Guide Third Trimester
Guide Third Trimester
Guide Third Trimester
a. What is the topic about? What tense are they? What kind of verbs are
they? Regular? Irregular Verbs?
b. Write down the verbs and sentences you saw in the video?
1. Want some?
Yes, I want some cookies. Thanks
2. Can you play?
No, I can´t play today, I have to practice for my math’s exam tomorrow.
3. Did you?
Yes, I brush my teeth after each meal.
4. How about you?
I practiced my favorite choreography today.
5. Hoy about you?
I helped my brother today
6. How about you?
Me too, I needed some help with the dinner
7. How about you?
I didn´t kiss my mother today because she is in another city
8. Did you?
No, I didn´t listen the radio today, I prefer watch TV
• BAKE - Hornear
• PLAY - Jugar
• BRUSH - Cepillar
• WALK - Caminar
• HELP - Ayudar
• NEED – Necesitar
• KISS - Besar
• LISTEN – Escuchar
be ser
become convertirse
break romper
bring traer
build construir
catch capturar
choose elegir
came venir
cut cortar
do hacer
drink beber
drive manejar
eat comer
fall caer
fight pelear
find encontrar
fly volar
forget olvidar
forgive perdonar
get obtener
give dar
go ir
grow crecer
hear escuchar
hold mantener
know saber
learn aprender
leave dejar
make hacer
meet conocer
pay pagar
put poner
read leer
run correr
say decir
see ver
sell vender
send enviar
sit sentarse
sleep dormir
speak hablar
take tomar
think pensar
wear usar
write escribir
Those that don´t change their root when conjugating them are regular verbs.
In contrast, irregular verbs do have alterations in their root in verbal times
such as past or past participle.
▪ Break
My sister broke the favorite vase of my mother.
▪ Build
Camila, an architect two years ago, in her first project, built a beauty salon for her
▪ Choose
A few years ago, I chose self-love over all types of love.
▪ Cut
My father cut the cesped last week.
▪ Do
My brother did a human rights major two years ago
▪ Drink
My father drank one gin and tonic on his birthday meeting
▪ Eat
I ate a chocolate ice cream with my best friend two days ago
▪ Fight
In my school, I fought constantly for women rights
▪ Find
I found one coin under my bed
▪ Give
My sister gave me a black jacket
▪ Go
My brother went to the gym five months ago
▪ Grow
The plant grew fast thanks to the sun and water
▪ Hear
I heard my parents fighting
▪ Know
My sister knew how to make me happy on my birthday
▪ Learn
My brother learnt French five years ago
▪ Meet
I met my boyfriend on a party
▪ Pay
My father paid taxes last month
▪ Read
Taliana read a poem this morning
▪ Sell
My aunt sold his apartment
▪ See
I saw my favorite movie yesterday
▪ Speak
My father spoke with my dance instructor
▪ Take
My mom took my favorites shoes
▪ Write
I wrote a poem for my grandfather yesterday
1. When we are talking about something that continued for some time in
the past.
We use past simple when we talk about things that have already happened.
b. Look at the pictures and write down what she says in your notebook
3.3.2 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in