P&R Chapter 4 - 1 Steam Pipes

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A. Pipeline from Superheater to Turbine Inlet
P1=2,757.703 kPa
T 1=371℃
Specific Volume, v1
From Table 3, (Steam Tables by Keenan, et. al.)
T, ℃ v , ×10−3 m3 /kg v , ×10−3 m3 /kg
370 103.13 101.19
371 v@ 2.75 MPa v@ 2.80 MPa
380 105.03 103.07

P, MPa v
2.75 103.320
2.757703 v1
2.80 101.378
v1 =103.021×10−3 m3 /kg
Volume Flow Rate,Q
Q=m1 v 1=52.0803 kg /s ( 103.021×10−3 m3 /kg )
Q=5.365 m 3 /s
From section 11.5.1 PSME Code,
Section 5.0 Fluid Flow Velocities
5.1 In practice, the average fluid flow velocities may be as follows:
a. Water 1.5 – 3.0 m/s
b. High Pressure Saturated Steam 25 – 50 m/s
c. High Pressure Superheated Steam 50 – 77 m/s
d. Atmospheric Exhaust Steam 40 – 60 m/s
e. Low Pressure Exhaust Steam 100 – 120 m/s

For high pressure superheated steam, Using mean velocity,

V =63.5 m/s
Q= AV ↔5.365 m 3 /s=63. 5 m/ s ( π d 2 /4 )
d=0.3 28 m
From Table 7-2, p. 136 (Ref. & Air Conditioning by Stoecker, et. al.)

Steam Pipes | 104

Thus, use schedule 40, seamless steel pipe of nominal size of 300 mm with
OD = 323.9 mm & ID = 303.3 mm.
Actual Area:

π D 2 π ( 0.3033 )
A= = =0.07225 m 2
4 4
Actual Velocity of Steam:

Q 5.365 m 3 /s
V= = =74.256 m/ s
A 0.07225 m 2
Pipe insulation:
Pipe from superheater to turbine inlet:
T c =k m /h
T c = critical thickness
k m = thermal conductivity
h = heat transfer coefficient
Diameter of Pipe:
ID=303.3 mm, OD=323.9 mm=12.752∈¿
Temperature of Steam ¿ 371℃ =699.8 ℉
Ambient air temperature ¿ 27 ℃=80.6 ° F

T ave = ℃=198 ℃

Steam Pipes | 105

Use Rockwool insulation to be applied to the pipe from thermal insulation
handbook by Thermal Insulation Association of South Africa (TIASA)
Temperature ℃ Thermal conductivity (W/m-K)
100 0.044
150 0.051
200 0.060
250 0.070
300 0.081
350 0.093
400 0.106
k m=0.05964 W /m−K
Finding for h,

6 99.8+ 80.6
Tf= ° F=390.2° F

From Table A-9E, p. 911 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by

Cengel and Cimbala.
@T f =390.2° F
ν=3 .7057 ×10−4 ft 2 /s
k =0.0218 BTU /h−ft −R
Coefficient of expansion,
1 1 1
β= = =
T f 390.2+ 460 R 850.2 R

Steam Pipes | 106

Diameter of Grashof and Rayleigh numbers are;

12.752 3 (
Gr D =
D3 gβ ∆t
( 12 ) 32.2 ) ( 1/850.2 )( 699.8−80.6 )

ν2 2
( 3 .7057 ×10−4 )
Gr D =204,935,114
RaD =Gr D Pr=204,935,114 ( 0.6976 )
RaD =142,962,735.5


Steam Pipes | 107

9 /16 −8/ 27

NuD = 0.60+0.387 RaD 1/ 6
[ ( ) ] }

NuD =62.988

k 0.0218
h=NuD =62.988 × 5.675W /m2 −K
D 12.752
h=7.333W /m 2−K

k m 0.05964 W /m−K
T c= =
h 7.333 W /m2−K
T c =8.133 ×10−3 m=8.133 mm

Recommended thickness of insulation from “the thickness of Rockwool

insulation in accordance with BS5422:2009” at a temperature of 371 ℃ and a pipe
diameter of 323.9 mm.

Steam Pipes | 108

300 400
Diameter Thickness Diameter Thickness
219.1 84 219.1 105
273.0 87 273.0 110
323.9 t300 323.9 t400

Temperature Thickness
300 89.833
371 t
400 114.722
Insulationthickness =107.5040mm

B. Pipeline from Turbine Extraction Outlet to Separation Point of Steam

P A =366.778 kPa
t A=196.825 ℃
Specific Volume, v a
From Table 3, (Steam Tables by Keenan, et. al.)
t, ℃ v , ×10−3 m3 /kg v , ×10−3 m 3 /kg
190 581.2 550.0

Steam Pipes | 109

196.825 v@ 0.36 MPa v@ 0.38 MPa
200 594.9 563.0

P, MPa v
0.34 590.550
0.343 241 vA
0.36 558.873
−3 3
v A =579.815 ×10 m /kg
Volume Flow Rate,Q
Q=m A v A=2.1149 kg /s ( 579.815 ×10−3 m3 / kg )
Q=1.226 m3 / s
From section 11.5.1 PSME Code,
For high pressure superheated steam:
Using mean velocity,
V =63.5 m/s

π d2
Q= AV ↔1.226 m 3 /s=63. 5 m/s ( )4
d=0.157 m
From Table 7-2, p. 136 (Ref. & Air Conditioning by Stoecker, et. al.)
Use schedule 40, seamless steel pipe of nominal size of 150 mm with OD =
168.3 mm & ID = 154.1 mm.

