Project Proposal Thesis

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. Entrepreneurship is the process of discovering new ways of combining

resources. When the market value generated by this new combination of

resources that is greater than the market value these resources can generate

elsewhere individually or in some other combination, the entrepreneur makes a

profit. Entrepreneurship is the act of creating a business or businesses while

building and scaling it to generate a profit. However, as a basic entrepreneurship

definition, it’s a bit limiting. The more modern entrepreneurship definition is also

about transforming the world by solving big problems. Like initiating social

change, creating an innovative product or presenting a new life-changing

solution. (Gwartney)

An entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the

risks of a business or enterprise. An entrepreneur is an agent of change.

Entrepreneurship is the process of discovering new ways of combining

resources. When the market value generated by this new combination of

resources is greater than the market value these resources can generate

elsewhere individually or in some other combination, the entrepreneur makes a

profit. An entrepreneur who takes the resources necessary to produce a pair of

jeans that can be sold for thirty dollars and instead turns them into a denim

backpack that sells for fifty dollars will earn a profit by increasing the value those

resources create. This comparison is possible because in competitive resource


markets, an entrepreneur’s costs of production are determined by the prices

required to bid the necessary resources away from alternative uses. Those

prices will be equal to the value that the resources could create in their next-best

alternate uses. Because the price of purchasing resources measures

this opportunity cost the profit of entrepreneurs make reflects the amount by

which they have increased the value generated by the resources under their

control. (Kiznier 2013)

Entrepreneurs who make a loss, however, have reduced the value created

by the resources under their control; that is, those resources could have

produced more value elsewhere. Losses mean that an entrepreneur has

essentially turned a fifty-dollar denim backpack into a thirty-dollar pair of jeans.

This error in judgment is part of the entrepreneurial learning, or discovery,

process vital to the efficient operation of markets. The profit-and-loss system of

capitalism helps to quickly sort through the many new resource combinations

entrepreneurs discover. A vibrant, growing economy depends on the efficiency of

the process by which new ideas are quickly discovered, acted on, and labeled as

successes or failures. (Hay, 2000).

This study aimed to propose a product proposal which is implementation

of Entrepreneurship club to enhance the business mind of Grade 12 senior high

school students at Saint Claire Academy Lian, Batangas, Inc. Lian, Batangas.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to identify the benefits of implementation of

entrepreneurship club to enhance the business mindedness of Grade 12 Senior

High School student at Saint Claire Academy Lian, Batangas Inc. Lian,

Batangas. Also to determine the factors why we need entrepreneurship club

together with the type of product that entrepreneurship club is going to sell, as

well as the demographic profile of the respondents.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

2. What are the benefits of entrepreneurship club in grade 12 senior high

school students?

3. What are the factors why we need entrepreneurship club in grade 12

senior high school at Saint Claire academy?

4. What are the type of product does entrepreneurship club are going to sell?

Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of this study

This research are conducted due to the implementation of the

entrepreneurship club to enhance the business mindedness of Grade 12 Senior

High School at Saint Claire Academy; this will be done through the use of survey

questionnaires and by gathering quantitative information from sources such as

articles, websites, academic journals and books that are recognized as reliable,

accurate and valuable. Another purpose of the study is to determine the

demographic profile of Senior High School Students in terms of Gender and Age.

This study is composed of information mostly about the roles and function

of Entrepreneurships Club to enhance business mindedness of Grade 12 Senior

High School students together with the benefits and the factors why we need the

Entrepreneurship club in Saint Claire Academy.

This study was limited to the determination of the perception of Grade 12

Senior High School students at Saint Claire Academy Lian, Batangas Inc.

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to propose a product proposal which is Implementation

of the Entrepreneurship Club to enhance the business mindedness of senior high

school student at Saint Claire Academy and to determine the significance to

answer all questions relevant to this study. The findings of this study will be

beneficial to the Saint Claire Academy, Faculty and Future Researchers.

Saint Claire Academy. This study may serve as the development of

organization club of the school and progress the facility of the school. This may

also help them to achieve its mission that is to be committed to the development

of the students.

Faculty. This study can help teacher awareness and consciousness with

their essential roles or function as an important foundation for the club

organization. And also to help students determine the function of

Entrepreneurship club to the Senior High School students.


Future Researchers. The result of this study may help and serve as a

guide and inspiration for their future studies of the related topic this may also be

their basis in developing their research.




This chapter presents the review of conceptual and research literature

which has direct bearing on the present study. The topics were gathered from the

internet sources and other references.

