High Risk Pregnancy: Alliah Claire Carnice Baguio
High Risk Pregnancy: Alliah Claire Carnice Baguio
High Risk Pregnancy: Alliah Claire Carnice Baguio
2nd Trimester
with other health care providers
Patient support
Transabdominal Ultrasonography
Biophysical Profile Purposes
Includes 5 components: Viability of fetus
1. Fetal breathing movements Evaluate fetal anatomy
2. Gross body movements AOG
3. Fetal tone Fetal growth
4. Amniotic Fluid Index Biophysical profile
5. NST – reactive
Placental localization
Guide in needle placement procedures
Component Definition
Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS)
Fetal movements 3 body or limb movements
Done between 10-12 weeks AOG
Done by mother
Genetic studies
Count number of times baby
Removal of small amount of tissue from the fetal portion
of the placenta
Normal: At least 10
Percutaneous Blood Sampling
movements in 1 hour
>17 weeks AOG
Abnormal: Count again. If
Withdrawal of blood from umbilicus of fetus
second hour still no
movement- call the doctor. Amniocentesis
Fetal tone One episode of active 15-18 weeks AOG
extension and flexion of the Used with direct ultrasound
limbs; opening and closing of Collects amniotic fluid
hand Less than 1% result in complications
Fetal breathing movement Episode of >= 30 seconds in o Complications include:
30 minutes. Hiccups are Fetal death, miscarriage
considered breathing activity Maternal hemorrhage
Amniotic Fluid volume Single 2cm x 2cm pocket is Infection to fetus
considered adequate Preterm labor
Non-stress test 2 accelerations > 15 beats per Leakage of amniotic fluid
minute of at least 15 seconds Maternal Quadruple Screening
duration 15-20 weeks AOG
Drawn blood from mother
AFI Alpha Fetoprotein (Fetus) , Unconjugate Estriol (Fetus +
Add the largest vertical pocket of AF in the 4 quadrants of Placenta), hCG (Placenta), inhibin A
the gravid uterus inhibin A (associated with down syndrome)
Alliah Claire Carnice Baguio
o Genetic test
o Done with mother’s blood
o Neural tube defect
Amniotic Fluid Index
Polyhydramnios – too much amniotic fluid
Oligohydramnios – too little amniotic fluid
3rd Trimester
Doppler Umbilical Velocimetry (Third Trimester)
Study blood velocity in the fetus and placenta
Done on high risk mothers:
o IUGR- Intraunterine Growth Restri ction
o HTN- Hypertension
o DM- Diabetes Mellitus
o Multiple gestation
Gestational Conditions