
mean with an adjustment to reflect uncertainty related to financial
risk, the discount rate will be a rate that reflects only the time value of
money (ie not adjusted for risk). The discount rates are consistent with
observable current market prices for instruments whose cash flow
characteristics are consistent with the estimates of the cash flows of
the insurance contracts. The discount rates also exclude the effects of
any factors that influence observable market prices but are not
relevant to the estimates of the cash flows of the insurance contracts
(see paragraphs BC185–BC205BBC205).
© IFRS Foundation 79
A footnote is added to paragraph BC21 after ‘It depicts the profit that the entity expects to
earn by providing the services promised under the contracts in the group over the duration
of the coverage of the group.’ For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
Paragraph BC23 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
BC23 After initial recognition, IFRS 17 also requires an entity to recognise specified
changes in the contractual service margin for a group of insurance contracts.
These changes depict changes in the future profit to be earned from providing
services under the contracts, and include:
(a) changes in the estimates of the fulfilment cash flows that relate to
future service (see paragraphs BC222–BC269CBC269);
(b) the effect of the time value of money on the contractual service
margin (see paragraphs BC270–BC276EBC276) and, for insurance
contracts with direct participation features, changes in the entity’s
share of the underlying items (see paragraphs BC238–BC263);
(c) ...
(d) the profit earned in the period from providing services (see paragraphs
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC25(a). For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board amended the definition of a liability for remaining
coverage to include amounts for which an entity will provide investment-
return service or investment-related service (see paragraphs BC283A‒BC283J).
A footnote is added to the end of the first sentence of paragraph BC33. For ease of
reading new text is not underlined.
80 © IFRS Foundation
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC33. For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board amended paragraph B123 of IFRS 17 to clarify that
changes caused by cash flows from loans to policyholders do not give rise to
insurance revenue. This treatment is similar to the treatment of investment
Paragraph BC34A and the heading above that paragraph are added. For ease of reading
new text is not underlined.
Paragraph BC45 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
Paragraph BC52 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
BC52 In reaching a decision on the level of aggregation, the Board balanced the loss
of information inevitably caused by the aggregation of contracts with the
usefulness of the resulting information in depicting the financial performance
of an entity’s insurance activities and with the operational burden of
collecting the information (see paragraphs BC115–BC139TBC139).
© IFRS Foundation 81
Paragraphs BC55‒BC56 are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
Accounting mismatches
The heading above paragraph BC63 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text
is struck through.
Paragraphs BC87‒BC88 and the heading above paragraph BC87 are amended. New text
is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
(h) some credit card contracts and similar contracts that provide credit or
payment arrangements (see paragraphs BC94A‒BC94C).
82 © IFRS Foundation
BC88 IFRS 17 also allows an entity a choice of applying IFRS 17 or another IFRS
Standard to some contracts, specifically:
Paragraphs BC94A‒BC94F and the headings above paragraphs BC94A and BC94D are
added. For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC94B The Board was aware that, applying IFRS 4, most entities separated the
components of such contracts. For example, an entity applying IFRS 4 might
have accounted for the credit card component applying IFRS 9, the insurance
component applying IFRS 4 and any other service components applying
IFRS 15. IFRS 17 has different criteria from IFRS 4 for separating components
of an insurance contract. However, the Board acknowledged that entities had
already identified methods to separate the components of the contracts
described in paragraph BC94A, and concluded that prohibiting such
separation would impose costs and disruption for no significant benefit.
BC94C The Board instead decided to specify that an entity’s rights and obligations
that are financial instruments arising under such contracts are within the
scope of IFRS 9. However, an entity is required to separate and apply IFRS 17
to an insurance coverage component if, and only if, that component is a
contractual term of that financial instrument. In the Board’s view, applying
IFRS 17 to those insurance coverage components will result in the most useful
information for users of financial statements. Applying IFRS 17 to those
components will also increase comparability between insurance coverage
provided as part of the contractual terms of a credit card contract and
insurance coverage provided as a separate stand-alone contract. Other IFRS
Standards, such as IFRS 15 or IAS 37, might apply to other components of the
contract, such as other service components or insurance components required
by law or regulation.
© IFRS Foundation 83
BC94E The Board noted that an entity would provide useful information about such
contracts whether it applied IFRS 17 or IFRS 9. Hence, the Board concluded
that requiring an entity to apply IFRS 17 to those contracts when the entity
had previously been applying an accounting policy consistent with IFRS 9 or
IAS 39 could impose costs and disruption for no significant benefit.
BC94F An entity is required to choose whether to apply IFRS 17 or IFRS 9 for each
portfolio of insurance contracts described in paragraph BC94D, and this choice
is irrevocable. The Board concluded that such restrictions would mitigate the
lack of comparability that might otherwise arise between similar contracts
issued by the same entity.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC102, to the end of the heading above
paragraph BC110, to paragraph BC110 after ‘non-insurance services’, and to
paragraph BC111 after ‘non-insurance service,’. For ease of reading new text is not
A footnote is added to the end of the first sentence in paragraph BC108. For ease of
reading new text is not underlined.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC109. For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board amended paragraph 11(b) of IFRS 17 to clarify that an
entity applies IFRS 17 to a separated investment component if that component
meets the definition of an investment contract with discretionary
participation features within the scope of IFRS 17.
84 © IFRS Foundation
A footnote is added to paragraph BC110 after ‘insurance coverage,’. For ease of reading
new text is not underlined.
* In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17 to require entities to separate only
goods and services that are distinct from the provision of insurance contract
services (see paragraphs BC283A‒BC283J).
A footnote is added to paragraph BC122 after ‘profit relating to the coverage’. For ease of
reading new text is not underlined.
(c) remove or exempt some groups of insurance contracts from the annual
cohort requirement in paragraph 22 of IFRS 17 (see paragraph BC139E).
BC139C The Board considered but rejected suggestions to replace all level of
aggregation requirements with approaches that reflect an entity’s internal
management, for example approaches based on an entity’s asset and liability
management strategy or risk management strategy. The objective of the level
of aggregation requirements in IFRS 17 is to provide useful information for
users of financial statements. Aspects of internal management such as asset
and liability management strategy or risk management strategy have different
objectives. Hence an approach based on those aspects would not necessarily
achieve the Board’s objective.
© IFRS Foundation 85
BC139D The Board considered but rejected the suggestion to reduce the minimum
number of profitability groups from three to two (see paragraph BC127) for
the reason set out in paragraph BC130. This suggestion would have removed
the requirement to group separately insurance contracts that at initial
recognition have no significant possibility of becoming onerous from other
insurance contracts that are not onerous at initial recognition. The Board
noted that an entity will generally issue contracts expecting them to be
profitable, and losses will arise subsequently as a result of changes in
expectations. Including all contracts that are profitable at initial recognition
in a single group could significantly delay loss recognition or increase the risk
of losses for onerous contracts never being recognised.
(a) the contractual service margin of a contract would outlast the coverage
period of that contract; and
BC139G Some stakeholders said that in some circumstances they could achieve at
much less cost the same or a similar outcome without applying the annual
cohort requirement as would be achieved applying that requirement. The
Board concluded that it is unnecessary to amend IFRS 17 to reflect such
circumstances. The Board reaffirmed its view that the requirements specify
the amounts to be reported, not the methodology to be used to arrive at those
amounts (see paragraph BC138). An entity is required to apply judgement and
to consider all possible scenarios for future changes in expectations to
conclude whether it could achieve the same accounting outcome without
applying the annual cohort requirement.
86 © IFRS Foundation
BC139H The Board recognised that entities will incur costs to identify the contractual
service margin for each group of insurance contracts that is an annual cohort.