Conceptual Literature

The following review deals with different concepts related to 1.)

Management 2) Entrepreneurship. 3) Organization.

Management. Management is the art of getting things done through and

with people in formally organized groups. Harold Koontz gave this definition

of management in his book "The Management Theory Jungle". According to

Henri Fayol, "To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organize, to command, to

co-ordinate and to control. (2011).

Management is a Competency-Based Approach presents theory, relevant

applications, and innovation. The authors continue to place emphasis on six

managerial competencies-self-management, strategic action, planning and

administration, global awareness, teamwork, and communication-and have

carefully woven examples of each into every chapter. The authors chose these

six competencies after surveying hundreds of managers in all types and sizes of

businesses. The integrated, interactive Self-Assessment helps learners

understand and develop their own management potential. This unique focus on

competencies, combined with new theories and fresh examples, will engage the

readers while applying the content. This text will set the standard for content that

merges the concerns of managers, with the managerial competencies that foster

excellence. (Don Hellriegel, 2008)

The business management skills include decision-making, setting goals,

human resources management, finance, accounting, marketing, customer

relations, negotiating, growth management and compliance with regulations

(Martin, 2015). (De Wolf & Schoorlemmer, 2007; Rudmann, 2008; Vesala &

Pyysiainen, 2008) stated that management skills are human resources managing

skills, financial management skills and general planning skills and (Henry et al.,

2005) stated that managerial skills are marketing, accounting and decision-


In assessing the importance of business management skills, Thornhill and

Amit (2003) they found that the failure of younger entrepreneurs is linked with

deficiencies in business management skills. In related study, Landwehr (2005)

stated that business management skills are important in the later stages of the

business to keep it running. According to Frese and Gielnik (2014), since

business situations are very complicated, unpredicted and changing

requirements during the business procedure, entrepreneurs must build a specific

personality features to be capable of facing this situation, the entrepreneur must

act as a leader, investor, accountant, marketing specialist and top sellers.

Entrepreneurship. Peter Drucker turned out to be right. Never before in the

history of mankind has change had a bigger impact on business and society than

today. Change invariably creates room for innovation, and those unable to adapt

will not survive. Innovation is the key to successful competition, growth, progress

and prosperity. “But innovation does not happen on itself. It takes people who are

passionate about making it happen: Someone needs to identify opportunities for

innovation, turn ideas into products, services or business models and help them

succeed in the face of adversity. And this is exactly what entrepreneurs do,”

explains Prof. Franke. In his landmark book Innovation and Entrepreneurship,

published in 2001, Peter Drucker already anticipated the shift towards a society

that is that is characterized by entrepreneurship, innovation and dynamics.

Based upon the ideas of another great Austrian thinker, Joseph Schumpeter, the

entrepreneur should be, according to his opinion, in the heart of the economic life

– as the driving force of a market-based, competitive and wealth-creating


According to Professor of Entrepreneurship Donald F. Kuratko (2013), the

answer is within reach for everyone. Innovation is possible when you decide to

tap into your own true entrepreneurial spirit. Whether you're in the process of

concept, creation, or launch, it all begins with exploring your entrepreneurial

mindset. Let's begin. The ability to change the future is within all of us. Yet

personal and social inhibitions hold many of us back, and we never tap into our

full potential as innovative thinkers. The meaning of innovation, an element so

critical to the world's development, has become ambiguous through overuse in

the media and pop culture.


According to Schumpeter (2015), an entrepreneur is willing and able to

convert a new idea or invention into a successful innovation. The idea

that entrepreneurship leads to economic growth is an interpretation of the

residual in endogenous growth theory and as such continues to be debated in

academic economics.

Organization. "Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping the

work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority, and

establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling people to work most

effectively together in accomplishing objectives" The work of each and every

person is defined and authority and responsibility is fixed for accomplishing the

same..(Allen, 2009)

“Organization is the process so combining the work which individuals or

groups have to perform with the facilities necessary for its execution, that the

duties so performed provide the best channels for the efficient, systematic,

positive and coordinated application of the available effort”. Organization helps in

efficient utilization of resources by dividing the duties of various persons.

