Department of Business Management: Preface
Department of Business Management: Preface
Department of Business Management: Preface
The liberalization of the Indian insurance sector has been the subject of much heated
debate for some years. The policy makers where in the catch 22 situation wherein for
one they wanted competition, development and growth of this insurance sector
which is extremely essential for channeling the investments in to the infrastructure
sector. At the other end the policy makers had the fears that the insurance premium,
which are substantial, would seep out of the country; and wanted to have a cautious
approach of opening for foreign participation in the sector.
As one of the rare occurrences the entire debate was put on the back burner and the
IRDA saw the day of the light thanks to the maturing polity emerging consensus
among factions of different political parties. Though some changes and some
restrictive clauses as regards to the foreign participation were included the IRDA has
opened the doors for the private entry into insurance.
I feel extremely exhilarated to have completed this project under the able and
inspiring guidance of Dr. Jayant Dubey he rendered me all possible help me guidance
while reviewing the manuscript in finalising the report.
Date :
knowledge the report does not contain any work , which has been
The project report titled LIFE INSUANCE CORPORATION been
prepared by Mr. SANIL SAMAIYA MBA IV SEM., under the guidance and
supervision of DR. JAYANT DUBEY for the partial fulfillment of the Degree
of MBA
1. Acknowledgment
2. Table of Contents
3. Declaration 4. Introduction
5. Objective of Study
6. Research Methodology
7. Company Profile
8. HR Perspective at PNB
9. Training and Development at PNB
10. Data Analysis
11. Conclusion
12. Suggestion
13. Bibliography
14. Appendix 3
Development in Delhi is based on my original research work and
dedicated efforts.The result in the report are totally based on the
analysis of data that has Indian developing economy offer
tremendous potential for future growth and organizations appreciating
these consumers’ requirements stand to reap considerable returns.
However, compared with more developed economies published
consumer studies are few thisresearch investigates Indian consumer
perceptions of retail banking with respect to Punjab National Bank
using an approach that takes account of the research context.
Qualitative research was undertaken to define the relevant service
attributes. Performance along these was then investigated through a
survey with over 450 respondents. Regression analysis using SPSS
revealed which are the key drivers of customer satisfaction. The
industry is undergoing many of the network management and
distribution changes experienced by these more ‘developed’ regions
during the 1990s. The introduction of automated teller machines
(ATMs), for example, is a more recent development but these have
now become more widespread. The retail banking consumer market
is characterized by a large number of unprofitable low balance
accounts attributable to the comparatively low average wage. In retail
banking, service quality is a crucial aspect of the customer
experience. However, despite the considerable service quality-related
literature, and in spite of thetremendous market potential afforded,
there is a comparative dearth of studies pertaining to India. This
approach takes account of the research context and begins with an
exploratory phase. Details of qualitative research appropriate for
defining the service attributes relevant to an Indian market. A survey
in which over 450 customers rated Punjab National Bank’s
performance along these dimensions is then reported. Data are
analysed using regression, one wasand factor analysis using SPSS
tool to identify the service quality components specific to the Punjab
National Bank. Findings are related to service quality studies from
other regions and implications for future research discussed. This
research therefore makes a contribution by examining service quality
and customer satisfaction in a hitherto unreported region. Looking at
the result and interpretation of the analysis done above, few finding
comes to the surface. 1. Behaviour of PNB staff is changing
according to the customer i.e. a high income and educated is served
much better than a low income, less educated one. 2. Service quality
is below the expectation and importance level of customer of all
genres on all grounds. 3. A less educated person is more likely to
remain loyal and recommend PNB. 4. Recommendation rate
increases with the number of month of association with PNB. 5. A
customer is more likely to have positive perception of PNB if he is
dealt with politeness and respect. On the basis of above finding,
recommendations are written below:
1. all customer should be dealt equally, especially the less educated
and the one with less annualincome. Because if we have a look at the
customer base of PNB, we find that majority of their customer are in
that section. It is also seen that a less educated person is more likely
to remain loyal and recommend PNB. Which makes it even more
important to retain that customer. 2. The customer needs to be
addressed with politeness and courtesy. 3. PNB score low only on the
intangible emotional part of service, and customers are looking for
more personal attention. Which needs to be given right away .been
collected by me. The analysis finally leads to conclusion.