However, the Board concluded that information about higher or lower profits
earned by an entity from different generations of contracts is sufficiently
useful to justify such costs.
BC139K Nonetheless, the Board identified two aspects of applying the annual cohort
requirement to some contracts with intergenerational sharing of risks
between policyholders that could increase the costs of applying the
requirement and reduce the benefits of the resulting information:
(a) distinguishing between the effect of risk sharing and the effect of
discretion (paragraph BC139L); and
© IFRS Foundation 87
(b) allocating changes in the amount of the entity’s share of the fair value
of underlying items between annual cohorts that share in the same
pool of underlying items (paragraph BC139M).
BC139L The aspect set out in paragraph BC139K(a) relates to circumstances in which
an entity has discretion over the portion of the fair value returns on
underlying items that the entity pays to policyholders and the portion that the
entity retains. For example, an entity may be required under the terms of the
insurance contracts to pay policyholders a minimum of 90 per cent of the
total fair value returns on a specified pool of underlying items, but have
discretion to pay more. The Board acknowledged that an entity with such
discretion is required to apply additional judgement compared to an entity
without such discretion to allocate changes in fulfilment cash flows between
groups in a way that appropriately reflects the effect of risk sharing and the
effect of the discretion. However, that judgement is required to measure new
contracts recognised in a period, so would be needed even without the annual
cohort requirement.
BC139M The aspect set out in paragraph BC139K(b) relates to insurance contracts with
direct participation features. For such contracts, an entity adjusts the
contractual service margin for changes in the amount of the entity’s share of
the fair value of underlying items. IFRS 17 does not include specific
requirements for allocating those changes between annual cohorts that share
in the same pool of underlying items. The Board acknowledged that an entity
needs to apply judgement to choose an allocation approach that provides
useful information about the participation of each annual cohort in the
underlying items.
BC139N Nonetheless, in the Board’s view, the information that results from the
judgements an entity makes in determining the allocation approaches
discussed in paragraphs BC139L–BC139M will provide users of financial
statements with useful information about how management expects the
performance of insurance contracts to develop.
(b) do not share the changes in the effect of the features in (a) between the
entity and policyholders, or share the changes in the effect between
the entity and policyholders in a way that results in the entity bearing
more than a small share.
BC139P The Board acknowledged that for some insurance contracts with substantial
intergenerational sharing of risks, the effect of financial guarantees and other
cash flows that do not vary with returns on underlying items would rarely
cause an annual cohort to become onerous. However, the Board disagreed
with stakeholders who said that the rarity of such an event makes less useful
88 © IFRS Foundation
the information that results from applying the annual cohort requirement to
such insurance contracts. The Board instead observed the rarity makes the
information particularly useful to users of financial statements when such an
event occurs. The Board identified such information about the effect of
financial guarantees as being particularly important when interest rates are
BC139Q Consequently, the Board concluded the costs of the annual cohort
requirement might exceed the benefits of the resulting information for only a
very limited population of contracts. The population is much smaller than
some stakeholders had suggested.
BC139R Nonetheless, the Board considered whether it could create an exemption from
the annual cohort requirement that would capture only that very limited
population of contracts, without the risk of capturing a wider population.
(b) the purpose of any exemption would be to balance the costs and
benefits. However, there is no way to specify the scope of the
exemption other than by using arbitrary thresholds because the
balance of costs and benefits for different contracts vary across a range
and there is no clearly identifiable point at which the costs exceed the
benefits. Entities would be able to avoid applying the annual cohort
requirement by structuring contracts to meet those thresholds. The
Board concluded there was a high risk that contracts for which the
benefits of the annual cohort requirement heavily outweigh the costs
would be included in the exemption, resulting in a loss of information
critical for users of financial statements.
BC139S The Board concluded that for all but a very limited population of contracts
there is no question that the benefits of the annual cohort requirement
significantly outweigh the costs. For a very limited population of contracts the
costs and benefits of the requirement are more finely balanced. However, it is
not possible to define that population in a way that does not risk it becoming
too broad. The Board therefore decided to retain the annual cohort
requirement unchanged.
© IFRS Foundation 89
The heading above paragraph BC140 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text
is struck through.
A footnote is added to the end of the first sentence of paragraph BC144. For ease of
reading new text is not underlined.
* In June 2020, the Board amended the definition of a coverage period to be the
period during which the entity provides insurance contract services (see
paragraphs BC283A‒BC283I).
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC145. For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board amended the requirements relating to assets for
insurance acquisition cash flows (see paragraphs BC184A‒BC184K). The Board
also specified that an entity recognises an asset for insurance acquisition cash
flows paid (or for which a liability has been recognised applying another IFRS
Standard) (see paragraphs BC184L‒BC184N).
Paragraph BC145A and the heading above that paragraph are added. For ease of reading
new text is not underlined.
90 © IFRS Foundation
Paragraph BC146 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
(a) ...
(b) which cash flows should be included in the expected value of cash
flows (see paragraphs BC158–BC184NBC184);
(c) how the cash flows are adjusted to reflect the time value of money and
the financial risks, to the extent that the financial risks are not
included in the estimates of future cash flows (see paragraphs BC185–
BC205BBC205); and
(d) ...
Paragraph BC150 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
(a) ...
(b) measuring the present value of the cash flows in that scenario—
paragraphs BC185–BC205BBC205 discuss the discount rate; and
Paragraph BC158 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is stuck through.
(d) cash flows that affect or are affected by cash flows to policyholders of
other contracts (see paragraphs BC171–BC174); and
© IFRS Foundation 91
(f) pre-recognition cash flows other than insurance acquisition cash flows
(see paragraphs BC184L–BC184N).
A footnote is added to the end of paragraphs BC160(a), BC162(a), BC162(b) and BC163.
For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
* In June 2020, the Board amended the definition of a coverage period to be the
period during which the entity provides insurance contract services (see
paragraphs BC283A‒BC283J).
Paragraph BC170A and the heading above paragraph BC170A are added. For ease of
reading new text is not underlined.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC174. For ease of reading new text is not
* When developing the June 2020 amendments to IFRS 17, the Board considered
but rejected suggestions to exempt from the annual cohort requirement
insurance contracts with intergenerational sharing of risks (see paragraphs
BC139I‒BC139S). These considerations were similar to those in developing the
Standard as described in paragraph BC174.
92 © IFRS Foundation
A footnote is added to paragraph BC176 after ‘future cash flows that are included in the
measurement of the contract.’ For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
* In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17 to clarify that insurance acquisition
cash flows paid before a group of insurance contracts is recognised cannot be
a liability.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraphs BC180 and BC184. For ease of reading new
text is not underlined.
Paragraphs BC184A‒BC184K and the heading above paragraph BC184A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC184A In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17 to require an entity to use a
systematic and rational method to allocate insurance acquisition cash flows
that are directly attributable to a group of insurance contracts:
(b) to groups that will include insurance contracts that are expected to
arise from renewals of insurance contracts in that group (see
paragraph B35A of IFRS 17).
BC184C Stakeholders said an entity that issues an insurance contract with a short
coverage period, such as one year, might incur high up-front costs, such as
commissions to sales agents, relative to the premium the entity will charge for
the contract. The entity agrees to those costs because it expects that some
policyholders will renew their contracts. Often, those costs are fully directly
© IFRS Foundation 93
attributable to the initial insurance contract issued because those costs are
non-refundable and are not contingent on the policyholder renewing the
BC184D In some circumstances, such commissions are higher than the premium
charged and applying IFRS 17 before it was amended would have resulted in
the initial insurance contract being identified as onerous. In the Board’s view,
an entity recognising a loss in that circumstance would provide useful
information to users of financial statements. The information would reflect
that the entity does not have a right to either oblige policyholders to renew
the contracts, or to reclaim the commissions from sales agents if policyholders
choose not to renew the contracts.
