FPGA Code Accelerators - The Compiler Perspective: Conference Paper
FPGA Code Accelerators - The Compiler Perspective: Conference Paper
FPGA Code Accelerators - The Compiler Perspective: Conference Paper
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2 authors, including:
Walild A. Najjar
University of California, Riverside
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The first row of Table 2 represents the base configuration, where Max Filter computes the maximum value in a sliding 3x3 window
no transformations have taken place and the code was compiled on a 2D array (image) of height x width as shown in Figure 4. We
with the default options. In this case ROCCC generates hardware use it to show the impact of temporal common sub-expression
that has only one input channel and one output channel. Before elimination (TCSE), when combined with loop unrolling, in area
any input can be processed, the hardware has to read three and throughput.
elements from the one input channel, which takes three clock The results are shown in Table 4. The original implementation,
cycles, effectively cutting the throughput into one third of its with no optimizations, is in the first row and has three input
potential. channels and generates one output element every clock cycle. It
The second row shows the effect of specifying three input consists of four Max modules taking up 311 slices. When TCSE
memory channels with no other transformations. This allows all is applied, two of these components are removed and only one
the necessary data to be read in one clock cycle, allowing the new data element is needed each cycle resulting in a lower area
output to be generated every clock cycle resulting in a tripling of for the same throughput.
throughput. The area is slightly larger as the hardware has to deal The third row of Table 4 shows the results when the outer loop is
with multiple connections, but some internal hardware unrolled five times, taking in seven elements each clock cycle and
components that serialized the incoming data are actually generating five outputs. Applying TCSE (fourth row) results in
simplified in this implementation leading to a small increase in smaller area, increased in clock speed and two variables being
void MaxFilterSystem(int** A, int N, int** Out) {
The third and fourth row show the effect of unrolling the outer
loop once and six times, corresponding to connecting to an int i, j ;
interface of 32-bits and 64-bits respectively. Each unrolling int maxCol1, maxCol2, maxCol3, winMax ;
allows the number of input and output channels to increase and
for (i = 0 ; i < N ; ++i) {
still produce all output every clock cycle, resulting in a large
increase in throughput and maximizing the throughput per unity for (j = 0 ; j < N ; ++j) {
area for this experiment. MaxFilter(A[i][j], A[i][j+1], A[i][j+2], maxCol1);
Average Filter – Lookup Tables and Arithmetic Cores. MaxFilter(A[i+1][j],A[i+1][j+1],A[i+1][j+2], maxCol2);
Average Filter computes the average of each 3x3-sliding window MaxFilter(A[i+2][j],A[i+2][j+1],A[i+2][j+2], maxCol3);
in the input array. We compare two versions where the division is
either implemented as a look-up table or as an instantiation of an MaxFilter(maxCol1, maxCol2, maxCol3, winMax);
IP core generated by Xilinx Core Generator. Results are shown in Out[i][j] = winMax ; } } }
Table 3.
Figure 4: Max filter on a 3X3 window
For all transformations the achievable clock speed was 225 MHz.
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