IFRS 15 Revenue From Contracts With Customers - Summary: Silvia
IFRS 15 Revenue From Contracts With Customers - Summary: Silvia
IFRS 15 Revenue From Contracts With Customers - Summary: Silvia
Customers – Summary
by Silvia
In the past few years, the revenue recognition rules changed dramatically with
introduction of the new standard IFRS 15.
All affected companies face a lot of challenges and work related to the proper
implementation of the new standard.
I have written 2 articles about the new rules in the past, namely:
In today’s article, I’d like to point out the main rules and principles of IFRS 15.
the nature;
the amount;
the timing; and
the uncertainty
Let me stress “a customer” here. If you have a contract with party other than a
customer, then IFRS 15 does not apply.
Sometimes, it’s quite difficult to determine whether you deal with a customer or simply
with a collaborating party (e.g. some mutual development projects with other entities),
therefore take care!
Also, be aware that there are some exclusions from IFRS 15, namely:
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5 steps to recognize revenue under IFRS 15
The main aim of IFRS 15 is to recognize revenue in a way that shows the transfer of
goods/services promised to customers in an amount reflecting the expected
consideration in return for those goods or services.
It seems understandable and very easy at first sight, and it truly is in many cases. So
why is IFRS 15 so extensive?
Well, because many situations are not straightforward and entities recognize revenues
differently in these cases, for example:
To make it systematic, IFRS 15 requires application of 5 step model for revenue
You need to apply IFRS 15 to all contracts that have the following 5 attributes (IFRS
So, if the contract does not meet all 5 criteria, then you don’t apply IFRS 15, but some
other standard.
Contract combination happens when you need to account for two or more contract as
for 1 contract and not separately. IFRS 15 sets the criteria for combined accounting.
Contract modification is the change in the contract’s scope, price or both. In other
words, when you add certain goods or services, or you provide some additional
discount, you are effectively dealing with the contract modification.
Let me say that this is extremely important and you must do it right.
The reason is that in further steps, you will account for distinct performance obligations
and their revenues separately, in line with their allocated transaction price, and if you
fail in the correct identification of distinct performance obligations, then the whole
contract accounting will be wrong.
I say more about that in my IFRS Kit, so check it out if you need.
Let me also add that the performance obligations can be both explicit (e.g. written in the
contract) and implicit (e.g. implied by some customary practices).
That’t the definition from the standard and in other words, it’s what you expect to
receive from your customer in return for your supplies.
Attention – it’s NOT always the price set in the contract. It is you expectation of what
your receive.
First, you need to take the price stated in the contract as some basis (if applicable).
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Then, you need to take some items into account, such as:
The general rule is to do it based on their relative stand-alone selling prices, but there
are 2 exceptions when you allocate in a different way:
A stand-alone selling price is a price at which an entity would sell a promised good or a
service separately to the customer (not in the bundle).
The best way to determine a stand-alone selling price is simply to take observable
selling prices and if these are not available, then you need to estimate them. IFRS 15
suggest a few methods for estimating stand-alone selling prices, such as adjusted market
assessment approach, etc.
If this seems to theoretical, let me point you to this article. It illustrates all steps on a
very simple telecom example.
Over time – in this case, control is passed to the customer over some period of
time (e.g. contract term); or
At the point of time – in this case, control is retained by the supplier until it is
transferred at some moment.
IFRS 15 sets a few criteria when you should recognize revenue over time. In all other
cases, revenue is recognized at the point of time.
You can read more about it in this article, or learn it in details in my IFRS Kit.
Except for these 5 steps, IFRS 15 arranges a few other areas, such as…
Contract costs
IFRS 15 provides a guidance about two types of costs related to the contract:
As the requirements of IFRS 15 are very extensive and demanding, IFRS 15 permits 2
methods of adoption:
IFRS 15 also prescribes some presentation rules, necessary disclosures and provides
further guidance in the specific circumstances in the implementation guidance.