Cross-Curricular Reading Comprehension Worksheets: B-20 of 36
Money, Money, Everywhere!
Name: _________________________________ Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics Answer the following questions based on the reading passage. Don’t forget to go back to the passage Money helps us buy things we need and want. whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers. People earn money by working at all different kinds of jobs. You can earn money even if you are a child. Your parents may pay you to do extra chores around the 1) How do people earn money? house. ____________________________________ If you have money, you can use it for many things. ____________________________________ You can pay bills. You can buy things from stores. You 2) What can we do with money? can save it in the bank. Before people had money to ____________________________________ use, they traded things with each other. Some people used beads or shells for money. ____________________________________ Paper money is also called dollars. The numbers on 3) What did people use before there was money? the paper money tell how many dollars it is worth. If ____________________________________ it has a one on it, it is a one dollar bill. Five, ten, and ____________________________________ twenty dollar bills are also common. 4) How can you tell how much paper money is Coins are made from different kinds of metal. They worth? _____________________________ are worth part of a dollar. There are dollar coins but they ____________________________________ are rare. Amounts less than a whole dollar are counted in cents. It takes 100 cents to make a dollar. Each coin 5) How do we count money that is less than a is worth a different number of cents. A penny is worth whole dollar? ________________________ only 1 cent. A nickel is worth 5 cents. A dime is worth 10 cents. A quarter is worth 25 cents. ____________________________________
Cross-Curricular Reading Comprehension Worksheets: B-20 of 36
Money, Money, Everywhere! Key
Name: _________________________________ Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics Answer the following questions based on the reading passage. Don’t forget to go back to the passage Money helps us buy things we need and want. whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers. People earn money by working at all different kinds of jobs. You can earn money even if you are a child. Your Actual answers may vary. parents may pay you to do extra chores around the 1) How do people earn money? house. by working at different jobs ____________________________________ If you have money, you can use it for many things. ____________________________________ You can pay bills. You can buy things from stores. You 2) What can we do with money? can save it in the bank. Before people had money to pay bills or buy things or save it ____________________________________ use, they traded things with each other. Some people used beads or shells for money. ____________________________________ Paper money is also called dollars. The numbers on 3) What did people use before there was money? the paper money tell how many dollars it is worth. If They traded things or used ____________________________________ it has a one on it, it is a one dollar bill. Five, ten, and shells or beads. ____________________________________ twenty dollar bills are also common. 4) How can you tell how much paper money is Coins are made from different kinds of metal. They worth? _____________________________ are worth part of a dollar. There are dollar coins but they the number on the paper money ____________________________________ are rare. Amounts less than a whole dollar are counted in cents. It takes 100 cents to make a dollar. Each coin 5) How do we count money that is less than a is worth a different number of cents. A penny is worth cents whole dollar? ________________________ only 1 cent. A nickel is worth 5 cents. A dime is worth 10 cents. A quarter is worth 25 cents. ____________________________________