Hy-Gain 2010 Catalog PDF
Hy-Gain 2010 Catalog PDF
Hy-Gain 2010 Catalog PDF
rotator in the world! $ 95 arrays up to 20 sq. ft. wind load. arrays up to 8.5 CD-45II
For medium com-
munications arrays
Available with DCU-1 Pathfinder
digital control (T2XD) or stan-
sq. feet mounted $
inside tower or 5 449 95
up to 15 square feet wind load dard analog control box (T2X) sq. ft. with mast
area. New 5-second brake delay! with new 5-second brake delay adapter. Low temperature
New Test/Calibrate function. and new Test/Calibrate function. grease good to -30 F
New low temperature grease Low temperature grease, degrees. New Test/Calibrate
permits normal operation alloy ring gear, indi- function. Bell
down to -30 degrees F. cator potentiometer, rotator design
New alloy ring gear ferrite beads on gives total
gives extra strength up potentiometer weather pro-
to 100,000 PSI for maximum reliability. wires, new weather- tection, dual 58
New indicator potentiometer. New ferrite proof AMP connectors plus T-2X ball bearing race gives proven support. Die-
beads reduce RF susceptibility. New Cinch
plug plus 8-pin plug at control box. Dual
8-pin plug at control box,
triple bearing race with 138
$ 95
799 cast ring gear, stamped steel gear drive,
heavy duty, trouble free gear train, North
98 ball bearing race for load bearing ball bearings for large load T-2XD center scale, lighted directional indicator,
strength and electric locking steel wedge
brake prevents wind induced antenna move-
bearing strength, electric lock- $
ing steel wedge brake, North with DCU-1 1229
95 8-pin plug/socket on control unit, snap-
action control switches, low voltage con-
ment. North or South center of rotation or South center of rotation trol, safe operation, takes maximum mast
scale on meter, low voltage control, max scale on meter, low voltage control, 21/16 size to 21/16 inches. MSLD light duty lower
mast size of 21/16 inches. inch max. mast. mast support included.
HAM IV and HAM V Rotator Specifications TAILTWISTER Rotator Specifications CD-45II Rotator Specifications
Wind Load capacity (inside tower) 15 square feet Wind load capacity (inside tower) 20 square feet Wind load capacity (inside tower) 8.5 square feet
Wind Load (w/mast adapter) 7.5 square feet Wind Load (w/ mast adapter) 10 square feet Wind Load (w/ mast adapter) 5.0 square feet
Turning Power 800 in.-lbs. Turning Power 1000 in.-lbs. Turning Power 600 in.-lbs.
Brake Power 5000 in.-lbs. Brake Power 9000 in.-lbs. Brake Power 800 in.-lbs.
Brake Construction Electric Wedge Brake Construction Electric Wedge Brake Construction Disc Brake
Bearing Assembly dual race/98 ball bearings Bearing Assembly Triple race/138 ball brngs Bearing Assembly Dual race/48 ball brings
Mounting Hardware Clamp plate/steel U-bolts Mounting Hardware Clamp plate/steel U-bolts Mounting Hardware Clamp plate/steel U-bolts
Control Cable Conductors 8 Control Cable Conductors 8 Control Cable Conductors 8
Shipping Weight 26 lbs. Shipping Weight 31 lbs. Shipping Weight 22 lbs.
Effective Moment (in tower) 2800 ft.-lbs. Effective Moment (in tower) 3400 ft.-lbs. Effective Moment (in tower) 1200 ft.-lbs.
HF BEAMS . . .
. . . are stronger, lighter, have less wind surface and last years
TH-7DX, $869.95.
115995 7-element, 1.5 kW PEP, 10,15,20 Meters
11-Elements, 4.0 kW PEP, 7-Elements gives you the highest average gain of any
10, 12, 15, 17, 20 Meters Hy-Gain tri-bander! Dual driven for broadband operation
without compromising gain. SWR less than 2:1 on all bands.
Combined monoband and trapped parasitic elements give
you an excellent F/B ratio. Hy-Gain’s diecast aluminum,
rugged boom-to-mast clamp, heavy gauge element-to-boom
brackets, BN-86 balun. For high power, use BN-4000.
