Project Proposal Thesis
Project Proposal Thesis
Project Proposal Thesis
resources that is greater than the market value these resources can generate
definition, it’s a bit limiting. The more modern entrepreneurship definition is also
solution. (Gwartney)
resources is greater than the market value these resources can generate
jeans that can be sold for thirty dollars and instead turns them into a denim
backpack that sells for fifty dollars will earn a profit by increasing the value those
required to bid the necessary resources away from alternative uses. Those
prices will be equal to the value that the resources could create in their next-best
which they have increased the value generated by the resources under their
Entrepreneurs who make a loss, however, have reduced the value created
by the resources under their control; that is, those resources could have
capitalism helps to quickly sort through the many new resource combinations
the process by which new ideas are quickly discovered, acted on, and labeled as
school students at Saint Claire Academy Lian, Batangas, Inc. Lian, Batangas.
High School student at Saint Claire Academy Lian, Batangas Inc. Lian,
together with the type of product that entrepreneurship club is going to sell, as
a. Age
b. Gender
school students?
4. What are the type of product does entrepreneurship club are going to sell?
High School at Saint Claire Academy; this will be done through the use of survey
articles, websites, academic journals and books that are recognized as reliable,
demographic profile of Senior High School Students in terms of Gender and Age.
This study is composed of information mostly about the roles and function
High School students together with the benefits and the factors why we need the
Senior High School students at Saint Claire Academy Lian, Batangas Inc.
answer all questions relevant to this study. The findings of this study will be
organization club of the school and progress the facility of the school. This may
also help them to achieve its mission that is to be committed to the development
of the students.
Faculty. This study can help teacher awareness and consciousness with
Future Researchers. The result of this study may help and serve as a
guide and inspiration for their future studies of the related topic this may also be
which has direct bearing on the present study. The topics were gathered from the
Conceptual Literature
with people in formally organized groups. Harold Koontz gave this definition
carefully woven examples of each into every chapter. The authors chose these
six competencies after surveying hundreds of managers in all types and sizes of
understand and develop their own management potential. This unique focus on
competencies, combined with new theories and fresh examples, will engage the
readers while applying the content. This text will set the standard for content that
merges the concerns of managers, with the managerial competencies that foster
(Martin, 2015). (De Wolf & Schoorlemmer, 2007; Rudmann, 2008; Vesala &
Pyysiainen, 2008) stated that management skills are human resources managing
skills, financial management skills and general planning skills and (Henry et al.,
2005) stated that managerial skills are marketing, accounting and decision-
Amit (2003) they found that the failure of younger entrepreneurs is linked with
stated that business management skills are important in the later stages of the
history of mankind has change had a bigger impact on business and society than
today. Change invariably creates room for innovation, and those unable to adapt
will not survive. Innovation is the key to successful competition, growth, progress
and prosperity. “But innovation does not happen on itself. It takes people who are
innovation, turn ideas into products, services or business models and help them
succeed in the face of adversity. And this is exactly what entrepreneurs do,”
published in 2001, Peter Drucker already anticipated the shift towards a society
Based upon the ideas of another great Austrian thinker, Joseph Schumpeter, the
entrepreneur should be, according to his opinion, in the heart of the economic life
answer is within reach for everyone. Innovation is possible when you decide to
tap into your own true entrepreneurial spirit. Whether you're in the process of
mindset. Let's begin. The ability to change the future is within all of us. Yet
personal and social inhibitions hold many of us back, and we never tap into our
academic economics.
