International Covenant On Civil and Political Rights: United Nations
International Covenant On Civil and Political Rights: United Nations
International Covenant On Civil and Political Rights: United Nations
Made public by decision of the Human Rights Committee.
1.1 The authors of the communication, Mr. and Ms. Felipe and Evelyn Pestaño, Filipino
nationals born respectively in 1940 and 1943, are the parents of Ensign Phillip Andrew
Pestaño, the victim, who died on 27 September 1995, on behalf of whom they submit the
complaint. The authors claim a violation by the Philippines of their son’s rights under
article 6, article 2, paragraph 3, article 9, paragraph 1, and article 17, paragraph 1 of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The authors also refer to an attack
against their son’s honour, which would appear to raise issues under article 17 paragraph 1
of the Covenant. The authors are represented by Counsel, Mr. Enrique Angeles.
The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present
communication: Mr Abdelfattah Amor, Mr. Lazhari Bouzid, Ms. Christine Chanet, Mr. Mahjoub El
Haiba, Mr. Ahmad Amin Fathalla, Mr. Yuji Iwasawa, Mrs. Hellen Keller, Mr. Rajsoomer Lallah,
Ms. Zonke Zanele Majodina, Ms. Iulia Antoanella Motoc, Mr. Michael O’Flaherty, Mr. José Luis
Pérez Sanchez-Cerro, Mr. Rafael Rivas Posada, Sir Nigel Rodley, Mr. Fabián Salvioli and Mr. Krister
1.2 The Covenant entered into force for the State party on 23 January 1986 and the
Optional Protocol on 22 November 1989.
Drug from Methamphetamine substance, otherwise known as “shabu” in the Philippines.
The authors appear to suggest that the insurance company did not believe that the cause of death of
the authors’ son was suicide, and hence paid the amount of his insurance coverage to his parents.
2.9 In November 1995, another member of the Navy, who was perceived as an ally of
the authors’ son, and who was also aboard the BRP Bacolod City in September 1995,
mysteriously disappeared after being ordered to report to the Navy Headquarters in Manila.
This person is still missing and is believed to be dead.
2.10 On 15 November 1995, two Senators filed a Senate Resolution, directing the
appropriate Senate Committees to conduct an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding
the death of the authors’ son.
2.11 In December 1995, the State party’s Navy Flag Officer in Command, a Vice-
Admiral, invited the authors to dinner, and requested that they refrain from pursuing their
son’s case against the Navy. Two weeks later, the Navy Flag Officer in Command sought to
see the authors again, and presented the author, Mr. Pestaño, with his company’s contract
with the Navy, worth a hundred-million pesos, together with an affidavit of waiver and
desistance to pursue his suit against the Navy3. The authors decided that they would not
abandon their son’s claim. One week after this information was relayed to the Navy Flag
Officer in Command, the four Navy ships being repaired by the author’s company all
mysteriously sank, and his company’s offices in the Navy Station in Sangley Point were
ransacked and looted. It is also reported that the authors’ nephew, the company’s property
custodian, was shot dead during the same period.
2.12 On 2 January 1996, the authors received a leaked copy of an intelligence report of
the State party’s Armed Forces, which stated that the BRP Bacolod City carried 1 billion
pesos worth of shabu in 20 sacks of rice during its September 1995 trip. The report also
indicated that this shipment had been escorted by a Security Officer of the State party’s
Navy Flag Officer in Command, and that upon discovering the illegal cargo, the authors’
son had confronted his superior, and was killed afterwards, to prevent him from revealing
the criminal activities taking place on board the ship. This confidential report also identified
the chief security officer of the Navy Flag Officer in Command as the most likely
perpetrator of the crime.
2.13 In January 1996, another member of the Philippine Navy mysteriously died in a
military hospital, after a strange and quick deterioration of his condition. This person was
suspected of involvement in the “shabu operation” in the BRP Bacolod City, as well as in
the death of the authors’ son, and had engaged in discreet talks with the authors before his
death. He was believed to be ready to reveal important information before he died. The
death of this member of the Navy brings to four the number of persons killed in connection
with the September 1995 voyage of the BRP Bacolod City. The four killings remain
uninvestigated, and unaccounted for.
