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Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Vincentian Core

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation Theories Values
Subjective Data: Deficient Goal: Within 1.)Administered Zinc  Reduce the Goal  Virginia  Commitment
“Mabasa ang Fluid Volume two days of sulfate (e-Zinc) 1ml duration and partially met: Henderson to Vincentian
kaniyang popo” as Related to providing OD, Oral as ordered severity of the After the 14 Basic Excellence
verbalized by the Active Fluid nursing care, infection appropriate Human
grandmother Volume Loss will maintain 2.)Encourage oral nursing Needs  Co-
fluid and fluid intake  For fluid intervention responsibility
Objective Data: electrolyte replacement the client  Faye Glenn
 Stool volume at a was still Abdellah’s
consistency: functional level 3.)Educate the client  To prevent unable to Typology of
*Loose, as evident by: the importance of contamination eliminate 21 Nursing
watery proper hand hygiene and spread of semi solid Problems
stool, diseases stool.
*mucoidal Expected
consistency Outcome: After
the nursing
 Color: intervention the
Yellowish client will have
and an elimination of
greenish solid stool
within two days.
Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Rationale Nursing Nursing Vincentian Core
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation Theories Values
Subjective data: Altered Goal: The client 1. Monitor the client  Vital signs is a Goal met:  Virginia  Commitment
“ Waay ganubo thermoregulatio will maintain vital especially the reference to After the Henderson to Vincentian
iya lagnat”as n body body temperature. determine the appropriate 14 Basic Excellence
verbalized by the related to temperature at client condition. nursing Human
grandmother. bacterial normal levels. intervention Needs  Co-
infection. the client responsibility
Expected 2. Administered  To reduce body temperature  Faye Glenn
Objective Data: Outcome: after paracetamol temperature of was within the Abdellah’s
 Temperature the nursing (Tempra) 1ml PRN, the patient. normal range Typology of
38.4 C intervention the Oral as ordered. of 36-37.5c° 21 Nursing
client will Problems
 Skin warm to remain afebrile.
touch 3. Assist with tipid  To reduce the body
sponge bath. temperature of the

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