(Sheldon, 2007)

Spriegel (2008),has given a wide definition of the organization. He has

described it as the relationship among persons, factors in the enterprise. All

factors of production are coordinated in order to achieve organizational


Research Literature

Regarding the Entrepreneurship Education (EE), many researchers give

entrepreneurship a significant focus on their studies, McIntyre and Roche (1999)

defines entrepreneurship education as the process of passing the necessary

skills and concepts to individuals to identify new business opportunities and to

reach high level of self-confidence to benefit from such opportunities. In addition,

McMullan and long (1987) and McMullan et al. (2002) entrepreneurship

education should include skill–building and leadership programs, new product

development, creative thinking, and technology innovation. Furthermore, Maritz

et al. (2015) defines entrepreneurship education programs as any educational

program or process of education for entrepreneurial manners and skills, which

help in developing personal qualities. Entrepreneurship education has been

classified by Van Gelderen et al. (2015), as one of the most important

components of entrepreneurship ecosystem to enhance intentionally and

business creation stability.

In related study conducted by Fayolle et al. (2006), entrepreneurship

education has three different angles, which are culture/state of mind, behavior

and creating specific situations. Education focuses on entrepreneurship as a

matter of culture/state cover features that focus on beliefs, values and attitudes

associated with entrepreneurship. While, entrepreneurship education focuses on

behavior mostly covers skills like opportunities, making decisions and developing

social skills. Entrepreneurship education focused on creating specific situations,

concerns the creation of new firms and entrepreneurial situations whereas the

focus of entrepreneurship education in the past was on the last dimension

(venture creation, e.g. writing business plans), many current scholars argue that

the real challenge for entrepreneurship education lies within the development of

the dimensions (e.g. Gibb, 2009).

Regarding the relationship between entrepreneurship education and

entrepreneur performance, the majority of studies on entrepreneurship education

indicated a positive or mixed result (Lorz et al., 2011), like Van der Sluis and Van

Praag (2008) and Van der Sluis et al. (2005) found it positive, also Karlan and

Valdivia (2006) supports that the business training for the people who applied for

micro finance to start their own business has a positive effect on their

performance. As Peterman and Kennedy (2003) found that the entrepreneurship

education programs can significantly change the entrepreneurial intentions of

participants. However, recently only two studies found a negative relation

between entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurs (Oosterbeek et al., 2010;

von Graevenitz et al., 2010).

Overall, the positive impact of the findings made some researchers to call

for more researches with robust research methods, Peterman and Kennedy

(2003) stated that although researchers have recognized the positive impact from

entrepreneurship education, "there has been little rigorous research on its


effects." In their analysis of entrepreneurship education, Pittaway and Cope

(2007) found that the link between entrepreneurship education and outcomes is

still not clear and needs more research.

According to Do Paco et al. (2011) entrepreneurship education can

develop skills for entrepreneurship success, and that entrepreneurs will need it in

the future. Some entrepreneurs prefer to rely on themselves believing that they

have the skill need it to be successful, but once they discover training programs

new horizons emerged to their business success and they find teachable skills

(Wu and Jung, 2008).

The reason behind the business failure mainly comes from the lack of

skills (Dowling, 2003; Zimmerer and Scarborough, 2003). According to Lazear

(2004) that individuals who have work experience and educational background,

they got a set of various skills become more likely entrepreneurs and make better

business progress than others. Regarding the skills behind successful

entrepreneurs, each researcher has stated different set of skills. Martin (2015)

stated that according to the OECD (2014) annual report, three sets of skills were

identified technical skills, business management skills and personal

entrepreneurial skills. The technical management include written and oral

communication, technical implementation skills and organizing skills (Henry et

al., 2005). Beside that it includes environment monitoring, problem solving and

interpersonal skills (Martin, 2015).


Thomas and Mueller (2000) stated that the main difference between

entrepreneurs and regular employees is the risk-taking attitude, also the big

difference between being and entrepreneurs and being a professional manager

in business is that entrepreneurs personally take the risk of loss or profit.

However, as stated by Erdem (2001) and Littunen (2000) being an entrepreneur

is not only about facing the risk of loss, but by facing the risk of career

opportunities, emotional condition, and health and family relations.


This includes the significance of the related conceptual literature and

research studies which involves its similarities and differences to the present


According to Henri Fayol (2011), "To manage is to forecast and to plan, to

organize, to command, to co-ordinate and to control” which is related to present

study the implementation of Entrepreneurship club which needs to be organized

thoroughly to be successful and be worth of implementing it.

Moreover, (Don Hellriegel,2008) believes thatthe integrated,

interactive Self-Assessment helps learners understand and develop their own

management potential which are related to the present study that that also talks

about managing an entrepreneurship club that can also enhance their

management skills in order to have an successful organization .