BC184E However, the Board was persuaded that an amendment to IFRS 17 requiring
an entity to allocate insurance acquisition cash flows to expected renewal
contracts (expected renewals) would also provide useful information to users
of financial statements. Such a requirement depicts the payment of up-front
costs such as commissions as an asset that an entity expects to recover
through both initial insurance contracts issued and expected renewals. The
asset reflects the right of an entity to not pay again costs it had already paid to
obtain renewals. The Board noted that the information resulting from the
amendment is comparable to the information provided by IFRS 15 for the
incremental costs of obtaining a contract.
BC184F The Board concluded it did not need to develop requirements to specify how
to allocate insurance acquisition cash flows to expected renewals. It concluded
that requiring a systematic and rational method of allocation, consistent with
paragraph B65(l) of IFRS 17, is sufficient.
BC184G The Board noted that if an entity allocates assets for insurance acquisition
cash flows to groups expected to be recognised across more than one reporting
period in the future, an entity would need to update its allocation at the end
of each reporting period to reflect any changes in assumptions about expected
renewals. The Board also decided to clarify that an entity must apply a
consistent method across reporting periods by referring in the requirements
to a systematic and rational method (rather than a systematic and rational
(a) accretion of interest on assets for insurance acquisition cash flows. The
Board decided against specifying such requirements because doing so
would be inconsistent with IFRS 15.
94 © IFRS Foundation
BC184I When the Board issued IFRS 17 in May 2017, it concluded that requiring an
entity to assess the recoverability of an asset for insurance acquisition cash
flows would be unnecessary. The asset was typically of relatively short
duration and any lack of recoverability would be reflected on a timely basis
when the asset was derecognised and the insurance acquisition cash flows
were included in the measurement of a group of insurance contracts (see
paragraph BC180). As a result of the June 2020 amendment set out in
paragraph BC184A, the Board concluded that it needed to require an entity to
assess the recoverability of an asset for insurance acquisition cash flows at the
end of each reporting period if facts and circumstances indicate the asset may
be impaired.
BC184J Consistent with the impairment test in paragraph 101 of IFRS 15, an entity
recognises an impairment loss in profit or loss and reduces the carrying
amount of an asset for insurance acquisition cash flows so that the carrying
amount does not exceed the expected net cash inflow for the related group.
BC184K The Board noted that an entity measures an asset for insurance acquisition
cash flows at the level of a group of insurance contracts. An impairment test
at a group level compares the carrying amount of an asset for insurance
acquisition cash flows allocated to a group with the expected net cash inflow
of the group. That net cash inflow includes cash flows for contracts unrelated
to any expected renewals but expected to be in that group. The Board
therefore decided to require an additional impairment test specific to cash
flows for expected renewals. This additional impairment test results in the
recognition of any impairment losses when the entity no longer expects the
renewals supporting the asset to occur, or expects the net cash inflows to be
lower than the amount of the asset. Without the additional impairment test,
cash flows from contracts unrelated to any expected renewals might prevent
the recognition of such an impairment loss.
Paragraphs BC184L‒BC184N and the heading above paragraph BC184L are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC184L In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17 to address the treatment of assets or
liabilities for cash flows related to a group of insurance contracts that have
been recognised before the group of insurance contracts is recognised. Such
assets and liabilities might have been recognised before the group of
insurance contracts is recognised because the cash flows occur or because a
liability is recognised applying another IFRS Standard. Cash flows are related
to a group of insurance contracts if they would have been included in the
fulfilment cash flows at the date of initial recognition of the group had they
been paid or received after that date.
© IFRS Foundation 95
BC184M The Board agreed with feedback that such cash flows should be included in
the determination of the contractual service margin and insurance revenue
for the group of insurance contracts. These cash flows should affect profit and
revenue in the same way as the fulfilment cash flows regardless of their
timing (or of the timing of their recognition as a liability).
BC184N The amendment requires an entity to derecognise any asset or liability for
such cash flows when the entity recognises the related group of insurance
contracts to the extent that the asset or liability would not have been
recognised separately from the group of insurance contracts if the cash flows
(or the event that triggered their recognition as a liability) had occurred at the
date of initial recognition of the group of insurance contracts. In addition the
Board concluded that, to be consistent with the recognition of insurance
revenue and incurred expenses required by IFRS 17, to the extent that an asset
is derecognised when the entity recognises the related group of insurance
contracts, insurance revenue and expenses should be recognised. In contrast,
no insurance revenue or expenses arise on the derecognition of a liability at
that date. The derecognition of a liability results either in the amounts
expected to settle the liability being included in the fulfilment cash flows or
the performance obligation depicted by the liability being subsumed within
the recognition of the group of insurance contracts. For example, an entity
that recognised a liability for premiums received in advance of the recognition
of a group of insurance contracts would derecognise that liability when the
entity recognises a group of insurance contracts to the extent the premiums
relate to the contracts in the group. The performance obligation that was
depicted by the liability would not be recognised separately from the group of
insurance contracts had the premiums been received on the date of the initial
recognition of the group. No insurance revenue arises on the derecognition of
the liability.
Paragraph BC185 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
96 © IFRS Foundation
Paragraphs BC205A‒BC205B and the heading above paragraph BC205A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
Paragraph BC207 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
(a) ...
(b) the techniques for estimating the risk adjustment for non-financial
risk (see paragraphs BC213–BC214CBC214); and
(c) ...
Paragraphs BC214A‒BC214C and the headings above paragraphs BC214A and BC214B
are added. For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
© IFRS Foundation 97
BC214C The Board considered whether it should clarify its intention for determining
the risk adjustment for non-financial risk in the consolidated financial
statements of a group of entities in response to those different views. The
Board concluded that doing so would address only some differences that could
arise in the application of the requirements for determining the risk
adjustment for non-financial risk, given the judgement required to apply
those requirements. The Board concluded that practice needs to develop in
this area. If necessary, the Board will seek to understand how the
requirements are being applied as part of the Post-implementation Review of
IFRS 17.
Paragraphs BC220‒BC221 and the heading above paragraph BC218 are amended. New
text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
BC220 IFRS 17 requires the carrying amount of the contractual service margin to be
adjusted for (see paragraphs 44 and 45 of IFRS 17):
(a) ...
(c) ...
BC221 The resulting carrying amount at the end of the reporting period is allocated
over the current and future periods, and the amount relating to the current
period is recognised in profit or loss (see paragraphs BC279–BC283JBC283).
98 © IFRS Foundation
Paragraphs BC222‒BC223 are amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC224(d). For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board amended paragraph B96(d) of IFRS 17 to clarify that if
an entity chooses to disaggregate changes in the risk adjustment for non-
financial risk between the insurance service result and insurance finance
income or expenses, the entity should adjust the contractual service margin
only for the changes related to non-financial risk (and not for changes in the
risk adjustment for non-financial risk that result from the effects of the time
value of money).
© IFRS Foundation 99
Paragraph BC227 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC235. For ease of reading new text is not
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC236. For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board amended the requirements relating to the effect of
accounting estimates made in interim financial statements (see paragraphs
Paragraphs BC236A‒BC236D and the heading above paragraph BC236A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
intended to alleviate. Some of those entities said that the requirement was a
burden particularly for entities in a consolidated group that report at different
frequencies from each other, because there would be a need to maintain two
sets of records to reflect the different treatments of the accounting estimates.
BC236C The Board concluded that permitting an accounting policy choice as described
in paragraph BC236A would ease IFRS 17 implementation by enabling an
entity to assess which accounting policy would be less burdensome. To avoid a
significant loss of useful information for users of financial statements, an
entity is required to consistently apply its choice to all groups of insurance
contracts it issues and groups of reinsurance contracts it holds (that is, the
accounting policy choice is at the reporting entity level).
