Pooja Paddhati
Pooja Paddhati
Pooja Paddhati
The pancharathra is the source for the puja for prathimas. Jagad Guru Sri Madhvacharya in his work
Tantrasara sangraha has given detailed guidelines in 442 shlokas, for performance of devapuja by
individuals dailly at home as well as the procedure for installing a deity in a temple & its puja
procedure. Sri Jayatheertha (Teekacharya) has in a brief 126 shlokas of his work "PADHYAMALA"
described the procedure for devapuja with emphasis on our mental attitude & intense involvement in
the ritual. It is the duty for everyone to perform devapuja dailly without fail. Devapuja consists of
two types. One is puja for a Prathima (Idol) with the parivara devathas (to whom proper importance
according to the taratamya (gradations) in the hierarchy of devathas as elucidated by Sri Madhva has
to be accorded) which requires very great sanctity to the observed & elaborate procedure. The other
is Saligrama pooja. The deva puja is being performed with vedic manthras. It has to be realized that
during the earlier yugas, all men were able to learn all the vedas & remember them, but during course
of time human beings began losing their earlier mental capacities & hence our sages ordained that
each family should master atleast one veda. Even this had become beyond the capacity of man &
hence during the lifetime of man, 40 rituals were ordained to be performed from birth to death. The
vedic manthras had been voven into these rituals, so that, it would be possible for one to chant these
manthras (in reality atleast hear these manthras chanted) during one's lifetime. Amongst these
manthras, the most important & potent manthras are included in the Sandhyavandanam & the Deva
puja. It is therefore essential that brahmacharis & grahasthas do these two important rituals
Further the following upacharas are also to be offered. These are described as Rajopacharas (Royal
1. Saligrama,
2. Prathima of Vishnu, Sridevi & Bhudevi (or Sri Rama, Sita, Sri
Vittala Rakumai, Sri Lakshmi Narasimha or any other form of Vishnu as per
the family tradition) Hanuman, Garuda, Shesha.
3. Sampushta for keeping the Saligrama
4. Abhisheka plate (Somasuthra Pathra) carved with Chakrabja Mandala
(Vijayadasara suladhi).
5. Small 3 legged stand to keep the Abhisheka.
6. Two Kalasa i.e. vessel to store Abhisheka water
7. Shankha for performing Abhisheka
8. Two lamps
9. Gante with the figure of Hanuman
10. Two thertha pathras
11. Small receptacle having three containers to keep Sandal paste, Akshatha
& Charcoal (Angara)
12. Container for Keeping Kumkum, Haldi, Manthrakshatha
13. Sandalwood piece with grinding stone, Thulasi Kashta, Haldi finger or
stump, Dried plantain flower leaves.
14. Plate to keep Thulasi leaves & flowers
15. Plate to keep Thambula, Coconut & prasada
16. Two Aarathiladles
17. One Dhoopam ladle
18. Krishnaanjana, a wooden box covered with deer skin tokeep the Sampushta
with the Saligrama, the Shankha & the Gante.
1. Raw Camphor
2. Cardomom
3. Saffron
4. Ghee or Gingely oil
5. Cotton wicks for lamps & Aarathi
6. Thulasi can be stored
7. Flowers if available
8. Betal leaves, betal, coconut, fruits or other prasada like sugar candy
9. Napkin to dry the Saligramas after abhisheka
10. Kumkum, Haldi, Manthrakshatha
11. Dasangam (Powder of ten aromatic dried leaves)
NOTE: During Ekadasis, Saka, Dwidala vratas, only Thulasi Kashta should be
used & all aromatic items like saffron, cardamom, cloves should be avoided.
If time permits, Panchamrutha Abhisheka (Optional) maybe performed. Ksheera (Milk) abhisheka
may be performed if desired.
Now pour the water in the snaniya Kalasa into the Shankha & ringing the bell with your left hand
perform Abhisheka to the Lord while chanting the Purusha Suktha manthra. Then do Abhisheka with
the water in the Poorna Kalasa. Then take out the Saligramas & the Prathimas from the Abhisheka
plate one by one & dry them with the special napkin kept for this purpose & place them in
their respective Sampushtas. The Abhisheka water then should be collected into the Theertha pathra.
a. Offer Padhyam & Aachamaniyam from the cups intended for this purpose to the Lord.
b. Vasthram to be offered. (Clothes- generally Phulvasthra (garland of cotton).