According to Frese and Gielnik (2014), the business situations are very

complicated, unpredicted and changing requirements during the business

procedure, entrepreneurs must build a specific personality features to be capable

of facing this situation which related to our study because in order to have an

successful club it needs to go through good and worst situation. Some

challenges or problems are very unpredictable so the club and member itself

needs to be ready in order overcome it.

According to Professor of Entrepreneurship Donald F. Kuratko (2013), the

answer is within reach for everyone. Innovation is possible when you decide to

tap into your own true entrepreneurial spirit. Whether you're in the process of

concept, creation, or launch, it all begins with exploring your entrepreneurial

mindset, which is related to the present study. Having an entrepreneurship club

can help the individuals to enhance their business and management skills.

Louis Allen, (2009) believes that the organization is an instrument for

achieving organizational goals. The work of each and every person is defined

and authority and responsibility is fixed for accomplishing the same which are

related the present study the researchers believes that an organization is the

process of working in group, responsibilities and establishing relationships for the

purpose of enabling people to work most effectively together in accomplishing

objectives. According to the study of McMullan and McMullan et al. (2002) the

entrepreneurship education should include skill–building and leadership

programs, new product development, creative thinking, and technology


innovation which are related to the present study because researchers believes

that club requires team work, creative thinking and have an skills in order to be

more productive members.

Moreover, Maritz et al. (2015) defines entrepreneurship education

programs as any educational program or process of education for entrepreneurial

manners and skills, which help in developing personal qualities.

In related study conducted by Fayolle et al. (2006), entrepreneurship

education has three different angles, which are culture/state of mind, behavior

and creating specific situations which are relevant to the present study, the

education focuses on entrepreneurship as a matter of culture/state cover

features that focus on beliefs, and attitudes associated with entrepreneurship.

While, entrepreneurship education focuses on behavior mostly covers skills like

opportunities, making decisions and developing social skills.

According to Do Paco et al. (2011) entrepreneurship education can

develop skills for entrepreneurship success, and that entrepreneurs will need it in

the future. Some entrepreneurs prefer to rely on themselves believing that they

have the skill need it to be successful and they find teachable skills (Wu and

Jung, 2008).

Theoretical Framework

Lazear (2004) developed "Jack-all-trades" theory, which suggests that

people with balanced skill are more likely to be entrepreneurs, and those

balanced skills can be adopted by getting appropriate education, working in

different functions and working for different employers. Moreover, Lazear (2005)

mentioned that individuals could invest to learn and get diversified skills through

education or job training. Individuals who want to get a career in

entrepreneurship choose to learn skills by either education or accepting a variety

of positions in the work. While, an individual who has educational background or

previous work experience will be more fit to be entrepreneurs. Investigating the

impact of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurs' skills is the focus of this


Furthermore, Becker (1964); Silva (2007); Unger et al. (2011) found that

skills are the most important human outcomes acquired through either formal or

non-formal education. While, (Ucbasaran et al., 2008) confirmed that

entrepreneurship education is a significant source of skills.

Innovation Theory: This theory was propounded by J.A. Schumpeter.

According to Schumpeter, entrepreneur is basically an innovator and innovator is

one who introduces new combinations. In Schumpeterian theory, the main theme

is the innovation. He makes a distinction between an innovator and an inventor.

According to him, an inventor discovers new methods and new materials. But, an

innovator is one who applies inventions and discoveries in order to make now

combinations. With the help of these new combinations, he produces newer and

better goods which yield satisfaction as well as profits. In economic development

process, entrepreneurs have been assigned a crucial role so that tempo of

growth is maintained effectively. Development requires basic changes and

entrepreneurs carry out the required changes. Thus, entrepreneurial

development brings economic development. Schumpeter’s concept of

entrepreneurship is quite broad based. Entrepreneurship includes not only the

independent business men but also executives and managers who actually

undertake innovative functions.

Need for Achievement Theory: This theory was developed by David. C.

McClelland. McClelland concerned himself with economic growth and the factors

that influence it. In this context, he tries to find the internal factors i.e. “human

values and motives that lead man to exploit opportunities, to take advantage of

favorable trade conditions.” That is why he gives importance to the innovative

characteristics of entrepreneurial role. Research studies on the psychological

roots of entrepreneurship reveal that high achievement orientation ensures the

success of entrepreneurs. But the empirical tools of concept used by McClelland

are found to be highly suspect and one wonders how many of the individuals who

are judged to have high n-achievement could succeed in utilizing it in practice in

the present day developing countries unless strengthened by other reinforcing


Conceptual Framework

Below is the paradigm of the conceptual framework of this study which

uses the System Approach with Input-Process-Output as a framework for


Figure 1 shows the paradigm of conceptual framework.


