Role of Citizen in Building New India, Essay
Role of Citizen in Building New India, Essay
Role of Citizen in Building New India, Essay
Performing duties has been a legacy in India since the time immemorial, as the line of
Rig Veda says, “O citizens of Bharat! As our ancient saints and seers, leaders and
preceptors have performed their duties righteously, similarly, you shall not falter to
execute your duties “, we shall not forget our roots and cultural values given by our
ancestors. India has Incredible culture and has always been recognized by the world
because of this culture, there is no wrong in saying that this renown attitude is due to
the effective performance of duties by the people over the time. This attitude must be
reflected in all other aspects which can be referred as refining India which gives the
image of new India by itself. Once Mahatma Gandhi said “I learnt my duties on my
mother’s lap. She was an unlettered village women… She knew my dharma. Thus, if
from my childhood we learn what our dharma is and try to follow it our right =s look
after themselves… The beauty of ot is that the very performance of a duty secures us
our right. Rights cannot be divorced from duties. This is how satyagraha was born, for I
was always striving to decide what my duty was.” Swami Vivekananda rightly
observed, “it is the duty of every person to contribute in the development and progress
of India”. We the citizens who are the originally run the country must always keep in
mind our duties and strive for the Refined India.
Socio-economical refinement : “Sabka saath, sabka vikas”, the moto of our Prime
Minister Narendra Modi directs us to be responsible socially and economically to bring
up the backward classes to build a secular and social India as dreamt by our leaders. it
is we who are responsible to for the discrimination and indiscrimination caused. We
have created this discrimination be it social caste or financially , now it is our
responsibility to eradicate this and refine India. No leader or any politician has the
ability to do what we citizens can do. “A nation with a thousand awakened citizens and
a corrupt leader, is much better than a nation with an awakened leader and a thousand
corrupt citizens”, saying by Abhijit Naskar, a social reformer. Our social reformers have
and had strived hard to bring up the change, along with them it becomes our
responsibility to join hands in the same path. Its already high time to realize the
consequences of the same and understand the powers we have to refine it by
developing a broad, matured minded ideology. A lot of western countries have set us
an example in the path of development by eradicating many social problems. This social
discrimination confines people to their own caste or community in all aspects like
enjoying festivals, sharing public spaces, business which slows down the economy by
slowing down the flow of money. This is one of the prime reason for a rich to become
richer and a poor to become poorer. Economy of the country is well measured by the
per capita income rather than average income of the people. This social discrimination
brings this extreme end of economy in the people. As a responsible citizen, we should
not forget the root cause and perform our duty to solve them.
Agriculture, the backbone of India has seen a ridiculous fall in the recent years. Extreme
ends of heavy rainfall causing floods like recent Kerala floods or complete scarcity of
rainfall like North Karnataka Districts has played a major role in the downfall of
agriculture. This uneven rainfall has also caused pathetic disturbance in the cities and
villages, blocked drainages , improper roads also contribute to this disturbance. The
hidden reason behind this uneven rains is the climate change all over the world. When
it comes to this cause, it doesn’t just talk about the Indian climate but the whole climate
of the world. This problem may arise in some other country but it might have its effects
on our country too. Due to the Bush fires in Australia, the glaciers in New Zealand and
Finland turned yellow, so we should take care of the primary problems like usage of
plastics, carbon emission, using vehicles, deforestation and as such. It is we who
perform all these problems, so it should be us who should bring change and limit
ourselves for our needs than our wants