Ethics and The Advancement of Military Technology
Ethics and The Advancement of Military Technology
Ethics and The Advancement of Military Technology
The world is changing. We have moved from the industrial age into the age of
technology. Technological advances in today‟s world are measured in leaps and bounds. The
rate at which technology is growing is exponential. The United States Military is at the forefront
of today‟s cutting edge technology. Smart weapons, smart ships, fly-by-wire aircraft and body
armor are just a few of the many perks enjoyed by our military services. From an ethical
standpoint, we would like to examine why continuing to develop advancing military technology
is justifiable and necessary. The continued advance of military technology has reduced the
amount of collateral damage experienced in battle significantly. Our goal as a nation with
regards to war fighting is essentially to have zero collateral damage as a result of attacking
legitimate military targets. If precision military technology continues to grow and develop, this
may be a very attainable goal. Therefore, ethically, we must continue to develop advanced
military technology in order to limit collateral damage in warfare.
When people hear the word “war”, one of the first things that comes to their mind is the
notion of death and killing. In most cultures, the killing of human beings is deemed an unethical
act. There are, of course, exceptions to this with the historical human sacrificial offerings by the
Mayans and capital punishment today in the United States, among others. Thus, to argue the
ethics of war and military weapons designed to kill people seems somewhat counterintuitive. Our
arguments will not focus on the ethics of war, but rather on how advancing technology has
affected how war is conducted and whether we should continue to develop new technologies.
War is always going to exist in our world. It is an inevitable and unfortunate fact of
society- past, present and future. We realize that war should be a last resort after all other means
of diplomacy have failed. However, there are circumstances when a war is considered just. A
just war is a war that is justified by legal, moral, and ethical standards. In these cases, attacking
legitimate military targets and limiting the collateral damage caused by these attacks is the focus
of our argument.
The Law of Armed Conflict encompasses universal moral code and was written to uphold
such. Restraint on the part of the U.S. is essential because of this law and because of the ethical
and moral standards on which it is based. We will discuss in further detail these ethical and
moral standards.
Continued development of military technology helps to adhere to the Law of Armed
Conflict in many ways. Smart weapons help to adhere to the law by using the “minimum force”
required for partial or complete submission of the enemy. Non-lethal weapons such as focused
microwave energy and sound are a great example of technology that utilizes minimum force to
subdue an enemy force or individual. 9
We have seen the effects of collateral damage in past wars. In World War II, the fire
bombings of Tokyo and the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki yielded
enormous collateral damage. These attacks serve as prime examples of how the lack of
advanced technology that limits collateral damage can have devastating effects. Without
actually going into the ethics of these attacks, it‟s clear that today‟s advanced technology can
deter and prevent the use of weapons designed for maximum psychological and human
destruction in the future. This is precisely why it is our responsibility as a nation to continue to
develop military technology that limits collateral damage.
Some, however, argue that today‟s advanced military technology does not, in fact, cause
less collateral damage, but more. A National Geographic article points out that smart weapons
have their limitations in terms of knowing which building to hit. The author points out that in
some cases; collateral damage is increased because we hit the wrong buildings. "The problem
now is not putting a weapon on the aim point, but it's figuring out the aim point”, said Stephen
Biddle, research professor of national security studies at the U.S. Army War College's Strategic
Studies Institute in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.10
The War on Terror and the War in Iraq have seen substantial use of guerilla warfare due
to the United States‟ ability to put precision guided explosives on any target on the globe. U.S.
adversaries are increasingly hiding amongst civilians and placing military headquarters in the
middle of crowded cities to avoid the U.S.‟ precision guided weapons. Because of this, it is
more crucial than ever for the military to utilize as accurate of weapons as possible.
The argument presented above does shed light on an important point, but hitting the
wrong building is not a matter of technology, but rather a matter of human error and the receipt
of bad intelligence. Therefore, for one to argue that continuing to develop military technologies
is unethical based on human error is a fallacy called irrelevant reason. In summary, the U.S.
military has a duty to mitigate collateral damage and the means by which that can be
accomplished is more accurate weapons and better technology.