BC236D The Board added a relief, related to the amendment, to the transition
requirements for entities applying IFRS 17 for the first time (see paragraphs
C14A and C19A of IFRS 17).
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC249. For ease of reading new text is not
Paragraphs BC249A‒BC249D and the heading above paragraph BC249A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
(b) reinsurance contracts issued and reinsurance contracts held, which are
explicitly excluded from the scope of the variable fee approach
applying paragraph B109 of IFRS 17.
BC249D In June 2020, the Board amended paragraph B107 of IFRS 17 to replace a
reference to ‘the group of insurance contracts’ with ‘the insurance contract’.
Applying paragraph B101 of IFRS 17, an entity assesses whether an insurance
contract (rather than a group of insurance contracts) is within the scope of the
variable fee approach. The reference to a group of insurance contracts in
paragraph B107 of IFRS 17 was a drafting error and was inconsistent with the
requirements in paragraph B101 of IFRS 17. Some stakeholders said this
amendment would be a major change and disruptive to IFRS 17
implementation. Those stakeholders had assumed that an entity was required
to apply the criteria for the scope of the variable fee approach at a group level.
The Board concluded that it needed to fix the drafting error in paragraph B107
of IFRS 17 to enable consistent application of the requirements. The Board
noted that some stakeholders had interpreted a contract-level assessment as
being more burdensome than it is because they thought an individual
assessment was required for every contract. However, the Board observed that
one assessment should be sufficient for an entity to determine whether the
criteria are met for each contract in a set of homogenous contracts issued in
the same market conditions and priced on the same basis.
A footnote is added to paragraph BC255 after ‘from those fulfilment cash flows:’. For ease
of reading new text is not underlined.
* In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17 to clarify that an entity ceases to
apply the risk mitigation option if, and only if, the conditions described in
paragraph BC255 cease to be met.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC255(a). For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17 so that the risk mitigation option
also applies in specified circumstances when an entity mitigates financial risk
using reinsurance contracts held or non-derivative financial instruments
measured at fair value through profit or loss (see paragraphs BC256A‒BC256F).
Paragraphs BC256A‒BC256F and the heading above paragraph BC256A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC256B Some stakeholders said that applying the requirements in IFRS 17 results in
an accounting mismatch when an entity holds a reinsurance contract that
covers insurance contracts with direct participation features. The entity
accounts for the underlying insurance contracts issued, but not the
reinsurance contract held, applying the variable fee approach. Reinsurance
contracts that cover insurance contracts with direct participation features
transfer both non-financial and financial risk to the reinsurer. The Board
considered but rejected a suggestion to permit an entity to apply the variable
fee approach to such reinsurance contracts held (see paragraph BC249C).
However, the Board acknowledged that when an entity mitigates the effect of
financial risk using a reinsurance contract held, an accounting mismatch
could arise that is similar to the mismatch that could arise when an entity
mitigates the effect of financial risk using derivatives (see paragraph BC252).
Accordingly, the Board amended IFRS 17 so that the risk mitigation option
applies in the same way when an entity uses reinsurance contracts held as
when an entity uses derivatives.
BC256C Some stakeholders said that some entities mitigate the effect of some financial
risk on fulfilment cash flows that do not vary with returns on underlying
items (the cash flows set out in paragraph B113(b) of IFRS 17) using non-
derivative financial instruments. The Board was persuaded that if such non-
derivative financial instruments are measured at fair value through profit or
loss, an accounting mismatch could arise, which is similar to the accounting
mismatch for derivatives (see paragraph BC252). Accordingly, the Board
extended the risk mitigation option to apply in such circumstances. The Board
decided to limit the extension to only non-derivative financial instruments
measured at fair value through profit or loss. For such non-derivative financial
instruments, the extension resolves the accounting mismatch in the same way
it resolves the accounting mismatch for derivatives (which are also measured
at fair value through profit or loss).
BC256D The Board considered but rejected a suggestion that an entity should be
permitted to apply the risk mitigation option when it uses non-derivative
financial instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive
income. The Board observed that in most circumstances the risk mitigation
option would not resolve perceived mismatches between amounts recognised
in profit or loss relating to:
(a) insurance contracts with direct participation features using the other
comprehensive income option in IFRS 17; and
BC256E The amounts described in paragraph BC256D will differ depending on when
the financial assets and the insurance liabilities are acquired or issued and
depending on their duration. Further, the suggestion in paragraph BC256D
would have resulted in any ineffectiveness of the risk mitigation strategy
being recognised in other comprehensive income. That would be inconsistent
with the hedge accounting requirements in IFRS 9 which result in the
ineffectiveness of hedging strategies having a transparent effect on profit or
loss. The Board observed that an entity could avoid mismatches by applying
together the fair value option in IFRS 9 (to designate financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss) and the risk mitigation option in IFRS 17.
BC256F The Board also considered but rejected a suggestion that an entity should be
permitted to apply the risk mitigation option when it uses non-derivative
financial instruments to mitigate the effect of financial risk on the entity’s
share of the fair value of the underlying items (see paragraph B112 of IFRS 17).
Some stakeholders said that an entity may mitigate such financial risk by
investing premiums in assets other than the underlying items—for example,
fixed rate bonds. The Board concluded that permitting an entity to apply the
risk mitigation option in that circumstance would contradict the principle
that an entity need not hold the underlying items for the variable fee
approach to apply (see paragraph BC246).
Paragraphs BC256G‒BC256H and the heading above paragraph BC256G are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
(a) profit or loss if the entity mitigates financial risk using financial
instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss; and
A footnote is added to the end of paragraphs BC265‒BC269. For ease of reading new text
is not underlined.
* When developing the June 2020 amendments to IFRS 17, the Board noted that
some entities described in practice as mutual entities do not have the feature
that the most residual interest of the entity is due to a policyholder (see
paragraphs BC269A‒BC269C). Paragraphs BC265‒BC269 describe the outcome
of applying IFRS 17 for entities for which the most residual interest of the
entity is due to a policyholder.
Paragraphs BC269A‒BC269C and the heading above paragraph BC269A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
(b) some entities described in practice as mutual entities do not have the
feature that the most residual interest of the entity is due to a
BC269B The Board reaffirmed its decision that IFRS 17 should not include any specific
requirements or exceptions to requirements in IFRS 17 for entities that issue
insurance contracts under which the most residual interest of the entity is
due to a policyholder because:
(b) if entities were required to account for the same insurance contract
differently depending on the type of entity issuing the contract,
comparability among entities would be reduced; and
BC269C In response to the concern described in paragraph BC269A(b), the Board added
the footnote to paragraphs BC265‒BC269.
Paragraphs BC276A‒BC276E and the heading above paragraph BC276A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC276C The fulfilment cash flows and the contractual service margin are the two
components of the measurement of insurance contracts. The fulfilment cash
flows are a current risk-adjusted estimate of future cash flows expected to
arise from a group of insurance contracts. In contrast, the contractual service
margin is the profit expected to arise from future service that an entity will
provide for a group of insurance contracts. The contractual service margin on
initial recognition of a group is the difference between the estimated cash
inflows and estimated cash outflows (adjusted for the effect of the time value
of money, non-financial risk and financial risk). The contractual service
margin is not a future cash flow. When changes in fulfilment cash flows
relate to future service, the expected profit relating to that future service
changes. Accordingly, those changes in estimates adjust the contractual
service margin.
BC276D The Board considered but rejected the suggestions to amend IFRS 17 described
in paragraph BC276B for the reasons that led it to conclude, while developing
IFRS 17, that an entity should determine adjustments to the contractual
service margin using locked-in discount rates (see paragraphs BC273‒BC275).
