The soil parameters for a static project in Izmir, Aliaga include an andesite lithology with 60% core percentage, a rock quality designation of 20, and a Young's modulus of 281430 t/m2. The soil has a friction angle of 18 degrees, a cohesion of 15.0 t/m2, and an allowable bearing capacity of 69.77 t/m2. Point loading tests were performed due to the rock material composition, but other geo-technical tests could not be performed.
The soil parameters for a static project in Izmir, Aliaga include an andesite lithology with 60% core percentage, a rock quality designation of 20, and a Young's modulus of 281430 t/m2. The soil has a friction angle of 18 degrees, a cohesion of 15.0 t/m2, and an allowable bearing capacity of 69.77 t/m2. Point loading tests were performed due to the rock material composition, but other geo-technical tests could not be performed.
The soil parameters for a static project in Izmir, Aliaga include an andesite lithology with 60% core percentage, a rock quality designation of 20, and a Young's modulus of 281430 t/m2. The soil has a friction angle of 18 degrees, a cohesion of 15.0 t/m2, and an allowable bearing capacity of 69.77 t/m2. Point loading tests were performed due to the rock material composition, but other geo-technical tests could not be performed.
The soil parameters for a static project in Izmir, Aliaga include an andesite lithology with 60% core percentage, a rock quality designation of 20, and a Young's modulus of 281430 t/m2. The soil has a friction angle of 18 degrees, a cohesion of 15.0 t/m2, and an allowable bearing capacity of 69.77 t/m2. Point loading tests were performed due to the rock material composition, but other geo-technical tests could not be performed.
Point Loading Test Rock Quality Designation 203,5 t/m2 20 (Is50) (RQD) (%) 281430 Youngs Modulus (Em) Poisson's Ratio (v) 0,48 t/m2 (VS)30 828 m/sn Soil Friction Angle (0) 18º Factor of Core Fixed for Shear Stress (CU)30 27,5 t/m2 12 Rocks (C) Geological Strength Index Soil Cohesion (c) 15,0 t/m2 25 (GSI) Density of the Soil (y) 2,38 t/m3 Local Soil Class ZB Allowable Bearing Coefficient of Subgrade 2791 Capacity 69,77 t/m2 Reaction (ks) t/m3 (qt)
Tests of geo-technical Performed / Can Not
explanation investigation Performed Disturbed Soil Samples Can not performed Rock materials (DSS ) Undisturbed Samples Can not performed Rock materials (UDS) Trial Pits Performed - Standard Penetration Tests Can not performed Rock materials (SPT) Static Cone Penetration Tests Can not performed Rock materials (CPT) Plate Load Test Can not performed Rock materials Electrical Resistivity Tests Can not performed Rock materials Grain Size Distribution Can not performed Rock materials Atterberg Limits Can not performed Rock materials Consolidation Tests Can not performed Rock materials Unconfined Compressive Can not performed Rock materials Strength Triaxial Compression Can not performed Rock materials Direct Shear Tests Can not performed Rock materials Chemical Tests Can not performed Rock materials CBR Test Can not performed Rock materials Point Loading Test Performed -