Electronic Human Resource Management Enhancing
Electronic Human Resource Management Enhancing
Electronic Human Resource Management Enhancing
Authors: Orientation: This article provides an investigation into the current level of development of the
Paul Poisat1
body of knowledge related to electronic human resource management (e-HRM) by means of a
Michelle R. Mey2
qualitative content analysis. Several aspects of e-HRM, namely definitions of e-HRM, the
Affiliations: theoretical perspectives around e-HRM, the role of e-HRM, the various types of e-HRM and
Graduate School, Nelson the requirements for successful e-HRM, are examined.
Mandela Metropolitan
University, South Africa Research purpose: The purpose of the article was to determine the status of e-HRM and
examine the studies that report on the link between e-HRM and organisational productivity.
School of Industrial
Psychology and Human Motivation for the study: e-HRM has the capacity to improve organisational efficiency and
Resources, Nelson Mandela leverage the role of human resources (HR) as a strategic business partner.
Metropolitan University,
South Africa Main findings: The notion that the implementation of e-HRM will lead to improved
organisational productivity is commonly assumed; however, empirical evidence in this regard
Corresponding author:
Michelle Mey, was found to be limited.
[email protected]
Practical/managerial implications: From the results of this investigation it is evident that
Dates: more research is required to gain a greater understanding of the influence of e-HRM on
Received: 01 Sept. 2016 organisational productivity, as well as to develop measures for assessing this influence.
Accepted: 25 Jan. 2017
Published: 25 July 2017 Contribution: This article proposes additional areas to research and measure when
investigating the effectiveness of e-HRM. It provides a different lens from which to view
How to cite this article:
e-HRM assessment whilst keeping it within recognised HR measurement parameters (the HR
Poisat, P., & Mey, M.R.
(2017). Electronic human value chain). In addition, it not only provides areas for measuring e-HRM’s influence but also
resource management: provides important clues as to how the measurements may be approached.
Enhancing or entrancing? SA
Journal of Human Resource
Management/SA Tydskrif vir
Menslikehulpbronbestuur, Introduction
15(0), a858. https://doi. In recent years, the use of technology in facilitating the human resource management (HRM)
v15i0.858 function has increased significantly. A number of business objectives have been raised in support
of the introduction of electronic human resource management (e-HRM) in the 21st century. These
Copyright: have included cost savings and increased efficiency, the facilitation of strategic aims, and
© 2017. The Authors.
Licensee: AOSIS. This work
improvements in client services, all of which are clearly beneficial from an organisational
is licensed under the perspective (Marler, 2009; Ruël, Bondarouk & Looise, 2004). However, before organisations
Creative Commons expend resources on e-HRM systems, it is important to determine whether e-HRM is indeed
Attribution License. supporting the attainment of business objectives. In this regard, it is important to consider the role
played by e-HRM, the factors that influence the successful implementation of e-HRM systems,
and the link between e-HRM and organisational productivity. This article aims to explore these
considerations as well as provide an overview of the current body of knowledge related to e-HRM.
In this study, 100 articles, journals and other research products were examined of which 67 were
included in the final analysis. These research products were chosen based on their relevance in
exploring the following areas: definitions of e-HRM, various types of e-HRM, theoretical
perspectives on e-HRM, e-HRM’s effect on productivity and other key issues surrounding e-HRM.
productivity and developing reliable measures in this regard. relations, retention, and policies on work-life balance (Ensher,
In the following section, a definition of e-HRM is provided. Nielson & Grant-Vallone, 2002; Olivas-Lujan, Ramirez &
Zapata-Cantu, 2007). Thite and Kavanagh (2009) divided
Current theoretical perspectives HRM activities into three categories: (1) transactional activities,
Defining electronic human resource involving day-to-day transactions and recordkeeping, (2)
management traditional HRM activities, such as recruitment, selection,
planning, training, compensation and performance
Bondarouk and Ruël (2009, p. 506) argued that e-HRM management and (3) transformational activities which add
definitions have ‘flourished, with little consistency or value to the organisation, such as organisational development,
agreement in sight’. The authors further argue the importance talent management and learning. As technology has become
of understanding how researchers define e-HRM. They increasingly incorporated into HR systems large proportions
assert that minor differences in terminology may result in of transactional activities are now delivered electronically. In
consequent studies assuming multiple directions, or in a the following section the differences between computerised
range of user ‘subsets’ within the e-HRM target population. human resource information system/human resource
Since early works on the intersection between web-based information systems (CHRIS/HRIS) and e-HRM are explored
technologies and HRM, a number of definitions have been in an attempt to ascertain the pertinence of a technology
proposed regarding this phenomenon. e-HRM has been driven and web-based interface aimed at multiple users in
referred to as HR Information System (HRIS), virtual HR(M), driving HRM effectiveness and efficiency.