An entity would measure profit inconsistently if it were to measure the effect
of future cash flows on the contractual service margin at discount rates that
differed depending on when such future cash flows become part of the
expected cash flows. The Board concluded that measuring the contractual
service margin at the discount rates determined at the date of initial
recognition (that is, locked-in discount rates) provides a faithful
representation of the revenue earned as the entity provides services, reflecting
the price set at the contract issue date for that service. In contrast, measuring
changes in the contractual service margin using current rates would result in
arbitrary amounts relating to the effects of changes in discount rates being
BC276E The Board disagreed with stakeholders who said that entities would have
difficulty explaining to users of financial statements a gain or loss arising
from the differences between a change in fulfilment cash flows and a change
in the adjustment to the contractual service margin. The Board observed that
the gain or loss provides information about the cumulative amount of
insurance finance income or expenses that had been previously recognised
and should be reversed, or the amount that was not previously recognised and
now is.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraphs BC279, BC280 and BC283. For ease of
reading new text is not underlined.
* In June 2020, the Board amended the definition of a coverage period to be the
period during which the entity provides insurance contract services (see
paragraphs BC283A‒BC283J).
Paragraphs BC283A‒BC283J and the headings above paragraphs BC283A and BC283J
are added. For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC283B The Board was persuaded that some insurance contracts without direct
participation features provide an investment-return service (see
paragraph BC283A(a)). Recognising the contractual service margin considering
both insurance coverage and an investment-return service will provide useful
information to users of financial statements, particularly for contracts that
have an insurance coverage period that differs from the period in which the
policyholder benefits from an investment-return service.
BC283C The Board concluded that an investment-return service exists only if the
contract includes an investment component or the policyholder has a right to
withdraw an amount from the entity. Further, those amounts must be
expected to include an investment return that the entity generates by
performing investment activity. The Board concluded that if those conditions
are not met, the policyholder has no right to benefit from investment returns.
In this context, a ‘right to withdraw an amount from the entity’ includes a
policyholder’s right to:
BC283E Balancing the potential risks described in paragraph BC283D, the Board
decided to specify conditions that are necessary to identify, but are not
determinative of, the existence of an investment-return service (see
paragraph B119B of IFRS 17). An entity is required to apply judgement,
considering the facts and circumstances, to determine whether an insurance
contract that meets the conditions provides an investment-return service.
BC283H The Board decided against inserting that defined term into the requirements
in IFRS 17 relating to the recognition of insurance revenue (for example,
paragraph 83 of IFRS 17). This is not because other services are considered in
determining insurance revenue, but rather because inserting that defined
term there might be interpreted as prohibiting an entity from recognising
insurance revenue unrelated to the contractual service margin before the
coverage period begins. Insurance revenue can be analysed as consisting of the
amount of the contractual service margin allocated to the period, the release
of the risk adjustment for non-financial risk in the period and the expenses
the entity expected to incur in the period. Some insurance contracts include a
pre-coverage period, between the date the contract is recognised and the date
the entity first provides insurance contract services. In contracts with a pre-
coverage period, an entity may be released from non-financial risk, or may
incur expenses before the coverage period begins—in other words, before the
entity starts providing insurance contract services. The Board did not want to
preclude an entity from recognising the related insurance revenue in that pre-
coverage period.
BC283I Investment activity costs that an entity incurs are included in the fulfilment
cash flows to the extent that the entity incurs those costs to provide
investment-return service or investment-related service. The Board
acknowledged that an entity may also incur investment activity costs to
enhance benefits from insurance coverage for policyholders. Therefore, the
Board amended IFRS 17 to specify that an entity is required to include
investment activity costs in the fulfilment cash flows to the extent that the
entity performs those activities to enhance benefits from insurance coverage
for policyholders. The Board also specified when investment activities enhance
benefits from insurance coverage. The Board noted that in determining
whether investment activity costs enhance benefits from insurance coverage
A footnote is added to paragraph BC284 after ‘immediately in profit or loss.’. For ease of
reading new text is not underlined.
* In June 2020, the Board amended paragraphs 48(a) and 50(b) of IFRS 17 for
measuring onerous insurance contracts to clarify that those paragraphs relate
to both changes in estimates of future cash flows and changes in the risk
adjustment for non-financial risk.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC292(a). For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board amended the definition of a coverage period to be the
period during which the entity provides insurance contract services (see
paragraphs BC283A‒BC283J).
Paragraph BC303 and the heading above paragraph BC296 are amended. New text is
underlined and deleted text is struck through.
BC303 The following paragraphs discuss aspects of the general principles in IFRS 17
in relation to groups of reinsurance contracts held:
The heading above paragraph BC304 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text
is stuck through.
Paragraph BC305A is added. For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC305A In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17 for reinsurance contracts held when
underlying insurance contracts are onerous at initial recognition (see
paragraphs BC315A‒BC315L). As a consequence of that amendment, the Board
also amended the requirement in paragraph 62 of IFRS 17 (for recognising a
group of reinsurance contracts held) to require an entity to recognise a group
of reinsurance contracts held when the entity recognises onerous underlying
insurance contracts, if it does so earlier than when the entity would otherwise
recognise the group of reinsurance contracts held. The Board concluded such
an amendment was necessary for income to be recognised on a group of
reinsurance contracts held at the same time that losses are recognised on
initial recognition of onerous underlying insurance contracts.
A heading is added above paragraph BC307. For ease of reading new text is not
Paragraphs BC309A‒BC309F and the heading above paragraph BC309A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC309B The Board noted that the suggestion in paragraph BC309A, which is consistent
with feedback during the development of IFRS 17, would achieve an outcome
similar to the practice often used applying IFRS 4 whereby an entity measured
reinsurance contracts held based on the measurement of existing underlying
insurance contracts.
BC309C The Board reaffirmed its view that the accounting for a reinsurance contract
held should be consistent with the accounting for insurance contracts issued
(see paragraph BC298). Consistent accounting includes measuring the
expected value of all the entity’s rights and obligations arising from a
contract. When an entity holds a reinsurance contract that provides the entity
with a substantive right to receive reinsurance coverage for insurance
contracts it expects to issue, cash flows arising from that substantive right are
included in the measurement of the reinsurance contract held (that is, those
cash flows are within the boundary of the reinsurance contract held applying
paragraph 34 of IFRS 17). In contrast, if a reinsurance contract held provides
an entity with neither substantive rights nor substantive obligations relating
to insurance contracts it expects to issue, those insurance contracts would be
outside the boundary of the reinsurance contract held. The requirements for
expected future cash flows in paragraphs 33−35 of IFRS 17 form a core aspect
of the Standard. The Board identified no reason for these requirements to be
applied inconsistently—they should be applied both to insurance contracts
issued and reinsurance contracts held.
BC309D The Board noted that including all expected future cash flows in the
measurement of the contractual service margin at initial recognition of the
group of reinsurance contracts held reflects the conditions under which the
entity agreed, under specified terms, to receive services from the reinsurer for
future insurance contracts it expects to issue.
BC309E Some stakeholders said that the requirements in IFRS 17 create an accounting
mismatch when an entity has a substantive right to receive reinsurance
coverage relating to insurance contracts it expects to issue. They said such a
mismatch arises because expected future cash flows that relate to the
reinsurance of those insurance contracts will be included in the measurement
of the reinsurance contract held before those underlying insurance contracts
are issued. The Board disagreed that differences between the carrying amount
of the reinsurance contract held and the underlying insurance contracts are
accounting mismatches. The carrying amount of a reinsurance contract held
is nil before any cash flows occur or any service is received. Thereafter any
differences that arise between the carrying amount of the reinsurance
contract held and the underlying insurance contracts are not accounting
mismatches. Rather they are differences caused by:
BC309F The Board acknowledged that some entities will incur costs implementing
IFRS 17 for reinsurance contracts held because doing so would be a change
from previous practice. However, the Board concluded that the benefits of
appropriately reflecting an entity’s rights and obligations as the holder of a
reinsurance contract outweigh those costs. Accordingly, the Board rejected the
suggestion to amend the contract boundary requirements in IFRS 17 for
reinsurance contracts held.