2.14 The authors state that they filed the following complaints against the Commanding
Officer and certain crew members of the BRP Bacolod City: (1) in September 1995 with
the Philippine Navy; (2) in September 1995 with the Philippine National Police and the
National Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice. Both proceedings led to the
conclusion that the authors’ son had committed suicide; (3) in January 1998 with the
Philippine Senate (Committees on Justice-Human Rights and Defense-National Security);
(4) in March 2000 with the Ombudsman; (5) and in October 2005 with a new Ombudsman,
Thereby threatening him to breach the agreement should the authors decide not to abandon their
claim against the Navy.
who was replaced thereafter 4 . No action has been taken on the case by the incumbent
Ombudsman since she took office in December 2005.
2.15 On 25 January 1998, after eight Committee hearings, a visual inspection of the
stateroom of the authors’ son in the ship, and relying, inter alia, on expert evidence5 and
witness testimonies, two Senate Committees6 issued a Joint report on the Pestaño case,
which contained the following findings: (i) The authors’ son did not kill himself on the
BRP Bacolod City on 27 September 1995; (ii) he was shot in one place in the vessel
different from the one where his body was found; (iii) after his death, his body was moved
and laid on the bed where it was found; (iv) he must have been shot on board the BRP
Bacolod City before the vessel reached the Navy Headquarters on 27 September 1995; (v)
there was a deliberate attempt to make it appear that the authors’ son killed himself inside
his stateroom; and (vi) such an attempt was so deliberate and elaborate that one person
could not have accomplished it by himself. The Senate Committees also recommended,
inter alia, that an independent investigation be conducted on the circumstances surrounding
the murder of the authors’ son, so as to bring the perpetrators to justice, and identify the
other individuals who participated in the deliberate attempt to portray a suicide7.
2.16 On 28 March 2000, the Ombudsman (Fact-finding and Intelligence Bureau) 8 in
charge of the file dismissed the case without prejudice, concluding in its evaluation report
that “the conduct of further investigation in order to find out the identity of the perpetrator
and his accomplices, if any, will only be a waste of time, considering that the physical
evidence has already been tampered with, not to mention the lapse of time”.
2.17 Upon the retirement of the Ombudsman, and the appointment of his successor,
whose reputation for integrity was unassailable, the authors filed a new complaint with the
Office of the Ombudsman on 27 October 20059. In December 2005, the Ombudsman10
found merit in the authors’ petition, reopened the case, and requested from the
Commanding Officer of the BRP Bacolod City in September 1995, and from eight senior
and junior officers and enlisted personnel to submit counter-affidavits as respondents,
An administrative and criminal case was filed on 27 October 2005, for murder and grave
misconduct (OMB-P-C-05-1298-J and OMB-P-A-05-1223-J) with the Office of the Ombudsman
(Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for the Military and Other Law Enforcement Offices).
Inter alia the report (of 13 August 1997) of an independent certified forensic examiner specializing
in homicide events reconstruction. The report reached the conclusion that based on [his]
“observations, findings, and the discrepancies demonstrated within the documentation of this case, it
is this Examiner’s professional expert opinion that this death would be most appropriately classified
as a suspicious death, most probably being a homicide with a staged scene.”
Committee on Justice and Human Rights and Committee on National Defense and Security. The
report was considered during the Third regular session of the Tenth Congress of the Republic of the
State party.
The Senate report also recommended that an Ombudsman investigation looks into the legality of the
loading of the illegal cargo on board the BRP Bacolod City, and that related liabilities be established;
Other ancillary recommendations concerned, inter alia, the enactment of legislation penalizing
persons concealing or destroying the body of the victim of a criminal act or related evidence, and
imposing severe penalties thereof, as well as recommendations on the need to ensure that post modern
medico-legal examinations conform to international standards of forensic pathology.
According to the Ombudsman Act No. 6770, the Ombudsman and his Deputies act on complaints
filed against officers or employees of the Government, or of any subdivision, agency or
instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or controlled corporations, and enforce their
administrative, civil and criminal liability.
The authors’18 pages-long affidavit against 9 respondents is annexed to the complaint.
