Mathematics: 3Rd Edition For The New 2014 Ks3 Programme of Study

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3rd Edition for the new 2014
KS3 Programme of Study

Spring 2
STPMathematics NEW
for the 2014
For the new KS3 curriculum curriculum
Next generation Kerboodle provides a range of
assessment activities and teacher support as well as
Written by a renowned author team, including For a free trial of Kerboodle,
interactive digital versions of the student books which please contact your local
L.Bostock and S.Chandler, the third edition can be used alongside the printed student books educational consultant at:
of our best-selling STP Mathematics series to help develop problem-solving skills and reinforce
provides all the support you need to deliver the learning across Key Stage 3.
2014 Key Stage 3 Programme of Study.
Retaining the series’ trusted authoritative and
Kerboodle is: Author
rigorous approach, the new edition focuses on
developing problem-solving skills to help your l Full of inspiring resources. Ian Bettison
students prepare for the highest achievement
at Key Stage 4. l Compatible with tablets.
l Simple to navigate.
Test Yourself – example
Here’s how STP Mathematics can help: l Customisable and easy to add resources to. interactive activity with automatic
marking and ‘Check answers’
l Complete with lots of support. option for instant feedback
l There’s focus on problem-solving, essential for the new
curriculum and for successful progression to GCSE.
l New content has been added to reflect the new
curriculum, such as the introduction of sets in Book 7.
l Includes mental arithmetic exercises, to cover the new
curriculum emphasis on fluency in arithmetic.
l Introduces real-life problems at the beginning of each
chapter which act as a stimulus for employing click
problem-solving strategies. to open
l Includes thorough explanations followed by worked Order on 30 days’ free
examples with a wealth of carefully graduated inspection.
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l Accompanied by next generation Kerboodle, to order yours.
offering blended digital resources and is available on STP Mathematics Student Book 7
most devices, including iPads. 978 1 4085 2378 0
STP Mathematics Student Book 8
978 1 4085 2379 7
STP Mathematics Student Book 9
978 1 4085 2380 3

About the authors:

Summary Test – example
Sue Chandler Ewart Smith interactive activity to test students’
knowledge of topics from a
Sue Chandler has been involved in mathematics Ewart Smith, formerly lectured in a Technical College
number of chapters at once
education for over thirty years, both as a teacher and and was Head of Mathematics in a Grammar School
as an author of mathematics text books. Together with and a Comprehensive School. He has been writing
many well-reputed authors including Linda Bostock, she mathematics textbooks for more than thirty years and is
has written best-selling mathematics books for secondary the author/co-author of more than one hundred books,
STP Mathematics Kerboodle
schools both in the UK and abroad. which have sold in the UK and throughout the world.

1 2
STPMathematics STPMathematics
Student Book 7 Student Book 8
The new problem-solving approach
A rich task or problem sets
is embedded throughout each chapter
the scene for the topic
5 Sets STP Maths 8 7 Areas of triangles and parallelograms

5 Sets Write each of the following sets as a list of members. 17 18

? 25 a How many parallelograms can be drawn with these
1 {the days of the week} measurements?
9 cm 20 cm
2 {the even numbers between 1 and 11} 72 mm 12 cm b Do all parallelograms with base 10 cm and slant 7 cm
Consider 50 mm height 7 cm have the same area?
3 {the prime numbers between 10 and 20}
Thirty students wrote down what kind of transport they used c What relationship is there between the base and
4 {the multiples of 3 between 1 and 20}
one day to get to school. the height of a parallelogram whose area is 40 cm2? 10 cm
70 mm
5 {the last four letters of the Roman alphabet}
• 15 used a bus. 18 used a car.
• 6 used both a bus and a car. 6 {multiples of 5 between 20 and 50 inclusive} For questions 19 to 22, draw x- and y-axes for values from 4 to 4.
Use 1 square to 1 unit.
? 26 a How many parallelograms can be drawn with
How can you find the number that used neither a bus nor a car? 7 {the prime factors of 70} these measurements?
Draw parallelogram ABCD and find its area in square units. 4 cm
You should be able to solve this problem after you have worked 8 {the square numbers between 1 and 100 inclusive} b Draw two differently-shaped parallelograms
through this chapter. 9 {the triangular numbers between 1 and 50 inclusive} 19 A(2, 0), B(2, 0), C(3, 2), D(1, 2) with these measurements.
c Find the area of each of your parallelograms
10 {the different factors of 12} 8 cm
20 A(2, 2), B(4, 1), C(–1, 1), D(3, 2) and explain your results.
Class discussion 21 A(2, 1), B(2, 4), C(1, 2), D(1, 1)
Finite and infinite sets ? 27 What can you say about the area of each of the shapes shown in
Thirty students were asked if they had a pencil with them. They were then 22 A(2, 0), B(2, 3), C(3, 4), D(3, 1) the diagram? Explain your answer.
asked if they had a pen with them. When we need to refer to a set several times, we can use a capital letter to label that set.
For example
• 25 students said they had a pencil.
A  {months of the year beginning with J}
? 23
• 21 students said they had a pen.
or A  {January, June, July}
These two numbers add up to more than the number of students in the class.
In many cases it is not possible to list all the members of a set. For example, if
Why do you think this is the case?
N  {positive whole numbers}
we can write This is part of Angela’s initial design work for a quilt. Angela
Set notation drew it on 1 cm squared paper.
A set is a clearly defined collection of things that have something in common, for example, N  {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …} The area of a triangle
a Find the area of the green piece of the design.
a set of drawing instruments, a set of books. where the dots show that the list continues indefinitely. We can think of a triangle as half a parallelogram.
b Angela calculates that she will need 250 of these green pieces
Things that belong to a set are called members or elements of a set. These members are N is an example of an infinite set, whereas A is an example of a finite set.
to complete the quilt. Find the area of the completed quilt Area of triangle  _12  area of parallelogram
usually written down separated by commas and enclosed in curly brackets. that will be green.
For example, the set of prime numbers between 0 and 10 can be written as {2, 3, 5, 7}. c The pieces of the patchwork need sewing together. Angela  _12 (base  perpendicular height)
We do not have to list all the members of a set when we can use words to describe them. makes a seam allowance by adding 0.5 cm to the length and
Exercise 5b
For example, instead of {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …, 19, 20} we can write {whole numbers from 1 to 20 perpendicular height of each piece.
inclusive}. Find the area of each green piece that will be cut.
State whether the following sets are finite or infinite. We can also see that if we enclose a triangle in a rectangle
1 A  {vowels of the Roman alphabet} Content, exercises ? 24 a Copy this diagram on 1 cm squared paper. You know how to as shown below, the area of the triangle is half the area