Actual Area:

π D 2 π ( 0.15 41 )
A= = =0.01865 m2
4 4
Actual Velocity of Steam:

Q 1.226 m 3 /s
V= = =65.7373m/ s
A 0.01865 m 2

Pipe insulation:

Steam Pipes | 110

Pipe from turbine extraction outlet to separation point of steam:
T c =k m /h
T c = critical thickness
k m = thermal conductivity
h = heat transfer coefficient
Diameter of Pipe:
ID=154.1mm, OD=168.3 mm=6.067∈¿
Temperature of Steam ¿ 196.825 ℃=386.285 ℉
Ambient air temperature ¿ 27 ℃=80.6 ° F

T ave = ℃=111.9125 ℃
Use Rockwool insulation to be applied to the pipe from thermal insulation
handbook by Thermal Insulation Association of South Africa (TIASA)
t ,℃ k
100 0.044
111.9125 km
150 0.051
k m=0.0457 W / m−K

Finding for h,

Tf= ° F=233.4425 ° F
From Table A-9E, p. 911 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by
Cengel and Cimbala.
@T f =233.4425 ° F

ν=2.6207 ×10−4 ft 2 /s
k =0.01840 BTU /h−ft −R
Coefficient of expansion,
1 1 1
β= = =
T f 233.4425+ 460 R 693.4425 R

Steam Pipes | 111

Diameter of Grashof and Rayleigh numbers are;

6.067 3 (
Gr D =
D3 gβ ∆t
( 12 ) 32.2 )( 1 /693.4425 ) ( 386.285−80.6 )

ν2 2
( 2.6207 × 10−4 )
Gr D =26,709,341.07
RaD =Gr D Pr=26,709,341.07 ( 0.7089 )
RaD =18,934,251.89


9 /16 −8/ 27

NuD = 0.60+0.387 RaD 1/ 6
[ ( ) ] }

NuD =34.158

k 0.01840
h=NuD =34.158 × 5.675W /m2−K
D 6.067
h=7.055W /m 2−K


k m 0.0457 W /m−K
T c= =
h 7.055 W /m 2−K
T c =6.4 78 ×10−3 m=6.4 78 mm

Recommended thickness of insulation from “the thickness of Rockwool

insulation in accordance with BS5422:2009” at a temperature of 196.824 ℃ and a
pipe diameter of 168.3 mm.

Steam Pipes | 112

Temperature Thickness
100 37
196.824 t
200 61
Insulationthickness =60.2378 mm

C. Pipeline from Separation Point to Heater No. 6

P20=366.778 kPa
t 20=191.824 ℃
Specific Volume, v 20
From Table 3, (Steam Tables by Keenan, et. al.)
t, ℃ v , ×10−3 m3 /kg v , ×10−3 m 3 /kg
190 581.2 550.0
191.824 v@ 0.36 MPa v@ 0.38 MPa
200 594.9 563.0

P, MPa v
0.36 583.699
0.366778 v 20
0.38 552.371
v 20=573.082 ×10−3 m3 /kg
Volume Flow Rate,Q
Q=m20 v 20=1.1844 kg/ s ( 5 73.082×10−3 m3 / kg )
Q=0.679 m3 / s
From section 11.5.1 PSME Code,
For high pressure superheated steam:
Using mean velocity,
V =63.5 m/s

π d2
Q= AV ↔0.679 m3 /s=63. 5 m/s ( )

Steam Pipes | 113

d=0.117 m
From Table 7-2, p. 136 (Ref. & Air Conditioning by Stoecker, et. al.)
Thus, use schedule 40, seamless steel pipe of nominal size of 125 mm with
OD = 141.3 mm & ID = 128.2 mm.
Actual Area:

π D2 π ( 0.1282 )
A= = =0.0129 m2
4 4
Actual Velocity of Steam:

Q 0.679 m 3 /s
V= = =52.636 m/s
A 0.0129 m 2
Pipe insulation:
Pipe from separation point to heater no. 6:
T c =k m /h
T c = critical thickness
k m = thermal conductivity
h = heat transfer coefficient
Diameter of Pipe:
ID=128.2mm, OD=141.3 mm=5.563∈¿
Temperature of Steam ¿ 191.824 ℃=377.2832 ℉
Ambient air temperature ¿ 27 ℃=80.6 ° F

191.824 +27
T ave = ℃ =109.412℃
Use Rockwool insulation to be applied to the pipe from thermal insulation
handbook by Thermal Insulation Association of South Africa (TIASA)
t ,℃ k
150 0.051
191.824 km
200 0.060
k m=0.0585 W /m−K
Finding for h,

Steam Pipes | 114

Tf= ° F=228.9416 ° F
From Table A-9E, p. 911 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by
Cengel and Cimbala.
@T f =228.9416 ° F

ν=2.5918 ×10−4 ft 2 /s
k =0.0183 BTU /h−ft −R
Coefficient of expansion,
1 1 1
β= = =
T f 228.9416+460 R 688.9416 R
Diameter of Grashof and Rayleigh numbers are;

5.563 3 (
Gr D =
D3 gβ ∆t
( 12 ) 32.2 )( 1/688.9416 ) ( 377.2832−80.6 )

ν2 2
( 2.5918 ×10−4 )
Gr D =20,565,860.59
RaD =Gr D Pr=20,565,860.59 ( 0.7093 )
RaD =14,587,364.92