c. Aabharana Samarpanam (Jewels)
d. Chakradhi, Dasa Ayudhani Samarpanam (Discus & ten weapons).
e. Yagnyopavitham Samarpanam (Sacred thread)
f. Sandhya Vandhana Arghyam Samarpanam (offer on behalf of Lord Sandhya
Arghyam with Vishnu Gayathri)
g. Chandana Samarpanam (Sandalwood paste)
h. Akshatha Samarpanam
i. Thulasi Pushpa Archana with Kesavadhi 24 nAmavali, Dasavathara Namavali
if time permits 564 Brahma suthra Namavali & Vishnu Sahasra Namavali.
j. Pushpam Samarpanam (Flowers, Flower gardens etc...)
k. Aavarna Devatha puja
l. Dhooparathi (Show incence with ringing of bell
m. Deepaarthi- Thrivarthi (Show lighted lamp with three wicks with ringing
of bell & gong or cymbals- jankati)
14. NEIVEDHYAM: The Dwadasha stothra has to be chanted during the offering
of Neivedhyam.
Note: Only food cooked on charcoal fire observing sanctity should be offered bland food without
prohibited spicings should be offered. Sugarcandy, Raisins, Coconut, milk, curd, ghee, dried fruits may
be used at all times as cooking is not required for these items. During Shaka vratha
periods, the items prohibited shoudl be omitted.
On Ekadashi days, Sugar candy, Raisins, fruits may be used but should be consumed only next day at
the time of pArana.
The items of food intended for neivedhyam should be placed in front of the Lord after drawing a
square on the floor with the letter Om. Sprinkle a few drops of ghee on each of the food items
excepting milk & curd. This is called Abhigaram. Pour pure water in the Shankha adding thulasi
leaves. Close the opening in the Shankha with the right hand & chant the manthra "Om namo
Narayana" 8 times & then chanting the Vishnu Gayathri & the Gayathri manthra sprinkle the shanka
water on the food. Then show the six mudhras. Then chant the manthras of Pariseshanam &
Aaposanam with the chanting of Pranaya, Apanaya, Swaha six manthras & thus requesting the Lord to
partake of the food. Offer water to drink. Then chant the concluding manthras. Offer water to the
Lord to wash His Hands, Mouth, Face, Legs as also for Aachamaniyam. Offer varieties of fruits,
Thamboolam, Dakshina, Chandana. Offer Dhoopaarathi.
MAHA NEERAJANAM: Show a lighted lamp with 5 wicks with ringing of bell & Jankati.
SAMARPANAM: Ending manthra & offering of flowers. Offering of Rajopachara like chathra, Chamara
SANKA BRAMANAM: Pour water in the Shankha with Thulasi leaves & wave it around in front of the
Lord to counter evil eye. This water should be sprinkled on our head & should not be partaken while
taking Theertha. Offer Pradakshana, Namaskaras with Sthothra & Prarthana Manthras. Parivara
Devatha Puja, Ramaa Neivedhyam, Peetha Aavarana Devatha Visarjanam
Putting back the Sampushtas containing the Saligramas & the Prathimas in the Krishnaanjana box,
closing it & replacing it to its pedastral. VAISWADEVAM, SARVA SAMARPANAM.
Chanting the following Vayu manthra open the doors of the puja room Clap
hands three times & enter the puja room with right foot first.
6. Eligibility for performing puje: Chanting of the followign sloka makes us eligible to performthe
puja. The screen between the Lord & us gets removed. Karma Loba & Dhyana Bhanga sins get
Bramhapara Sthothrasya Kanduha Rishihi Viswe deva devatha / Thrishtup Chandhaha/ Pujadhikara
Siddhyarthe jape vinayoga:
Prachethasa Oochuhu:
a. Brahma Param Mune Shrothum Icchamaha Paramam sthavam / Japatha Kanduna Devo
Yenaradhyatha Kesavaha
Request the Lord, to arise & accept our puja or worship & to shower His benign Grace on us, by
chanting the followign manthra:
Kruthanjali puto bhoothwa vinayanath Kandharaha
Yaache Thwaam Deva poojartha Uththishta Thwam Ramaapathe
Chanting the followign Ambruni Suktha Manthra take out the Salagramas from the now open
Sampushta & place them gently on to the Abhisheka plate after removing the old Thulasi leaves,
flowers, Sandal paste etc...
Chant the following manthra requesting Bheemasena to drive out the Kali Purusha (Evil spirits) from
the Salagramas.
