Process Control and Instrumentation: B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) Seventh Semester (C.B.S.)
Process Control and Instrumentation: B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) Seventh Semester (C.B.S.)
Process Control and Instrumentation: B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) Seventh Semester (C.B.S.)
Process Control and Instrumentation
P. Pages : 2 NRT/KS/19/3798
Time : Three Hours *0079* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. All questions carry marks as indicated.
2. Diagrams and chemical equations should be given whenever necessary.
3. Illustrate your answers whenever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
4. Use of non programmable calculator is permitted.
5. Attempt any five questions.
1. a) Derive the transfer function for liquid level single tank system. Also determine the transfer 8
function relating head developed in the tank to inlet flow rate for the same system.
b) Define time constant for the control system. Provide the time constant of following 4
1) Mercury thermometer
2) Mixing process
3) Liquid level tank
4) Stirred tank heater
c) A temperature alarm unit exhibit the first order dynamics having time constant 90 second 4
is subjected to 90ºk rise because of fire. The increase of 35ºK is needed to respond the alarm.
Calculate the time needed for signalling the temperature change.
2. a) Derive the response equation for second order control system for unit step change to input 12
variable by considering the damping coefficient less than unity. Also comment on step
response of second order control system for overdamped, underdamped and critically
damped system, with proper response curve.
3. a) A proportional controller is used for two non-interacting liquid level system. The time 8
constants for tanks are 1 and 0.5. The value of gain of controller is 5.0. Assume unity
feedback control system. The set point of the control system is given, step change of
magnitude 0.4. Determine the offset.
b) Prove that the generalized overall transfer function for 'n' number of first order non 8
interacting multicapacity control systems arranged in series is given as
G (s)
G overall (s) = n +1 = G1(s) G 2 (s)........G n +1
4. a) With neat labelled diagram explain the working of electronic PID controller obtain the 8
transfer function for the same.
NRT/KS/19/3798 1 P.T.O
b) Determine the transfer function of a pneumatic control valve. Also extend the derivation if 8
mass of stem of control valve becomes negligible, how the dynamic behaviour of the control
valve changes?
ii) Transducers.
v) DCS control.
b) Explain in detail the laser liquid level indicator with neat sketch. 8
7. a) Determine the overall transfer function C(s) / R(s) for the system as shown in figure. 8
R + + +
G1 G2 G3 G4
b) Derive the transfer function of transportation lag parameter. Why transportation lag is 8
undesirable in chemical process?
8. Provide the direct digital feedback control strategy for control of: 16
a) Distillation column.
b) CSTR for exothermic reaction with neat labelled diagram.
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