The heading above paragraph BC310 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text
is struck through.
Paragraphs BC315A‒BC315L and the headings above paragraphs BC315A and BC315J
are added. For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
(b) a loss recovery recognised on the reinsurance contract held as the early
recognition of a portion of expected claim recoveries.
BC315C For the amendment described in paragraph BC315A to apply, an entity must
enter into the reinsurance contract held before or at the same time as the
entity recognises the onerous underlying insurance contracts. The Board
concluded it would not be appropriate for an entity to recognise a recovery of
loss when the entity does not hold a reinsurance contract.
(ii) in applying IFRS 17 for the first time (see paragraphs C16A‒
C16C and C20A‒C20B of IFRS 17).
BC315E The amendment responds to concerns that, applying IFRS 17 before the
amendment, an entity would have recognised a loss on initial recognition of
an onerous group of insurance contracts (or on addition of onerous contracts
to a group), without recognising corresponding income on a reinsurance
contract held that covers that onerous group of insurance contracts. Some
stakeholders said this is an accounting mismatch and suggested the Board
amend IFRS 17 so that income is recognised on the reinsurance contract held
at the same time losses are recognised on initial recognition of onerous
underlying insurance contracts. That income would reflect the entity’s right
to recover those losses.
BC315F The Board was persuaded that such an amendment was justified because:
BC315G The Board acknowledged, however, that the amendment adds complexity to
IFRS 17 because it requires an entity to track a loss-recovery component. On
balance, the Board concluded that the added complexity is justified given the
strong stakeholder support for the information that will result from entities
applying the amendment. The Board also noted that, applying the
amendment, the loss-recovery component of a reinsurance contract held is
treated similarly to the loss component of insurance contracts issued. That
similarity will help entities to understand how to apply the amendment,
reducing the complexity caused.
BC315I The Board noted that specifying that an entity use a systematic and rational
method of allocation in a specified circumstance, such as the one described in
paragraph BC315H, does not prohibit an entity from using a systematic and
rational method of allocation as part of other estimation processes required in
applying IFRS 17 if doing so meets the objective set by IFRS 17 for those
estimation processes. The Board’s decision to specify that an entity use a
systematic and rational method of allocation in the specific circumstance
described in paragraph BC315H was driven by the need to avoid the potential
misinterpretation described in that paragraph. The need for such specification
in this case does not imply that an entity cannot use a systematic and rational
method of allocation in circumstances when it is not specified in the
requirements of IFRS 17.
(a) total expected claim recoveries from the reinsurance contract held;
The heading above paragraph BC323 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text
is struck through.
A footnote is added to the end of the first sentence of paragraph BC324 and to the end of
paragraph BC325. For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
Paragraph BC327A and the heading above paragraph BC327A are added. For ease of
reading new text is not underlined.
Paragraphs BC327B‒BC327G and the headings above paragraphs BC327B and BC327E
are added. For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC327C When considering feedback from entities implementing IFRS 17, the Board
considered but rejected a suggestion to reinstate that exception in IFRS 3 to
continue to apply when an entity applies IFRS 17 instead of IFRS 4.
BC327D By removing the exception described in paragraph BC327B, IFRS 17 makes the
accounting for the acquisition of insurance contracts consistent with the
accounting for acquisitions of other contracts acquired in a business
combination. Differences in accounting between an acquirer’s financial
statements and an acquiree’s financial statements can arise because of the
requirements in IFRS 3. Such differences reflect changes in facts and
circumstances at the acquisition date compared to facts and circumstances at
the date the acquiree recognised the contracts. Such differences depict the
economics of the acquisition, are not unique to insurance contracts and are
not unusual when applying IFRS Standards.
BC327F An acquirer identifies assets and liabilities acquired based on the contractual
terms, rights and obligations and economic conditions at the acquisition date,
including the consideration to which the acquirer agreed at that date. The
Board noted that for a contract to meet the definition of an insurance contract
from the perspective of the acquirer at the acquisition date, the acquirer must
compensate the policyholder for the adverse effect of an uncertain future
event (that is, the acquirer must provide insurance coverage). If the acquirer
provides insurance coverage, the contract is an insurance contract accounted
for applying the requirements of IFRS 17. Contracts acquired in their
settlement period with claim amounts that are uncertain in timing or amount
could meet the definition of an insurance contract at the acquisition date.
BC327G The Board observed that some contracts acquired in their settlement period
will not meet the definition of an insurance contract at the acquisition date.
In some circumstances, all claim amounts are known at the acquisition date
but remain unpaid. In such circumstances, the acquirer is not providing
insurance coverage, the contract does not meet the definition of an insurance
contract and the acquirer would account for the contract as a financial
liability applying IFRS 3 and subsequently IFRS 9. The Board also observed that
for contracts that meet the definition of an insurance contract at the
acquisition date, an entity would need to consider whether any amounts
payable to the policyholder meet the definition of an investment component
(and are therefore excluded from insurance revenue).
Paragraphs BC327H‒BC327I and the heading above paragraph BC327H are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC327H In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17 to require an entity that acquires
insurance contracts in a transfer of insurance contracts that do not form a
business or in a business combination within the scope of IFRS 3 to recognise
an asset measured at fair value at the acquisition date for the rights to obtain:
(b) future insurance contracts, other than those in (a), after the
acquisition date without paying again insurance acquisition cash flows
the acquiree has already paid.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraphs BC328 and BC329. For ease of reading new
text is not underlined.
Paragraphs BC330A‒BC330D and the headings above paragraphs BC330A and BC330C
are added. For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC330B The presentation requirement prior to the amendment was consistent with
the requirements for recognising and measuring groups of insurance
contracts. However, entities implementing IFRS 17 told the Board that they
would need to allocate some fulfilment cash flows to groups only for the
purpose of presentation (for example, fulfilment cash flows for incurred
claims). These entities said that an amendment to require an entity to present
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC332. For ease of reading new text is not
Paragraphs BC342A‒BC342C and the heading above paragraph BC342A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC342B Some users of financial statements were concerned that the requirements in
paragraphs 88‒89 of IFRS 17 for disaggregating insurance finance income or
expenses allow an accounting policy choice. They would rather IFRS 17
required one consistent presentation. The Board acknowledged that requiring
entities to report insurance finance income or expenses entirely in profit or
loss instead of permitting the choice in paragraphs 88−89 of IFRS 17 would
improve comparability between entities. However, consistent with the Board’s
previous conclusion explained in paragraph BC340, the Board concluded that
the presentation of insurance finance income or expenses as a systematic
allocation in profit or loss may provide more useful information than total
insurance finance income or expenses in profit or loss for some contracts and
less useful information for other contracts.
BC342C Some stakeholders said that accounting mismatches might arise between
financial assets the entity holds and insurance contract liabilities if an entity
were to apply the option in paragraph 88 of IFRS 17 to recognise some
insurance finance income or expenses in other comprehensive income. That
feedback led to no amendment because the Board noted that an entity can
avoid such mismatches by not applying the option. The Board received similar
feedback about accounting mismatches before IFRS 17 was issued (see
paragraphs BC53‒BC56).
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC348(b)(iii). For ease of reading new text is
not underlined.