9 /16 −8/ 27

NuD = 0.60+0.387 RaD 1/ 6
[ ( ) ] }

NuD =31.6025


Steam Pipes | 115

k 0.0183
h=NuD =31.6025 × 5.675W /m2−K
D 5.563
h=7.080W /m2−K

k m 0.0585W /m−K
T c= =
h 7.080 W /m 2−K
T c =8.263 ×10−3 m=8.263 mm

Recommended thickness of insulation from “the thickness of Rockwool

insulation in accordance with BS5422:2009” at a temperature of 191.824 ℃ and a
pipe diameter of 114.3 mm.
100 200
Diameter Thickness Diameter Thickness
139.7 36 139.7 59
141.3 t100 141.3 t200
168.3 37 168.3 69

Temperature Thickness
100 36.056
191.824 t
200 59.112
Insulationthickness =57.6378 mm

D. Pipeline from Separation Point to Evaporator

P33=366.778 kPa
t 33=194.324 ℃
Specific Volume, v37
From Table 3, (Steam Tables by Keenan, et. al.)
t, ℃ v , ×10−3 m3 /kg v , ×10−3 m 3 /kg
190 581.2 550.0
194.324 v@ 0.36 MPa v@ 0.38 MPa
200 594.9 563.0

P, MPa v

Steam Pipes | 116

0.36 587.1239
0.366778 v 20
0.38 555.6212
v33=576.4476× 10−3 m3 /kg

Volume Flow Rate,Q

Q=m33 v 33=0.9306 kg /s ( 576.4476× 10−3 m3 /kg )
Q=0.536 m3 / s
From section 11.5.1 PSME Code,
For high pressure superheated steam:
Using mean velocity,
V =63.5 m/s

π d2
Q= AV ↔0.536 m3 / s=63.5 m/s ( )
d=0.104 m

From Table 7-2, p. 136 (Ref. & Air Conditioning by Stoecker, et. al.)
Thus, use schedule 40, seamless steel pipe of nominal size of 100 mm with
OD = 114.3 mm & ID = 102.3 mm.
Actual Area:

π D 2 π ( 0.1023 )
A= = =8.219 ×10−3 m 2
4 4
Actual Velocity of Steam:

Q 0.536 m3 / s
V= = =65.215 m/s
A 8.219 ×10−3 m 2

Pipe insulation:
Pipe from separation point to evaporator:
T c =k m /h

Steam Pipes | 117

T c = critical thickness
k m = thermal conductivity
h = heat transfer coefficient
Diameter of Pipe:
ID=102.3 mm, OD=114.3 mm=4.5∈¿
Temperature of Steam ¿ 194.324 ℃=381.7832 ℉
Ambient air temperature ¿ 27 ℃=80.6 ° F

194.324 +27
T ave = ℃ =110.662 ℃

Use Rockwool insulation to be applied to the pipe from thermal insulation

handbook by Thermal Insulation Association of South Africa (TIASA)
t ,℃ k
150 0.051
194.324 km
200 0.060
k m=0.0590 W /m−K
Finding for h,

Tf= ° F=231.1916 ° F
From Table A-9E, p. 911 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by
Cengel and Cimbala.
@T f =231.1916 ° F
ν=2.6063 ×10−4 ft 2 /s
k =0.01830 BTU /h−ft −R
Coefficient of expansion,
1 1 1
β= = =
T f 231.1916+460 R 691.1916 R
Diameter of Grashof and Rayleigh numbers are;

Steam Pipes | 118

D 3 gβ ∆t ( 4.5/12 ) ( 32.2 )( 1/691.1916 ) ( 381.7832−80.6 )
Gr D = =
ν2 ( 2.6063× 10−4 )

Gr D =10,892,640.20
RaD =Gr D Pr=10,892,640.20 ( 0.7091 )
RaD =7,723,971.17

9 /16 −8/ 27

NuD = 0.60+0.387 RaD 1/ 6
[ ( ) ] }

NuD =26.179

k 0.01830
h=NuD =26.179 × 5.675W /m2−K
D 4.5
h=7.250W /m 2−K


k m 0.0590W /m−K
T c= =
h 7.250 W /m 2−K
T c =8.138 ×10−3 m=8.138 mm

Recommended thickness of insulation from “the thickness of Rockwool

insulation in accordance with BS5422:2009” at a temperature of 194.324 ℃ and a
pipe diameter of 114.3 mm.

Temperature Thickness
100 35
194.324 t
200 57

Steam Pipes | 119

Insulationthickness =55.7513 mm

E. Pipeline from Turbine Extraction Outlet 2 to Heater No. 5

Pb=274.79 kPa
t b=170.875 ℃
Specific Volume, v b
From Table 3, (Steam Tables by Keenan, et. al.)
t, ℃ v , ×10−3 m3 /kg v , ×10−3 m 3 /kg
170 772.2 716.0
170.875 v@ 0.26 MPa v@ 0.28 MPa
180 791.0 733.5

P, MPa v
0.26 773.845
0.27479 vb
0.28 717.531
v b=732.201× 10−3 m3 /kg
Volume Flow Rate,Q
Q=mb v b=1.3007 kg /s ( 732.201 ×10−3 m 3 /kg )
Q=0.952m3 /s
From section 11.5.1 PSME Code,
For high pressure superheated steam:
Using mean velocity,
V =63.5 m/s

π d2
Q= AV ↔0.952 m /s=63. 5 m/ s
4 ( )
d=0.138 m

From Table 7-2, p. 136 (Ref. & Air Conditioning by Stoecker, et. al.)
Thus, use schedule 40, seamless steel pipe of nominal size of 150 mm with
OD = 168.3 mm & ID = 154.1 mm.

