D-Prize Energy Solar Lamp Sep20 PDF
D-Prize Energy Solar Lamp Sep20 PDF
D-Prize Energy Solar Lamp Sep20 PDF
Alternatives, like mini grids, solar home systems, and pico (handheld) solar lamps have made
progress against this issue. The World Bank Group’s Lighting Africa program launched in 2009
with a goal of providing solar energy access to 250M people, a goal that was achieved ten years
However, many communities are left out of this progress. Lighting Africa suggests most of the
next decade will build on the existing networks, and will distribute larger systems that provide
Lam, Nicholas; Smith, Kirk; Gauthier, Alison, Bates, Michael. Kerosene: A Review of Household Uses and Their Hazards in Low- and
Middle-Income Countries. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev. 2012; 15(6): 396–432.
Howe, Charles; Lawrence, Joanne; Patel, Hitendra. SolarAid: Revolutionizing the Way to Make Energy Affordable for Everyone.” Hult
International Business School Publishing. January 2012.
E. Mills, "The Specter of Fuel-based Lighting," Science 301, 1263 (2005).
Cost of Kerosene in Africa Threatens Access to Lighting. Lighting Africa, 2012.
even more energy. This means that communities who are too poor to afford larger systems, and
that aren’t yet part of the existing distribution network, may be left out.
Pico solar lamps immediately and positively affect a family’s economic situation. For example, a
2017 Acumen study found that the poorest households will spend 10% of their income on
energy. Switching to solar resulted in 1-2% of total cost savings. (Note, this study was done
when kerosene prices were historically low, so the impact could be potentially higher).10
More importantly, pico solar lamps are an entry point.11 Many of the solar distribution networks
started a decade ago began with pico lanterns. Pico solar lamps are a good entry level product
because they provide a low cost way for many families to get on the first rung on the energy
You must have a vision to grow your enterprise and directly reach 100,000 customers within 5
years. Our award is meant to be a first step toward this vision by supporting a small test pilot of
the enterprise that sells roughly 500 pico solar lamps.
For example, in the past D-Prize has supported Altech (DRC), Easy Solar (Sierra Leone),
Essmart (India), and Deevabits Green Energy (Kenya).
https://www.lightingglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/14005VIV_OFF-GRID-SOLAR-REPORT-V13-Exec-Sum-AW4vis.pdf, page
I. Choosing a market for high impact
We are most interested in supporting an enterprise that reaches communities that will otherwise
not be served in the next decade. This will capture the most impact, but also positions your
enterprise for success. Our internal research concludes that new solar enterprise scales fastest
when operating in unsaturated markets, where manufacturers have less control over margins,
and competition for outside growth funding is lighter.
A good starting point would be to consider which countries have the least electrification
solutions. This Lighting Global report notes that 716M people do not have access to electricity,
with 588M of those in sub-Saharan Africa (page 14 and 15). This World Bank online dataset
also forecasts what electrification rates could be in the next decade. You may also consider
mobile penetration and mobile money penetration rates, as most existing networks were built to
use PAYGO mobile technology. We encourage entrepreneurs to target countries that are
expected to be the least served.
It’s worth considering that energy needs vary widely within countries. An estimated 2% of rural
homes have access to the energy grid, compared to 30% in urban areas.
A successful enterprise will capture marginal impact. We define this as reaching communities
that otherwise wouldn’t be reached by someone else. Because of this, we have a bias for
rural-focused enterprises, and those operating in countries with low electrification rates and low
mobile money penetration rates.
Many solar products now come equipped with PAYGO technology, which allows customers to
pay for their lamps using installments through mobile money. We recognized the value of
PAYGO technology, but also understand this means communities without high mobile phone
and mobile money penetration will be left out. Because of this, we have a bias for models that
can resolve this problem.
A successful team will select a product that meets quality standards, and is reliably available
Howe, Charles; Lawrence, Joanne; Patel, Hitendra. SolarAid: Revolutionizing the Way to Make Energy Affordable for Everyone.” Hult
International Business School Publishing. January 2012.
III. Designing your sales model
We are seeking entrepreneurs with creative ways for improving sales agent networks.
Our internal research found that fielding sales agents was a universally strong delivery model.
Customers require trust, which is naturally provided by localized agents. Deploying a team of
sales agents also requires less upfront capital vs other models, like a franchise.
However, we believe there is room for more creative ways to improve sales agent models. For
instance, we believe deeper sales agent training, creativity on managing and supporting agents,
or different incentive structures could produce a more effective enterprise.
A successful enterprise will use their pilot to test whether their sales model produces a large
number of sales compared to the costs of developing the agent network. An ideal applicant will
have a basic model of their unit economics (ie, the cost to produce one sales agent or regional
sales team, compared to the number and dollar amount of sales they bring in),
A successful enterprise will use their pilot to test whether their financing structure can work at a
larger scale. An ideal applicant will have a basic financial model to demonstrate their ability to
grow despite existing constraints on working capital. Applicants who do not address this
concern around working capital will be declined.
Ready To Start?
Download a Round 1 application packet at