* In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17 to correct the terminology used in
paragraphs 128‒129 of IFRS 17 by replacing ‘risk exposures’ with ‘risk
Paragraph BC349 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
BC349 In addition, when developing IFRS 17 the Board identified key items it views
as critical to understanding the financial statements of entities issuing
insurance contracts, in the light of the requirement to update the
measurement of insurance contracts at each reporting date. The Board
therefore decided that entities should disclose the following items:
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC363. For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17 to require an entity to disclose when
it expects to recognise the contractual service margin remaining at the end of
the reporting period in profit or loss quantitatively, in appropriate time bands
(see paragraph BC366B).
A footnote is added to paragraph BC365 after ‘criteria in paragraph B116 are met.’. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
* In June 2020, the Board extended the risk mitigation option to be applicable
when an entity uses reinsurance contracts held or non-derivative financial
instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss to mitigate financial
risk (see paragraphs BC256A‒BC256F).
Paragraphs BC366A‒BC366C and the headings above paragraphs BC366A, BC366B and
BC366C are added. For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
(b) the approach used to assess the relative weighting of the benefits from
insurance coverage and either investment-return service or
investment-related service.
(b) cannot present separately amounts relating to the risk adjustment for
non-financial risk that are experience adjustments applying paragraph
104(b)(iii) of IFRS 17 if the entity already discloses those amounts
applying paragraph 104(b)(ii) of IFRS 17 (to prevent double counting
those amounts).
Applying the Standard for the first time (Appendix C of IFRS 17)
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC372. For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17 to permit an entity that has the
information to apply a fully retrospective approach to instead apply the fair
value approach for transition for a group of insurance contracts with direct
participation features when specified conditions relating to risk mitigation are
met (see paragraph BC393A).
Paragraph BC373 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text is struck through.
BC373 The Board developed two alternative transition methods that may be used
when retrospective application is impracticable (see paragraphs BC379–
BC384BBC384 for the alternative transition method referred to as the
‘modified retrospective approach’ and paragraphs BC385–BC386 for the
alternative transition method referred to as the ‘fair value approach’). The
Board decided to permit an entity to choose between the modified
retrospective approach and the fair value approach if the entity cannot apply
IFRS 17 retrospectively. The Board acknowledged a choice of transition
methods results in a lack of comparability of transition amounts but
concluded it was appropriate for the following reasons. The objective of the
modified retrospective approach is to achieve the closest outcome to a
retrospective application of the Standard. The Board noted that the similarity
between a modified retrospective approach and a full retrospective application
would depend on the amount of reasonable and supportable information
available to an entity. If an entity has relatively little reasonable and
supportable information available and, therefore, would need to use many of
the permitted modifications, the cost of the modified retrospective approach
might exceed the benefits.
Paragraphs BC373A‒BC373B and the heading above paragraph BC373A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC373B In the Board’s view, providing practical one-off reliefs to help entities with
their transition to IFRS 17 is worth a limited loss of comparability for a
limited period. The Board therefore decided not to reduce the options
available in the transition requirements, because doing so would be likely to
cause undue disruption to implementation already under way. The Board
noted the reduced comparability that the transition options cause has no
effect on the current value measurement of the fulfilment cash flows. The
Board also noted that entities are required to provide disclosures on the
transition approaches used. Such disclosures assist users of financial
statements in making comparisons between entities, and in understanding the
transition reliefs used and how those reliefs affect reported information.
The heading above paragraph BC374 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text
is struck through.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC374(a). For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17 to clarify that an entity recognises
and measures any assets for insurance acquisition cash flows as if IFRS 17 had
always applied, except that an entity is not required to assess the
recoverability of any such assets before the transition date (see paragraphs
Paragraph BC380 and the heading above paragraph BC379 are amended. New text is
underlined and deleted text is struck through.
BC380 The Board decided to specify some modifications that could be applied if
retrospective application as defined in IAS 8 is impracticable, to address the
issues noted in paragraph BC378. Those modifications are permitted only to
the extent necessary because an entity does not have reasonable and
supportable information to apply the retrospective approach. Those
Paragraphs BC380A‒BC380D and the heading above paragraph BC380A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC380B The Board considered but rejected the suggestions in paragraph BC380A
BC380C Some entities implementing IFRS 17 suggested that the inclusion of specified
modifications implies that an entity cannot make estimates in applying
IFRS 17 retrospectively. The Board noted that paragraph 51 of IAS 8
acknowledges the need for estimates in retrospective application. This
paragraph applies to entities applying IFRS 17 for the first time just as it does
to entities applying other IFRS Standards for the first time. The Board expects
that entities will often need to make estimates when applying a specified
modification in the modified retrospective approach.
BC380D Some stakeholders suggested that the Board could reduce the burden of
applying the transition requirements by specifying methods that could be
used—for example, methods using information from embedded value
reporting or information prepared for regulatory reporting. The Board
rejected this suggestion. The Board concluded that specifying methods would
conflict with the approach in IFRS 17 of establishing measurement objectives
that can be satisfied using various methods. The appropriateness of a method
depends on facts and circumstances. Furthermore, if the Board were to specify
methods, it could risk incorrectly implying that entities cannot use other
methods that would satisfy the requirements of IFRS 17.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC382. For ease of reading new text is not
Paragraphs BC382A‒BC382B and the heading above paragraph BC382A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC382B An entity applying the modified retrospective approach applies the relief in
paragraph BC382A only to the extent permitted by paragraph C8 of IFRS 17.
Paragraphs BC383A‒BC383B and the heading above paragraph BC383A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
(a) an entity could use modifications that would result in an outcome that
the Board would consider insufficiently close to retrospective
application; and
Paragraphs BC384A‒BC384B and the heading above paragraph BC384A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC384B The Board considered but rejected the suggestions in paragraph BC384A
(b) both suggested amendments could result in an outcome that the Board
would consider to be insufficiently close to retrospective application of
IFRS 17 requirements.
The heading above paragraph BC385 is amended. New text is underlined and deleted text
is struck through.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC386(a). For ease of reading new text is not
Paragraph BC389A is added. For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC389A In June 2020, the Board deferred the effective date of IFRS 17 from 1 January
2021 to 1 January 2023 (see paragraphs BC404A‒BC404F). The Board
considered but rejected a suggestion to provide relief from the restatement of
comparative information, because the Board concluded that restatement of
comparative information is particularly important given the diversity in
previous accounting practices and the extent of change introduced by IFRS 17.
Paragraph BC392A and the heading above paragraph BC392A are added. For ease of
reading new text is not underlined.
(a) when the entity has the information available to apply a fully
retrospective approach would have the effect that the entity would not
be applying a fully retrospective approach; and
(b) when the entity has reasonable and supportable information to apply
that requirement in the modified retrospective approach would be
inconsistent with the objective of the modified retrospective approach.
A footnote is added to the end of the first sentence of paragraph BC393 and to the end of
the heading above paragraph BC393. For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
* In June 2020, the Board extended the risk mitigation option to be applicable
when an entity uses reinsurance contracts held and non-derivative financial
instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss to mitigate financial
risk (see paragraphs BC256A‒BC256F).
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC393. For ease of reading new text is not
Paragraphs BC393A‒BC393E and the heading above paragraph BC393A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
(a) permit an entity to apply the risk mitigation option in paragraph B115
of IFRS 17 prospectively from the transition date instead of the date of
initial application; and
(i) the entity chooses to apply the risk mitigation option to the
group prospectively from the transition date; and
(ii) before the transition date, the entity had been using
derivatives, reinsurance contracts held or non-derivative
financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or
loss to mitigate financial risk arising from the group of
insurance contracts.