Actual Area:

Steam Pipes | 120

π D 2 π ( 0.1541 )
A= = =0.01865 m2
4 4
Actual Velocity of Steam:

Q 0.952 m 3 /s
V= = =51.046 m/ s
A 0.01865 m 2
Pipe insulation:
Pipe from extraction outlet 2 to heater no. 5:
T c =k m /h
T c = critical thickness
k m = thermal conductivity
h = heat transfer coefficient
Diameter of Pipe:
ID=128.2mm, OD=168.3 mm=6.626∈¿
Temperature of Steam ¿ 170.875 ℃=339.575 ℉
Ambient air temperature ¿ 27 ℃=80.6 ° F

T ave = ℃=98.9375℃
Use Rockwool insulation to be applied to the pipe from thermal insulation
handbook by Thermal Insulation Association of South Africa (TIASA)
t ,℃ k
98.9375 km
100 0.044
150 0.051
k m=0.0438 5 W /m−K
Finding for h,

Tf= ° F=210.0875 ° F
From Table A-9E, p. 911 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by
Cengel and Cimbala.

Steam Pipes | 121

@T f =210.0875 ° F
ν=2.4708 ×10−4 ft 2 /s
k =0.0178 BTU /h−ft −R
Coefficient of expansion,
1 1 1
β= = =
T f 210.0875+ 460 R 670.0875 R

Diameter of Grashof and Rayleigh numbers are;

D 3 gβ ∆t ( 6.626/12 ) ( 32.2 ) ( 1/670.0875 )( 339.575−80.6 )
Gr D = =
ν2 ( 2.4708× 10−4 )

Gr D =34,317,652.17
RaD =Gr D Pr=34,317,652.17 ( 0.7113 )
RaD =24,410,145.99

9 /16 −8/ 27

Nu D = 0.60+0.387 RaD 1/ 6
[ ( ) ] }

NuD =36.878

k 0.0178
h=NuD =36.878 × 5.675W /m2−K
D 6.626
h=6.747 W /m2−K

k m 0.04385W /m−K
T c= =
h 6.747 W /m2−K
T c =6.500 × 10−3 m=6.500 mm

Steam Pipes | 122

Recommended thickness of insulation from “the thickness of Rockwool
insulation in accordance with BS5422:2009” at a temperature of 170.875 ℃ and a
pipe diameter of 168.3 mm.

Temperature Thickness
100 37
170.875 t
200 61
Insulationthickness=54.010 mm

F. Pipeline from Turbine Extraction Outlet 3 to Heater No. 4

Pc =194.667 kPa
t c =144.925 ℃
Specific Volume, v c
\From Table 3, (Steam Tables by Keenan, et. al.)
t, ℃ v , ×10−3 m3 /kg v , ×10−3 m3 /kg
140 985.3 935.0
144.925 v@ 0.19 MPa v@ 0.20 MPa
150 1011.1 959.6

P, MPa v
0.19 998.007
0.194925 vc
0.20 947.116
v c =972.943 ×10−3 m 3 /kg
Volume Flow Rate,Q
Q=mc v c =1.1421 kg /s ( 978.180× 10−3 m3 / kg )
Q=1.117 m 3 /s
From section 11.5.1 PSME Code,
For high pressure superheated steam:
Using mean velocity,
V =63.5 m/s

π d2
Q= AV ↔1.117 m3 /s=63.5 m/ s ( )

Steam Pipes | 123

d=0.150 m

From Table 7-2, p. 136 (Ref. & Air Conditioning by Stoecker, et. al.)
Thus, use schedule 40, seamless steel pipe of nominal size of 150 mm with
OD = 168.3 mm & ID = 154.1 mm.
Actual Area:

π D 2 π ( 0.1541 )
A= = =0.01865 m2
4 4
Actual Velocity of Steam:

Q 1.117 m3 / s
V= = =59.893 m/ s
A 0.01865 m 2
Pipe insulation:
Pipe from extraction outlet 3 to heater no. 4:
T c =k m /h
T c = critical thickness
k m = thermal conductivity
h = heat transfer coefficient
Diameter of Pipe:
ID=154.1mm, OD=168.3 mm=6.626∈¿
Temperature of Steam ¿ 144.925 ℃=292.865 ℉
Ambient air temperature ¿ 27 ℃=80.6 ° F

T ave = ℃=85.9625 ℃
Use Rockwool insulation to be applied to the pipe from thermal insulation
handbook by Thermal Insulation Association of South Africa (TIASA)
t ,℃ k
85.9625 km
100 0.044
150 0.051
k m=0.0420 W /m−K

Steam Pipes | 124

Finding for h,

Tf= ° F=186.7325 ° F
From Table A-9E, p. 911 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by
Cengel and Cimbala.
@T f =186.7325 ° F

ν=2.3227 ×10−4 ft 2 /s
k =0.0173 BTU /h−ft −R
Coefficient of expansion,
1 1 1
β= = =
T f 186.7325+ 460 R 646.7325 R
Diameter of Grashof and Rayleigh numbers are;

D 3 gβ ∆t ( 6.626/12 ) ( 32.2 ) ( 1/646.7325 )( 292.865−80.6 )
Gr D = =
ν2 ( 2.3227 × 10−4 )