web-based HRM and intranet-based HRM, although the
literature strikes a distinction between these various
The difference between computerised human
electronic and web-based phenomena.
resource information system/human resource
information systems and electronic human
To gain a clear understanding of what comprises HRIS
resource management
is important. HRIS was initially defined as comprising
a ‘specialised information system within the traditional Kettley and Reilly (2003) identified a CHRIS as comprising a
functional areas of the organisation, designed to support fully integrated, organisation-wide network of HR-related
the planning, administration, decision-making, and control data, information, services, databases, tools and transactions.
activities of human resource management’ (DeSanctis, 1986, This system forms an integral part of e-HRM and relates to
p. 16). In later years, HRIS was described as a system used the application of conventional, web and voice technologies
to acquire, store, manipulate, analyse, retrieve and distribute to improve HR administration, transactions and process
pertinent information about the human resources of an performance. Existing literature fails to provide a consistent
organisation (Haines & Petit, 1997). Despite the term HRIS definition of e-HRM and the term is often interchangeably
still being in use today, there is an assumed difference used with HRIS, human resource management systems
between the early information systems for HRM (HRIS) and (HRMSs), HR software, web-based HR, HR Self-Service,
the information technologies required for current e-HRM business to employee (B2E) and other terms.
Walker (2001) defined HRIS as involving a systematic
Magnitude and reach appears to be a prominent difference procedure for collecting, storing, maintaining, retrieving,
between an HRIS and e-HRM. Some definitions of e-HRM and validating data about an organisation’s human resources,
in existing literature focus on a network structure as a personnel activities, and organisational unit characteristics.
central defining feature. For example, Strohmeier (2007, In understanding what constitutes e-HRM it is important
p. 20) defined e-HRM as the ‘planning, implementation and to consider the following. An integrated HRIS, as well as
application of information technology for both networking appropriate technology, is required in order for e-HRM to be
and supporting of at least two individual or collective actors effectively implemented and thus allow for the acquisition,
in their shared performing of HR activities’. Lepak and Snell storage, analysis and flow of human resource information
(1998, p. 216) used the term ‘virtual HR’ to encompass a throughout the organisation (Van Heerden, Poisat & Mey,
‘network-based structure built on partnerships and mediated 2012). HRIS must, through an effective e-HRM platform,
by information technologies to help the organisation acquire, assist both human resource and line managers in decision-
develop, and deploy intellectual capital’. making that is linked to the achievement of strategic business
objectives through systematically generating accurate, timely
E-HRM is thus regarded as a way of implementing HR and relevant information (Van Heerden et al., 2012).
strategies, policies and practices in organisations through a
conscious and directed support of and/or with the full use of There are several fundamental differences between HRIS
web technology-based channels (Ruël et al.’s, 2004). e-HRM and e-HRM. In essence, HRIS are directed towards the
provides multiple functions to its users including managing HR department itself as users of these systems are mainly
employee information for various purposes and supporting HR staff (Ruël et al., 2004). These systems increase HR
many HR activities such as recruitment and selection, departmental efficiency which then purportedly extends to
performance management, compensation and benefits, the achievement of business objective (Ruël et al., 2004).
