Surgicalinterventionfor Lymphedema: Kristalyn Gallagher,, Kathleen Marulanda,, Stephanie Gray

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Surgical Intervention for

Lym p h e d e m a
Kristalyn Gallagher, DO*, Kathleen Marulanda, MD, MS, Stephanie Gray, MD

 Lymphedema  Surgery  Lymph node transfer  Axillary reverse mapping
 LYMPHA  Lymphovenous anastomosis  Vascularized lymph node transfer

 Lymphedema is a chronic, progressive disease with no curative treatment.
 Surgical treatment options are effective at managing early and late stage lymphedema.
 Standardized methods for quantifying lymphedema, universal reporting standards, and an
increased amount of high-quality evidence are necessary to advance understanding and
management of lymphedema.


Lymphedema is a chronic, progressive disease that affects approximately 140 to 200

million people worldwide.1,2 There is no curative treatment and palliation is chal-
lenging. The incidence is difficult to quantify as early stage lymphedema is often
underreported until it necessitates intervention. The etiology includes congenital mal-
formations (primary) and direct injury to the lymphatic channels (secondary). Onco-
logic treatment for solid tumors is the leading cause of secondary lymphedema in
the developed world. In the upper extremity, it is most often associated with breast
cancer treatment. Patients with breast cancer who have undergone axillary lymph
node dissection and/or radiotherapy are a particularly susceptible group, with re-
ported lymphedema rates as high as 65% to 70%.3,4 Other causes of secondary lym-
phedema include trauma, neoplastic obstruction, or inflammatory destruction of the
lymphatics. Obesity-induced lymphedema occurs in super obese patients with body
mass indexes of greater than 50 to 60 kg/m2 stemming from overwhelmed or
damaged lymphatics secondary to increased adipose tissue and fibrosis.5,6
Lymphedema can manifest as mild to severe arm swelling, pain, dysfunction, disfig-
urement, lipodermatosclerosis, skin ulceration, cellulitis, and rarely lymphangiosar-
coma. Treatment of lymphedema includes both nonsurgical and surgical strategies.

Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Department of Surgery, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Campus Box 7213, 1150
POB, 170 Manning Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7123, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Surg Oncol Clin N Am 27 (2018) 195–215
1055-3207/18/ª 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
196 Gallagher et al

Nonsurgical management involves meticulous skin care, limb elevation, lifelong external
compression therapy (both static and pneumatic), and physical therapy with manual
lymph drainage and massage to minimize symptoms. Surgical options have been
reserved for failure of conservative management historically, but recent data suggest
early intervention with surgical techniques may reduce incidence of symptom progres-
sion.7–9 Preventative surgical techniques have been described to reduce the initial
disruption of the lymphatics and maintain function. Microsurgical techniques, including
lymphaticovenous anastomosis (LVA), vascularized lymph node transfer (VLNT), and
lymphaticolymphatic bypass aim to restore the underlying physiologic impairment.
Additional surgical interventions such as liposuction and surgical excision remove
affected tissues to effectively decrease the drainage load. The successful selection of
surgical therapy depends on the stage of lymphedema with LVA and VLNT more suitable
for fluid-predominant disease and suction-assisted protein lipectomy (SAPL) for solid
disease. Open debulking and reductive procedures are used for management of late-
stage solid lymphedematous disease.


Lymphedema is an abnormal accumulation of protein-rich interstitial fluid within the

interstitial space. It can occur anywhere in the body, most commonly in the lower ex-
tremity, followed by the upper extremity and genitalia. Disruptions in the interstitial pres-
sures lead to an imbalance between the arterial capillary inflow, an increased demand
for lymphatic outflow, and the decreased capacity of the lymphatic circulation.10–12
Secondary lymphedema occurs because of surgical, inflammatory, neoplastic, or
traumatic destruction of the dermal lymphatics and their outflow tracts. During early
stage lymphedema, compensatory mechanisms including lymphatic regeneration
make up for the initial insult. At later stages, the lymphatic capillaries become over-
whelmed and damaged leading to fibrosis, thickened basement membranes, and
loss of permeability of the lymphatic capillaries.11 This breakdown allows protein to
leak into the interstitial tissues, which increases the tissue colloid osmotic pressure.
Water then accumulates in the interstitial space. The edematous tissues signal
increased numbers of fibroblasts, adipocytes, keratinocytes, and inflammatory cells.
These cell types cause increased collagen deposition, adipose accumulation, chronic
inflammation, and fibrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissues.11,13 Clinical manifes-
tations include nonpitting edema with overlying skin changes. Stasis of the protein-
rich fluid makes the subcutaneous tissues prone to recurrent bacterial and fungal
infections, which ultimately leads to progressive damage of the lymphatics.14
The enlarged and edematous limb can subsequently cause debilitating and chronic
pain, decreased quality of life (QoL), psychosocial issues, increased infection risk,
higher medical costs, and loss in productive days for those afflicted with the dis-
ease.15,16 Although the incidence, onset, and progression of lymphedema differ
greatly among patients, there are several associated risk factors that have been iden-
tified. These risk factors include obesity (body mass index 30 kg/m2), number of
nodes resected during oncologic surgery, radiation therapy, high rates of paclitaxel
use, infection, and underlying genetic makeup.16,17