Fill the Shankha with pure water & ringing the bell, perform abhisheka to the Salagramas chanting the
following Purusha Suktha Manthra:
Collect the water in the abhisheka plate into two separate cups or vessels.
This is the Nirmalya Theertha.
The Nirmalya Theertha in one vessel should be first offered to Sri Lakshmi
resident in the Shankha, Sri Hanuman, Sri Garuda, Sri Shesha as per the
procedure detailed below then to our saints who Mruthika Brindavana may
happen to be with us.
Perform Abhisheka & offer Nirmalya Theertha to the Mruthika Brindavana of our saints if any with us.
Then we should partake of the Nirmalya theertha by sipping three times & the fourth time, we should
sprinkle it on our head by chanting the following manthra.
The Theertha in the second cup should be used to make paste of Gopichandana for Naama mudhra
application Then all items required for performing the puja should be prepared & collected i.e. Sandal
paste, Akshatha, Gandhodhakam, Thulasi, flowers, Dheepam, Aarathi etc...
Chant the followign manthra praying for the grace of the Lord
Do Pranayama:
a. For Kalasa Puja two Kalasas (vessels) are required. Snaniya kalas
(containing pure water for Abhisheka), Poorna Kalasa (containing
Gandhodhaka water). (Add Thulasi leaves into both kalasas).
Chant the following six manthras with the appropriate gestures using the
fingers of both hands.
THARSHAYA (GARUDA) MUDRHRA: With the hands back to back & the little
fingers interlocked index fingers together & thumbs interlocked, the middle
& ring fingers moving up & down like two wings of a bird.
DHENU MUDHRA: With hands facing upward at an angle, finger tips touching
little fingers touching the opposite ring fingers, & index fingers touching
the opposite middle fingers.
SHANKHA MUDHRA: Holding the left hand thumb in the right har fist, extend
the right hand thumb upwards while the fingers of left hand touch the right
Keeping the arms crossed at the wrists & the little finger & the thumb of
each hand interlocked. While the other fingers are extended outwards.
Dhigbandanartham Gada Mudhraam Pradharsayami
GADHA MUDHRA: Keeping the middle fingers of both hands extended & touching
each other, while the other fingers are kept folded & the hands close to
each other.
Holding the palms togetherupwards in the lotus shape & creating hollow space
in which the thumbs of both hands are kept inside.
Chant the following manthra to invoke the presence of Devathas & Rishis into
the Poorna Kalasa
NOTE: The names of the 100 devathas should now be chanted in the reverse
order from the last to the first & include the name of Sri Lakshminarayana
who resides as antharyami in the devatha Budha Varuna, thus making up 101
which names should be invoked into the Poorna kalasa.
Offer the following 21 upacharas to the dieties present in the two kalasas.
Kalasadwaye aavahitha Devathabhyo namaha
a. Arghym Samarpayami
b. Padhyam Samarpayam
c. Aachamaniyam Samarpayami
d. Madhuparkam Samarpayami
e. Punaraachamaniyam Samarpayami
f. Snaanam Samarpayami
g. vastram Samarpayami
h. Aabharanani Samarpayami
i. Yagnopavitham Samarpayami
g. Aasanam Samarpayami
h. gandhaan Samarpayami
i. AkshathAn Samarpayami
j. Thulasi Pushpani Samarpayami
k. Dhoopamaagrapayami
l. Deepam Darsayami
m. Naivedyam Samarpayami
n. Thamboolam Samarpayami
o. Dhakshina Samarpayami
p. Neerajanam Samarpayami
q. Pradhikshana Namaskaran Samarpayami
r. Manthra Pushpanjalim Samarpayami
Fill the Shanka with pure water & Tulasi leaves & closing the opening in the
Shanka with the right hand chant the following Shanka Gayathri manthra three
Chant the following six manthras with the appropriate gestures using the
fingers of both the hands.
Meditation upon the Devathas, resident in the Shankha offer the following
upacharas to then.
a. Arghym Samarpayami
b. Padhyam Samarpayam
c. Aachamaniyam Samarpayami
d. Madhuparkam Samarpayami
e. Punaraachamaniyam Samarpayami
f. Snaanam Samarpayami
g. vastram Samarpayami
h. Aabharanani Samarpayami
i. Yagnopavitham Samarpayami
g. Aasanam Samarpayami
h. gandhaan Samarpayami
i. AkshathAn Samarpayami
j. Thulasi Pushpani Samarpayami
k. Dhoopamaagrapayami
l. Deepam Darsayami
m. Naivedyam Samarpayami
n. Thamboolam Samarpayami
o. Dhakshina Samarpayami
p. Neerajanam Samarpayami
q. Pradhikshana Namaskaran Samarpayami
r. Manthra Pushpanjalim Samarpayami
Note: The sanctified waer in the shankha should be sprinkled on all pooja
items & also on ourselves.