In today’s world, speed is the buzzword and to remain on the top is also
one of the most difficult things to do. Nowadays, competition is the first
thing that comes to the mind of every organization. If you ask the
Managing Director or the Chairman of any organization, what is that one
thing they are interested in the response would definitely be to remain on
the top position and to going victory over competitors in the corporate
world. Human resource development is a key to organizational
robustness. The combative and competitive capability of an organization,
especially a service organization like a bank brings very largely on the
collective competence and skills of its people. Rapid advances in
technology and knowledge together with breath taking changes in the
market place coupled with the raising client expectation, make for rapid
obsolescence of old ways of doing things. This necessitates new
responses, modern skills and attitudinal changes. This project “Training
and Development” aims to explore the arena to test whether or not the
same is contributing substantially towards the Punjab National Bank.
Starting from the basic concept of “Training and Development”, it moves
on to the analyses of the application of the same in various sectors of
Punjab National Bank and it explores area where employee’s growth
potential exists. It concludes by analysing the challenges and attempting
to provide a glimpse of the future.
Training & Development is not only an activity that is desirable but also
an activity that an organization must commit resources to if it is to
maintain a viable and knowledgeable work force. In modem industrial
organizations, the need for training of employees is also widely
recognized to keep the employees in touch with the new technological
developments. Every company must have a systematic training
programme for the growth and development of its employees. Training is
a complex process, is concerned with increasing the capabilities of
individuals, and groups so that they may contribute effectively to the
attainment of organizational goals. 'Training' is used to teach special
skills, whereas the term 'Development' denotes overall development of
personality of the employees. Training is a process of learning a
sequence of programmed behaviour. It is application of knowledge. It
gives people an awareness of the rules and procedures to guide their
behaviour. It attempts to improve their performance on the current job or
prepare them for an intended job. Development is a related process. It
covers not only those activities, which improve job performance, but also
those, which bring about growth of the personality, help individuals in the
progress towards maturity and actualization of their potential capacities
so that they become not only good employees but also better men and
women. Training a person for a bigger and higher job is development.
Training & Development is an organized activity for
increasing the knowledge and skills of people for a
definite purpose. It involves systematic procedures for
transferring technical know-how to the employees so as to
increase their knowledge and skills for doing specific job
with proficiency.
"The use of the terms training & development in today's employment setting is
far more appropriate than 'training' alone since human resources can exert their
full potential only when the learning process goes far beyond simple routine.”
Training is a continuous process and not an one-shot affair, and since it
consumes time and entails much expenditure, it is necessary that a training
programme or policy should be prepared with great thought and care, for it
should serve the purposes of the establishment as well as the needs of
employees. A successful training programme presumes that sufficient care has
been taken to discover areas in which it is needed most and to create the
necessary environment for its conduct.
3. Identify Gaps:
The Company, of courses, is the sources of information on your current
Business practices and change initiative. Identify what the company can
and cannot provide so that to know what the company need when
looking for assistance.
Tools of Data collection Data has been collected by the following
means:A. Primary Sources It includes
a) Structured questionnaire was administered to the sample
b) Personal interviews were held with the officer and non-officer staff
with special focus on the prevailing their views and suggestions.
B. Secondary Sources: secondary data collected with the help of books
available in the library, few journals and Internet. Bank’s Annual Report
and various other published materials such as magazines, manuals and
policy statements were also referred. Reference was also made to
Bank’s web site “
The Indian subcontinent. The bank was nationalized in July 1969 along
with 13 other banks. Punjab National Bank is serving over 3.5 crore
customers through 4497 offices, largest amongst Nationalized Banks.