Patients who have undergone breast cancer treatment with surgery, radiation, and/or
chemotherapy have a lifetime risk of lymphedema occurrence17,18 and should be
monitored with a low threshold of suspicion. Most patients become symptomatic
within 8 months of surgery and 75% will present in the first 3 years.17
Surgical Intervention for Lymphedema 197

The two most commonly used staging systems for lymphedema are the Interna-
tional Society of Lymphology and Campisi systems (Table 1). Both systems agree
that lymphedema can be classified as subclinical, mild (early), moderate (intermedi-
ate), or severe (advanced). The symptoms of lymphedema by stage are listed in
Table 2. Early lymphedema typically presents with subjective symptoms, most
commonly heaviness in the affected limb without any appreciable swelling or
edema.10,19–21 These symptoms may be present for months or years before any
detectable physical change occurs. As interstitial fluid accumulates, patients experi-
ence increased extremity circumference followed by pitting edema that usually
worsens at the end of the day (Fig. 1). A 2 cm or greater difference in arm circumfer-
ence or a 200 mL limb volume difference between affected and nonaffected arms is
considered to meet diagnostic criteria for lymphedema, although no universal criteria
exist.22 Early symptoms are initially alleviated with compressive garments, limb eleva-
tion, and physical therapy with manual lymph drainage and massage to minimize
symptoms. As the disease progresses, irreversible, nonpitting edema develops. Pa-
tients report increased firmness, decreased functionality, and disfigurement.20,23 Sig-
nificant swelling and increased limb volume severely impair limb mobility and cause
chronic debilitating pain that impedes activities of daily living. This disease

Table 1
ISL and Campisi staging systems for comparison with proposed treatment

ISL Staging and Campisi Staging and Proposed Surgical

Description Description Treatment
Subclinical 0 No swelling, changes None
found only on CDT
Mild I Accumulation of fluid Ia No overt swelling CDT
with high protein despite impaired LVA or VLNT
content, which lymph drainage
subsides with limb Ib Reversible swelling with
elevation. Usually limb elevation
lasts 24 h.
Moderate IIa Rarely resolves with II Mild persistence of LVA or VLNT
limb elevation alone. swelling with SAPL
IIb Loss of pitting owing to III Persistent swelling with
progression of dermal recurrent
fibrosis. Sometimes lymphangitis
called spontaneously
Severe III Lymphostatic IV Fibrotic changes with SAPL
elephantiasis. No columnlike limb Surgical excision
pitting; develop V Elephantiasis with limb
trophic skin changes deformation
(fat deposits, including widespread
acanthosis, and warty lymphostatic warts

Abbreviations: CDT, complex decongestive therapy; ISL, International Society of Lymphology; LVA,
lymphaticovenous anastomosis; SAPL, suction-assisted protein lipectomy; VLNT, vascularized lymph
node transfer.
Data from Refs.19,24,27
198 Gallagher et al

Table 2
Symptoms of lymphedema by stage

Stage Symptoms
Subclinical 0  Heaviness
 Limb fatigue
 Limb weakness
 Impaired limb mobility
 Absence of swelling
Early (mild) I  Above symptoms
 Presence of swelling that decreases with compression or
Moderate (Intermediate) II  Above symptoms
 Early skin changes
 With or without cellulitis or infections
 Presence of swelling that does not decrease with compres-
sion or elevation
Severe (Advanced) III  Above symptoms
 Recurrent cellulitis or infections
 Late skin changes (hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation,
papillomas, induration)

Data from Refs.10,19–21,23–26

Fig. 1. Clinical presentation of lymphedema.

Surgical Intervention for Lymphedema 199

progression results in an undeniable decline in QoL. Disfiguring skin changes including

hyperpigmentation and skin infections also arise secondary to chronic venostasis in
the affected limb.10,19,20,24–26 Very rarely, this results in Stewart-Treves syndrome or
angiosarcoma. Conservative palliation for advanced disease is exceedingly difficult.
The severity of disease is closely mirrored to a multifactorial decline in both objec-
tive and subjective symptoms, thereby making it difficult to accurately stage or define
lymphedema. As such, no standardized staging system exists; the two predominantly
used systems, the International Society of Lymphology and the Campisi (see Table 1),
are limited owing to their heavy reliance on physical examination findings. Supple-
mental imaging studies and QoL evaluations are necessary to provide a more compre-
hensive assessment.19,24,27 This step is crucial, because the outcome, effectiveness
of treatment, and risk of recurrence greatly depend on the stage of lymphedema at