TH-5MK2, $759.95.
5-element, 1.5 kW PEP, 10,15,20 Meters
The broadband five element TH5-MK2 gives you out-
standing gain. Separate air dielectric Hy-Q traps let you
adjust for maximum F/B ratio on each band. Has Hy-
Gain’s exclusive BetaMATCHTM, stainless steel hardware
and compression clamps and BN-86 balun.
TH-3MK4, $469.95.
3-element, 1.5 kW PEP, 10,15,20 Meters
The super popular TH-3MK4 gives you the most gain
for your money in a full-power, full-size durable Hy-Gain
tri-bander! Impressive average gain and whopping aver-
age front-to-back ratio. Handles 1.5 kW PEP. 95 MPH
wind survival. Fits on average lot -- turning radius is just
15.3 feet. 4-piece boom is ideal for DXpeditions. Choose
CD-45II or HAM-IV rotator. Hy-Gain BetaMatchTM for
DC ground, full power Hy-QTM traps, rugged boom-to-
TH-11DX, $1159.95. 11-element, 4.0 kW PEP, 10,12,15,17,20M mast bracket and mounts on standard 2”O.D. mast.
The choice of top DXers. With 11-elements, excellent gain and 5-bands, Stainless steel hardware. BN-86 balun recommended.
the super rugged TH-11DX is the “Big Daddy”of all HF beams! Handles 2000 TH-2MK3, $369.95.
Watts continuous, 4000 Watts PEP. 2-element, 1.5 kW PEP, 10,15,20 Meters
Every part is selected for durability and ruggedness for years of trouble- The 2-element TH-2MK3 is Hy-Gain’s most economical
free service. Features a low loss log-periodic driven array on all bands with full power (1.5kW PEP) full size tri-bander. Increase your
monoband reflectors, BN-4000 high power balun, corrosion resistant wire effective radiated power and hear far better! Ruggedly
boom support, hot dipped gal-vanized and stainless steel parts. constructed, top-performing, compact 6 foot boom, tight
Stainless steel hardware and clamps are used on all electrical connections. 14.3 foot turning radius. Installs almost anywhere.
Rotate with CD-45II or HAM-IV. Use BN-86 balun.
Compact 3-element EXP-14, $599.95.
4-element, 1.5 kW PEP, 10,15,20 Meters
10, 15, 20 Meter Tri-Bander Revolutionary 4-element compact tri-bander can add
For limited space . . . Installs anywhere . . . 14.75 ft turning 40 or 30 Meters! 14 foot boom and tight 17.25 feet turning
radius . . . weighs 21 lbs . . . Rotate with CD-45II, HAM-IV radius. Fits on roof tri-pod, mast or medium duty tower.
Hy-Gain’s patented broadbanding ParaSleeve gives you
TH-3JRS, $359.95. less than 2:1 VSWR. 1.5kW PEP. BetaMATCHTM pro-
Hy-Gain’s most popular 3-ele- vides DC ground to eliminate static. Has BN-86 balun.
ment 10, 15, 20 Meter tri-bander QK-710, $179.95. 30/40 Meter option kit for EXP-14.
fits on most lots! DB-1015, $449.95.
Same top performance as the 7-element, 1.5 kW PEP, 10 & 15 Meters
full power TH3MK4 in a compact This dual band beam for 10 and 15 Meters incorpo-
600 watt PEP design. rates Hy-Gain’s superior mechanical design and has been
Excellent gain and F/B ratio let computer optimized and range-tested for max perform-
you compete with the “big guns”. ance. DB-1015 features a 14 foot boom in 4 sections.
Tooled manufacturing gives you Handles full legal power and has Hy-Gain’s rugged
Hy-Gain durability with 80 MPH boom-to-mast clamp. DB-1217, $449.95. Similar to DB-
Fits on light tower, suitable guyed wind survival.
TV pole, or roof tri-pod. 1015, but is dual band coverage for 12 and 17 Meters.
