Integrated Defensive Electronic Countermeasures (IDECM)

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F Y16 N AV Y P R O G R A M S

Integrated Defensive Electronic Countermeasures


Executive Summary
• The Navy completed an Integrated Defensive Electronic
Countermeasure (IDECM) Software Improvement Program
(SWIP) operational assessment (OA) on September 30, 2015.
Developmental testing of the SWIP program is ongoing, and
integrated test missions flew in July and August 2016, at the
Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex (JPARC) at Eielsen AFB
near Fairbanks, Alaska.
• The Navy’s F/A-18 wingman radio frequency compatibility
group that contains members from multiple Navy Program off-board fiber-optic towed decoy that is more integrated
Offices continues to investigate and resolve deficiencies with the ALQ-214.
associated with the aircraft radar, which may be caused by - IB-4 with SWIP (currently in developmental test) replaces
other systems such as IDECM. The Navy has asked for the onboard receiver/jammer (ALQ-214(V)3) with a
significant funding to resolve the incompatibilities. lightweight, repackaged onboard jammer (ALQ-214(V)4
• DOT&E produced a classified report on the IDECM SWIP and ALQ-214(V)5). IB-4 also replaces the ALQ-126B
OA and the integrated testing at JPARC. The IDECM Block 4 to provide advanced, carrier capable jamming to the
hardware is effective and suitable on the F/A-18E/F, and F/A‑18C/D for the first time. IB-4 (without SWIP) fielded
not effective and not suitable on the F/A-18C/D because the to three squadrons in FY15.
system is unsafe due to environmental control system issues • IB-4 hardware will run enhanced onboard software known as
leading to cabin pressurization problems. SWIP. SWIP will give IDECM enhanced capabilities against
• The IDECM Block 4 with SWIP demonstrated inconsistent modern threats, denying or delaying a weapons-quality track
performance during integrated testing at the JPARC. on the F/A-18.
However, the system demonstrated improved stability over • The F/A-18E/F installation includes off-board towed decoys.
previous developmental test flights. The F/A-18C/D installation includes only the onboard
receiver/jammer components and not the towed decoy.
• The IDECM system is a radio frequency, self-protection Mission
electronic countermeasure suite on F/A-18 aircraft. The • Combatant Commanders will use IDECM to improve the
system is comprised of on- and off-board components. The survivability of Navy F/A-18 strike aircraft against radio
onboard components receive and process radar signals and can frequency-guided threats while flying air-to-air and air to
employ on- and/or off-board jamming components in response ground missions.
to identified threats. • The Navy intends to use IB-4’s complex jamming capabilities
• There are four IDECM variants: Block I (IB-1), Block II to increase survivability against modern radar guided threats.
(IB‑2), Block III (IB-3), and Block IV (IB-4). All the variants • IDECM SWIP provides a new deny/delay capability to
include an onboard radio frequency receiver and jammer. enhance survivability against modern radio frequency threats.
- IB-1 (fielded FY02) combined the legacy onboard receiver/
jammer (ALQ-165) with the legacy (ALE-50) off-board Major Contractors
towed decoy. • ALE-55: BAE Systems – Nashua, New Hampshire
- IB-2 (fielded FY04) combined an improved onboard • ALQ-214: Harris – Clifton, New Jersey
receiver/jammer (ALQ-214) with the legacy (ALE-50) • ALE-50: Raytheon Electronic Warfare Systems – Goleta,
off-board towed decoy. California
- IB-3 (fielded FY11) combined the improved onboard
receiver/jammer (ALQ-214) with a new (ALE-55)

F Y16 N AV Y P R O G R A M S

IB-4 IDECM program should optimize countermeasure techniques
• The Navy completed an OA for IDECM Block 4 hardware employed using SWIP and their effectiveness for the threats of
on September 30, 2015. Testing was adequate to assess interest.
effectiveness on the F/A-18E/F. However, due to a major • IDECM Block 4 with SWIP did not demonstrate consistent
safety issue on the F/A-18C/D, the Navy deferred testing on effectiveness against modern surface-to-air missile systems.
F/A-18C/D until the middle of FY-17. Integrated test led to the discovery of stability problems with
- All planned laboratory testing, including a dense emitter the SWIP software, some of which have potential fixes in the
scenario and closed-loop hardware-in-the-loop testing was latest software, but system effectiveness is often unpredictable.
completed. On at least one occasion, the SWIP system produced no radio
- Follow-on testing is scheduled for 2017 to complete all frequency output but all system indications showed that
remaining flight test points for both platforms. IDECM was working perfectly.
IB-4 with SWIP
• The Navy completed integrated testing at a hardware-in-the- Recommendations
loop facility for the SWIP software. • Status of Previous Recommendations. The Navy addressed
- Integrated testing at the JPARC tested the SWIP system some previous recommendations; however, the following
against a modern threat in a more realistic threat remain outstanding:
environment than was previously possible. Further, while IDECM System
working in concert with the EA-18G and the ALQ-99 1. The Navy should develop hardware and/or software
jamming pod, the Navy tested SWIP interoperability and changes to provide pilots with correct indications
effectiveness in the presence of support jamming. of whether a decoy was completely severed. This
- Due to the integrated nature of the test, multiple recommendation does not apply to the F/A-18 C/D
configurations and software versions were tested at the installation since that installation does not include a towed
JPARC. decoy.
• The Navy conducted all testing in accordance with a DOT&E- 2. The Navy should continue to improve maintenance
approved test plan. data collection processes and reporting methods during
developmental and integrated test for IDECM to support an
Assessment adequate suitability assessment.
IB-4 3. The Navy should ensure that the ALR-67(V)3 Radar
• IDECM Block 4 is effective and suitable on the F/A-18E/F Warning Receiver interface with IDECM is updated to
and unsafe and not suitable on the F/A18C/D, leading to a not allow for proper situational awareness when SWIP is in use.
effective evaluation. Testing was adequate to support DOT&E 4. The Navy should ensure that the SWIP software is
evaluation of the system. consistent and produces effective output prior to fielding.
- IDECM Block 4 demonstrated the same capabilities as the Electronic Warfare Warfighting Improvements
legacy IDECM Block 3 system. 5. In coordination with the Defense Intelligence Agency, the
- Environmental Control System (ECS) problems on Navy should update the warhead probability of kill data
multiple F/A-18C/D aircraft prevented completion of in requirements documents to confirm IDECM effects are
IDECM Block 4 testing. Since the root cause of the ECS sufficient to ensure aircraft survivability.
issues has not been determined, IDECM Block 4 is unsafe 6. The Services should improve the fidelity of missile
on the F/A-18C/D. The Navy wrote technical orders endgame analysis, to including warhead fuzing.
to diagnose ECS problems on the F/A-18C/D, but each • FY16 Recommendations. The Navy should:
aircraft must be investigated individually to solve the 1. Fully resolve F/A-18C/D ECS issues before resuming any
problems. IDECM is therefore not suitable on the F/A- test flights on the F/A-18C/D.
18C/D fleet writ large. 2. Determine for each threat whether the current SWIP
IB-4 with SWIP techniques or the original IDECM Block 3 or 4 baseline
• IDECM Block 4 with SWIP demonstrated little deny-delay techniques provide the greatest survivability gains and field
capability at the JPARC against a modern threat. The the most effective technique.


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