Overview: EWM - Full Notes

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EWM – Full Notes

1. Overview
1.1 Organization Units
1.1.1 Warehouse Number
1.1.2 Storage Type Different types of Storage Types Storage type Roles
1.1.3 Storage Section
1.1.4 Storage Bin Attributes of Storage Bin
1.1.5 Activity Areas Structure of Activity Area Integration of Activity Area
1.1.6 Quant
1.1.7 Doors
1.2 Difference between EWM & WM
1.3 Growth of WM & EWM
1.3.1 NO Warehouse Management
1.3.2 Lean Warehouse Management
1.3.3 Warehouse Management
1.3.4 De-Central Warehouse Management
1.3.5 Extended Warehouse Management
1.4 ERP/EWM System landscape
1.5 SAP EWM Processes

2. Master Data & Basic System Configuration

2.1.1 Configure SAP EWM-Specific Parameters
2.1.2 Name Logical System
2.1.3 Assign Logical System to Client
2.1.4 Specify SAP APO Release
2.1.5 Set up RFC destination
2.1.6 Define queue for Transfer to EWM
2.1.7 Distribution Model
2.1.8 Generate distribution model
2.1.9 Assign Warehouse number to Warehouse number of decentralized SCM system
2.2 EWM System Configuration
2.2.1 Map warehouse number from ERP to EWM
2.2.2 Check ERP-EWM Configuration
2.3 Master Data
2.3.1 Material Master Material Master Data transfer Material or Product master views created only in EWM
2.3.2 Vendor Master / Business Partner
2.3.3 Packaging Specification Structure Packing Process that uses Packaging Specification master data

3. Configuration
3.1 Activity Area Configuration
EWM – Full Notes

3.2 Queue Configuration

3.3 Storage Bins
3.3.1 Creation Storage Bin
3.3.2 Taking stock/Putaway in Storage Bins
3.3.3 Blocking Storage Bins from Put-Away
3.3.4 Stock Transfer between storage Bins
3.3.5 Mass Change Storage Bins
3.4 Warehouse Order Creation Rule (WOCR), Activity Area (AA) & QUEUE
3.4.1 Maintain Sort Sequence for BIN
3.4.2 Warehouse Order (WOCR) related configurations
3.5 Work Center
3.5.1 Creation of Work Center

4. Stock types in EWM

4.1 SAP EWM manages stock in stock types
4.2 SAP SPM manages stock in stock types and storage locations
4.3 SAP APO manages stock in Available-to-Promise (ATP) categories
4.4 Defining Stock Types in EWM
4.5 Defining & Assigning EWM Stock types to Warehouse
4.6 Configuring Availability group for Putaway
4.7 Mapping between SAP EWM stock type and ERP stock type

5. Physical Inventory
5.1 Create Physical inventory document
5.2 Process Physical Inventory Document
5.3 Post the difference (Difference Analyzer)
5.4 Check the Inventory in ECC
5.5 Types of Physical Inventory
5.6 Physical Inventory for Stock Types
5.7 Physical Inventory Procedure

6. Process
6.1 Inbound Process (Goods Receipt)
6.1.1 Simple GR without handling units
6.1.2 Simple GR with handling units (with Deconsolidation)
6.2 Outbound Process (Goods Issue)
6.3 Inbound Process with GR & QC
6.4 Direct Consumption to Cost Centers
6.5 Expected Goods Receipt (EGR)
6.6 Scrap process
6.6.1 To move material from returns to scrap bin, then scrap the material
6.6.2 To change the status of quality to block status and then scrap the material
6.7 STO Process
6.9 VENDOR RETURN with PO/Outbound Delivery (Mvt 161)

7. Definitions
7.1 Inbound Delivery
7.1.1 Components of Inbound process
EWM – Full Notes

7.1.2 Inbound process documents

7.2 Warehouse Request
7.3 Warehouse Task
7.3.1 Ways of Creating of Warehouse Task
7.3.2 Pre-Defined warehouse Tasks Handling Unit Warehouse Tasks Product Warehouse Tasks
7.4 Warehouse Order & Warehouse order creation rules (WOCRs)
7.5 Warehouse Monitor
7.5.1 Display of Stock Balance
7.6 Warehouse Process Types
7.6.1 Warehouse process categories
7.7 Pick, Pack & Pass of Goods
7.7.1 Methods of Pick, Pack & Pass Goods System Controlled User Controlled
7.8 Staging Area and Door Determination
7.8.1 Determination Rule for Inbound & Outbound delivery
7.9 Outbound delivery
7.9.1 Outbound Process documents
7.9.2 Outbound delivery orders scenarios
7.10 Document (Inbound/Outbound) header