Amongst Top 1000 World Banks, PNB is ranked at 248th place
according to “The Banker” London. The Bank was recently ranked 38th
amongst top 500 companies by the leading financial daily, Economic
Times. PNB’s attempts at providing best customer service has earned it
9th place among India's Most Trusted top 50 service brands in Economic
Times- A.C Nielson Survey. The most important reason which gives an
edge to PNB over other banks is its Sound Fundamentals. This
includes evolving the Strategic Vision: Keeping customers changing
needs in focus Thrust on Technology & Risk Management techniques
Strict compliance with Indian GAAP and other regulatory requirements
Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Governance and Good
HR practices
effectively meet customers requirement and to achieve total customer
satisfaction. •
To gain consistent faith and confidence of customers and potential
customers regarding the quality of services rendered .
Organizational Structure
Bank has its corporate Head office at New Delhi and 26 zonal
offices which in turn supervise 49 regional offices under which function
the delegation of powerbranches facilitate quick decision making
The Vision
“To evolve and position the bank as world class progressive cost
effective and customer friendly institution providing comprehensive of
technology and serving various segments of society especially the
weaker sections ,committed to excellence in serving the public and
excelling in corporate values”.
The Mission
PNB does not view the training in isolation but integrates the
training function within the overall functions of selection, career
path, performance appraisal and overall development of the
human resources. The objective of the training program apart from
up gradation of the knowledge and the skills of the employees is
also to improve the aggregate corporate performance and for this
achievement, the training has been related to performance of
various jobs in functional and managerial areas. Generally, training
is imparted for the purpose of boosting operational abilities as well
as for social behaviour and attitudinal change. For managers of
Scale III and above, emphasis is given on the programmes like
management, leadership, and motivation along with MDPs
(Management development Programmes) for Senior Executives.
On the other hand, more thrust is given to boost operational
abilities for employees at the clerical and officer's level.
University, IIMs, Institute of Management Technology (Ghaziabad), NIIT,
, etc. also ,officials with a, flair for teaching are invited from RBI, CBI,
BIS, and other banks like HDFC, HSBC, ICICI, IDBI, etc.
The most commonly used methods at the ZTC for
imparting training are
Case discussions
Role plays
Audio and video cassette
Computer Assistance
Group Discussions
Presentations and Slide Shows
Handouts and Reading Material
Workshops and Seminars On-the-job training (for programmes with
longer durations)
training plan, the same is send to the next competent authority for
consideration and approval. While forwarding the new programs
envisaged, the objectives thereof etc., should be highlighted to bring
specific notice of the competent authority. The training coordinator
should ensure that he receives the Training plan well in advance from
the training center/college so that the same could be approved and
communicated to concerned authorities well in time
After the training manager at the Zonal Training Center (ZTC) draws the
draft of the training plan as per the exigency. The draft is then sent to the
Zonal Manger who in turn sends it to the Head Office for approval. The
draft is approved at the Training Manger's Conference held at the Head
Office and is finally sent to the Zonal Office for implementation.
Sometimes, the concerned departments are also consulted before
making the plan. However, the training plan is subject to changes
according to the need of the hour.
4. Final Evaluation:
It reveals the performance of the participants at the exit level in
term of acquisition of knowledge and development of skills and
also indicates the interest shown by the participants in acquiring
new information during the training programme. If the evaluation is
being obtained through a test the performance of the participants
should be informed it them and the question paper should also be
discussed to provide one last opportunity before the conclusion of
the training programme to the participants to clear their doubts .
6. Assignment:
Allocation of the topics to the participants should be decided on the
first day of the reporting itself and 2 to 3 days minimum time
should be given before starting presentation. At the beginning of
the respective sessions, the concerned participants should be
asked to make his presentation before the class.
Method of sequence of organizing views, comments and
Coverage of the topic.
Depth of the topic.
Conciseness, clarity and prissiness of approach.
Reference material consulted.
Preparation of chart/graphs/statistical table.
Innovative and logical deduction.
Case Presentation:
1. Since the topic has been very vast, it was not possible to study
all the practices in detail.
2. The study of all the functions in limited period was not feasible.
Yet an effort has been made to throw light on all the functions.
3. General view on HRD functions has been based on one
organization though 54 nationalized banks are operating in the
4. Due to reasons of confidentiality, some crucial information on
certain functions has not been explored.
5. The hectic schedule of the employees had been quite a
constraint, yet employees had given attention to the intensity of the
subject and responded freely about the functions.