training and development, health and safety, employee e-HRM is not the sole domain of HR staff. It extends to
employees and managers within the broader organisational (3) improving strategic orientation (Bondarouk, Ruël & Van
context through HR services which are offered via an intranet der Heijden, 2009; Brockbank, 1997; Lepak & Snell, 1998;
and/or the Internet (Ruël et al., 2004). The switch from Stanton & Coovert, 2004). These goals are subject to external
the automation of HR services per se, towards broader factors, such as the impact of globalisation, and lack a clear
technological support and the provision of information on definition in the practice of e-HRM. From the literature
HR data and services to multiple users is regarded as review, it seems apparent that e-HRM is regarded as being
the major difference between HRIS and e-HRM (Ruël et al., mostly concerned with cost reduction and efficiency increases
2004). In other words, e-HRM is a way of implementing HR in the provision of HR services, rather than on improving the
strategies, policies, and practices in organisations through strategic orientation of HRM (Gardner, Lepak & Bartol, 2003;
a conscious and directed support of and/or with the full Parry & Tyson, 2011; Ruël et al., 2004; Ruta, 2005). It is argued
use of web-technology-based channels (Ruël et al., 2004). In that increasing the use of e-HRM allows HR professionals to
determining the position and relevance of e-HRM from an improve their performance through participating more as
organisational perspective it is important to consider e-HRM internal consultants and focusing less on transactional and
in the context of business appropriate theoretical perspectives. administrative duties, thereby providing value to the
This contextualisation is provided in the following section. organisation and improving the standing of HRM in the
organisation (Hussain, Wallace & Cornelius, 2007; Lawler &
Theoretical perspectives related to electronic Mohrman, 2003). To this end, e-HRM is regarded as a medium
human resource management which provides executive reports and summaries to help HR
Four major theoretical frameworks or perspectives on professionals and management in making strategic decisions
e-HRM are identifiable in the literature: contingency theory, (Broderick & Boudreau, 1992).
resource-based view theory, transaction cost theory and new
institutional theory. Firstly, according to Lawrence and In understanding the contribution afforded to organisations
Lorsch’s (1967) contingency theory, organisations are largely in adopting a true e-HRM system, in other words one
influenced by the environment in which they operate and which is distinguishable from an HRIS and supported by
thus organisational success is dependent on the extent to the necessary technology and web-enabled platform, the
which the organisation adapts internal structuring to account following section explores the differing forms of and related
for the limitations imposed by the environment (Lawrence & HRM functions associated with e-HRM. These considerations
Lorsch, 1967). There must be a fit between micro and macro are deemed important in determining the benefits of
environmental factors and suitable organisational structures associating HRM functions with e-HRM from a broad-based
in place to achieve desired outcomes (Ruël & Van Der Kaap, HRM value chain perspective.
2012). Secondly, the resource-based theory states that the most
valuable element of organisational competitive advantage is Types of electronic human resource
the human resources of the firm which, in terms of this theory, management
is regarded as valuable, unique, inimitable, and not easily Lepak and Snell (1998) identified three types of e-HRM:
substitutable (Barney, 1991). e-HRM functions such as operational e-HRM, relational e-HRM and transformational
e-recruiting and e-learning can be viewed as tools which e-HRM.
enable organisations to ensure this competitive advantage.
Thirdly, transaction cost theory identifies cost effectiveness as Firstly, operational e-HRM consists of the basic administrative
the best explanation for institutional arrangements. Saving activities of the HR department such as payroll, personnel
costs becomes the driving force behind organisations’ data management, departmental record maintenance and
complex, partially outsourced, partially decentralised and others which make up the bulk of the workload of the HR
partially delegated e-HRM systems (Lepak & Snell, 1998). Department. A number of authors have supported the cost-
Fourthly, institutional theory has been used to clarify HRM reducing benefits and increase in efficiency created by e-HRM
practices and influence in the e-HRM field (Heikkilä, 2013). in this regard (Marler, 2009; Ruël et al., 2004). This is achieved
Institutionalism promotes a critical view on the factual through minimising HR staff bonded to these activities,
consequences of organisational actions as well as offering increasing processing speed and reducing the amount of
explanations of the relation between institutional context and administrative work, thus freeing time for other activities
configurations of e-HRM (Strohmeier, 2007). (Ruël et al., 2004; Ruta, 2005; Strohmeier, 2007).
In further exploring the position and relevance of e-HRM in Secondly, relational e-HRM comprises those HR activities that
enhancing organisational efficiencies and effectiveness the support a mutual relationship between the HR department
following section explores the role of e-HRM as determined and other departments, both within the organisation and
through the literature review. externally. These types of e-HRM activities include functions
such as e-recruitment, e-learning and e-performance
The role of electronic human resource management. Relational e-HRM may provide employees
management and managers with remote access to HR information, thus
E-HRM is regarded as having three over-arching goals, increasing their ability to connect with other internal and
namely (1) reducing cost, (2) improving HR services and external stakeholders, as well as providing individuals with
the tools to perform HR activities themselves. This again A recommendation provided in this regard is to allow
lessens the involvement of HR staff, allowing them to refocus HRM staff more time to practise on the system so that they
their priorities. require less support once the system is live (Panayotopoulou,
Vakola, & Galanaki, 2007; Parry & Tyson, 2011). In some
Thirdly, transformational e-HRM focuses on the strategic cases, employees are not aware of the full functionality of
activities of HRM, such organisational change processes, the system and are therefore not able to take full advantage
strategic re-orientation, strategic competence management of this (Parry & Tyson, 2011).
