Thread Life Cyclefor Bca

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Thread Life Cycle:-

A thread can be in one of the following states ,

1. New born state(New)
2. Ready to run state (Runnable)
3. Running state(Running)
4. Blocked state
5. Dead state

Thread Life Cycle In Java

New Born State:--

 The thread enters the new born state as soon as it is created. The thread is
created using the new operator.
 From the new born state the thread can go to ready to run mode or dead
 If start( ) method is called then the thread goes to ready to run mode. If the
stop( ) method is called then the thread goes to dead state.

Ready to run mode (Runnable Mode):--

 If the thread is ready for execution but waiting for the CPU the thread is said
to be in ready to run mode. 
 All the events that are waiting for the processor are queued up in the ready to
run mode and are served in FIFO manner or priority scheduling.
 From this state the thread can go to running state if the processor is available
using the scheduled( ) method. 
 From the running mode the thread can again join the queue of runnable
 The process of allotting time for the threads is called time slicing.

Running State:--
 If the thread is in execution then it is said to be in running state. 
 The thread can finish its work and end normally. 
 The thread can also be forced to give up the control when one of the
following conditions arise
1. A thread can be suspended by suspend( ) method. A suspended thread can be
revived by using the resume() method.
     2. A thread can be made to sleep for a particular time by using the
sleep(milliseconds) method.
         The sleeping method re-enters runnable state when the time elapses.
     3. A thread can be made to wait until a particular event occur using the wait()
method, which can be run again using the notify( ) method.

Blocked State:--
 A thread is said to be in blocked state if it prevented from entering into the
runnable state and so the running state.
 The thread enters the blocked state when it is suspended, made to sleep or
 A blocked thread can enter into runnable state at any time and can resume
Dead State:--
 The running thread ends its life when it has completed executing the run()
method which is called natural dead. 
 The thread can also be killed at any stage by using the stop( ) method.

Difference between wait() and sleep() methods in thread:

1) wait is called from synchronized context only while sleep can be called

without synchronized block.
2) wait is called on object while sleep is called on thread.
3) waiting thread can be awake by calling notify and notifyAll while sleeping
thread can not be awaken by calling notify method.
4) wait is normally done on condition, Thread wait until a condition is true
while sleep is just to put your thread on sleep.
5) wait release lock on object while waiting while sleep doesn't release lock
while waiting.

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