Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Figural
Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Figural
Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Figural
In the domain of creativity as a field of research, Torrance’s test battery for assessing creative potential
of the individual has attained wide popularity. It comprises seven verbal and three figural tests or better
(active) but for the present study only the three figural activities were used as a measure of ‘Novelty’
type of creativity.
The three activities in the figural tasks of this test are picture construction, picture completion
and parallel lines.
The Picture construction activity requires the subjects to draw something clear and unusual using a
given egg shaped piece of paper as the basis for his/her picture within 10 minutes.
The Picture completion activity presents the test taken with a variety of abstract lines or designed which
he/she is to sketch into unusual picture or objects. There are 10 abstract designs and subject have to
complete within 10 minutes.
The Parallel lines activity is similar to picture completion activity except that here the subject is to draw
pictures on similar pairs of straight lines.
Although the basis of activities differs, each is scored for fluency, flexibility, originality &
elaboration. On the assumption that one can engage in the range of problem solving activities either
creatively or uncreatively. The number of relevant response produced by a subject yield the measure of
fluency. The numbers of different categories of questions, causes, consequences, products or uses give a
measure of flexibility. The statistical infrequency of those responses based on earlier research is the
measure of originality and the number of embellishments on response provides score on elaboration.
The test retest reliability of the Torrance tests, over intervals of one week to eight months, range from
0.34 to 0.97(Guralaski, 1964 and Eherts, 1961).
In Indian settings too, tests have been found to be quite reliable (Gokher & Luthhra, 1973, Minhas,
Gokher, E.M. and Luthra, S.M.(1973). The creativity question. Creativity Research Journal, 3(2), 61 – 79.
Eherts, K.M. (1961). Guiding creative talent. Melbourne, Fl: R.E. Kriegeer Publishing Company.
Guralaski, S.K. (1964). Creative Growth Games. New York: Harcourt Brace and Jovanovich.
Minhas, L.S. and Kaur, R. (1983). A study of field – dependence - independence cognitive styles in
relation to novelty and meaning contexts of creativity. Personality Study and Group Behaviour, 320 – 24.
Torrance, E.P. (1961). Torrance tests of creative thinking, verbal forms A & B. Princeton, N.J.: Personal
Press, 72, 326 – 330.