Government vs. Albural
Government vs. Albural
Government vs. Albural
As a general rule, registration of title under the cadastral system is final, conclusive and
indisputable, after the passage of the thirty-day period allowed for an appeal from the date of
receipt by the party of a copy of the judgment of the court adjudicating ownership without any
step having been taken to perfect an appeal. The prevailing party may then have execution of the
judgment as of right and is entitled to the certificate of title issued by the chief of the Land
Registration Office. The exception is the special provision providing for fraud.
It appearing that the judgment of the Court of First Instance of Occidental Negros of September
21, 1916, has become final, and that no action was taken within the time provided by law for the
prosecution of an appeal by bill of exceptions, this court is without jurisdiction. Accordingly the
appeal is dismissed with costs against the appellants. So ordered.