Aldueza II, Cecille BSPSYII-Module

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Cecille E.

Aldueza II


Topic I:
a. Pre-Assessment
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.
TRUE 1. The Bible is the Word of God.
FALSE 2. The Bible is written by men alone.
TRUE 3. The Bible is filled with wisdom that teaches us on how to live.
TRUE 4. The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit.
TRUE 5. The Bible is composed of Old Testament and New Testament.

c. Assessment
Write your favorite Bible verse and explain why you like it.
My favorite Bible verse is “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. I love the saying of
“It is better to give than to receive”, it gives me peace and the best feeling of being human and
child of God. I do this every single day even it is small thing. Giving the things or anything that I
have to others makes myself happy and blessed.


a. Pre-Assessment
Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided.
46 1. How many books composed the Old Testament?
Genesis 2. The first book in the Old Testament
Pentaeuch 3. It refers to first “five books” in the Bible.
Hebrew 4. The language used in the Old Testament
I am who Am 5. The meaning of YHWH in the Old Testament

c. Assessment
Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.
FALSE1. The formation of the Old Testament was easy.
FALSE2. The books in the Old Testament were written by a single author.
TRUE 3. There was a discrepancy on the number of books in the Old Testament
between Catholic and Protestant.
FALSE 4. The book of Genesis was written by Adam and Eve.
TRUE 5. The oral traditions preserved the history of the people in the Old Testament


a. Pre-Assessment
Identify the following books. Write your answer on the space provided.
Deuteronomy1. Dt Wisdom 6. Wis
Ruth 2. Ru Judith 7. Jdt
Ecclesiastes 3. Eccl Leviticus 8. Lv
Amos 4. Am Maccabees 9 Mc
Malachi 5. Mal Ezekiel 10 Ez

c. Assessment
Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided.
46 1. The complete number of books of the Old Testament
Pentateuch 2. It comprises the first five books in the Old Testament.
Joshua 3. The successor of Moses who reached the Promised Land
Canaan 4. The Promised Land of God to the Israelites
Joshua 5. The military leader who led the Israelites into the Promised Land
Saul 6. The first king of the Israelites whom Samuel anointed with the
blessing of God
David 7. The founder of worship in Jerusalem
Solomon 8. The builder of the Temple
Book of Job9. This book teaches the important lesson “that God’s ways are not
our ways.”
4 10. The total number of the Major Prophets
a. Pre-Assessment
Identify the following statement.
27 1. How many books composed the New Testament?
Catechesis 2. It is the process of systematic education in the faith for young
people and adults with the view of making them disciples of Jesus Christ.
Liturgy 3. It pertains to the worship of the Christians.
Kerygma 4. It pertains to the preaching to the unbelievers.
Gospel 5. It is the heart of the Bible.

Answer the following questions.
1. Why are the Gospels at the heart of the Bible?
The Gospels are the heart of the Bible because they contain Jesus’ principal teachings and
information about him. There were three stages involved in the formation of the Gospels. First
stage is the time of Jesus’ own life, second stage is the years after He returned to Heaven when
the Apostles and early disciples of Jesus orally preached the Good News, and the last is the
actual writing of the Gospels.
2. Differentiate the Gospel accounts about Jesus.
All four Gospel accounts tell of the Good News God accomplished for us in his Son,
Jesus Christ, but each Gospel has its own way of telling the story.

For the Gospel of Mark stresses Jesus’ deeds. He also highlights Jesus as a Suffering Messiah,
one who freely gave his life for us.

For the Gospel of Matthew emphasizes Jesus as a Teacher who perfectly fulfilled the Jewish
prophecies made about him.

For the Gospel of Luke presents Jesus as a Savior for all people, a merciful and compassionate
Lord who has a special place for the poor and neglected.

For the Gospel of John portrays a majestic, divine Jesus, the Word of God who proclaims the
truth that brings life.
a. Pre-Assessment
Write the total number of books on the space provided.
1. Gospels 4
2. Acts of the Apostles 1
3. Pauline Letters 13
4. The Letter to the Hebrews 1
5. Catholic Epistles 7
6. Revelation 1

c. Assessment
Write your reflection on the space provided. “What is your favorite Gospel? Why?”
My favorite gospel is Mark because he stresses Jesus’ deeds and he also highlights Jesus
as a Suffering Messiah, one who freely gave his life for us. Gospel of Mark shows the goodness
of Jesus just to show how Jesus loves us. Jesus gave his life for us, sinners. This gospel spreads
how loving Jesus saved our life.

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