Perceived Heat Stress Increases With Population Density in Urban Philippines
Perceived Heat Stress Increases With Population Density in Urban Philippines
Perceived Heat Stress Increases With Population Density in Urban Philippines
Original content from Keywords: adaptation, air-conditioning, climate change impact, increasing temperatures, South East Asia, survey, urbanization
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under the terms of the Supplementary material for this article is available online
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Any further distribution Abstract
of this work must
maintain attribution to The world’s population is increasingly urban, with more than half the global population already living
the author(s) and the
title of the work, journal in cities. The urban population is particularly affected by increasing temperatures because of the
citation and DOI. urban heat island (UHI) effect. Increasing temperatures cause heat stress in people, even when not
directly exposed to heat, since outdoor meteorological conditions also affect conditions inside,
particularly in non-air-conditioned environments. Heat stress harms people’s health, can impair their
well-being and productivity, and may cause substantial economic losses. In this study, we investigate
how people in urban areas across the Philippines are affected by heat, using data from 1161 responses
obtained through an online survey. We found that almost all respondents (91%) are already
experiencing heat stress quite severely and that the level of heat stress is correlated with population
density. Controlling, in a multiple log it model, for variables commonly associated with heat stress,
such as age, health, physical exertion and climate, we found that those least likely to be severely
affected by heat live in areas with fewer than ∼7000 people per km2 . Air-conditioning use at home
relieved heat stress mostly for people in low-density areas but not where population density was high.
The results provide evidence for the social impacts of increasing heat in urban areas, complementing
understanding of well-known physical impacts such as the UHI effect.
Urban areas are particularly at risk from climate population: 45% of its population of 101 million people
change, as heat increases are amplified by the urban heat (2015 census) currently live in urban conditions, a pro-
island (UHI) effect [16, 17]. It is predicted that people in portion that is increasing more rapidly than almost any
urban areas will be twice as exposed to heat increases as other country [35]. We focused on the urban popula-
people in non-urban areas [18]. The share of the global tion because this segment already generates more than
population living in urban areas is expected to grow 70% of the national GDP [35] so labour productivity
from 54% to two-thirds by 2050 [19]. South Asian and losses and health issues arising from extreme heat will
African cities will be the most exposed to heat over the be particularly detrimental to the country’s economy
coming century due to a combination of rapid popu- [36]. With a population of 22.4 million (in 2015), Metro
lation growth and an increase in extreme temperatures Manila is the 10th most populated urban centre in the
[18]. Megacities (more than ten million inhabitants) world, one of the fastest growing and, at 42 000 people
in low- and middle-income countries are particularly per km2 , among the most densely inhabited [37]. The
threatened by climate change because vulnerable popu- UHI effect in Metro Manila is particularly evident in the
lations and infrastructure are concentrated in high-risk most densely populated areas where it can result in tem-
areas [20]. The UHI effect in cities, especially those peratures 3.0 ◦ C above expected levels [38] (for regional
developing rapidly in Asia, can be substantial [21, 22]. variation see table S1 in supplementary materials) avail-
Under a RCP8.5 climate change scenario, some of the able at
world’s cities may be as much as 4 ◦ C warmer by 2050
and 7 ◦ C higher by 2100 [23], which could be higher
if rainfall declines as predicted for cities like Manila in 2. Data and methods
the Philippines [24].
Although the UHI is well known, little research has 2.1. Survey data collection and sampling
been conducted on how urban populations are being We recruited respondents via MicroWorkers.
affected by climate change in cities [25, 26]. To plan MicroWorkers is an online crowdsourcing platform
effectively for the future and to improve the capac- which offers access to a large number of internation-
ity of the urban population to cope with heat, there ally widespread users (see e.g. [39] for a discussion).
needs to be a greater understanding of how cities need Users can register for free and we only sampled adult
to be redesigned [27] and how people can adapt to users from the Philippines. We started a ‘Hired Group’
increased heat [28]. To date, most research on heat campaign and through the platform letters of invitation
stress has focused on labour intensive and/or outside were sent to users from the Philippines. The invitation
activities (e.g. agriculture, military, mining, sports). letter contained a brief description of the topic, the
However, outdoor meteorological conditions also have names and organisations of the researchers and a link
a strong influence on people who work inside [29], to an external online survey (designed in Qualtrics).