8. Storage Control
8.1 Process oriented Storage control
8.1.1 Steps for Process-Oriented storage control in inbound Processes
8.1.2 Steps for Process-Oriented storage control in Outbound Processes
8.2 Layout-Oriented Storage Control

9. YARD Management & Material Flow System

9.1 YARD Management
9.2 There are three components to yard management
9.3 Yard Structure
9.4 Checkpoint
9.5 Yard Management Business Process
9.7 Yard Management Process in Receiving
9.8 Material Flow System

10.Cross Docking
10.1 Cross Docking
10.2 Types of Cross Docking
10.3 EWM Triggered Opportunistic Cross Docking

11.Complex Putaway with Deconsolidation

12.Wave Management
12.1 Wave Templates
EWM – Full Notes

12.2 Automatic Wave Assignment

12.3 Wave Processing
12.4 Wave Processing Steps

13.Production Supply
13.1 Organizational Model for Production Supply
13.2 PSA Storage bins
13.3 Process of the Production Supply
13.4 Production supply process

14.Slotting, Re-Arrangement & Replenishment

14.1 Slotting
14.2 Slotting Process
14.3 Slotting Process details
14.4 Re-Arrangements
14.4.1 Example of Re-Arrangements
14.5 Replenishment
14.6 Replenishment Process
14.7 Replenishment Control Types
14.7.1 Planned Replenishment
14.7.2 Order-related Replenishment
14.7.3 Automatic Replenishment
14.7.4 Direct Replenishment
14.8 Planned Replenishment Process

15.Goods Issue
15.1 Stock Removal Strategies
15.2 Stock Removal Strategy supported in Goods issue process
15.3 Denial Scenario

16. Labor Management

16.1 Configuration of Labor Management
16.2 Functions Specific to Labor Management
16.3 Labor Management in the Warehouse Management Monitor
16.4 Labor Management is active for the following:
16.5 The transactions that require a processor and start and end times are as follows:
16.6 Labor Management Internal Process steps
16.7 Labor Management External Process steps
16.8 Travel Distance Calculation
16.9 Travel Distance Calculation Techniques
16.10 Indirect Labor
16.11 Labor Time definition

17.Production integrated with EWM

17.1 Solution Comparison
17.2 The advantages of PMR-based production supply are as follows:
17.3 The advantages of delivery-based production supply are as follows:
EWM – Full Notes

17.4 Manufacturing Integration Process

17.5 Advanced Production Integration Process
17.6 Master data for Production integration
17.6.1 Organizational Structures for Production
17.6.2 Master Data for Production (Controlled Cycles)
17.7 Clear Bins in the Production Supply Area

18.Quality Management Integration with EWM

18.1 Functions of QIE
18.2 Inspection Object types (IOT)
18.3 Counting
18.4 Integration of ERP QM & QIE
18.5 Block Material before GR and Send to QI

19.Value Added Services

19.1 Value-added Services Integration
19.2 Structure of Value-added Services
19.3 Examples of VAS Integration with Structure
19.4 Goods Receipt/Goods Issue Process with VAS Orders
19.5 Auxiliary Product Consumption Posting
19.6 Value Added Services (VAS) tasks
19.7 Kitting

20.Radio frequency (RF) framework

20.1 RF Framework warehouse functionality
20.2 RF Framework function Keys

21. Resource Management

21.1 Resource
21.2 Assignment of Warehouse Order to Resource

22. Goods Receipt

22.1 Basic EWM Goods receipt process
22.2 Expected goods receipt process
22.3 Storage type determination
22.4 Storage section determination
22.5 Storage bin determination
22.6 Capacity checking at Goods Receipt

23. Post Processing Framework (PPF)

23.1 PPF Function

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