Exercise 5a 2 B  {the factors of 30}

3 C  {even numbers}
and questions have find the area of a parallelogram; use this knowledge to work
out the area of the shaded triangle. Write down, in terms of
of the rectangle, i.e.

4 D  {even numbers between 3 and 9} all been updated in its base and height, how you found this area. Long, differentiated and
Worked example
Write {the prime factors of 30} as a list of members.
5 E  {students taking violin lessons}
6 F  {odd numbers}
line with the changes scaffolded exercises,
30  2  15 7 G  {grains of sand on the Earth} to the curriculum Area of triangle  _12  area of enclosing rectangle
perfect for challenging
Therefore {the prime factors of 30}  {2, 3, 5}
8 H  {multiples of 3}
9 I  {different shapes of triangle}
b Will the expression for the area found in part a work for any
 _12 (base  height of triangle)
higher-ability students
10 J  {different languages spoken in the world}

68 69 142 143

Clearly set out examples and

Chapters start with a class Updated language to help explanations provide constant Sample content
discussion – reinforcing skills students address whole-school reinforcement of key concepts
will need for GCSE and beyond literacy

Contents Contents
Introduction vi 8 More on decimals 119 17 Formulas 300 Introduction vi 8 Scatter graphs 160 Summary 3 348
1 Addition and subtraction 9 Units of length and mass 141 18 Straight line graphs 324 Summary of Year 7 1 9 Circumference and area 18 Volumes 365
of whole numbers 1 1 Working with numbers 20 of a circle 172 19 Enlargement 381
Summary 2 156 Summary 4 333 10 Formulas 190
2 Multiplication and division 2 Probability 41 20 Scale drawing 393
with whole numbers 17 10 Introducing geometry 166 19 Summarising and 11 Reflections, translations
3 Multiplication and division 21 Pythagoras’ theorem 413
3 Collecting and displaying 11 Symmetry 189 comparing data 345 and rotations 207
of fractions 51 Summary 4 435
data 34 12 Triangles and 20 Solids 358
4 Fractions and Summary 2 226
4 Number and patterns 44 quadrilaterals 200 21 Equations 376 Key words 448
percentages 65
13 Probability 226 22 Grouping data 395 12 Linear equations 242 Index 452
Summary 1 61 5 Ratio 90
13 Straight line graphs 266
5 Sets 68 Summary 3 235 Summary 5 407
Summary 1 105 14 Curved graphs 290
6 Parts of a whole 74 14 Area 246 Key words 418
6 Polygons 115 15 Continuous data 302
7 Addition and subtraction 15 Parallel lines 262 Index 423 16 Simultaneous equations 322
7 Areas of triangles and
of fractions and decimals 98 16 Coordinates 282 17 Solving equations 335
parallelograms 138

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? 10 Each rod in an iron railing is a prism with a triangular cross-
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Summary of Years 7 and 8 1
Summary 2 207 18 Problems in three Name:
1 Travel graphs 30 Position:
11 Quadratic equations 219 dimensions 379 Position:
2 Working with numbers 51 Job title:
12 Graphs 235 19 Geometry and proof 390
3 Probability 63
13 Areas and volumes 264 20 Congruent triangles 402 Email*
4 Percentages 82
Summary 4 432 Email:
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6 Algebraic products 128
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