Gr D =32,978,727.37
RaD =Gr D Pr=32,978,727.37 ( 0.7140 )
RaD =23,546,811.34

9 /16 −8/ 27

Nu D = 0.60+0.387 RaD 1/ 6
[ ( ) ] }

NuD =36.501


k 0.0173
h=NuD =36.354 ×5.675 W / m2−K
D 6.626
h=6.490 W /m2−K

Steam Pipes | 125


k m 0.0420W /m−K
T c= =
h 6.490 W /m 2−K
T c =6. 472× 10−3 m=6. 472 mm
Recommended thickness of insulation from “the thickness of Rockwool
insulation in accordance with BS5422:2009” at a temperature of 144.925 ℃ and a
pipe diameter of 168.3 mm

Temperature Thickness
100 37
144.925 t
200 61
Insulationthickness =47.782 mm

G. Pipeline from Turbine Extraction Outlet 4 to Deaerator

Pd =137.592 kPa
t d=118.795 ℃
Specific Volume, v d
From Table 3, (Steam Tables by Keenan, et. al.)
t, ℃ v , ×10−3 m3 /kg v , ×10−3 m 3 /kg
110 1336.6 1239.0
118.795 v@ 0.13 MPa v@ 0.14 MPa
120 1374.0 1274.3

P, MPa v
0.13 1369.493
0.137592 vd
0.14 1270.046
v d=1293.993 ×10−3 m 3 / kg
Volume Flow Rate,Q
Q=md v d =0.8671 kg/ s ( 1293.993 ×10−3 m 3 / kg )
Q=1.122 m3 /s
From section 11.5.1 PSME Code,
For high pressure superheated steam:
Using mean velocity,

Steam Pipes | 126

V =63.5 m/s

π d2
Q= AV ↔1.122 m /s=63. 5 m/s
4 ( )
d=0.150 m

From Table 7-2, p. 136 (Ref. & Air Conditioning by Stoecker, et. al.)
Thus, use schedule 40, seamless steel pipe of nominal size of 150 mm with
OD = 168.3 mm & ID = 154.1 mm.

Actual Area:

π D 2 π ( 0.15 41 )
A= = =0.01865 m 2
4 4

Actual Velocity of Steam:

Q 1.122 m3 /s
V= = =60.161m/s
A 0.01865 m 2
Pipe insulation:
Pipe from turbine extraction outlet 4 to deaerator:
T c =k m /h
T c = critical thickness
k m = thermal conductivity
h = heat transfer coefficient
Diameter of Pipe:
ID=15 4 .1 mm, OD=168.3 mm=6.626∈¿
Temperature of Steam ¿ 118.795 ℃=245.831 ℉
Ambient air temperature ¿ 27 ℃=80.6 ° F

Steam Pipes | 127

118.795 +27
T ave = ℃ =72.8975℃
Use Rockwool insulation to be applied to the pipe from thermal insulation
handbook by Thermal Insulation Association of South Africa (TIASA)
t ,℃ k
72.8975 km
100 0.044
150 0.051
k m=0.0402 W /m−K
Finding for h,

Tf= ° F=1 63.2155 ° F
From Table A-9E, p. 911 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by
Cengel and Cimbala.
@T f =1 63.2155° F

ν=2.178 6 ×10−4 ft 3 /s
k =0.0168 BTU /h−ft −R
Coefficient of expansion,
1 1 1
β= = =
T f 163.2155+ 460 R 623.2155 R

Diameter of Grashof and Rayleigh numbers are;

D 3 gβ ∆t ( 6.626/12 ) ( 32.2 ) ( 1/623.2155 )( 245.831−80.6 )
Gr D = =
ν2 ( 2.178 6 × 10−4 )

Gr D =30,280,616.62
RaD =Gr D Pr=30,280,616.62 ( 0.7170 )
RaD =21,711,202.12

Steam Pipes | 128

9 /16 −8/ 27

NuD = 0.60+0.387 RaD 1/ 6
[ ( ) ] }

NuD =35.643


k 0.0168
h=NuD =35.643 × 5.675W /m2−K
D 6.626
h=6.154 W /m2−K


k m 0.0402W /m−K
T c= =
h 6.154 W /m2−K
T c =6.532 ×10−3 m=6.532 mm

Recommended thickness of insulation from “the thickness of Rockwool

insulation in accordance with BS5422:2009” at a temperature of 118.795 ℃ and a
pipe diameter of 168.3 mm.

Temperature Thickness
100 37
118.795 t
200 61
Insulationthickness =41.5108 mm

H. Pipeline from Turbine Extraction Outlet 5 to Heater No. 3

Pe =105.991 kPa
t e =101.257 ℃

Steam Pipes | 129

Specific Volume, v e
From Table 1, (Steam Tables by Keenan, et. al.)
t, ℃ v
101 1618.2
101.257 ve
102 1565.5
v e=1604.6561×10−3 m 3 /kg
Volume Flow Rate,Q
Q=me v e =1.9193 kg /s ( 1 604.6561× 10−3 m3 /kg )
Q=3.08 m3 / s
From section PSME code
For high pressure saturated steam:
Using mean velocity,
V =37.5 m/s

π d2
Q= AV ↔3.08 m3 /s=37. 5 m/s ( )
d=0.323 m

From Table 7-2, p. 136 (Ref. & Air Conditioning by Stoecker, et. al.)
Thus, use schedule 40, seamless steel pipe of nominal size of 300 mm with
OD = 323.9 mm & ID = 303.3 mm.
Actual Area:

π D2 π ( 0.3033 )
A= = =0.07225 m2
4 4
Actual Velocity of Steam:

Q 3.08 m 3 /s
V= = =42.63 m/s
A 0.07225 m 2
Pipe insulation:
Pipe from turbine extraction outlet 5 to heater no. 3:

