2020-2 Control de Lectura by Alexandra Russell
2020-2 Control de Lectura by Alexandra Russell
2020-2 Control de Lectura by Alexandra Russell
he following article is based pri- To achieve this standard, a service look at a text. In addition to cor-
such as “teacher training centers at early printing process when every shorter documents, like a one-page
the national level” could be rendered letter or character was a small block press release, this collaborative
more idiomatically as “teaching of metal or wood that had to be lined process may take the form of an
schools throughout the country.” up for each page. A trial sheet or informal exchange with a colleague.
Taking that basic question a step “proof” would be printed and Freelance translators working from
further, ask yourself if the text con- checked against the original for home may want to do likewise.
veys all the necessary information. errors before printing. Even though
Given the target audience, does any- the process is now electronic rather Managing Quality
thing need to be added, deleted, or than mechanical, we still use the term According to the ISO standards
reshuffled to achieve the desired “proofreading” for that final check. for quality management, you need to
effect? For instance, the draft version Here the question is, “Does it “plan and manage the processes nec-
of Box 6 of the Annual Report on look right?” Once the document is essary for the continual improvement
social inclusion originally described laid out in its final format, you may of your quality management system”
publications and meetings before notice a few stylistic inconsisten- (9001:2000). How do we do this as
operations. However, since the main cies, such as capitalization, hyphen- translators? By improving our
concern of our primary readership, ation, and punctuation, that were knowledge, skills, and resources on
the IDB governors, is lending, we overlooked. Proofreaders also check an ongoing basis. Below are some
decided to move the paragraph on the format, including fonts and font suggestions.
operations to the top. sizes, use of italics, and alignment
Internal consistency is another (indents, footnote format). When Keep up-to-date on current events.
factor to bear in mind. For example, proofreading the Annual Report, for Read daily newspapers and other peri-
in the section on poverty reduction, instance, we noticed inconsistencies odicals, particularly journals in our
information on lending had to be in the decimals used in the figures area of expertise. For practical pur-
added so that it would be consistent cited in the project descriptions and poses, it is unrealistic to expect to
with the other sections. Any redun- decided to standardize them to just read an entire newspaper in both your
dant passages were deleted, such as one decimal ($1.9 billion instead of source and target languages. With the
the analysis of current trade negotia- $1.89 billion). overwhelming quantity of informa-
tions in the section on regional trade The pressure to finish intensifies tion available now, focus on your
that had already been included in a at this stage because of time con- target language and on news head-
previous chapter. straints for printing and shipping the lines and your area of expertise. Many
Finally, ask yourself if the infor- document. The 2004 Annual Report, newspapers are available online free
mation provided is accurate. As men- for instance, had to be produced in of charge. Radio and television can
tioned by the New York Times editor, time to be shipped to the site of the also be a good source of news.
the editing process also means fact 2005 IDB Annual Meeting in For example, in editing the finan-
checking (and double-checking). For Okinawa, Japan. That meant cials in the Annual Report, it helped
example, the photograph of the board allowing two weeks for shipment of to be aware of the Enron scandal
of executive directors in the front sec- the book from the United States. fallout, from accounting standards
tion of the Annual Report lists all the Several members of the editing team and financial reporting to the
names and constituencies of the were involved in proofreading, from Sarbanes-Oxley legislation. The
directors. You can be sure this editor the managing editor to the proof- Central American Free Trade Agree-
checked them against their office list- reader, at several stages: the master ment (CAFTA), which was men-
ings numerous times. Special atten- text file, which was also forwarded tioned in the section on regional
tion was also paid to such key figures to IDB management for clearance, integration, had been in the news as
as yearly and cumulative lending. several versions of the laid out text, well. You should also follow your
and the “bluelines” or proofs from inclinations and read about culture,
Proofreading the printer. which in addition to giving you a
As mentioned above, proofreading Each member of the Annual break from drier topics like business
is a final check before publication. Report team contributes towards
The term “proof” dates back to the improving the final product. For Continued on p.37
and economics, enriches your general article lists just a few of the Portuguese:
background and may even come in resources you may need. www.iadb.org/EXR/ar2004/?
handy in your work. language=Portuguese
Take responsibility for your work. A French:
Learn. Of course, professional devel- former supervisor of mine used to urge www.iadb.org/EXR/ar2004/?
opment events such as ATA’s Annual his staff to translate “in self-defense.” language=French
Conference help improve knowledge Imagine being questioned by a client
and skills, giving us a chance to get on your choice of a term or sentence International Organization for
away from our routines and stimulate structure and having to present your Standardization (ISO):
those grey cells. These events also case. Our goal should be to produce www.iso.org
provide an invaluable opportunity to documents we would be proud to have
meet other professionals. our names on. Enlisting a second pair Rodale, J. I. 1986. The Synonym
of eyes will help us get there. Finder. Warner Brothers.
Network. Meeting other linguists can
help do more than find potential References Shipley, David. “What We Talk About
clients. You never know when you Associated Press Stylebook. Perseus When We Talk About Editing.” New
might need to share an urgent assign- Books, 2002. York Times, July 31, 2005.
ment, refer a client looking for
another language combination, ask a Chicago Manual of Style. University Webster’s Third New International
question, or find a reviser or editor. of Chicago Press, 2003. Dictionary. Merriam-Webster, 2002.