person is defined and authority and responsibility is fixed for accomplishing the
same..(Allen, 2009)
groups have to perform with the facilities necessary for its execution, that the
duties so performed provide the best channels for the efficient, systematic,
(Sheldon, 2007)
Research Literature
education has three different angles, which are culture/state of mind, behavior
matter of culture/state cover features that focus on beliefs, values and attitudes
behavior mostly covers skills like opportunities, making decisions and developing
concerns the creation of new firms and entrepreneurial situations whereas the
(venture creation, e.g. writing business plans), many current scholars argue that
the real challenge for entrepreneurship education lies within the development of
indicated a positive or mixed result (Lorz et al., 2011), like Van der Sluis and Van
Praag (2008) and Van der Sluis et al. (2005) found it positive, also Karlan and
Valdivia (2006) supports that the business training for the people who applied for
micro finance to start their own business has a positive effect on their
Overall, the positive impact of the findings made some researchers to call
for more researches with robust research methods, Peterman and Kennedy
(2003) stated that although researchers have recognized the positive impact from
(2007) found that the link between entrepreneurship education and outcomes is
develop skills for entrepreneurship success, and that entrepreneurs will need it in
the future. Some entrepreneurs prefer to rely on themselves believing that they
have the skill need it to be successful, but once they discover training programs
new horizons emerged to their business success and they find teachable skills
The reason behind the business failure mainly comes from the lack of
(2004) that individuals who have work experience and educational background,
they got a set of various skills become more likely entrepreneurs and make better
entrepreneurs, each researcher has stated different set of skills. Martin (2015)
stated that according to the OECD (2014) annual report, three sets of skills were
al., 2005). Beside that it includes environment monitoring, problem solving and
Thomas and Mueller (2000) stated that the main difference between
entrepreneurs and regular employees is the risk-taking attitude, also the big
is not only about facing the risk of loss, but by facing the risk of career
research studies which involves its similarities and differences to the present
management potential which are related to the present study that that also talks
According to Frese and Gielnik (2014), the business situations are very
of facing this situation which related to our study because in order to have an
challenges or problems are very unpredictable so the club and member itself
answer is within reach for everyone. Innovation is possible when you decide to
tap into your own true entrepreneurial spirit. Whether you're in the process of
can help the individuals to enhance their business and management skills.
achieving organizational goals. The work of each and every person is defined
and authority and responsibility is fixed for accomplishing the same which are
related the present study the researchers believes that an organization is the
objectives. According to the study of McMullan and McMullan et al. (2002) the
innovation which are related to the present study because researchers believes
that club requires team work, creative thinking and have an skills in order to be
education has three different angles, which are culture/state of mind, behavior
and creating specific situations which are relevant to the present study, the
develop skills for entrepreneurship success, and that entrepreneurs will need it in
the future. Some entrepreneurs prefer to rely on themselves believing that they
have the skill need it to be successful and they find teachable skills (Wu and
Jung, 2008).
Theoretical Framework
people with balanced skill are more likely to be entrepreneurs, and those
different functions and working for different employers. Moreover, Lazear (2005)
mentioned that individuals could invest to learn and get diversified skills through
Furthermore, Becker (1964); Silva (2007); Unger et al. (2011) found that
skills are the most important human outcomes acquired through either formal or
one who introduces new combinations. In Schumpeterian theory, the main theme
According to him, an inventor discovers new methods and new materials. But, an
innovator is one who applies inventions and discoveries in order to make now
combinations. With the help of these new combinations, he produces newer and
independent business men but also executives and managers who actually
McClelland. McClelland concerned himself with economic growth and the factors
that influence it. In this context, he tries to find the internal factors i.e. “human
values and motives that lead man to exploit opportunities, to take advantage of
are found to be highly suspect and one wonders how many of the individuals who
Conceptual Framework
in terms of age, gender and strand, the benefits of entrepreneurship club, the
Batangas Inc. the different types of product does entrepreneurship club going to
Frame 2 shows the thru put. This includes the data gathering procedure
High School Students at Saint Claire Academy Lian, Batangas Inc. Lian,
Definition of Terms
taking a financial risk in the hope of profit.This term use to the study to be the
uses to refer to the system of arrangement or order, or the structure that classify
and junior high school (Your Dictionary). In the present study, the term refers to
Research Design
obtaining the information needed for the study. The researchers attempted to
describe and discover the benefits of entrepreneurship club and to know the
factors why we need entrepreneurship in our school. Also to know the type of
Research Environment
This part of the study describes the setting where the study was undertaken,
This study was conducted in Saint Claire Academy, Lian, Batangas, Inc. It
has something like two canteen, clinic, two computer lab, general academic
special education classrooms, with the instructional rooms, of standard, which it’s
mean they meet the DepEd's rules for security and ease of use.