Fill up a six cups or a single bigger vessel with pure water adding Thulasi
leaves in them for offering Argyam, Paadhyam, Aachamaniyam, Madhuparkam,
Punaraachamaniyam, Snaniyam. Invoke the presence of Lakshmi, Saraswathi,
Rathi, Brahma, Shanthi, Varuna into the cups or the vessel.
16. GHANTA POOJA: Perform pooje to the bell by chanting the following
Perform pooja to the Dhoopa Dheepa ladles by chanting the following manthra.
19. BIMBAMOORTHY DHYANAM: Touching the Salagramas with the right hand,
meditate on the Lord manifest in the Salagramas & also residing in our heart
by chanting the following manthra.
21. SALAGRAMA POOJA: Pray to the Lord requesting Him to graciously arise
for bath.
Om Namo Narayana ||
a. Arghyam Samarpayami: Offer water from 1st of the six cups or the single
vessel to the Lord for Him to wash hands.
b. Padhyam Samarpayami: Offer water from the second of the six cups or the
single vessel to the Lord for Him to wash feet.
c. Aachamaniyam Samarpayami: Offer water three times from the third of the
six cups or the single vessel for Him to sip.
d. MadhuparkaM samarpayami: Offer water from the fourth of the six cups or
the single vessel to the Lord in lieu of fruit juice.
e. PunarAchamanIyam samarpayami- Offer water three times from the fifth of
the six cups or the single vessel to the Lord for Him to sip.
The five amruthas are milk, curd, ghee, honey, Sugar. To this fruits &
coconut water are included.
a. Arghym Samarpayami
b. Padhyam Samarpayam
c. Aachamaniyam Samarpayami
d. Madhuparkam Samarpayami
e. Punaraachamaniyam Samarpayami
f. Snaanam Samarpayami
g. vastram Samarpayami
h. Aabharanani Samarpayami
i. Yagnopavitham Samarpayami
g. Aasanam Samarpayami
h. gandhaan Samarpayami
i. AkshathAn Samarpayami
j. Thulasi Pushpani Samarpayami
k. Dhoopamaagrapayami
l. Deepam Darsayami
m. Naivedyam Samarpayami
n. Thamboolam Samarpayami
o. Dhakshina Samarpayami
p. Neerajanam Samarpayami
q. Pradhikshana Namaskaran Samarpayami
r. Manthra Pushpanjalim Samarpayami
Chant the following Manthra & perform Abhisheka to the Lord with milk.
Shower Thulasi Pushpa on the Lord. Offer Fruit, Neivedhyam & Neerajanam
(Wave lighted wicks or Camphor).
Chanting the following Manthra perform abhisheka to the Lord with Curd.
Shower Thulasi Pushpa on the Lord. Offer Fruit, Neivedhyam & Neerajanam
(Wave lighted wicks or Camphor).
Shower Thulasi Pushpa on the Lord. Offer Fruit, Neivedhyam & Neerajanam
(Wave lighted wicks or Camphor).
Shower Thulasi Pushpa on the Lord. Offer Fruit, Neivedhyam & Neerajanam
(Wave lighted wicks or Camphor).
Shower Thulasi Pushpa on the Lord. Offer Fruit, Neivedhyam & Neerajanam
(Wave lighted wicks or Camphor).
FRUITS & COCONUT WATER ABHISHEKAM: Chanting the following Manthra perform
Abhishekam to the Lord with Fruits & Coconut Water.
Shower Thulasi Pushpa on the Lord. Offer Fruit, Neivedhyam & Neerajanam
(Wave lighted wicks or Camphor).
Fill the Shanka with the sanctified water in the Snaniya Kalasa mentioned in
paragraph 12-i & perform Abhisheka to the Salagramas while ringing the bell
with the left hand, chanting the following Purusha Suktha Manthra, then
perform Abhisheka with the Gandhodhaka water in the Poorna Kalasa mentioned
in para 12-ii.
After the Abhisheka, take the Saligramas & the Prathimas from the Abhishka
plate one by one dry them with the sanctified napkin & place them in the
Samputa. The Abhisheka water should be collected into the theertha
Offer to the Lord water from among the six cups or the single vessel for
washing feet & for aachamanam.
