Figures of Speech Metonymy Assonance: Bread For Food The Army For A Soldier Copper For A Penny
Figures of Speech Metonymy Assonance: Bread For Food The Army For A Soldier Copper For A Penny
Figures of Speech Metonymy Assonance: Bread For Food The Army For A Soldier Copper For A Penny
• Is a contradictory statement or situation
• use of words that mean the opposite of what
you really think
• Example:
Having a free ride on roller coaster after
you have already paid.
This is my brilliant son who failed out of
She’s a great singer who sings like a crow.
• direct address of an absent or dead person or
personified thing
• Example:
God, help me!
Ambition, you’re a cruel master!
play on words, usually done for deliberate
humorous effect.
The pun is mightier than the word.
Now is the winter of our discontent made
glorious summer by this son of York.
When does Ella faint? When she blows her
make a situation seem less important than it
really is.