The demographic  Formulation and

profile of the validation and
respondents in terms approval of the
of : survey
 Age questionnaires. Implementation of
 Gender  Distribution of entrepreneurship
 The benefits of questionnaires. Club to enhance the
entrepreneurs  Retrieval of business
club in grade 12 questionnaires. mindedness of
senior high school  Tallying of data. grade 12 Senior
students.  Analysis and High School
 The factors why interpretation of Students at Saint
we need data. Claire Academy
entrepreneurship Lian, Batangas Inc.
club in grade 12
Lian, Batangas:
senior high school
Product Proposal
at Saint Claire
 The different
types of product
club going to sell

Figure 1 Research Paradigm on the Implementation of Entrepreneurship Club to

enhance the business mindedness of Grade 12 Senior High School
students at Saint Claire Academy Lian, Batangas Inc. Lian,
Batangas: Product Proposal

Frame 1 presents the input of the demographic profile of the respondents

in terms of age, gender and strand, the benefits of entrepreneurship club, the

factors why we need entrepreneurship club at Saint Claire Academy, Lian,

Batangas Inc. the different types of product does entrepreneurship club going to


Frame 2 shows the thru put. This includes the data gathering procedure

and also the assessment of the data through questionnaire.

Frame 3 shows the output. This refers to the Implementation of

entrepreneurship Club to enhance the business mindedness of Grade 12 Senior

High School Students at Saint Claire Academy Lian, Batangas Inc. Lian,

Batangas: Product Proposal.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally for a

better understanding of this study.

Business. A person regular occupation, profession or trade.This term use

to the study because the study is similar with the business.

Entrepreneurship. The activity of setting up a business or business,

taking a financial risk in the hope of profit.This term use to the study to be the

name of its club.

Management. The process of dealing with or controlling things or

peoples. This term use to the study to control things easily.


Organization.  It‘s the act of forming or establishing something. This term

uses to refer to the system of arrangement or order, or the structure that classify


Senior High School. It is a school intermediate above elementary school

and junior high school (Your Dictionary). In the present study, the term refers to

the respondents assessed by the researchers.




This chapter provides discussions on the research methods that were

utilized in the study.

Research Design

Descriptive research method was used in the study. It focused on

obtaining the information needed for the study. The researchers attempted to

describe and discover the benefits of entrepreneurship club and to know the

factors why we need entrepreneurship in our school. Also to know the type of

product that entrepreneurship club is going to sell. Also to identify the

demographic profile of students of grade 12 Senior High School students of Saint

Claire Academy Lian, Batangas Inc. Lian, Batangas.

According to John Dudovsky (2017), descriptive research maybe

categorized as simply the attempt to determine, describe or identify what is. It is

used to describe various aspects of the phenomenon and describe and/ or

behavior of some population.

Research Environment

This part of the study describes the setting where the study was undertaken,

for the gathering of needed information.

This study was conducted in Saint Claire Academy, Lian, Batangas, Inc. It

has something like two canteen, clinic, two computer lab, general academic

classroom, home economics, kindergarten classroom, laboratory, office, and

special education classrooms, with the instructional rooms, of standard, which it’s

mean they meet the DepEd's rules for security and ease of use.

The researchers decided to conduct the study in the said school because

of its accessibility. This means the school can offer the researchers an easier

way of collecting data in compliance with the needed information for the study.

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study were students of Saint Claire Academy Lian,

Batangas Inc. Lian, Batangas. The researchers chose the school to conduct their

study. The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 students from Saint Claire

Academy Lian, Batangas Inc. Lian, Batangas. The total number of the

respondents that were chosen to answer the questionnaire is 147.

Table 3.1 Participants of the Study.

GRADE 12 STRAND No. of Respondents

ABM 15
Total 147

Data Gathering Instruments

The different data and information in this research study came from

reliable sources like the information from the internet websites, research papers,

dissertation, academic journals and online books. This information are being

carefully compiled and gathered by the researchers respectively with the copy of

its source, link authors name and date of publication. The research survey

questionnaires are being distributed to 147 Senior High School students of Saint

Claire Academy Lian, Batangas, Inc

Construction of the Questionnaire. After a thorough study of the topic,

the researchers did extensive library and internet research regarding the study to

make sure all the necessary items concerning the study are included in the

questionnaire and is aligned with the statement of the problem and the purpose

of the study.