Note: Visualise that Garuda offers Peethambara to the Lord, Sesha offers
seat, Lord Siva offers Kalasa, Manmatha offers Gopichandana, Surya &
Chandra offer Mirror.
Aabharanani Samarpayami. Offer the weapon Discuss (Chakra) & other ten
weapons to the Lord. Offer Manthrakshatha instead.
On behalf of the Lord chanting the following Vishnu Gayathri Manthra offer
Argyam from the conch or Shankha with the water in the six cups or single
vessel three times.
Akshathaan Samarpayami
31. THULASI PUSHPA ARCHANA: Perform Archana to the Lord with Thulasi
leaves & aromatic flowers by chanting the following 24 Kesavadhi namavali &
10 Dasavathara Namavalis.
If time permits, the 564 Bramha Suthra namavalis commencing with "OM ATHATHO
BRAHMA JIGNYASA OM" maybe chanted & archana performed. Also archana may be
performed by chanting the 1000 namavalis of the SRI VISHNU SAHASRANAMA"
commencing with"OM VISWAYA NAMAHA OM"
34. DHOOPARATHI: Place some burnign charcoal on the dhooparathi ladle &
add a spoonful of Dasangam (a mixture of ten aromatic leaves powder).
Chanting the following Manthra wave it three times around the Lord, while
ringing the bell with the left hand.
Dhoopam Aagrapayami
35. DHEEPARATHI: Chanting the following Manthra, wave around the ladle
with three wicks soaked in ghee or gingely oil, duly lighted around in front
of the Lord while ringing the bell with left hand. Cymbols or Jankatti
should be sounded during the Aarathi.
Deepam Dharsayami
Rice, Dhall other food cooked on wood or charcoal ovens only should be
offered for neivedhyam. The food should be bland without onion, garlic,
roots, mashrooms etc.. as also heavy spicing like masala etc.... Further, it
should have cooked observing sanctity (Madi or Sowla). If this is not
possible, fruits, coconut, sugarcandy, Draksha (Raisins), milk, curd, ghee
etc... or any one of them may be offered to the Lord as Neivedhyam. During
the Saka vratha periods, the items prohibited should be omitted.
Fill the Shankha with pure water, add few Tulasi leaves to it, close the
Shankha with the right hand & chant the manthra "Om Namo Narayanaya" eight
times & then chanting the following Vishnu Gayathri Manthra & the Gayathri
Manthra sprinkle the water in the Shankha on the neivedhyams.
THARSHAYA (GARUDA) MUDRHRA: With the hands back to back & the little
fingers interlocked index fingers together & thumbs interlocked, the middle
& ring fingers moving up & down like two wings of a bird.
DHENU MUDHRA: With hands facing upward at an angle, finger tips touching
little fingers touching the opposite ring fingers, & index fingers touching
the opposite middle fingers.
SHANKHA MUDHRA: Holding the left hand thumb in the right har fist, extend
the right hand thumb upwards while the fingers of left hand touch the right
Keeping the arms crossed at the wrists & the little finger & the thumb of
each hand interlocked. While the other fingers are extended outwards.
Witht he thumb extended upwards while the other fingers closed as a fist.
(the gesture used to indicate success i.e. thumbs up sign).
With the fingers of the right hand spread out not touching each other while
the finger ends bent, as if holding a disc.
Then chanting the following manthra sprinkle water around the food
offerings. This is called Pariseshanam
Then chanting the following manthra, take water in the Uddharani (Spoon)
which Sri Lakshmi offers to the Lord & let it into another vessel (pyala).
Then chant the followign manthras offer the food to the Lord by gesture with
intense faith that Lord partakes of the offering.
The Lord has now graciously seated himself to partake of the food offered by
us. We are but instruments, but we should visualize that Sri Lakshmi serves
the food to the Lord. Sri Bharathi consort of Sri Mukhyaprana (Vayudevaru)
prepares the food, Sri Vayudeva fans the Lord. Bhagavan begins eating the
food. As Kapila roopi paramathma, He sees, as Narasimha roopi, he smels
the food. As Sri Parashurama, he eats the food with his mouth & as Sri
Koorma roopi, he tastes with his tongue & thus sanctifies the food offered
to HIM.
Chanting the following Manthra with water in the Uddharani (spoon), let it
flow into another vessel (pyala).