Model No. of avg gain avg F/B MaxPwr Bands Wind Wind (mph) Boom Longest Turning Weight Mast dia Recom. Retail
No. elements dBi gain watts PEP Covered sq.ft. area Survival (feet) Elem. (ft) radius(ft) (lbs.) O.D.(in.) Rotator Price
TH-11DX 11 8.4 22 4000 10,12,15,17,20 12.5 100 24 37 22 88 1.9-2.5 T2X $1159.95
TH-7DX 7 8.77 21 1500 10, 15, 20 9.4 100 24 31 20 75 1.5-2.5 HAM-IV $869.95
TH-5MK2 5 8.3 20 1500 10, 15, 20 7.4 100 19 31.5 18.42 57 1.5-2.5 HAM-IV $759.95
TH-3MK4 3 8.0 25 1500 10, 15, 20 4.6 95 14 27.42 15.33 35 1.9-2.5 CD-45II $469.95
TH-3JRS 3 8.0 25 600 10, 15, 20 3.35 80 12 27.25 14.75 21 1.25-2.0 CD-45II $359.95
TH-2MK3 2 5.6 15-20 1500 10, 15, 20 3.25 80 6 27.3 14.25 20 1.9-2.5 CD-45II $359.95
EXP-14 4 8.1 25 1500 opt.
10,15,20 30/40 7.5 100 14 31.5 17.25 45 1.9-2.5 HAM IV $599.95
DB-1015 7 9.8 22 1500 10, 15 6.7 115 14 29.5 16.3 40 1.5-2.5 HAM IV $449.95
DB-1217 7 9.8 22 1500 12, 17 6.7 115 14 29.5 16.3 40 1.5-2.5 HAM IV $449.95
82 www.hy-gain.com • Toll-free 1-800-973-6572
MFJCatP83_2010.qxd 8/12/2009 10:58 AM Page 1
Model # Gain (dBi) F/B Max Max Power Boom Size element size turn Radius Mast diam. Surface Wind
LJ-105CA 10.8 dBi 36 dB 1500 W PEP 24 feet 18 feet 15 feet 1.9-2.5 in. 3.9 sq. feet 100 m.p.h.
LJ-155CA 9.8 dBi 25 dB 1500 W PEP 26 feet 25 feet 17 feet, 6 in. 1.9-2.5 in. 5.2 sq. feet 88 m.p.h.
LJ-205CA 8.7 dBi 30 dB 1500 W PEP 34 feet 36 feet 25 feet 1.9-2.5 in. 9.0 sq. feet 99 m.p.h.
LJ-204BA 8.2 dBi 28 dB 1500 W PEP 26 feet 36 feet, 6 in. 22 feet, 6 in. 1.9-2.5 in. 7.3 sq. feet 100 m.p.h.
LJ-103BA 7.9 dBi 24 dB 1500 W PEP 8 feet 18 feet, 7 in. 10 feet, 2 in. 1.625-2.0 in. 2 sq. feet 107 m.p.h.
LJ-153BA 7.9 dBi 25 dB 1500 W PEP 12 feet 24 feet, 11” 14 feet, 3 in. 1.9-2.5 in. 3 sq. feet 80 m.p.h.
LJ-203BA 7.3 dBi 23 dB 1500 W PEP 16 feet, 6 in. 37 feet 20 feet 1.9-2.5 in. 5.4 sq. feet 80 m.p.h.
$ 95 Ground Plane for two meters is
omni-directional and tunable from 6-Meter DX Beam Antennas
142-185 MHz. It delivers an omni- VB-66DX The VB-64DX
142-185directional gain of 3.2 dBi. Handles $ 95
MHz and VB-66DX
100 Watts. Measures 4 feet, max feature a con-
mast mount accepted is 1.625 in O.D. Wind Covers
50-54 MHz cept in beam
area is .30 sq. ft. construction
GPG-1B GPG-1B is a 1/4 Wavelength
that provides actual delivered per-
39 95 ground plane similar to the GPG-
formance equalling maximum theo-
Covers 2B. It has unity gain, covers 144- retical gain. The 4-element VB-
144-148 148 MHz. VB-64DX
64DX generates an impressive 10.4
GPG-1, $39.95, is similar to GPG-
MHz $ 95 dBi gain and the 6-element VB-
1B, but covers162-174 MHz. 66DX increases the gain to an
Oscar Link 435 MHz • 145.9 MHz 50-54 MHz unprecedented 12.5 dBi.