Steam Pipes | 130

T c =k m /h
T c = critical thickness
k m = thermal conductivity
h = heat transfer coefficient
Diameter of Pipe:
ID=303.3 mm, OD=323.9 mm=12.5 20∈¿
Temperature of Steam ¿ 101.257 ℃=214.2626 ℉
Ambient air temperature ¿ 27 ℃=80.6 ° F

101.257+ 27
T ave = ℃=64.1285℃
Use Rockwool insulation to be applied to the pipe from thermal insulation
handbook by Thermal Insulation Association of South Africa (TIASA)
t ,℃ k
64.1285 km
100 0.044
150 0.051
k m=0.03898 W /m−K
Finding for h,

214.2626+ 80.6
Tf= ° F=1 47.4313° F
From Table A-9E, p. 911 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by
Cengel and Cimbala.
@T f =147.4313 ° F
ν=2.0 84 ×10−4 ft 2 / s
k =0.0162 BTU /h−ft −R
Coefficient of expansion,
1 1 1
β= = =
T f 1 47.4313+ 460 R 607.4313 R
Diameter of Grashof and Rayleigh numbers are;

Steam Pipes | 131

D 3 gβ ∆t ( 12.520 /12 ) ( 32.2 )( 1/607.4313 ) ( 214.2626−80.6 )
Gr D = =
ν2 ( 2.084 × 10−4 )

Gr D =185285924.58
RaD =Gr D Pr=185285924.6 ( 0.7205 )
RaD =1 33498508.66

9 /16 −8/ 27

NuD = 0.60+0.387 RaD 1/ 6
[ ( ) ] }

NuD =61.960
k 0.01634
h=NuD =61.960 ×5.675 W /m 2−K
D 12.5 20
h=5.392W /m2 −K


k m 0.3898W /m−K
T c= =
h 5.392 W /m 2−K
T c =7.229 × 10−3 m=7.22 9mm
Recommended thickness of insulation from “the thickness of Rockwool
insulation in accordance with BS5422:2009” at a temperature of 101.257 ℃ and a
pipe diameter of 323.9 mm.
100 200
Diameter Thickness Diameter Thickness
219.1 38 219.1 63
273.0 39 273.0 65
323.9 t100 323.9 t200

Temperature Thickness
100 39.944
101.257 t
200 66.889
Steam Pipes | 132
Insulationthickness =40.2830 mm

I. Pipeline from Turbine Extraction Outlet 6 to Heater No. 2

Pf =53.665 kPa
t f =83.117 ℃
Specific Volume, v e
From Table 2, (Steam Tables by Keenan, et. al.)
P, MPa vf vg
0.050 1.0300 3 240
0.053665 vf vg
0.055 1.0316 2 964
v f =1.0312 ×10−3 m3 /kg
v g=3 037.692 ×10−3 m 3 /kg
v f =v f + x ( v g−v f ) =[ 1.0312+ .9503 ( 3 037.692−1.0312) ] ×10−3 m3 /kg

v f =2886.77 × 10−3 m 3 /kg

Volume Flow Rate,Q
Q=mf v f =1.8083 kg /s ( 2886.77 ×10−3 m3 /kg )
Q=5.22 m3 /s
From section PSME code
For low pressure exhaust steam,
Using mean velocity,
V =110 m/s

π d2
Q= AV ↔5.22 m 3 /s=110 m/ s ( )4
d=0.2458 m

From Table 7-2, p. 136 (Ref. & Air Conditioning by Stoecker, et. al.)
Thus, use schedule 40, seamless steel pipe of nominal size of 250 mm with
OD = 273.0 mm & ID = 254.5 mm.

Steam Pipes | 133

Actual Area:

π D2 π ( 0.25 4 5 )
A= = =0.05087 m2
4 4
Actual Velocity of Steam:

Q 5.22 m3 /s
V= = =102.615m/ s
A 0.05 087 m 2

Pipe insulation:
Pipe from turbine extraction outlet 6 to heater no. 2:
T c =k m /h
T c = critical thickness
k m = thermal conductivity
h = heat transfer coefficient
Diameter of Pipe:
ID=25 4. 5 mm, OD=273.0 mm=10.748∈¿
Temperature of Steam ¿ 83.117 ℃ =181.6106℉
Ambient air temperature ¿ 27 ℃=80.6 ° F

83.117 +27
T ave = ℃=55.0585 ℃
Use Rockwool insulation to be applied to the pipe from thermal insulation
handbook by Thermal Insulation Association of South Africa (TIASA)
t ,℃ k
55.0585 km
100 0.044
150 0.051
k m=0.0377 W / m−K
Finding for h,
Tf= ° F=131.1053 ° F

Steam Pipes | 134

From Table A-9E, p. 911 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by
Cengel and Cimbala.
@T f =131.1053 ° F

ν=1.988 ×10−4 ft 3 /s
k =0.01 6 BTU /h−ft −R

Coefficient of expansion,
1 1 1
β= = =
T f 131.1053+ 460 R 591.1053 R
Diameter of Grashof and Rayleigh numbers are;

D 3 gβ ∆t ( 10.748/12 ) ( 32.2 ) (1 /5 91.1053 )( 178.896−80.6 )
Gr D = =
ν2 ( 1.988 ×10−4 )

Gr D =50018935.92
RaD =Gr D Pr=50018935.92 ( 0.7214 )
RaD =36083660.37

9 /16 −8/ 27

NuD = 0.60+0.387 RaD 1/ 6
[ ( ) ] }

NuD =41.57


k 0.015 98
h=NuD =41.57 ×5.675 W /m2−K
D 10.748
h=4.214 W /m2 −K

Steam Pipes | 135

k m 0.0377 W /m−K
T c= =
h 4.214 W /m 2−K
T c =8.946 ×10−3 m=8.946 mm

Recommended thickness of insulation from “the thickness of Rockwool

insulation in accordance with BS5422:2009” at a temperature of 83.117 ℃ and a pipe
diameter of 273.0 mm.