Order of the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for the Military and other Law Enforcement
Offices, 6 December 2005, annexed to the authors’ submission.
within ten days. Only one week after reopening the authors’ case, the Ombudsman stepped
down, and was replaced. Since then, the case was left uninvestigated in the Office of the
Ombudsman for military affairs.
The complaint
3.1 The authors submit that the State party violated their son’s rights under article 2,
paragraph 3; article 6; article 9, paragraph 1, and article 17, paragraph 1, of the Covenant.
3.2 They recall the Senate Committee’s findings of 1998, which they believe
conclusively established that their son did not commit suicide, but was murdered. They add
that there was a deliberate and elaborate conspiracy to cover-up his death, including
through fabrication destruction or tampering of evidence, as well as misrepresentation and
distortion of facts, all of which constituted an obstruction of justice, and an unlawful attack
against the authors’ son honour.
3.3 The authors add that the entire State party’s apparatus, including its criminal
investigation law enforcement and judicial organs, jointly and severally participated in such
conspiracy, with the exception of the Senate. By so doing, the State party deprived the
authors’ son of his right to redress for the violation of his human rights, and thereby denied
him justice for twelve years11.
Up to the time of the authors’ complaint, i.e. in 2007.
The authors’ request for extension is annexed to the State party submission.
is the Office of the Ombudsman13, while the Sandiganbayan14 would be the appropriate
instance in charge of the trial.
4.4 On the merits, and regarding the authors’ allegation of a violation of their son’s right
to life, the State party contends that this claim is ill-founded, as nothing in the authors’
allegations or in the evidence available is capable of establishing the participation of the
State party in the alleged violation. The fact that two Senators filed a resolution on the
case, which paved the way for the investigation and the very same report, of which the
authors avail themselves for the present complaint, is in itself an indication that the State
party cannot be accused of conspiracy to deprive the authors’ son of his right to life and his
right to an effective remedy.
4.5 Regarding the Senate Report’s recommendation that an independent investigation be
initiated by the Ombudsman on the alleged illegal loading of more than 14, 000 board feet
on the BRP Bacolod City in September 1995, and liabilities established, charges have been
filed in that respect by a number of high ranking members of the Navy against Navy
“Ombudsman Act of the Philippines”, R.A. 6770.
Republic Acts N° 7975 and N°8249. According to the Constitution, this court has jurisdiction over
criminal and civil cases involving graft and corrupt practices and such other offences committed by
public officers and employees, including those in government-owned or controlled corporations, in
relation to their office.
whose official conclusions were rejected by the Senate, an independent branch of the State
5.4 With regard to the State party’s contention that an independent investigation was
initiated on the alleged illicit loading of logs on the BRP Bacolod City, the authors affirm
that the investigation in question is not independent, as charges were filed by the State
party’s Navy. Therefore, this procedure does not meet the express requirements of
independence and transparency as understood in the Senate report recommendation.
5.5 The authors reiterate that they identified the Navy Flag Officer in Command, a Vice-
Admiral, as an alleged perpetrator who showed intense interest in the case; they recall that
this person asked them to sign an affidavit of desistance to pursue the case, and upon their
refusal to do so, cancelled the authors’ lucrative contract with the Navy. It is obvious that
the Navy, as an instrumentality of the State party, committed the murder of their son.
Furthermore, after the murder in September 1995, the State party’s executive apparatus
worked in unison to cover-up the crime and protect perpetrators. The authors recall that the
only Ombudsman who genuinely attempted to conduct an effective investigation into the
case strangely stepped down from office only one week after reopening the case in 2005.
They reiterate that after thirteen years of fruitless struggle, and three distinct Presidential
administrations, their struggle for justice for their son has no prospect of success within the
State party’s justice system.
Consideration of admissibility
6.1 Before considering any claim contained in the communication, the Human Rights
Committee must, in accordance with rule 93 of its rules of procedure, decide whether or not
the communication is admissible under the Optional Protocol to the Covenant.
6.2 The Committee notes that the same matter is not being examined under any other
international procedure, in line with the requirements of article 5, paragraph 2(a), of the
Optional Protocol.
6.3 The State party has argued that the communication is inadmissible for failure to
exhaust domestic remedies. In support of its argument, it noted that the authors’ claim is
still pending before the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for the Military and other Law
Enforcement Offices against a number of respondents, for murder and grave misconduct.