Hy-Gain’s Oscar Link antennas Model# Frequenc Gain dBi Pwr Input wind area #Element Boom Weight
UB-7031DX 420-438 19.8 dBi 2 kW PEP 1.9 sq. ft. 31 24.06 ft. 9.25 lbs.
are complete with the necessary
phasing lines, relays and hard- VB-215DX 144-146 16.4 dBi 2 kW PEP 2.75 sq. ft. 15 27.88 ft. 13.56 lbs.
ware. Left and right circularity VB-64DX 50-54 10.4 dBi 500 Watts 1.1 sq. ft. 4 12 ft. 10 lbs.
switching reduces fading. True VB-66DX 50-54 12.5 dBi 1.5kWPEP 1.8 sq. ft. 6 24.575 ft. 17 lbs.
RF switching elements are rated
VB-216SAT UB-7030SAT FB-217SAT
at 200 Watts and improved VSWR VHF/UHF DX Beam Antennas
22995 $22995 $11995 for higher efficiency. Feed points
are encapsulated, weather pro- VB-215DX Hy-Gain’s DX-Series
22995 VHF/UHF
Covers Covers Crossboom
144-148 MHz 432-438 MHz Assembly only
tected for long life. The fiber- $ Beams are
glass crossboom maintains the integrity of the circularity pattern. based on the DL6WU
Covers element length and spac-
DB-218SAT, $559.95. The complete 2 Meter/ 440 MHz Oscar 144-146 MHz ing and were further
Link antenna system with crossboom assembly with necessary
phasing lines, relays and hardware. refined on Hy-Gain’s antenna test range
and by computer modeling. Both beams feature encapsulated
Model# F/B ratio Gain dBi Pwr Input # Element Boom Wind Weight weatherproof feedpoints with type N connectors for excellent
VB-216SAT 25 dB 13.7 dBi 200 W PEP 16 168.75 in. 1.1 sq. ft. 7 lbs. VSWR and power handling. High quality mechanical construction
VB-7030SAT 25 dB 16.2 dBi 200 W PEP 30 134 inches .7 sq. ft. 4 lbs.
is assured by heavy wall booms and boom supports made of 6063-
T832 aluminum tubing, stainless steel hardware, UV stabilized
84 www.hy-gain.com thick-shoulder element insulators and PTFE coaxial baluns.
MFJCatP85_2010.qxd 8/12/2009 9:30 AM Page 1
DX-77A, $44995
AV-18HT $94995
ic band-switching (except AV-18VS) and include a 12-inch heavy duty mast support
bracket (except AV-18HT). Heavy duty, slotted, tapered swaged, aircraft quality alu-
minum tubing with full circumference compression clamps is used for radiators.
Includes all stainless steel hardware. Recessed SO-239 prevents moisture damage.
