Niklas Fiedler Hamburg Bit-Bots Department of Informatics University of Hamburg Export Format
Niklas Fiedler Hamburg Bit-Bots Department of Informatics University of Hamburg Export Format
Niklas Fiedler Hamburg Bit-Bots Department of Informatics University of Hamburg Export Format
Image Labeling
Figure 3: In the team view, the image sets and members are listed
with the option to add team members and create new image sets.
[1] Daniel Speck. Ball localization for robocup soccer using convolu-
Figure 4: The image set management view showing the content of the tional neural networks, 2016.
image set, status information, a download script, an editor for meta
data and an upload area. Acknowledgments.
Labels can be verified by users to increase the Thanks to the RoboCup team Hamburg Bit-Bots. Thanks to the Server
AG and thanks to Marc Bestmann, Rebecca Glaser, Jonas Hagge,
confidence in them. While manually created la- Jennifer Meyer, Daniel Speck and Pascal Wichmann for their
bels get verified by their creator or last editor cooperation and help.
by default, the automatically created labels are
unverified on creation. These labels need to get
Figure 2: The image set management view showing the list of pictures verified by a user. The amount of verifications
included in the image set, status information, a download script, an can be used to filter the labels.
editor for meta data and an upload area.