Early detection and intervention lead to increased effectiveness of management ther-

apies, fewer invasive procedures, and a decreased financial burden.7,29,30 Prospec-
tive surveillance is recommended for at least 1 year postoperatively. For improved
diagnostic accuracy, preoperative baseline assessments are established and moni-
tored serially to determine disease progression and therapeutic response. Early
detection and treatment can lead to reversal and prevention of progression.7–9
Limb size and volume measurements are typically used to quantitatively characterize
the disease. The most commonly used criteria define lymphedema as a 10% change in
limb volume measured by perometry or a 2-cm change in arm circumference.31
The ideal measuring tool should be simple and easily reproducible for serial mea-
surements. Water displacement is considered the gold standard owing to its high
sensitivity and specificity for quantifying overall limb volume, but owing to its burden-
some technique it is rarely performed.31 Tape measurements of arm circumference at
10 cm intervals along the limb are most frequently used owing to low cost and
simplicity. Preferably, serial measurements are performed by the same operator to
minimize variability. An increase in size between measurements (>10 cm or >10%)
is found to correlate with subclinical lymphedema. Additional techniques available
include perometry, a noninvasive optoelectronic device that uses infrared light to
quantify limb volume, and bioelectrical impedance, which measures the flow of elec-
trical currents to indirectly determine the limb volume. Notably, a recent study by Del-
tombe and colleagues32 found that perometry is superior to both water displacement
and arm circumference tests, but applicability remains limited owing to its high cost.33
Symptoms are frequently reported before any measurable physical changes, and
continue to worsen in parallel with increasing volume.34 The Functional Assessment
of Cancer Therapy questionnaire including breast cancer and arm function subscales
(FACT B14), the Lymphedema and Breast Cancer Questionnaire, and the Morbidity
Screening Tool35 are used to assess QoL. These questionnaires evaluate symptoms
including swelling and heaviness within the past year, which are the 2 most predictive
factors associated with objective measurements.31 High-quality evidence regarding
lymphedema-specific symptoms remains scarce and most questionnaires are not
specific to breast cancer–related lymphedema.


Lymphography was historically used, but is seldom used currently owing to technical
difficulties with cannulization of the lymphatic vessels and morbidity associated with
200 Gallagher et al

administration of oil-based contrast agents.36 Current guidelines recommend lympho-

scintigraphy as the gold standard to assess the caliber and anatomic location of
lymphatic vessels, functional status, and disease severity. Radionuclide dye is
injected intradermally via the interdigital space and taken up by the lymphatic system
to visualize dynamic flow, areas of blockage, and dermal backflow. Disadvantages of
this technique include prolonged radionuclide uptake, poor image quality, and limited
visibility of small vessels owing to relatively poor spatial resolution.35,36 Additional
adjunct imaging modalities have been described including duplex ultrasound, which
identifies tissue spaces and fluid accumulation, and computed tomography scan/
MRI, which can delineate lymphatic abnormalities at multiple tissue levels.37,38
In recent years, the development of near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging has
significantly enhanced noninvasive in vivo imaging capabilities.35 NIRF imaging is a
highly sensitive, quick and reproducible technique, which typically uses indocyanine
green (ICG) as an optical contrast agent. In contrast with lymphoscintigraphy, NIRF
imaging provides immediate, high-resolution images that assess contractile lymphatic
flow volume and velocity, as well as finely detailed images of the lymphatic anatomy,
including lymph nodes and surrounding collateral lymphatic network. Mihara and col-
leagues39 found that, unlike lymphoscintigraphy, NIRF imaging can definitively diag-
nose early stage lymphedema. NIRF imaging is equally beneficial intraoperatively
when performing microsurgical procedures, and postoperatively to evaluate postther-
apeutic response. Further research may support the potential use of NIRF imaging as
a screening diagnostic tool.40


Lymphedema has traditionally been managed with nonoperative methods, primarily

complex decongestive therapy, which consists of manual lymph drainage with mas-
sage, compression garments, meticulous hygiene, and physical therapy to decrease
swelling and improve mobility. Patients are required to be active lifelong participants
in their care and, therefore, the success of complex decongestive therapy is highly
dependent on patient compliance and engagement.
Surgical options have emerged to avoid a lifetime commitment to compressive ther-
apy and the potential to achieve a definitive cure. Currently, there is no widely
accepted consensus for the role for surgical management, optimal timing of surgery,
which surgical procedure to perform, or which surgical technique is preferred. Never-
theless, it is generally recognized that earlier initiation of treatment is preferred, given
the progressive nature of the disease, which will only continue to deteriorate the lym-
phovascular system over time.41–43


Surgical techniques such as sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB), axillary reverse
mapping (ARM), and Lymphovascular anastamosis (“LYMPHA”) have been developed
to prevent or minimize the disruption of lymphatic flow from the upper extremity during
breast cancer surgery.44–46
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
SLNB is a technique by which the tumor’s most proximal draining lymph node(s) are
identified with radioactive dye and/or isosulfan blue and excised. Reported rates of
lymphedema range from 1% to 7% after SLNB.45 Recent data from ACOSOG (Amer-
ican College of Surgeons Oncology Group) Z0011, ACOSOG Z1071, SENTINA
(Sentinel-Lymph-Node Biopsy in Patients With Breast Cancer Before and After
Surgical Intervention for Lymphedema 201