AV-14AVQ $16995
AV-12AVQ $12495
DX-88, $36995
Hy-gain verticals go up easily with just hand tools and their cost is surprisingly
AV-18AVQII $22995
Model # Price Bands Max Power Height Weight Wind Surv. Rec. Mast
Hy-Gain(R) Guy-Wire Gripper AV-18HT $949.95 10,15,20,40,80 1500 W PEP 53 feet 114 pounds 75 MPH ------
Hy-gain’s Guy-Wire Gripper AV-14AVQ $169.95 10,15,20,40 1500 W PEP 18 feet 9 pounds 80 MPH 1.5-1.625”
turns the horrendous job of tight-
AV-12AVQ $124.95 10/15/20 M 1500 W PEP 13 feet 9 pounds 80 MPH 1.5-1.625”
ening guy wires into a easy one
AV-18VS $99.95 10 - 80 M 1500 W PEP 18 feet 4 pounds 80 MPH 1.5-1.625”
man operation. This wonder tool GWH-1
DX-88 $369.95 10 - 80 M 1500 W PEP 25 feet 18 pounds 75 mph no guy 1.5-1.625”
works together with a “come-a-long” $ 95 DX-77A $449.95 10 - 40 M 1500 W PEP 29 feet 25 pounds 60 mph no guy 1.5-1.625”
cable puller to hold/stretch guy wire or
cable. Spring loaded for easy opera- AV-18AVQII $229.95 10,15,20,40,80 1500WPEP 18 feet 12 pounds 70 mph guy 1.5-1.625”
tion. Use for guy wire or cable up to 1/4” diameter. Hy-Gain . . . Antennas, Rotators and Towers! 85
MFJCatP86_2010.qxd 8/12/2009 9:27 AM Page 1
6 bands: 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 6 M
Ohm ferrite Beam current balun is Matching
balun. Useable potted to seal out $
from 3-30 MHz. moisture. Rated at Suggested Retail
Rated at 1500 W. 4000 Watts for
Rec-ommended increased power han-
for all HF Yagi 4000 W dling capabilities.
antennas. It pro- Range is 1 MHz to 54 MHz. SO-239
vides improved connector. BN-4000D, $109.95.
front-to-back ratio. Comes w/clamp to dipoles. BN-4000N, $119.95. “N”
bolt to boom, SO-239 connector. connector.
Hy-gain Antenna Feedpoint Pig Tail Cable
Hy-gain’s Antenna Feedpoint Pig Tail cable has 2-foot length
for connecting between antenna and your coaxial feedline. MULTIBAND DIPOLE ANTEN-
Has SO-239 connector on one end and 2 (#10) ring terminals C-1, $29.95.
on the other end. Provides an easy and reliable connection for Center Insulator
your feedline with PL-259 connector to your antenna feed point. for multiband
Use this for Hy-gain VB series beams and other antennas dipole antenna.
without an SO-239 connector feed point. E-1, $6.95. C-1C, $29.95.
Similar to C-1, but has
HF Multiband Hy-Q trap DOUBLETS 7-inch End
Insulator for SO-239
DP-2BDQ, $139.95. 40/80 Meters, 101 feet maximum Multiband doublet antenna. Set of 2. antenna connector.
length of dipole.
DP-5BDQ, $259.95. 10-80 Meters, 94 ft. max length. 4 Foot Hy-Gain Glazed
DP-2BDQ and DP-5BDQ are designed for horizontal or Ground Rod Ceramic Insulator
inverted “V” rated at legal power. Each individually pretuned GR-1 Durable E-2 E-26
matched traps for each band. 50-Ohm feed, cable not incl. 895 four foot cop-
79c $
per bonded
Code B steel earth each 6-Pack
Ship Code A Ship Code A
ground rod is a tough
3/8 in. diameter. Extra-strong --
Sharp point makes it will not break, arc
easy to insert ground. over or melt even
DP-19PD, $279.95. 1.8-30 MHz, 160-10 Meters. Great for field day, camping or any- Helps bleed off static, under full legal
time. Braided nylon wire rope with conductors woven in. Pre-marked frequencies RFI and prevent RF power. Molded
for easy installation. Includes 100 foot support rope on each end and SO-239 (UHF) hot spots. Use several ridges give extra-long
connector is on center insulator. to form a good RF path to prevent high-
voltage breakdown.
86 www.hy-gain.com • Toll-free 1-800-973-6572 ground for long wires.
MFJCatP87_2010.qxd 8/17/2009 3:09 PM Page 1
B. 466221, $1.59 ea. Trap caps for Hy-gain TH-3Jr. traps. 872223 $6.60 Stainless steel screws, nuts and washers for 1 set of element-to-boom clamp
Hy-gain Vertical Antenna Mounting Hardware Hy-Gain Tower Bases Arrowpoint Anchor
A. 463011, $14.00, Base tube insulator, fits 11/4” OD tube. Six 5/16” Specially designed APA-3, $14.95. Hy-
mounting holes. Super strong, made of fiberglass filled ABS. Used for Hy-gain crank- gain’s Arrow Point APA-3