Validation of the Questionnaire. As indicated by Shuttleworth (2008),

legitimacy envelops the whole exploratory idea and builds up whether the

outcomes got meet the majority of the necessities of the logical research

technique Kramer et al (2009) added that validity is also dependent on the

measurement measuring what it was designed to measure and not something

else instead.

Before the construction of the questionnaire, as it is the main data

gathering instrument, the researchers examined different thesis to gain

background information on how to construct a questionnaire.

Administration. During the administration of the questionnaire, the

researchers considered the need and preferences of the participants of the


study, the skills and resources available to the research team, and the nature of

the study.

Scoring. The data gathered were tabulated and processed manually

using the following measures:

Table 3.2 Scale value with corresponding range

Scale Range of Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

4 3.6-4.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.6-3.5 Agree
2 1.6-2.5 Disagree
1 0-1.5 Strongly Disagree
Data Gathering Procedure

Prior to the selection of the participants, the researchers made a letter of

request addressed to the Senior High School Principal at Saint Claire Academy

Lian, Batangas, Incorporated for endorsement and approval. After that, a letter of

request was presented to the principal of the Senior High School at Saint Claire

Academy Lian, Batangas, Inc. The letter was handled by the researchers

themselves to ensure effective delivery and to solicit assistance from the

principal and the respondents.

After the approval of the principal, the researchers distributed the

questionnaires to the grade 12 Senior High School students at Saint Claire

Academy Lian, Batangas, Inc. After a week, the researchers collected the

questionnaires to start the analysis of data gathered.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Factual treatment of information is basic so as to utilize the information in

the correct structure. Crude information accumulation is just a single part of any

investigation; the association of information is similarly essential with the goal

that fitting ends can be drawn.

Frequency. A proportion or share in relation to a whole. This was used to

find the percentage of the responses of respondents regarding to the

Implementation of entrepreneurship Club to enhance the business mind of grade

12 Senior High School Students at Saint Claire Academy Lian, Batangas Inc.

Lian, Batangas: Product Proposal.

Weighted Mean.This was used to measure the general responses of the

survey sample. The mean is the average of the numbers. It was used to

determine the number of responses according to the respondent responses

regarding to the Implementation of entrepreneurship Club to enhance the

business mindedness of grade 12 Senior High School Students at Saint Claire

Academy Lian, Batangas Inc. Lian, Batangas: Product Proposal.




This chapter presents the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered from the instruments used in this study in order to propose our product

proposal which is Implementation of Entrepreneurship Club to Enhance the

Business Mindedness of Grade 12 Senior High School students at Saint Claire

Academy, Lian, Batangas, Inc. The data were presented through the use of

survey questionnaire.

1. The demographic profile of the respondents

1.1 Age

Table 4.1.1 Profile of the respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage

20 17 11.6
19 25 17
18 70 47.6
17 35 23.8
Total 147 100

Table 4.1 shows the age profile of the respondents, with age 18 post the

highest frequency of 70 or 47.6 percent of the total 147 respondents. The other

age posted the following frequencies: 35 or 23.8 percent for the age 17, 25 or 17

percent for the age of 19 and last 17 or 11.6 percent for that age of 20.

As a whole, the respondents in the age of 18, percentage of 47.6. This

finding sustains the reliability of the information gathered from the respondents,

considering their age status. Further, the variation in the frequencies of the

different age groups is a strong indicator that the different ages were represented

in the sample.

According to Brown (2001), Age is the time of life at which some particular

qualification and capacity arises or rests also to acquire desirable quality by

standing undisturbed for some time.

1.2 Gender

The profile of the respondents helped the present study to identify the

frequency of preparedness of Senior High School students of Male and Female.

According to FAO (2000), Gender is the relations between men and

woman, both perceptual and material. Gender is not determined biologically as a

result of sexual characteristics of either woman or men.

Table 4.1.2 Profile of the respondents in terms of Gender

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 69 46.9
Female 78 53.1
Total 147 100

Table 4.2 shows the profile of the respondents in terms of sex. It is quite clear

that out of the total respondents investigated for this study, overwhelming

majority (53.1 percent) of them were females whereas about 46.9 percent were

found to be males.