The researchers decided to conduct the study in the said school because
of its accessibility. This means the school can offer the researchers an easier
way of collecting data in compliance with the needed information for the study.
The participants of the study were students of Saint Claire Academy Lian,
Batangas Inc. Lian, Batangas. The researchers chose the school to conduct their
study. The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 students from Saint Claire
Academy Lian, Batangas Inc. Lian, Batangas. The total number of the
The different data and information in this research study came from
reliable sources like the information from the internet websites, research papers,
dissertation, academic journals and online books. This information are being
carefully compiled and gathered by the researchers respectively with the copy of
its source, link authors name and date of publication. The research survey
questionnaires are being distributed to 147 Senior High School students of Saint
the researchers did extensive library and internet research regarding the study to
make sure all the necessary items concerning the study are included in the
questionnaire and is aligned with the statement of the problem and the purpose
of the study.
legitimacy envelops the whole exploratory idea and builds up whether the
outcomes got meet the majority of the necessities of the logical research
else instead.
study, the skills and resources available to the research team, and the nature of
the study.
request addressed to the Senior High School Principal at Saint Claire Academy
Lian, Batangas, Incorporated for endorsement and approval. After that, a letter of
request was presented to the principal of the Senior High School at Saint Claire
Academy Lian, Batangas, Inc. The letter was handled by the researchers
Academy Lian, Batangas, Inc. After a week, the researchers collected the
the correct structure. Crude information accumulation is just a single part of any
12 Senior High School Students at Saint Claire Academy Lian, Batangas Inc.
survey sample. The mean is the average of the numbers. It was used to
gathered from the instruments used in this study in order to propose our product
Academy, Lian, Batangas, Inc. The data were presented through the use of
survey questionnaire.
1.1 Age
Table 4.1 shows the age profile of the respondents, with age 18 post the
highest frequency of 70 or 47.6 percent of the total 147 respondents. The other
age posted the following frequencies: 35 or 23.8 percent for the age 17, 25 or 17
percent for the age of 19 and last 17 or 11.6 percent for that age of 20.
finding sustains the reliability of the information gathered from the respondents,
considering their age status. Further, the variation in the frequencies of the
different age groups is a strong indicator that the different ages were represented
in the sample.
According to Brown (2001), Age is the time of life at which some particular
1.2 Gender
The profile of the respondents helped the present study to identify the
Table 4.2 shows the profile of the respondents in terms of sex. It is quite clear
that out of the total respondents investigated for this study, overwhelming
majority (53.1 percent) of them were females whereas about 46.9 percent were
found to be males.
School students
supply ranked first with the weighted mean of 2.31 is the benefits of
the best entrepreneur of the month ranked second with the weighted mean of
1.63 agree that it is the one of the benefits of entrepreneurship club considered
by Grade 12 students. Develop social interaction ranked third agree with the
weighted mean of 1.43. Get a 10% discount ranked second to the last
respondents agree with the weighted mean of 1.22 and insurance for minor
injuries inside the school last respondents agree with weighted mean of 1.12.