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy), AMAROS (Comparison of Complete Axillary Lymph

Node Dissection With Axillary Radiation Therapy in Treating Women With Invasive
Breast Cancer), and OTOSAR (Optimal Treatment of the Axilla - Surgery or Radio-
therapy) clinical trials show the usefulness of minimizing axillary surgery even in the
setting of selective patients with node-positive disease in the axilla.46–52

Axillary Reverse Mapping

ARM is a procedure where isosulfan blue is injected into the proximal arm, identifying
and sparing the lymphatic drainage of the arm in patients with breast cancer who un-
dergo axillary lymph node dissection or SLNB.23,44,53,54 If ARM is used during SLNB,
the radioisotope (Tc-99m) is injected into the breast and the blue dye is injected into
the arm.
The ARM technique was initially described by Klimberg and colleagues53,54,55 in
2007 as a way to directly visualize arm lymphatics and preserve them to minimize
injury. A volume of 2 to 5 mL of isosulfan blue is injected subcutaneously into the volar
aspect of the upper arm in the medial bicipital sulcus (Fig. 2) before incision. The blue
dye travels through the arm lymphatics highlighting them for visualization during axil-
lary surgery (Fig. 3). Multiple studies have demonstrated statistically significant
improvement in lymphedema rates when the ARM technique is used (33% vs a range
of 4%–9% in ARM groups).55–59 Tausch and colleagues60 reported identification of
arm nodes, but did not show a statistically significant difference in prevention of lym-
phedema at 19 months of follow-up. In 2015, Yue and colleagues61 performed a pro-
spective feasibility study on 265 patients and showed reduction in lymphedema
(33.7% in the control group and 5.93% in the ARM group; P<.001). They used both
blue dye and radioisotope (Tc-99m-Nano-coll). Most studies have reported the feasi-
bility of the procedure without long-term outcomes. Currently there is no large, multi-
center trial assessing the effectiveness of this technique.
The ARM technique was developed with the hypothesis that the arm and breast
lymphatic drainage systems are separate. Metastatic disease has been reported in
8.7% to 25% of ARM nodes. The involvement of the ARM node increases with the
increased axillary burden of disease (more common in N2 and N3 disease). The pos-
sibility of crossover nodes should be discussed with patients preoperatively. If a lymph
node is dyed blue and there is strong clinical suspicion for involvement, the node

Fig. 2. Injection site for axillary reverse mapping procedure: 3 to 5 mL of isosulfan blue is
injected subcutaneously in the volar surface of the upper extremity.
202 Gallagher et al

Fig. 3. Blue arm lymphatics identified during axillary dissection and preserved.

should be removed along with the remaining axillary nodes. The oncologic resection
should not be compromised to minimize the risk of lymphedema (Fig. 4).
Lymphovascular Anastomosis Technique
The lymphovascular anastomosis (“LYMPHA”) technique performed at the time of
initial axillary dissection has shown a statistically significant reduction in the develop-
ment of lymphedema at 18 months (30% vs 4.05%; P<.01).45 This technique was orig-
inally described by Boccardo in 2009. Isosulfan blue is injected into the volar aspect of
the ipsilateral upper arm before incision (see Fig. 2). During axillary dissection, the blue
lymphatics are identified and the afferent lymphatics are clipped near insertion into the
node. After dissection, the afferent lymphatics are directly anastomosed into a collat-
eral branch of the axillary vein with microsurgical technique.45


Surgical treatment options are divided into two general categories, reductive versus
physiologic procedures. In this section, we focus on the physiologic procedures,
which aim to assuage the physiologic disturbances that result from increased adipose
volume and fibrosis in the affected limb. Microsurgical procedures, including LVA and
VLNT, target the fluid component that predominates at earlier stages of the disease
(Fig. 4).
Lymphaticovenous Anastomosis
LVA, first described in 1969, is a microsurgical procedure that effectively bypasses
diseased lymphatics and restores adequate lymphatic drainage via direct drainage
into the venous system.19,62 Serial anastomoses are typically created between small
lymphatics and subdermal venules, preferably less than 1 cm in diameter, along the
entirety of the upper extremity. The minimally invasive approach allows multiple anas-
tomoses to be created via a single 1- to 2-cm incision. The procedure is typically per-
formed under locoregional anesthetic, which may be better suited for candidates with
extensive comorbidities.
LVA is indicated after failed management of conservative therapy, and early Interna-
tional Society of Lymphology stage II disease with evidence of partial lymphatic
obstruction.27 Functional lymphatic vessels, albeit partially functional, are required
Surgical Intervention for Lymphedema 203