The authors filed a complaint with the Ombudsman after the State party’s Navy, National
Police and the National Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice concluded in
1995 that their son had committed suicide. The authors claim that the procedure within the
Office of the Ombudsman is an ineffective remedy, since this body failed to initiate a
timely and effective investigation into the alleged murder of their son since it was seized of
the case in 2000. The authors affirm that despite the fact that the case was reopened in
October 2005, no meaningful action has been taken by the incumbent Ombudsman since
she took office in December 2005.
6.4 The Committee recalls that it is precluded from considering any communication
unless it has been ascertained that all available domestic remedies have been exhausted. For
the purposes of article 5, paragraph 2 (b), of the Optional Protocol, however, domestic
remedies must both be effective and available, and must0 not be unduly prolonged15. In the
circumstances of this case, the Committee notes that the State party has failed to show that
See, for example, Communication N°1560/2007, Marcellana and Gumanoy v. The Philippines,
Views adopted on 30 October 2008, para. 6.2.
any investigation has been initiated since the date of the alleged offence, with the final aim
of ensuring the effective prosecution and punishment of the perpetrator/s of the alleged
murder. Under these circumstances, and considering that almost 15 years elapsed since the
date of the alleged offence, the Committee considers that domestic remedies have been
unreasonably prolonged. The Committee accordingly finds that article 5, paragraph 2 (b) of
the Optional Protocol does not preclude it from considering the complaint.
6.5 Concerning the alleged violation of article 9, paragraph 1 of the Covenant, the
authors claim that they received an anonymous call, informing them that their son’s life was
in danger, the day before he was found dead. However, there is no evidence that the authors
reported these threats against their son to the State au0thorities, and if so, that the State
party failed to take appropriate action for this protection. Nor is there any conclusive
evidence that the State party was itself involved in threatening the authors’ son. In the
absence of any further arguments put forward by the authors on this issue, the Committee
considers that these claims are not sufficiently substantiated for the purposes of
admissibility and concludes that they are inadmissible under article 2 of the Optional
6.6 The Committee notes that the authors’ claim under article 17 paragraph 1, to the
effect that the State party’s attempt to make it appear that the victim committed suicide, is
to be construed as an unlawful attack against his honour. It considers that this claim has not
been sufficiently substantiated for the purposes of admissibility, and is inadmissible under
article 2 of the Optional Protocol.
6.7 The Committee considers that the authors’ claims under article 6, read in
conjunction with article 2, paragraph 3, have been sufficiently substantiated, for the
purposes of admissibility, and proceeds to their examination on the merits.
Human Rights Committee, General Comment N°6, Sixteenth Session (30 April 1982), para. 1.
Human Rights Committee, General Comment N°31, CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.13 (26 May 2004),
para. 8.
See, for example, Communications No. 1447/2006, Amirov v. Russian Federation, Views adopted
on 2 April 2009, para. 11.2, and N°1436/2005, Sathasivam v. Sri Lanka, Views adopted on 8 July
2008, paragraph 6.4.
Supra, note 16, para. 8.
For (i) grave misconduct (administrative) and (ii) grave misconduct and murder (criminal)
9. Under article 2, paragraph 3(a), of the Covenant, the State party is under an
obligation to provide the authors with an effective remedy in the form, inter alia, of an
impartial, effective and timely investigation into the circumstances of their son’s death,
prosecution of perpetrators, and adequate compensation. The State party is also under an
obligation to prevent similar violations in the future.
10. Bearing in mind that, by becoming a party to the Optional Protocol, the State party
has recognized the competence of the Committee to determine whether there has been a
violation of the Covenant or not and that, pursuant to article 2 of the Covenant, the State
party has undertaken to ensure to all individuals within its territory or subject to its
jurisdiction the rights recognized in the Covenant and to provide an effective and
enforceable remedy in case a violation has been established, the Committee wishes to
receive from the State party, within 180 days, information about the measures taken to give
effect to the Committee's Views. The State party is also requested to publish the
Committee's Views.
[Adopted in English, French and Spanish, the English text being the original version.
Subsequently to be issued also in Arabic, Chinese and Russian as part of the Committee's
annual report to the General Assembly.]