and strategic knowledge management. By improving the
strategic orientation of HRM, e-HRM has the capacity to Engagement with electronic human resource
transform the HR function (Ruël et al., 2004). A strategic HR management
function links HRM activities to the strategic management
It is important for both managers and employees to engage
process and strategic objectives of the business. This leads
with a new e-HRM system for it to be accepted and used
to an integrated set of policies and practices developed
within the organisation. Difficulties in encouraging managers
to execute the company’s implicit or explicit business
and employees to make use of e-HRM systems have been
strategy through the management of the firm’s human
experienced as managers have complained that using e-HRM
capital (Martin-Alcazar, Romero-Fernandez & Sanchez-
is not a good use of their time and some still resort to using
Gardey, 2005; Wright & McMahan, 1992). A pivotal goal of traditional offline systems (Parry & Tyson, 2011). This
e-HRM is thus to contribute to the strategic alignment of example emphasises the importance of encouraging people
the HRM function. In this regard, e-HRM systems provide to change their mindset in regard to the value of adopting
managers with accurate and reliable data about their e-HRM to avoid delays and reaping the associated benefits
employees which may prove crucial in business decisions (Parry & Tyson, 2011). The role of skills development, training
(Ghazzawi, Al-khoury & Saman, 2014). This is perhaps the and a relatable e-HRM system are highlighted as important
least considered and explored role of e-HRM, as may be in this regard.
evidenced by subsequent considerations in this review.
The adoption of e-HRM may also be influenced by cultural
The success of e-HRM in enhancing the HRM value chain factors, as the national culture in which a company is situated
for the HRM department, line managers and other users may in turn impact the culture of the organisation (Bondarouk,
or stakeholders of e-HRM is dependent on a number of Schilling & Ruël, 2016). For example, a culture that relies on
requirements. These are outlined in the following section. face-to-face relationships and personal connections may find
e-HRM practices less personal and thus more difficult to
Key requirements for electronic human resource adopt and engage with (Bondarouk et al., 2016).
management success
The literature investigated revealed that a number of key Engagement with e-HRM is also influenced by the web of
issues need to be addressed in order to successfully delivery channels which have evolved over time. This has
implement e-HRM. These are discussed below. influenced perceptions of a more advanced e-HRM. HR-
shared service centres serve as one example hereof (Farndale,
Paauwe & Hoeksema, 2009). Face-to-face HRM services are
Human resources skills seen as becoming obsolete, with organisations preferring
Changes to service delivery, and hence the HR role, modern, well-designed and technically well-functioning IT-
cannot be achieved without the development of new skills based e-HRM platforms. The inflexibility, rigidity, innovative
within an organisation’s HR team. Practitioners must incapacity, and inferior efficiency and effectiveness of
possess consultancy, strategic thinking, analytical, advanced traditional two-level HRM functions developed around the
communication, negotiation, process engineering, project HR department and middle managers are becoming obsolete.
management and business writing skills (Parry & Tyson,
2011). If these skills do not already exist within the HR Design of the electronic human resource
function then organisations will be unable to meet the management system
required improvements in service delivery needed to take on
The design of the e-HRM system may affect the outcomes
the challenges associated with e-HRM and even consider
of the introduction of that system (and therefore the
moving the mode of HRM service delivery to a more strategic
realisation of goals). A system that is not user-friendly or
role (Parry & Tyson, 2011; Wright & Snell, 1998).
intuitive increases the amount of administration necessary
for managers rather than reducing it (Parry & Tyson, 2011).
Training in electronic human resource A further important consideration in terms of design is that
management use of imitation. e-HRM is not exempt from the impact of
Providing sufficient training for users of the e-HRM system imitation through the diffusion of technological innovations
has a great influence on the outcomes of e-HRM use. across economies, sectors and organisations (Ciborra, 2002).