With the average weighted mean of 1.54 that respondents are agree about the
many ways like getting better at time management. The amount of time you
commit to a club varies with each group, but that is still time that you have to fit
Senior High School organization or clubs have reasons why they want to
have an organization in the school. Because the admin will not approve their
The table above presents the factors why we need entrepreneurship club
first with the weighted mean of 2.65. To enhance the students skills in business
ranked second respondents agree with the weighted mean of 2.55. To improve
social interaction ranked third respondents agrees with the weighted mean of
agree with the weighted mean of 2.24. The last in the rank is to develop school
organization respondents agree with the weighted mean of 2.04. With the
average weighted mean of 2.4 that respondents are Agree about the factors why
students to study in university because students will meet some new friends to
be with. So that student has many factors why they need a club an organization.
12 Senior high school students is to sell their product in Saint Claire Academy
Table 4.4 Type of product does entrepreneurships club are going to sell
The table presents the type of product does entrepreneurship club are going
to sell. Based on the results, large percentages of the respondent strongly agree
that the Dessert that entrepreneurship club should sell with the weighted mean
3.54. Drinks ranked second respondent agree with the weighted mean of 2.45.
Snacks ranked third respondents agree with the weighted mean of 2.35. School
supply ranked second to the last with the weighted mean of 2.25. And the
accessories rank last respondent agrees with the weighted mean of 2.04. With
average weighted mean of 2.52 the respondents are Agree about that the type of
from the results of the study and the corresponding recommendation related to
High School student at Saint Claire Academy Inc. Lian, Batangas. Also to
determine the factors why we need entrepreneurship club together with the type
a. Age
b. Gender
2. What are the benefits of entrepreneurship club in grade 12 senior high school
3. What are the factors why we need entrepreneurship club in grade 12 senior
4. What are the type of product does entrepreneurship club are going to sell?
The senior high school students’ ages ranged to 17 to 20. Age of 18 post
the highest frequency of 70 or 47.6 percent of the total 147 respondents. The other age
posted the following frequencies: 35 or 23.8 percent for the age 17, 25 or 17 percent for
the age of 19 and last 17 or 11.6 percent for that age of 20.
It is quite clear that out of the total respondents investigated for this study,
overwhelming majority (53.1 percent) of them were females and 46.9 percent
The findings shows the respondents strongly agree that semester school
supply ranked first with the weighted mean of 2.31 is the benefits of
the best entrepreneur of the month ranked second with the weighted mean of
1.63 agree that it is the one of the benefits of entrepreneurship club considered
by Grade 12 students. Develop social interaction ranked third agree with the
weighted mean of 1.43. Get a 10% discount ranked second to the last
respondents agree with the weighted mean of 1.22 and insurance for minor
injuries inside the school last respondents agree with weighted mean of 1.12.
With the average weighted mean of 1.54 that respondents are agree about the
The finding shows the factors why we need entrepreneurship club in Grade
12 Senior High School students at Saint Claire Academy. The respondents agree
that to create a growth mindset as an entrepreneur ranked first with the weighted
respondents agree with the weighted mean of 2.55. To improve social interaction
ranked third respondents agrees with the weighted mean of 2.45. To have extra-
curricular activities ranked second to the last respondents agree with the
weighted mean of 2.24. The last in the rank is to develop school organization
respondents agree with the weighted mean of 2.04. With the average weighted
mean of 2.4 that respondents are Agree about the factors why we need
The finding shows the large percentages of the respondent strongly agree
that the Dessert that entrepreneurship club should sell with the weighted mean
3.54. Drinks ranked second respondent agree with the weighted mean of 2.45.
Snacks ranked third respondents agree with the weighted mean of 2.35. School
supply ranked second to the last with the weighted mean of 2.25. And the
accessories rank last respondent agrees with the weighted mean of 2.04. With
average weighted mean of 2.52 the respondents are Agree about that the type of
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn.
1. The researcher found out that most of the Senior High School grade 12
3. Most of the Grade 12 students believe that the factor why we need
4. Researcher found out that majority of Senior High School student wants a
in a business. Other than that, to make them conceptualize the good use
they can expect to see all those benefits after checking the results of the
Researchers can rely on this because this was made with proper guidance