Fig. 4. Algorithm for managing lymphedema. CDT, complex decongestive therapy; LVA, lym-
phaticovenous anastomosis; LLB, lymphaticolymphatic bypass; SAPL, suction-assisted protein
lipectomy; VLNT, vascularized lymph node transfer.

to create an effective anastomosis with durable patency; complete occlusion of the

lymphatics is an absolute contraindication to LVA. Studies have shown that the earlier
LVA is introduced, the greater the success of the procedure,63 likely owing to the
decreased presence of irreversibly damaged vessels. Guided by a similar premise,
it was previously absolutely contraindicated to perform LVA on patients with primary
lymphedema given the concern for hypoplastic vessels. However, studies have shown
that certain types of primary lymphedema are adequately treated with LVA.64

Superior results have been reported when perioperative lymphatic mapping is used65
to identify lymphatic vessels and determine functionality. ICG lymphoscintigraphy is a
simple tool, frequently used to locate functional lymphatics, determine severity of dis-
ease, and identify optimal placement for surgical incisions.41,66–69 Intraoperatively, the
204 Gallagher et al

dye illuminates functional lymphatics as it travels through the surgical field, which has
been shown to increase the number of anastomoses created70 despite an overall
shorter length of operation.
Postoperative anastomotic patency is subsequently monitored with lymphoscintig-
raphy; the rate of radiotracer clearance provides an indirect measure of lymphatic

There is no consensus in the literature regarding timing, location, number, or configura-
tion of anastomoses when performing a LVA; these decisions are primarily dictated by
surgeon preference. However, the likelihood of successful outcomes is determined pri-
marily on the surgeon’s ability to identify suitable venules and lymphatic vessels within
the affected limb. Ideally, both vessels should be of similar diameter, preferably less
than 0.8 mm, in close proximity to one another, and with minimal to no venous backflow
after division.24,71 Smaller veins are preferred because of the greater risk of increased
intraluminal pressure, and subsequent risk of venous reflux associated with larger veins.
The number and location of anastomoses varies and is highly dependent on the pres-
ence of functional and accessible vessels; both proximal and distal placements have
been widely reported. Stepped anastomosis creates multiple bypasses at various
levels of the affected extremity (ie, wrist, forearm, and arm in the upper extremity),72
which aims to improve success rates by providing additional routes for lymphatic
drainage. Previously, Huang and colleagues73 demonstrated that increased number
of anastomoses provided better results. However, that has been refuted in a large study
by O’Brien and colleagues, as well as a large prospective trial63 which showed no dif-
ference in results based on number of anastomoses.64,70 A variety of configurations
may similarly be used including end-to-end, end-to-side, or side-to-end anastomoses
without significant difference in outcomes. If anatomy permits, it is always preferred to
create multiple lymphaticovenous anastomoses via a single incision.

LVA has been proven to be an efficacious treatment option for patients that have failed
nonoperative management. It is associated with a decrease in the overall incidence of
severe cellulitis, compression garment discontinuation, and a subjective improvement
in symptoms and QoL, compared with women who received conservative manage-
ment alone.19,74,75 In a systematic review of high-quality studies, 5 studies reported
QoL outcomes, and found 91.7% symptom improvement, 94.5% average satisfaction
rate, 90% improved QoL, and 50% subjective improvement in patients who under-
went LVA.42,63,76–78
However, studies have shown that the success of LVA is primarily restricted to early
stage disease; this is presumably owing to the ongoing presence of functional lym-
phatics that are subsequently irreversibly damaged in advanced disease. Chang
and colleagues63 found that, after LVA, stage I and II patients experienced a 61% volu-
metric reduction compared with 17% volumetric reduction in stage III patients after
1 year of follow-up. In another study, no limb volume reduction was seen in stage III
patients.72 Rates of recurrence are also closely associated with clinical staging. Pou-
mellec and colleagues72 reported 19.3% recurrence rates; however, all recurrences
were isolated to patients with stages III and IV lymphedema. This finding further sup-
ports the notion that LVA is better suited for patients with early stage lymphedema.

Complications are uncommon after lymphaticovenous bypass, with rates reported at
5.9%.27 Although the incidence is rare, known complications are infection, lymphatic
Surgical Intervention for Lymphedema 205

fistula, partial skin ulceration, and wound dehiscence.24,43,77 Given the low incidence
of complications, LVA seems to be a safe and feasible procedure.

Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer

VLNT is a microsurgical procedure, in which a soft tissue flap containing lymphatic tis-
sue and its associated arteriovenous supply is relocated from a donor site to the
affected axilla. The reintroduction of healthy lymphatic tissue aims to restore function
in the impaired limb, but the exact mechanism remains unclear. One theory hypothe-
sizes that the transferred lymph nodes serve as a “sponge” that absorbs lymphatic
fluid that is, then redistributed back into the lymphovenous circulatory system. A sec-
ond theory suggests that lymphangiogenesis, primarily driven by vascular endothelial
growth factor, leads to increased lymphatic vessel formation.63,79

Indications for VLNT include stages II to V lymphedema (Capisi staging system), ab-
solute occlusion of lymphatic pathways verified on imaging (MRI or lymphoscintigra-
phy), fibrosis preventing lymphaticovenous bypass, brachial plexus neuropathy,
chronic infections in the affected limb (ie, repeated episodes of cellulitis), and failed
conservative management.80–82 Conversely, some studies support the use of VLNT
in early-stage lymphedema owing to the progressive course of the disease. Although
lymph node transfer is not curative, early intervention may reduce the accumulation of
excess lymphatic fluid and thereby, inhibit the positive feedback cycle that drives the
progression of lymphedema.71,79,83

The recipient site may be selected as the axilla, elbow, or wrist of the affected limb.
Axillary dissection may prove to be more challenging in patients who have undergone
prior radiation therapy owing to significant scar tissue formation. However, wrist
placement is less cosmetically pleasing owing to protrusion of the tissue and the
possible need for skin grafting. Cheng and colleagues82 suggests that wrist placement
is more suitable for functionality, but the elbow provides improved aesthetic results.
Ultimately, selection depends on surgeon preference, because recipient site selection
has not been shown to impact outcomes. The most crucial part of axillary dissection is
to ensure wide removal of all scar tissue; it is necessary to remove the obstruction to
allow for good flow through the underlying lymphatics and to have sufficient space for
placement of harvested lymph nodes.84,85 An external neurolysis should also be per-
formed if a neuroma is identified during dissection to avoid development of postoper-
ative pain.80,83 After careful identification of the thoracodorsal vessels, attention can
be turned to the lymph node flap.
Lymphodynamic evaluation is conducted preoperatively with the aid of multiple im-
aging modalities. ICG assesses the severity of dermal backflow, and locates any viable
and functional lymphatic vessels in the region. If an adequate amount of adequately
functioning vessels is identified preoperatively, then a lymphovenous shunt may be
considered, and the more invasive VLNT procedure can be avoided. Additionally, the
presence of lymphatic drainage obstruction can be confirmed on Tc99 lymphoscintig-
raphy. Lymphoscintigraphy does not provide good information about the spatial and
temporal resolution of the lymphatic system and involves exposure to radiation. If avail-
able, MRI and dynamic magnetic lymphangiography are preferred owing to the
increased sensitivity and specificity to identify anatomic and functional variations.
The optimal donor site remains unclear, but the most common location is the
inguinal region; it is based off the branches of the superficial circumflex iliac or
206 Gallagher et al

superficial inferior epigastric vessels. Groin flaps are chosen owing to their abundance
of lymph nodes in a well-understood anatomic region, an easily hidden scar, and a
dual role in total breast reconstruction.24 Dissection is delineated by 3 borders: the
inguinal ligament (caudal), the muscular aponeurosis (deep), and the cribriform fascia
(superficial). It is recommended that the surgeon not dissect lymph nodes beyond the
caudal and deep borders to avoid inadvertent removal of deeper lymph nodes to mini-
mize the risk of donor site lymphedema.86 Less commonly, the submental, supracla-
vicular, thoracic, and omental tissues are used as donor sites. The submental and
supraclavicular nodes require tedious dissection owing to nearby lymphatic ducts
and branches of the marginal mandibular nerve. Although the omental nodes are
the least likely to develop donor site iatrogenic lymphedema, the need for abdominal
surgery poses additional risks.
Anastomosis selection varies depending on the flap of choice; the superficial
circumflex iliac vessels are typically used in isolated VLNT, versus combined VLNT
with microvascular breast reconstruction, in which the deep inferior epigastric vessels
are preferred. Currently, no strict guidelines exist to determine which vessels should
be used for optimal results. A recent study by Nguyen and colleagues87 created an al-
gorithm for transferring vascularized inguinal lymph nodes during autologous abdom-
inal free flaps (AFP), specifically deep inferior epigastric perforator or transverse rectus
abdominis myocutaneous flaps; the goal was to provide an alternative vasculature se-
lection to the commonly used thoracodorsal vessels, which may be crucial later if the
initial flap fails. Nguyen and colleagues address 3 different scenarios: (1) hemiabdomi-
nal flap for bilateral mastectomy or prior midline incision—ipsilateral VLNT, ipsilateral
AFP, thoracodorsal pedicle; (2) unilateral reconstruction without prior violation of the
midline—contralateral VLNT, ipsilateral AFP, internal mammary artery pedicle; and
(3) a history of prior surgery with subsequent division of superficial vessels—VLNT
ipsilateral, AFP contralateral, and internal mammary artery pedicle. Their study
demonstrated promising results with 79% of patients reporting improved symptoms,
and reduction of excess limb volume from 21% preoperatively down to 10% at 1 year
of follow-up.