Amrutha Abhidhanamasi| Uttara Aaposhanam Samarpayami
The Lord has now finished His bhojanam & arisen. Offer Him water to wash
His hands, chanting the following Manthra. Let water into the pyala.
Chanting the following manthra, let flow water on your left side.
Gandooshan Samarpayami:
Chanting the following manthra offer the Lord water to wash His feet. let
flow water into the pyala.
Chanting the following manthra, offer to the Lord water for Aachamanam. Let
water flow into the pyala three times.
Aachamaniyam Samarpayami.
Chanting the followign manthra, offer to the Lord Betal leaves, Supaari
etc.. (Thamboolam).
Thamboolam Samarpayami
Chanting the following Mantra, offer to the Lord dhakshina (gold coins or
cash offerings).
Place some burning charcoal on the dhoopaarathi ladle & add a spoonful of
Dasangam (a mixture of ten aromatic leaves powder). Chanting the following
manthra, wave it three times around the Lord, while ringing the bell with
the left hand.
Dhoopa Aagrapayami.
a. Dip 5 wicks in ghee or gingely oil for the the main lamp.
b. Othe lamps with multiple wick holders if available
c. Lamp with camphor
Chant the following Manthra & touch each of the lamp to the conch Shankha.
As the Shankha represents Sri Lakshmi, the Maha Neerajanam is considered to
be performed for & on behalf of Sri Lakshmi. Wave the lamps one by one
three times around in front of the lord, while ringing the bell with the
left hand. Arrange to have the cymbols- Jankatti to be rung at that time.
42. MANTHRA PUSHPAM: Take some Tulasi leaves, flowers, manthrakshatha &
chanting the following manthra shower them on the Lord.
43. ANU UPACHARA: Offer to the Lord the following Royal courtesies
(Rajoupachara). Shower Tulasi leaves & flowers on the Lord. Padhuka
(footwear), Chathra (Umbrella), Chamara (flyswatter), Vyajana(Fan), Dharpana
(mirror), Geetha (Music), Nruthya (Dance), Vadhya (instrumental music),
Aandholikadhi (Swing or cradle), Samastha Rajoupacharan Samarpayami||
Pour pure water into the shankha & some Tulasi dhala. Then chant the
following manthras with the appropriate gestures.
Then close the Shakha with the right hand & Chant the Manthra "OM NAMO
NARAYANAYA" eight times. Chanting the following manthra wave the Shankha
with the water three times around clockwise in front of the Lord. From the
Feet to the Head, from the Navel to the Head, from the heart to the head.
Transfer the water in the Shankha into the additional empty theertha pathra.
This water is called "SHANKHA THEERTHA". This water should be sprinkled on
the head & should not be partaken or sipped, when taking the Gandhodhaka
Namaskaaram samarpayami
46. PARIVARA DEVATHA PUJA: Chanting the following manthras, perform pujas
to Sri Lakshmi, resident in the conch (Shankha), Hanuman, Garuda, Sesha
offering gandha, pushpa & the Maha Abhisheka Theertha thrice to each of
Chanting the following Ambruni Suktham, perform puje to the Shankha (Sri
Lakshmi) & offer the theertha three times.
c. GARUDA: Chanting the following manthra, perform puje to Garuda & then
offer theertha to Garuda three times.
d. SHESHA: Chanting the following manthra perform puje to Sesha & then
offer theertha to shesha three times.
Om Praanaya swaha
Om Apaanaaya swaha
Om vyaanaya swaha
Om Udhaanaaya swaha
Om Samanaaya svaha
Om brahmane svaha
49. Replacing the Salagrama & Prathimas in the sampushta, box or int heir
Chanting the following "MANYU SUKTHA", put the Saligramas & other icons in
the respective Sampushta box & replace the Prathimas of the Lord., Sri
Lakshmi, Sri Hanuman, Sri Garuda, The Bell, The Shankha in their original
permanent place in the kishtanjana box or mantapa.
Vijeshakrudh indhra Iva nava bravo (3) smaakaM manyo adhipa bhaveha |
Priyam they nAma sahure grunimasi vidhma thamuthsam yatha Aababhootha ||
Chant the following manthra take water in right palm & let it flow into the
pyala offering the merit of performing the puja to Sri Krishna.
NOTE: If puja is to be performed in the evening also, the bell & the conch
(Shankha) should not be placed inside kishtanjan box, but kept separately
for use. The Abhisheka theertha should also be kept in a separate vessel
duly closed.