Temperature Thickness
83.117 t
100 39
200 65
Insulationthickness =34.6104 mm

J. Pipeline from Turbine Extraction Outlet 7 to Heater No. 1

Pg =26.377 kPa
t g=66.117 ℃
Specific Volume, v e
From Table 2, (Steam Tables by Keenan, et. al.)
P, MPa vf vg
0.026 1.0204 5 980
0.026377 vf vg
0.027 1.0209 5772
−3 3
v f =1.0206 × 10 m /kg
v g=5901.584 × 10−3 m 3 /kg
v g=v f + x ( v g−v f ) =[ 1.0206+.9183 (5901.584−1.0206 ) ] ×10−3 m3 /kg

v f =5419.508 ×10−3 m3 /kg

Volume Flow Rate,Q

Steam Pipes | 136

Q=m g v g =2.8234 kg /s ( 5419.508 ×10−3 m3 /kg )
Q=15.301 m3 /s
From section PSME code
For low pressure exhaust steam,
Using mean velocity,
V =110 m/s
π d2
Q= AV ↔15.301 m3 /s=110 m/s ( )
d=0.4208 m

From Fig A-6 Pipe Standards, p. 665 (PPE by Morse)

Thus, use schedule 40, seamless steel pipe of OD = 457.2 and ID = 428.64
Actual Area (per pipe):
π D 2 π ( 0.42864 )
A= = =0.14430 m 2
4 4
Actual Velocity of Steam (per pipe):
Q 15.301 m3 / s
V= = =106.036 m/s
A 0.14430 m 2

Pipe insulation:
Pipe from turbine extraction outlet 7 to heater no. 1:
T c =k m /h
T c = critical thickness
k m = thermal conductivity
h = heat transfer coefficient

Diameter of Pipe:
ID=428.64 mm, OD=4 57.2mm=18∈¿
Temperature of Steam ¿ 66.117 ℃ =151.0106℉
Ambient air temperature ¿ 27 ℃=80.6 ° F
6 6.117 +27
T ave = ℃=46.559℃

Steam Pipes | 137

Use Rockwool insulation to be applied to the pipe from thermal insulation
handbook by Thermal Insulation Association of South Africa (TIASA)
t ,℃ k
46.559 km
100 0.044
150 0.051
k m=0.03652 W /m−K
Finding for h,
Tf= ° F=115.805 ° F
From Table A-9E, p. 911 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by Cengel
and Cimbala. (next page)
@T f =115.805 ° F

ν=1.899 ×10− 4 ft 3 /s
k =0.01 57 BTU /h−ft −R
Coefficient of expansion,
1 1 1
β= = =
T f 115.805+ 460 R 5 75.805 R

Diameter of Grashof and Rayleigh numbers are;

D 3 gβ ∆t ( 18/12 ) ( 32.2 ) (1 /5 74.912 ) ( 149.223−80.6 )
Gr D = =
ν2 ( 1.894 ×10−4 )

Gr D =184250483.55
RaD =Gr D Pr=184250483.55
( 0.7236 )
RaD =133323649.89
9 /16 −8/ 27

NuD = 0.60+0.387 RaD 1/ 6
[ ( ) ] }

Nu D =61.973
k 0.01 564
h=NuD =61.973 × 5.675W /m2−K
D 18

Steam Pipes | 138

h=3.681W / m2 −K
k m 0.03652W /m−K
T c= =
h 3.681 W /m 2−K
T c =9.921 ×10−3 m=9.921 mm

Recommended thickness of insulation from “the thickness of Rockwool

insulation in accordance with BS5422:2009” at a temperature of 66.117 ℃ and a
pipe diameter of 457.2 mm.
Insulationthickness =32.4499 mm

K. Pipeline from Turbine to Condenser

P40=6.865 kPa
t 40=38.6301 ℃
Specific Volume, v e
From Table 2, (Steam Tables by Keenan, et. al.)
P, MPa vf vg
0.0065 1.0069 22 014
0.006 865 vf vg
0.0070 1.0074 20 530
−3 3
v f =1.0073 ×10 m /kg
v g=20 930.68 ×10−3 m3 /kg
v f =v f + x ( v g−v f ) =[ 1.0073+.8662 ( 20 930.68−1.0073 ) ] × 10−3 m 3 /kg

v f =18130.29 ×10−3 m3 /kg

Volume Flow Rate,Q
Q=m 40 v 40=40.1045 kg /s ( 18130.29 ×10−3 m3 /kg )
Q=727.106 m 3 / s
From section PSME code
For low pressure exhaust steam,
Using mean velocity,
V =110 m/s
π d2
Q= AV ↔727.106 m3 /s=110 m/s ( )4

Steam Pipes | 139


From Fig A-6 Pipe Standards, p. 665 (PPE by Morse)

Thus, use schedule 40, 5 seamless steel pipes of 609.6 mm OD and 574.7 mm
Actual Area (per pipe):
π D2 π ( 0.5 747 )
A= = × 5=1.297 m2
4 4
Actual Velocity of Steam (per pipe):
Q 727.106 m 3 /s
V= = ÷5=112.121 m/s
A 1.297 m 2

