Holiday Calculator 2009 (Part-Time Staff)
Holiday Calculator 2009 (Part-Time Staff)
Holiday Calculator 2009 (Part-Time Staff)
Employee name
Department / Institute / Division / Unit etc
Choose employee's annual leave package - equivalent if full-time (see note 1) Standard terms - 25 days
Enter first day of employee's leave period (see note 2) Thursday 1 Jan 2009
Enter last day of employee's leave period (see note 3) Thursday 31 Dec 2009
Annual leave (full year full-time entitlement) 175.00 hours
School closure days (full year full-time entitlement) 56.00 hours
English public holidays (full year full-time entitlement) 56.00 hours
Days in full leave year (365 unless a leap year) 365.00 days
Days in this leave period 365.00 days
Proportion of full leave year (Whole year = 1.00) 1.0000
Working Pattern
Monday Please complete white 7.00 hours
Tuesday boxes by entering the 7.00 hours
Wednesday number of hours worked 7.00 hours
Thursday each day in the normal 7.00 hours
Friday working pattern. 7.00 hours
Hours worked per week 35.00 hours
Full-time Equivalent (FTE) 1.0000 FTE
Annual leave - pro rata entitlement for this leave period (before adjustment): 175.00 hours
Public holidays and closure days falling within leave period 112.00 hours
Public holidays and closure days due 112.00 hours
Adjustment due for public holidays and closure days 0.00 hours
Carry forward from previous leave year / period hours
Annual leave for this leave period (after adjustments - rounded up to nearest
hour) 175.00 hours
Calculation of holiday payment for leaver's final salary (see note 4):
Annual leave taken within leave period hours
Final salary adjustment (deduction if negative) 175.00 hours
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Notes overleaf
1) Most staff have the standard 25 days annual leave package. However some ex-CRA staff (in post on 31 July 2006) elected to retain
their old leave package and work shorter hours during vacation time. See HR website or terms and conditions booklet for further details.
2) Use 1 January 2009 for start date unless staff joined during 2009 in which case use their employment start date.
3) Use 31 December 2009 for end date unless staff are leaving during 2009 in which case use their employment end date. Academic
staff are usually employed for whole calendar months, so normally you will use the last day of their final calendar month, eg 30 Sept
2009. Support staff are usually employed for whole calendar weeks, so normally you should use the Sunday of the last week worked.
However if an employee leaves mid-week or mid-month, use the last working day.
4) Payment in lieu of holiday can only be made on the termination of employment from LSE (ie leave is carried forward where a transfer
is made between departments).
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