Raboplus Account Opening Checklist

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RaboPlus account opening checklist

Dear Mrs Chand,

Thank you for completing an online savings account application.

Documents we require you to send us

To complete your application and activate your account we now need you to send us the following documents
(use the list below as a checklist for yourself):

The signed Application Form.

The signed Direct Debit Authority.
Confirmation of your nominated bank account showing both the account name and account number.
This can be in the form of:
A copy of a recent bank statement (within six months) for the nominated bank account.
(please don’t send us originals).
An encoded bank deposit slip for the nominated bank account.
A printout of an online transaction summary that shows the account name and account
A bank stamped printout or confirmation from a branch of your nominated bank
confirming the account name and number.
Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate (only if you are exempt from paying withholding tax).

Without receiving the above documents we will not be able to open your RaboPlus Account.

Please note: Some bank accounts do not allow direct debits to be taken from them, these tend to be online call
accounts. Unfortunately we cannot use an account that does not allow direct debits from it as your nominated
account. You may wish to check with your bank first that your account accepts direct debits.

Please send all your documents to:

Freepost RaboPlus
PO Box 38567

What happens next?

Our staff will check we have all the required documentation from you and activate your account.

Please note: The opening deposit will be taken from your nominated account when we activate your RaboPlus
Account. Please make sure you have sufficient funds in your account to cover your opening deposit.

When will you hear back from us?

You should receive your Welcome Pack containing your Digipass within 5-7 business days. Please keep your
welcome letter in a safe place as it contains your customer number, which you will need to log in to your account.

If you do not receive your Welcome Pack, please call our Customer Contact Centre on 0800 22 44 33, 8am to
8pm, Monday to Friday.

On behalf of RaboPlus, thank you for your application. We look forward to receiving your details and opening your
RaboPlus Account.


The RaboPlus Team


Application Date: 21-11-2009

Individual Account Application Form

Personal details

Name: Mrs Priya Pritika Chand

Date of birth : 02-11-1985
Gender: Female
Email address: [email protected]
Marketing material consent: Yes
Mobile: 0212792678
Home: 096262031
Residential address: 8 Lynbrooke Ave , Blockhouse Bay
Auckland , 0600

Postal address - Please note, all mail will be sent to this address

Address: 8 Lynbrooke Ave

Address: Blockhouse Bay
Town/City: Auckland
Postcode: 0600

Tax details

IRD number: 103085942

Withholding tax rate: 19.5 %
Prescribed Investor Rate: 19.5 %

Nominated account details

Account number: 03-0118-025762900

Account name: Priya Pritika Chand
Bank name: Westpac
Branch: Blockhouse Bay
Address: 507 Blockhouse Bay Road
Town/City: Auckland

Opening deposit details

Opening deposit: $1.00

Particulars: Rabo
Reference: Plus

Your feedback

How did you hear about RaboPlus?: Word of mouth

Promotional code:
Promotional reference:
Comments: Applied with a $50 voucher - the voucher is with Raboplus. Original entry with wrong
bank account no.
Terms and Conditions: Reviewed and accepted


Please sign your acknowledgement of acceptance of our Terms and Conditions and of authority to open your account.

Signature of Priya Chand: ................................................. Please sign here Date: .............................

Priya Pritika Chand

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Blockhouse Bay


R a b o P l u s

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