Pipe insulation:
Pipe from turbine to condenser:
T c =k m /h

T c = critical thickness
k m = thermal conductivity
h = heat transfer coefficient
Diameter of Pipe:
ID=574.7 mm, OD=609.6 mm=24∈¿
Temperature of Steam ¿ 38 .630℃ =101.534 ℉
Ambient air temperature ¿ 27 ℃=80.6 ° F
T ave = ℃=32.815 ℃
Use Rockwool insulation to be applied to the pipe from thermal insulation
handbook by Thermal Insulation Association of South Africa (TIASA)
t ,℃ k
32.815 km
100 0.044
150 0.051
k m=0.034 59 W /m−K

Steam Pipes | 140

Finding for h,
101. 5 34+80.6
Tf= ° F=91.067 ° F
From Table A-9E, p. 911 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by
Cengel and Cimbala. (next page)
@T f =91.067 ° F
ν=1.759 ×10− 4 ft 3 /s
k =0.01 508 BTU /h−ft−R
Coefficient of expansion,
1 1 1
β= = =
T f 91.067+ 460 R 551.067 R
Diameter of Grashof and Rayleigh numbers are;
D 3 gβ ∆t ( 24/12 ) (32.2 )( 1/55 1.067 ) (101.534−80.6 )
Gr D = =
ν2 ( 1.795× 10−4 )

Gr D =303 713 969.6

RaD =Gr D Pr=303 713 969.6 ( 0.7273 )
RaD =220 891 170.1
9 /16 −8/ 27

NuD = 0.60+0.387 RaD 1/ 6
[ ( ) ] }

NuD =72.485

k 0.01 508
h=NuD =72.485 ×5.675 W /m2−K
D 24
h=3.102W / m2 −K
k m 0.034 59 W /m−K
T c= =
h 3.102 W /m 2−K
T c =11. 15 1×10−3 m=11.1 51 mm

Steam Pipes | 141

Recommended thickness of insulation from “the thickness of Rockwool
insulation in accordance with BS5422:2009” at a temperature of 38.6301 ℃ and a
pipe diameter of 609.6 mm.

Insulationthickness =25.4562mm

L. Pipeline from Evaporator to Condenser

P36=366.778 kPa
t 36=140.531℃
Specific Volume, v36
From Table 1, (Steam Tables by Keenan, et. al.)
t, ℃ v g , ×10−3 m3 /kg
140 508.9
140.531 v33
141 495.6
v36 =5 01.838× 10−3 m 3 /kg
Volume Flow Rate,Q
Q=m36 v 36=0.7733 kg/s ( 5 01.838× 10−3 m3 /kg )
Q=0.388 m3 / s
From section PSME code
For high pressure saturated steam,
Using mean velocity,
V =37.5 m/s
π d2
Q= AV ↔0.388 m 3 /s=37. 5 m/s ( )
d=0.115 m
From Table 7-2, p. 136 (Ref. & Air Conditioning by Stoecker, et. al.)
Thus, use schedule 40, seamless steel pipe of nominal size of 125 mm with
OD = 141.3 mm & ID = 128.2 mm.

Actual Area (per pipe):

π D 2 π ( 0.1282 )
A= = =12.908× 10−3 m2
4 4

Steam Pipes | 142

Actual Velocity of Steam (per pipe):
Q 0.388 m 3 /s
V= = =30.059 m/ s
A 12.908 ×10−3 m 2

Pipe insulation:
Pipe from evaporator to condenser:
T c =k m /h
T c = critical thickness
k m = thermal conductivity
h = heat transfer coefficient
Diameter of Pipe:
ID=128.2mm, OD=141.3 mm=5.563∈¿
Temperature of Steam ¿ 140.531℃ =284.956 ℉
Ambient air temperature ¿ 27 ℃=80.6 ° F
T ave = ℃=83.766 ℃

Use Rockwool insulation to be applied to the pipe from thermal insulation

handbook by Thermal Insulation Association of South Africa (TIASA)
t ,℃ k
100 0.044
140.531 km
150 0.051
k m=0.04 77 W /m−K
Finding for h,
284.956+ 80.6
Tf= ° F=182.778° F
From Table A-9E, p. 911 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by
Cengel and Cimbala. (next page)
@T f =182.778 ° F

ν=2.298 ×10−4 ft 3 /s
k =0.0172 BTU /h−ft −R
Coefficient of expansion,

Steam Pipes | 143

1 1 1
β= = =
T f 182.788+ 460 R 642.778 R

Diameter of Grashof and Rayleigh numbers are;

D 3 gβ ∆t ( 5.563/12 ) ( 32.2 ) (1 /642.778 )( 284.956−80.6 )
Gr D = =
ν2 ( 2.298× 10−4 )

Gr D =19313707.69
RaD =Gr D Pr=19313707.69 ( 0.7145 )
RaD =13799644.14
9 /16 −8/ 27

NuD = 0.60+0.387 RaD 1/ 6
[ ( ) ] }

NuD =31.116
k 0.01717
h=NuD =31.116 ×5.675 W /m2−K
D 4.5
h=6.552W /m2−K
k m 0.04 77 W /m−K
T c= =
h 6.552W /m2−K
T c =7.281 ×10−3 m=7.281mm

Recommended thickness of insulation from “the thickness of Rockwool

insulation in accordance with BS5422:2009” at a temperature of 140.531 ℃ and a
pipe diameter of 141.3 mm.
t, ℃ Thickness
100 35
140.531 t
200 57

Insulationthickness =45.4001 mm

Steam Pipes | 144

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