2. Benefits of Entrepreneurship Club in Grade 12 Senior High School


In every club or organization there are some benefits to the member of

club to become more effective worker of the organization.

Table 4.2 Benefits of Entrepreneurship Club in Grade 12 Senior High

School students

Statements Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretation
Develop social interaction 1.43 Agree 3
Get a 10% discount 1.22 Agree 4
Give certificates to the best entrepreneur of the 1.63 Agree 2
Semester school supply 2.31 Strongly Agree 1
Insurance for minor injuries inside the school 1.12 Agree 5
Average Weighted Mean 1.54 Agree

As viewed in table 4.2 respondents strongly agree that semester school

supply ranked first with the weighted mean of 2.31 is the benefits of

entrepreneurship club because students needs school supply. Give certificates to

the best entrepreneur of the month ranked second with the weighted mean of

1.63 agree that it is the one of the benefits of entrepreneurship club considered

by Grade 12 students. Develop social interaction ranked third agree with the

weighted mean of 1.43. Get a 10% discount ranked second to the last

respondents agree with the weighted mean of 1.22 and insurance for minor

injuries inside the school last respondents agree with weighted mean of 1.12.

With the average weighted mean of 1.54 that respondents are agree about the

benefits of entrepreneurship club of Grade 12 Senior High School students.

According to Fitzgerald (2015), if you join a club you will be benefit in

many ways like getting better at time management. The amount of time you

commit to a club varies with each group, but that is still time that you have to fit

into your busy schedule.

3. Factors why we need Entrepreneurship Club in Grade 12 Senior High

School at Saint Claire Academy

Senior High School organization or clubs have reasons why they want to

have an organization in the school. Because the admin will not approve their

request if does not have valid reasons.

Statements Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretation
To create a growth mindset as an entrepreneur 2.65 Agree 1
To enhance students skills in business 2.55 Agree 2
To develop school organization 2.04 Agree 5
To have an extracurricular activities 2.24 Agree 4
To improve social interaction with customer 2.45 Agree 3
Average Weighted Mean 2.4 Agree
Table 4.3 Factors why we need Entrepreneurship Club in Grade 12 Senior

High School at Saint Claire Academy

The table above presents the factors why we need entrepreneurship club

in Grade 12 Senior High School students at Saint Claire Academy. The

respondents agree that to create a growth mindset as an entrepreneur ranked

first with the weighted mean of 2.65. To enhance the students skills in business

ranked second respondents agree with the weighted mean of 2.55. To improve

social interaction ranked third respondents agrees with the weighted mean of

2.45. To have extra-curricular activities ranked second to the last respondents

agree with the weighted mean of 2.24. The last in the rank is to develop school

organization respondents agree with the weighted mean of 2.04. With the

average weighted mean of 2.4 that respondents are Agree about the factors why

we need Entrepreneurship Club in Grade 12 Senior High School students at

Saint Claire Academy.

According to Bentley University (2020), clubs or organization can help

students to study in university because students will meet some new friends to

be with. So that student has many factors why they need a club an organization.

4. Type of product does entrepreneurships club are going to sell

Entrepreneurship clubs one of the reasons why it build is to let the grade

12 Senior high school students is to sell their product in Saint Claire Academy

Lian, Batangas Inc.

Table 4.4 Type of product does entrepreneurships club are going to sell

Statement Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretation
Dessert 3.54 Strongly Agree 1
Accessories 2.04 Agree 5
Drinks 2.45 Agree 2
Snacks 2.35 Agree 3
School Supply 2.25 Agree 4
Average Weighted mean 2.52 Agree

The table presents the type of product does entrepreneurship club are going

to sell. Based on the results, large percentages of the respondent strongly agree

that the Dessert that entrepreneurship club should sell with the weighted mean

3.54. Drinks ranked second respondent agree with the weighted mean of 2.45.

Snacks ranked third respondents agree with the weighted mean of 2.35. School

supply ranked second to the last with the weighted mean of 2.25. And the

accessories rank last respondent agrees with the weighted mean of 2.04. With

average weighted mean of 2.52 the respondents are Agree about that the type of

product that the entrepreneurship club is going to sell.

According to Eveleigh (2017), Product is the most important part of the

marketing mix. Every new product carries advertising messages attempting to

convince us why their products represents the best purchase decision.




This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions drawn

from the results of the study and the corresponding recommendation related to

the findings of the study.