VLNT has been shown to have successful outcomes with decreases in limb circumfer-
ence and limb volume, as well as improvement in patient function and QoL. A large sys-
tematic review by Carl and colleagues27 found a 33% excess volume reduction and
16.1% absolute circumference reduction after lymph node transfer. Notably, patients
report a substantial improvement in limb functionality before any self-perceived
changes in limb appearance, suggesting that even a slight decrease in size may prove
beneficial with regard to limb mobility, and inevitably, better QoL. These functional im-
provements were reported as early as 1 month postoperatively, and continued
throughout the first year of follow-up. Similarly, psychosocial issues including appear-
ance, symptoms and mood also improved.88–91 Studies have shown that patients who
undergo lymph node transfer report 91.7% symptom improvement, 94.5% average
satisfaction rate, 90% improved QoL, and 50% subjective improvement.42,63,76–78
Despite the promising results, particularly in late-stage disease, VLNT is not a curative
therapy. Patients are recommended to continue conservative therapies, including
compressive bandages, elastic garments, and manual lymph drainage postoperatively.

The success rates for volume reduction, compression therapy discontinuation, and
improved QoL are similar to those reported for LVA; however, the complication rates
Surgical Intervention for Lymphedema 207

of donor site seroma, lymphocele, infection, delayed wound closure, and donor site
lymphedema make VNLT a higher risk surgery.62 VLNT is also associated with longer
durations of hospital stay, longer duration of operation, and greater anesthetic require-
ments (general vs local) when compared with LVA.92 A large, retrospective review of all
high-quality studies demonstrated a 30.1% complication rate after lymph node trans-
fer.27 This finding is further supported by Vignes and colleagues,90 who found an
equally high complication rate at 38%. Similar findings are reported after combined
VLNT and microvascular breast reconstruction with 25% recipient site complications
(delayed wound healing, partial mastectomy flap necrosis, and abdominal flap venous
thrombosis) and 20% donor site complications (abdominal wound healing or dehis-
cence, abdominal hernia, and groin seroma).87 The most dreaded complication after
lymph node transfer is iatrogenic lymphedema at the donor site. Despite low rates re-
ported in the literature, it remains a significant concern among clinicians.85,90,93–95
Studies have shown that, even with modified conservative surgical techniques, lym-
phoscintigraphy findings demonstrate subclinical disruptions in lymphatic flow post-
operatively.96 Given these findings, studies recommend supportive modalities
including reverse mapping, ICG, and lymphoscintigraphy to maximally mitigate the
risk of iatrogenic lymphedema. It should be noted, however, that complications are re-
ported inconsistently across the literature, even among high-quality studies.


The combination of physiologic procedures with reductive surgery, which allows for
removal of the chronic adipose and fibrotic tissue disrupting the lymphatic system, is
the most effective treatment for severe lymphedema. Multiple combinations of excisional
and physiologic procedures have been used, including VLNT with suction-assisted lipec-
tomy, VLNT with microvascular breast reconstruction, and some surgeons have also
attempted LVA with VLNT.87,92,94,97–100 Limb volume reduction was reported to be as
high as 91% after liposuction with VLNT.97 Owing to its low risk profile, liposuction is
an appealing adjunct treatment option, particularly in patients with nonpitting edema.
Studies have shown that, after LVA, 16.0% of patients benefit from additional liposuction
postoperatively. Likewise, when VLNT is used as the primary approach, additional reduc-
tive procedures are needed in 31.6% of patients.27 The promising outcomes after com-
bination therapy may represent an opportunity to minimize the need for serial invasive
surgical interventions and simultaneously yield better outcomes. Nevertheless, similar
to lymph node transfer, high rates of complications are associated with excisional pro-
cedures, as high as 39.3%,27 and therefore, careful patient selection is required with
the procedure reserved for those with severe disease.


SAPL involves the removal of fat and fibrosis with suction technique.23–26,62,101 Lipec-
tomy addresses the solid component (fibrosis and hypertrophied subcutaneous adi-
pose tissue) that typically presents later as chronic, nonpitting lymphedema of an
extremity after the fluid component has been conservatively drained.19,75 Patients
often complain of discomfort and dysfunction in the affected arm despite conservative
management.102 Indications for lipectomy include stage II and III disease that has
failed conservative management. Contraindications include active cancer, infection,
wounds, or insufficient conservative management.103 If there is more than 4 to
5 mm of pitting edema in the affected extremity, the patient should attempt conserva-
tive measures rather than undergo liposuction, because liposuction is a method to
remove fibrotic adipose tissue, not fluid.102
208 Gallagher et al