BC393C Nonetheless, some stakeholders suggested the Board amend IFRS 17 to permit
retrospective application of the risk mitigation option, and so the Board
considered whether it should make such an amendment. The Board observed
that if an entity were permitted to apply the option retrospectively, it could
decide the extent to which it reflects risk mitigation activities in the
contractual service margin based on known accounting outcomes. The entity
could apply the option in a way that differs from how the entity would have
applied the option in previous periods without hindsight, had it always
applied IFRS 17. Permitting retrospective application of the option would
therefore affect the credibility of information presented on transition to
IFRS 17 and in subsequent periods in which those groups of insurance
contracts exist. The Board therefore reaffirmed its decision to prohibit
retrospective application of the option because of the risk of the use of
BC393D Some stakeholders suggested the Board amend IFRS 17 to permit an entity to
apply the risk mitigation option retrospectively if, and only if, the entity
applies the option for all risk mitigation relationships that would meet the
conditions in paragraphs B115‒B116 of IFRS 17 (an ‘all or nothing’ approach).
These stakeholders thought such an amendment would avoid the risk of
hindsight. The Board considered what an ‘all or nothing’ approach would be
and whether the Board should add such an approach to the IFRS 17 transition
requirements. The Board noted that an ‘all or nothing’ approach would
(a) ‘all’ to mean all insurance contracts issued by the entity that exist at
the transition date (that is, all would be at a reporting entity level);
(b) ‘all’ to mean all past and current risk mitigation relationships that
meet the criteria in paragraph B116 of IFRS 17 at any point between
initial recognition of a group of insurance contracts and the transition
BC393E The Board noted that any approach other than the one described in
paragraph BC393D would involve the risk of hindsight. The approach
described in paragraph BC393D would not involve the risk of hindsight.
However, the Board concluded that applying that approach would be
impracticable in almost all cases. Meeting the conditions necessary for an ‘all
or nothing’ approach would be a high hurdle that entities would overcome in
only a narrow set of circumstances. Accordingly, the Board decided not to add
those requirements to IFRS 17.
Paragraphs BC398A‒BC398F and the headings above paragraphs BC398A and BC398C
are added. For ease of reading new text is not underlined.
(a) first applied IFRS 9 before IFRS 17 be permitted to apply the transition
relief in paragraph C29 of IFRS 17 to redesignate financial assets that
were derecognised during the IFRS 17 comparative period; and
(b) first applied IFRS 9 at the same time it first applied IFRS 17 be
permitted to apply IFRS 9 to financial assets that were derecognised
during the IFRS 17 comparative period.
BC398B The Board extensively discussed and consulted on the requirements in IFRS 9
relating to transition when IFRS 9 was being developed. Such requirements
include prohibiting an entity from applying IFRS 9 to derecognised items, and
permitting but not requiring an entity to restate comparative periods in some
BC398D The Board also considered transition requirements related to the fair value
option in IFRS 9. An entity’s decision to apply IFRS 9 to insurance contracts
that limit the compensation for insured events to the amount otherwise
required to settle the policyholder’s obligation created by the contract could
BC398E Consistent with the transition requirements in IFRS 9 and IFRS 17, the Board
decided to specify that when an entity applies the amendment described in
paragraph BC398C and chooses to apply IFRS 9 to such contracts, the entity:
(a) can choose to restate prior periods to reflect the effect of applying
these amendments only if the entity can do so without the use of
hindsight and if the restated financial statements reflect all the
requirements in IFRS 9 for the affected financial instruments;
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC403. For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board deferred the effective date of IFRS 17 by two years to
require entities to apply IFRS 17 for annual reporting periods beginning on or
after 1 January 2023 (see paragraphs BC404A‒BC404F).
Paragraphs BC404A‒BC404F and the heading above paragraph BC404A are added. For
ease of reading new text is not underlined.
BC404B In the 2019 Exposure Draft, the Board proposed a one-year deferral of the
effective date to balance:
(ii) undue delay in the effective date of the Standard may increase
workload and costs, particularly for entities that are advanced
in their implementation projects.
BC404C Feedback on the 2019 Exposure Draft generally supported the proposed
deferral of the effective date. Some stakeholders, particularly users of
financial statements and regulators, expressed concern about any deferral of
the effective date beyond one year, but other stakeholders suggested a longer
deferral was necessary.
BC404D Some stakeholders said a longer deferral was necessary because some entities
required more time to implement IFRS 17, for example because of challenges
in developing systems and determining appropriate accounting policies, and
because of the effect on implementation projects already under way of the
amendments proposed in the 2019 Exposure Draft. The Board acknowledged
that implementing IFRS 17 is a major undertaking. However, it noted that it
had allowed an implementation period of three and a half years when it
issued IFRS 17. Furthermore, given that IFRS 17 is urgently needed, the Board
thought that a year’s deferral of the effective date as proposed in the 2019
Exposure Draft ought to be sufficient to allow for the effects of any disruption
caused by amending the Standard before its effective date. The Board was
careful to propose only targeted amendments and not to reopen fundamental
aspects of the Standard. The Board acknowledged, however, that
implementing the Standard by 2022, as proposed in the 2019 Exposure Draft,
would be demanding, in particular for smaller insurers.
BC404E Some stakeholders suggested a longer deferral was necessary to ensure that
the initial application of IFRS 17 would be aligned in major markets around
the world. These stakeholders were uncertain whether such an alignment
would occur if the Board confirmed a one-year deferral. They commented on
uncertainties and delays in jurisdictional endorsement and adoption processes
and the consequential uncertainty about the effective dates that might be set
in some jurisdictions. The Board noted that it had set the effective date of
IFRS 17 so that jurisdictions would have sufficient time to adopt the new
Standard. However, the Board acknowledged that considering amendments to
the Standard before its effective date inevitably caused some disruption to
those processes. The Board noted that the initial application of IFRS 17 will
significantly affect insurers’ financial statements and acknowledged that users
of financial statements would benefit if the initial application of IFRS 17 were
aligned around the world.
BC404F Accordingly, although the Board was aware of the costs of delaying the
implementation of IFRS 17, particularly for users of financial statements, the
Board decided to defer the effective date by two years to annual reporting
periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023. The Board concluded that a two-
year deferral should allow time for an orderly adoption of the amended
IFRS 17 by jurisdictions. It should therefore enable more entities to initially
apply IFRS 17 around the same time for the benefit of users of financial
statements. The additional year’s deferral compared to that proposed in the
2019 Exposure Draft should also assist those entities for whom implementing
IFRS 17 by 2022 would have been challenging, including those entities for
whom implementation projects were affected by the covid-19 pandemic in
2020. The deferral should thereby help to improve the quality of the initial
application of the Standard.
A footnote is added to the end of paragraph BC406. For ease of reading new text is not
* In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17. The reference to IFRS 15 in
paragraph C1 of IFRS 17 was deleted, because IFRS 15 was effective at the time
the June 2020 amendments were issued.
Appendix A
Summary of changes since the 2013 Exposure Draft
A footnote is added to ‘The following table summarises the main differences between the
2013 Exposure Draft and IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts.’ For ease of reading new text is
not underlined.
* This appendix compares IFRS 17 as issued in May 2017 with the 2013 Exposure
Draft. In June 2020, the Board amended IFRS 17. A list summarising the June
2020 amendments, including references to the relevant paragraphs of this
Basis for Conclusions, is included in Appendix C.
Appendix C
List of amendments issued in 2020
Table C lists the main amendments to IFRS 17 issued in June 2020 with a reference to the
rationale for those amendments included in this Basis for Conclusions (see paragraphs
(a) made minor amendments to correct cases in which the drafting of IFRS 17 did not
achieve the Board’s intended outcome; and
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