This study aimed to identify the benefits of implementation of

entrepreneurship club to enhance the business mindedness of Grade 12 Senior

High School student at Saint Claire Academy Inc. Lian, Batangas. Also to

determine the factors why we need entrepreneurship club together with the type

of product that entrepreneurship club is going to sell, as well as the demographic

profile of the respondents.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

2. What are the benefits of entrepreneurship club in grade 12 senior high school


3. What are the factors why we need entrepreneurship club in grade 12 senior

high school at Saint Claire academy?


4. What are the type of product does entrepreneurship club are going to sell?


The salient findings of the study are the following:

1. The demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:


The senior high school students’ ages ranged to 17 to 20. Age of 18 post

the highest frequency of 70 or 47.6 percent of the total 147 respondents. The other age

posted the following frequencies: 35 or 23.8 percent for the age 17, 25 or 17 percent for

the age of 19 and last 17 or 11.6 percent for that age of 20.


It is quite clear that out of the total respondents investigated for this study,

overwhelming majority (53.1 percent) of them were females and 46.9 percent

were found to be males.

2. Benefits of Entrepreneurship club in Grade 12 Senior High School


The findings shows the respondents strongly agree that semester school

supply ranked first with the weighted mean of 2.31 is the benefits of

entrepreneurship club because students needs school supply. Give certificates to

the best entrepreneur of the month ranked second with the weighted mean of

1.63 agree that it is the one of the benefits of entrepreneurship club considered

by Grade 12 students. Develop social interaction ranked third agree with the

weighted mean of 1.43. Get a 10% discount ranked second to the last

respondents agree with the weighted mean of 1.22 and insurance for minor

injuries inside the school last respondents agree with weighted mean of 1.12.

With the average weighted mean of 1.54 that respondents are agree about the

benefits of entrepreneurship club of Grade 12 Senior High School students.

3. The Factors why we need Entrepreneurship Club in Grade 12 Senior

High School students at Saint Claire Academy

The finding shows the factors why we need entrepreneurship club in Grade

12 Senior High School students at Saint Claire Academy. The respondents agree

that to create a growth mindset as an entrepreneur ranked first with the weighted

mean of 2.65. To enhance the students skills in business ranked second

respondents agree with the weighted mean of 2.55. To improve social interaction

ranked third respondents agrees with the weighted mean of 2.45. To have extra-

curricular activities ranked second to the last respondents agree with the

weighted mean of 2.24. The last in the rank is to develop school organization

respondents agree with the weighted mean of 2.04. With the average weighted

mean of 2.4 that respondents are Agree about the factors why we need

Entrepreneurship Club in Grade 12 Senior High School students at Saint Claire


4. The type of product that entrepreneurship club are going to sell.

The finding shows the large percentages of the respondent strongly agree

that the Dessert that entrepreneurship club should sell with the weighted mean

3.54. Drinks ranked second respondent agree with the weighted mean of 2.45.

Snacks ranked third respondents agree with the weighted mean of 2.35. School

supply ranked second to the last with the weighted mean of 2.25. And the

accessories rank last respondent agrees with the weighted mean of 2.04. With

average weighted mean of 2.52 the respondents are Agree about that the type of

product that the entrepreneurship club is going to sell.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn.

1. The researcher found out that most of the Senior High School grade 12

students at Saint Claire Academy Lian, Batangas Inc. aged 18 wants to

have Entrepreneurship Club in school and majority of them are females.

2. Most of the respondents want the Entrepreneurship Club benefits is

semester school supply.

3. Most of the Grade 12 students believe that the factor why we need

Entrepreneurship Club is to create a growth mindset as an entrepreneur.

4. Researcher found out that majority of Senior High School student wants a

dessert as a type of product does the Entrepreneurship Club are going to



According to the results of the research study being conducted, the

researchers had developed the following recommendations.

1. Teachers and School Heads. This proposal about the implementation of

Entrepreneurship club is to enhance the business mindedness of Grade

12 students should be acknowledged by them. It is to think of a broad and

effective technique as to how to propagate this to their school.

2. Grade 12 students. It is recommended for the students with the strand of

Senior high school students which is ABM, HUMSS, COOKERY,

TOURISM because all students have a passion and better understanding

in a business. Other than that, to make them conceptualize the good use

of Entrepreneurship Club is the main point of this research. Therefore,

they can expect to see all those benefits after checking the results of the


3. Future Researchers. This research contains legitimate information. In

addition to that, the conducted survey would be helpful too. Future

Researchers can rely on this because this was made with proper guidance

and is approved based on the following processes.

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