Organisations that fail to do so report that systems do not Adopting the same or a similar e-HRM application without
provide the desired efficiency savings as users frequently considering organisational uniqueness may destroy the
have to contact HR to obtain support (Parry & Tyson, 2011). competitive advantage which may be associated therewith.
Research design EBSCOhost, JSTOR and Google Scholar, and examined for
relevance. Keywords and phrases used in the search included
As stated, the purpose of this review was to determine the
HRM, e-HRM and productivity, e-HRM in South Africa, and
status of e-HRM and examine the studies that report on
CHRIS/HRIS. Of the articles examined, only 67 were found
the link between e-HRM and organisational productivity.
to be relevant and included in the final review. These studies
The study aimed to determine the existence of South African
research in this regard. Because of the extremely limited were categorised into research areas, some of the findings of
research encountered in South Africa, it was decided to which are presented in the literature discussed above and
expand this study to a search for relevant international further highlighted in the following section.
studies. Although this study focuses mainly on research
produced after 2000, some earlier seminal works, such as Results
that of Lepak and Snell (1998), were used.
For the purposes of this study, a review of current literature
on the nature and extent of e-HRM was conducted. It was
Research approach initially envisaged that this study would be limited to a
A qualitative content analysis, taking the form of a systematic South African context. However, a paucity of studies in this
review of existing literature, was conducted. A content regard led to a more general analysis of these considerations.
analysis followed by a thematic analysis of key themes In an attempt to stimulate both local and international
that emanated from the literature. To this end, 100 articles, research, Table 1 outlines the major e-HRM research areas
journals and research products were sourced using explored through the survey of existing literature. The table
also indicates the corresponding authors considered for each multitude of e-HRM platforms and applications should be
area. This approach is deemed appropriate in light of the fact considered in this regard (Shenet al. 2009). What seems
that e-HRM is not a country or continent ‘bound’ phenomenon, apparent is that the influence of e-HRM on organisational
and supports the notion of globalised HRM practices. productivity needs to be determined through qualitative and
quantitative research.
Table 1 reflects that the majority of e-HRM research has
focused on the tools and effectiveness of e-HRM. However, In this study, an attempt was made to determine the current
most of the studies in question have been of a theoretical status of e-HRM and the body of knowledge which exists in
nature and empirical evidence in this regard is limited. In this regard. To this end, a quantitative content analysis was
particular, no studies were found that empirically linked an undertaken which formed the backdrop to this study. It
increase in organisational productivity to the implementation further allowed for a delineation of current research areas. It
of e-HRM. Authors such as Watson (2002) and Walker (2001) was initially planned that this study be conducted within the
hint at this improvement in productivity but do not provide South African context. However, because of limited research
empirical proof. encountered, it was deemed appropriate to extend the study
to include international studies.
Lee, as cited in Boninelli and Meyer (2011), asserts that the
core mandate of HRM is to have a positive impact on It is argued that e-HRM can increase the efficiency of HR
organisational outcomes. To this end, he described the activities, improve HR service delivery and transform the
linkages between HR and desired outcomes in terms of the role of the HR function into one that is more strategic
HR value chain. The value chain is broadly constituted of (Hendrickson, 2003; Martin et al., 2008; Ruël et al., 2004). This
the following elements: implies that the use of e-HRM may allow the HR function to
increase its value and contribute to the competitive advantage
• What HR believes and understands (philosophy, values,
of the firm. The increasing deployment of HR technology and
culture and strategy). systems could be an additional source of organisational value
• What HR does (programmes, operating procedures and as these assets have lower barriers to imitability than factors
interactions). such as know-how (Dierickx & Cool, 1989; Rumelt, 1982).
• What happens with people (KSAs, attitudes, and
motivation and health). The suggestion that e-HRM can improve the efficiency of HR
• HR-related resources (HRISs, facilities, communication activities through reducing costs and increasing the speed of
and other systems). HRM processes can be found in many pieces of existing
• What the people achieve in the organisation (productivity, literature. Lepak and Snell (1998) and Hendrickson (2003)
customer and external stakeholder reactions). both suggested that e-HRM leads to the streamlining of HR
• What the company achieves in the market or society transactional processes and thus increases efficiency. One of
(financial, environmental and societal). the main goals of e-HRM is to produce efficiency gains or
• The moderating effect of environmental context (political, cost reductions by reducing headcount in HR departments
economic, sociocultural and technological). and removing administration (Ensher et al. 2002; Lengnick-
Hall & Moritz, 2003; Martin et al., 2008; Ruël et al., 2004).