During suction-assisted protein lipectomy, a tourniquet is first applied to the

affected extremity to minimize the amount of fluid present in the operative field.103
Liposuction is performed with suction cannulas through multiple incisions that are
3 mm long. Starting distal to the tourniquet, liposuction is performed circumferentially
and in a longitudinal direction to the extremity to minimize damage to the remaining
lymphatics.104 This process is continued until liposuction is performed past the point
of the tourniquet and the maximal amount of adipose tissue is removed. The incisions
are left open to drain externally. A sterilized compression sleeve and glove are applied
for hemostasis and minimization of edema. Perioperative antibiotics are generally
given for 5 to 10 days. The patient is instructed to wear their compression sleeve
and glove at all times.102
Studies have found that, in patients with lymphedema from breast cancer therapy, a
statistically significant volume reduction of almost 1 L on average was achieved and
maintained at 12 months.19 Additionally, there is a significant improvement in QoL
and decrease in infection rates.62,65,101 However, lipectomy does not treat the under-
lying cause of lymphedema, namely lymphatic stasis and obstruction. Lifelong
compression therapy, lymphedema therapist treatment, and/or lymphovascular anas-
tomosis or VLNT must be used as adjuncts to prevent the reaccumulation of lymphe-
dema. Lifelong compression therapy involves continuous use of a sleeve and glove on
the affected arm, which requires strict patient compliance. Lymphedema therapy
generally involves a combination of manual reduction, physical therapy, and yoga,
which is also heavily reliant on patient compliance and motivation.105 LVA and VLNT
are microsurgical procedures that may be performed after the volume reductions
from SAPL have stabilized and the patient has sufficiently healed from the first surgery.
LVA and VLNT help to prevent fluid reaccumulation and reduce compression garment
use after SAPL has removed the solid component of the lymphedema.106


Surgical excision or radical debulking for severe lymphedema was first described in
1912 as the Charles procedure. Several modifications of the Charles procedure
have also been reported. Indications for this procedure include advanced (end-stage)
fibrosclerotic lymphedema not amenable to other procedures, recurrent episodes of
cellulitis, and severe disfigurement or dysfunction, and an inability to exclude sarcoma
on the affected extremity.23–26,62,106–109 The major disadvantage is that superficial skin
lymphatic collaterals are removed or further obliterated.20,24,25 Additionally, there is
significant morbidity, scarring, and risk of skin graft failure with these operations.
When lymphedema recurs at the hand or foot, regrafting and finger or toe amputations
may prove necessary.
During the Charles procedure, longitudinal skin incisions are made along the length
of lymphedema. The excess skin and subcutaneous tissue of the lymphedematous
limb are excised circumferentially down to the level of the deep fascia.20,25,62 Care
is taken not to injure the deep fascia. Split thickness skin grafts are then harvested
from the excised skin and are implanted onto the deep fascial layer. Sterile dressings
are applied and the skin flaps are monitored postoperatively for adequate blood sup-
ply and infection.
Given the risks and morbidities listed, several versions of the modified Charles pro-
cedure were developed for severe lymphedema treatment. In the first modified
Charles procedure, the initial debulking procedure is performed. A portion of the split
thickness skin graft is deepithelialized and is buried into the deep subcutaneous tis-
sues. The goal of this modification is to connect the deep subfascial lymphatics
Surgical Intervention for Lymphedema 209

with the superficial dermal lymphatics, thereby facilitating lymph drainage.110 Other
modifications include use of negative pressure dressings, perpendicular cross-
incisions, and combination procedures with liposuction and VLNT to decrease the
amount of skin removed and allow primary closure.100,107–109,111


Breast cancer–related lymphedema is a lifelong disease that is difficult to treat and re-
quires multimodal therapy. A systematic review by Carl and colleagues27 using
MINORS criteria to distinguish high-quality studies attempted to create an algorithm
for management of lymphedema. The microsurgical technique LVA at the time of axil-
lary lymph node dissection has been proposed as a primary preventative treatment for
arm lymphedema. The after treatments are suggested according to the International
Society of Lymphedema Staging System. Conservative measures such as physio-
therapy and compression garments are appropriate for stage 0 (subclinical) lymphe-
dema. LVA or VLNT procedures are best suited for early stage I lymphedema (soft,
pitting edema with little to no fibrosis). Suction-assisted protein liposuction should
be considered for moderate stage II (nonpitting edema with fibrosis) and severe stage
III lymphedema (nonpitting edema with severe fibrosis and hypertrophic skin
changes). Surgical excision (the Charles procedure and its modifications) should be
reserved for severe stage III lymphedema with severe disfigurement or disuse.23,24
Most patients do report decreased edema and improved QoL after surgical interven-
tion; however, compression garments or physiotherapy are still recommended post-
operatively to maintain or further reduce limb volume.
Further research must be conducted in establishing best practices in lymphedema
prevention and treatment. A standardized staging system for lymphedema would
allow for accurate comparison of outcomes based on intervention type. There are
also inconsistent methods of recording surgical outcomes and reporting outcomes
and QoL indicators. At this time, there are limited large, randomized, controlled trials
in the lymphedema literature that focus specifically on breast cancer related lymphe-
dema. Much of the data come from observational studies that combine data from both
upper extremity and lower extremity lymphedema. Lack of consistent quantitative
reporting prevents comprehensive conclusions regarding which surgical approaches
are associated with the greatest subjective improvements. Even the studies that did
include QoL outcomes and reported overall improvement in function, symptom
severity, and aesthetics after surgery, these data cannot be reliably used because
they are inconsistently documented among the studies.


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