Ethical Counterarguments
So far, we have looked at the issue through the viewpoints of both Consequentialists and
Deontologists and provided justifications for the continued development of military
technologies. We have also presented our thoughts as to why limiting collateral damage is
necessary using Virtue Ethics. Now, we will present some opposing points of view and the
ethical frameworks used to support them. Perhaps the most valid ethical argument against the
continued development of military technologies stems from the same ethical framework we used
to support our arguments; and that is Virtue Ethics. Virtue Ethics obviously has a totally different
ideology than do both Consequentialism and Deontology. As we stated earlier, instead of
focusing on duties or consequences in terms of actions, Virtue Ethics, as the name would imply,
focuses on virtues and what makes a good moral agent rather than a good action. 11
Critics of military technology that approach it from the angle of Virtue Ethics argue that
today‟s smart weapons and unmanned equipment have “produced a collective loss of humanity –
a marginalization and even an elimination of the human element in warfare”.8 They argue that
this dehumanization has, in affect, “sanitized” war because the enemy is no longer a living,
breathing being, but rather an image on a GPS screen or a location on a grid used to guide smart
weapons. This makes it easier for our military to “pull the trigger” and kill enemy targets. This is
a very valid point and many agree that it is not virtuous to dehumanize people, regardless of the
ultimate purpose.
Our response is that while there may be a dehumanizing factor associated with smart
weapons, they are an effective means of accomplishing military objectives. The United States
wishes to preserve the lives of its soldiers and an effective means of doing that is to mitigate their
involvement in armed conflict. People have been dying in wars long before current day
technologies were available to be able to consider them “dehumanized”. Military targets will be
destroyed whether dehumanized or not. It is in the nature of war to kill enemy personnel and to
argue the ethics of that would be to argue the ethics of war itself, which is not our intention.
What is important here is that by developing more accurate weapons and better technologies, we
are able to spare innocent (non-combatant) lives and mitigate collateral damage.
“In the conduct of hostilities, it is not permissible to do any mischief that does not
tend materially to the end (victory or the cessation of hostilities), not any mischief
of which the conduciveness to the end is slight in comparison with the amount of
mischief. Two criteria apply to the determination of excess. The first is the
victory itself, or what is called military necessity. The second depends on a
notion of proportionality: we are to weigh the mischief done which presumably
means not only the immediate harm to individuals but also any injury to the
permanent interests of mankind against the contribution that mischief makes to
the end of victory”.8
In laymen‟s terms, the Law of Proportionality is a Utilitarian approach to determine how much
“mischief” is acceptable to achieve victory. The word “mischief”, as used in the Notion of
Proportionality, basically means military force. The United States must focus on destroying
enemy targets and avoid destroying anything else that does not contribute to winning and
accomplishing our objectives. We must also accomplish our objectives in a befitting manner.
This is illustrated in Michael Walzer‟s Just and Unjust Wars with the principle of “Winning and
Fighting Well”. We are not just out to win by any means necessary. We do want to win but we
want to win by adhering to our ethical and legal responsibilities; thus, fighting well.
Developing the Laws of Armed Conflict has long been a struggle between Utilitarians
and Humanitarians. Humanitarianism is an ideology whereby people practice humane treatment
and provide assistance to others.12 The result is Utilitarian guidelines like the Notion of
Proportionality with Humanitarian essences like the “use of minimum force”, as documented
above. Humane war is a tough concept to grasp, but with ethical and ideological frameworks like
Utilitarianism and Humanitarianism, we seek to achieve military objectives in the most humane
and effective ways possible.
Concluding Thoughts
Since the beginning of time, mankind has constantly developed more effective ways to
destroy each other in war. Looking to history as a benchmark, World War II served as a stepping
stone for the development of technology. During those days, it took 108 B-17s dropping 678
„dumb‟ bombs to destroy an objective, and over 540 airmen put in harms way to destroy one
target. These bombs were not accurate, to say the least. Wind speed, velocity, and weather were
all factors in whether or not a bomb reached its target. Present day, it takes 1 plane and 1 pilot to
destroy a similar target. Air-to-air missiles can be fired and effectively strike a target from over
100 miles away. Drones can be sent into a combat zone thus, keeping pilots out of harms way.
Most importantly, non-combatant lives are spared as a result of these advanced technologies.
None of this could be accomplished without the development of technology via micro processing
guidance systems, GPS, and other technological advancements to make these weapons more
accurate and effective. The calculating and processing of the variable factors are now taken over
by the developed technology, which makes them more effective and therefore minimizes
collateral damage.
In our discussion of the ethics of advancing military technology, we argued that ethically,
we must continue to develop advanced military technology in order to limit collateral damage in
warfare. We explained our reasoning using ethical frameworks such as Consequentialism,
Deontology, and Virtue ethics with a focus on moral duty and the “best possible consequences”.
Ethics, like all other forms of philosophy, has no definite right or wrong answer.
Because war will always exist, it is our responsibility to make the means by which we conduct
war as ethical and responsible as possible. Since our ultimate goal is zero collateral damage in
warfare, we have the legal, moral, and ethical obligation to continue to develop advanced
military technology that limits collateral damage.
Works Cited
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