Utilising the HR value chain typology as proposed by Lee E-HRM can thus be used as an alternative to having people
(2011) to view the content of the e-HRM research areas as perform administrative or transactional tasks manually and
indicated in Table 1 reflects that much of the research focuses also deliver these tasks more efficiently. Sophisticated e-HRM
on ‘what HR does’; ‘what happens with (HR) people’; ‘HR systems may be used to offer manager and employee self-
related resources’ and ‘what (HR) people achieve in the service options to further reduce administrative tasks.
company’. These focus areas suggest that e-HRM is evaluated
and researched largely in terms of the benefits and value
addition that it creates for the HR department and supports
the contention of Gardner et al. (2003), amongst others, that It is clear that some aspects of e-HRM are more commonly
e-HRM is mostly concerned with cost reduction and efficiency researched than others. The findings of this analysis appeared
as opposed to improving the strategic orientation of HRM. to suggest that much of the research focused on the relevance
Dias (2001) asserts that it is not possible to directly translate and value of e-HRM for the HR department and personnel.
the time saved by e-HRM into financial benefits. More research is required to gain a greater understanding of
this field and prove the assumption that the implementation
of e-HRM will lead to strategic advantages, including
Discussion improved productivity. This implies a focus in terms of Lee’s
From the analysis conducted, it would thus appear that HRM value chain on ‘what the company achieves in the
a direct line of sight has not been drawn between market/society’. This would entail empirical studies focused
the implementation of e-HRM and organisational success on establishing reliable and valid measures to demonstrate
based on empirical evidence, more particularly when it the link between e-HRM and reduced costs, increased
comes to determining the influence thereof on productivity. revenue or profit, return on investment, economic value
The diversity of organisations and their contexts and the addition, shared earnings, reduction in pollution levels,
poverty alleviation, amongst others. In addition, it is further Ciborra, C. (2002). The labyrinths of information. New York: Oxford University Press.
proposed that future research should focus on assessing the DeSanctis, G. (1986). Human resource information systems: A current assessment.
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diverse groups of users, including operational employees management. International Journal of Information Management, 21, 269–287.
and line management. This would imply that an HRM value
Dierickx, I., & Cool, K. (1989). Asset stock accumulation and sustainability of
chain focuses on ‘what happens with the people’ and ‘what competitive advantage. Management Science, 35(12), 1504–1511. https://doi.
the people achieve in the company’. Research in these areas
Ensher, E.A., Nielson, T.R., & Grant-Vallone, E. (2002). Tales from the hiring line: Effects
would also necessitate independent research by organisations of the internet and technology on HR processes. Organizational Dynamics, 31(3),
224–244. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0090-2616(02)00111-0
as to the appropriateness of the assessment criteria (metrics)
Farndale, E., Paauwe, J., & Hoeksema, L. (2009). In-sourcing HR: Shared service
which are used to determine success in these areas (Lee as centres in the Netherlands. International Journal of Human Resource
cited in Boninelli & Meyer, 2011). Management, 20(3), 544–561. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585190802707300
Findikli, M.A., & Bayarçelik, E.B. (2015). Exploring the outcomes of electronic human
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Acknowledgements https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.10.112
Gardner, S., Lepak, D., & Bartol, K. (2003). Virtual HR: The impact of information
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63, 159–179. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0001-8791(03)00039-3
The authors declare that they have no financial or personal Ghazzawi, K., Al-khoury, P., & Saman, J. (2014). The effect of implementing technology
in HRM on the level of employee motivation. Human Resource Management
relationships that may have inappropriately influenced them Research, 4(2), 33–39. https://doi.org/10.5923/j.hrmr.20140402.04
in writing this article. Haines, V., & Petit, A. (1997). Conditions for successful human resource information
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Authors’ contributions Hawking, P., Stein, A., & Foster, S. (2004). E-HR and employee self-service: A case study
of a Victorian public sector organization. Issues in Informing Science and
Information Technology, 1, 1017–1026.
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Heikkilä, J.P. (2013). Perspectives on e-HRM in the multinational setting. Uva.Fi, 173.
data. Both the authors were responsible for the writing and Retrieved June 30, 2016, from http://www.uva.fi/materiaali/pdf/isbn_978-952-
editing of the article.
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