such as most urban people, even if they have access to We offered USD1 for completion of the survey. This
air-conditioning. incentive was paid into users’ MicroWorkers accounts
How thermal conditions affect people is most com- when providing a code which showed upon completion
monly assessed using measures based on temperature of the survey. On average, respondents took 12 minutes
thresholds and the physiological ability of the human to complete the survey. Ethics approval was obtained
body to withstand heat. However, heat also affects emo- from the Charles Darwin University Human Research
tions and mental function [30]. Thus, to understand Ethics Committee (H17033).
how people adapt to heat also requires insight into The campaign was open for nine months, between
their personal perceptions of heat, including acclima- 15 May 2017 and 14 February 2018. During this time we
tization and coping mechanisms [31]. In this study, constantly updated the group to whom the invitation
we assess heat stress among the urban population of was sent, i.e. new users from the Philippines. We aimed
the Philippines using a self-reported measure of heat for 1000 valid responses and received 1225. Of these, 64
impact (‘heat stress’) because this measure accounts could not be used because they were largely incomplete,
for psychological aspects of heat stress such as acclima- so our final sample size was 1161. The two reasons
tization and belief systems that are known to affect why the campaign was open for nine months were that
responses to physiologically stressful heat [32]. The data collection was slow, averaging four responses per
aim of our study was to assess the degree of heat stress day, and also that we wanted to cover a wide range of
among the urban population in the Philippines and to temperatures during the survey and avoid a narrow time
reveal factors that influence heat stress levels. horizon in which extreme heat might have occurred and
To date, studies of the impact of heat stress on potentially biased the responses.
the general public have been largely confined to OECD While self-reported estimates need caution in their
countries [e.g. 9, 32, 33]. This is the first study of its kind interpretation [40], the bias to which they are sub-
to investigate heat stress among the general public in a ject was reduced by keeping the questionnaire simple,
non-OECD country. The Philippines was selected as a sampling a large number of people across a long-
case study because of its vulnerability to climate change time horizon and by controlling for factors known
impacts (see [34]) and its growing and highly urbanized to affect heat stress such as health, age, and gender.
Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 084009
2.2. Questionnaire
2.5. Analysis
The questionnaire (table S2 in supplementary materi-
We used R [48] for all data analysis, notably the pack-
als) consisted of four parts, questions on: (1) heat stress
ages corrplot [49] for visualizing correlations and nnet
perceptions, (2) daily activities and employment, (3)
[50] for estimating the multinomial logit (MNL) mod-
climate change beliefs and attitudes towards a range
of environmental and social statements (the analysis of
Bivariate relationships between heat stress levels
these was not the scope of this paper and these variables
and other variables were examined with the 𝜒 2 test,
were not used here), and (4) socio-demographic back-
ANOVA and Kruskal Wallice (KW) test. We used
ground (age, gender, education, income, household
Pearson’s correlation and Spearman tests to assess the
situation, place of residence, health).
direction and strength of the relationships between the
The question on perceived heat stress was posed as
independent variables.
follows: ‘Do you ever feel stressed by heat in what you
For multivariate analysis we estimated a series of
are doing?’ Respondents could tick one of the following
MNL models. We started with an unrestricted model,
including all relevant variables mentioned in the pre-
vious section (table S3 in supplementary materials).
i. No, never
We then used the stepwise function in R, which, based
ii. Yes, but rarely on the Akaike information criterion (AIC), selected
iii. Yes, sometimes the best fitting model. The significance threshold of all
iv. Yes, often statistical tests was set at the 5% level.
v. Yes, very often
3. Results
We grouped respondents answering (i) and (ii) into
a ‘low’ heat stress category, those answering (iii) and About a third (34%) of respondents stated that they felt
(iv) into ‘medium’, and those answering (v) into a ‘high’ severely affected by heat (‘high levels of heat stress’),
category. 57% moderately (‘medium levels’) and 9% were little
affected (‘low levels’). Bivariate analyses showed that,
2.3. Population, density and climate data as expected, healthy respondents reported lower levels
Both population and land area were obtained from the of heat stress than unhealthy respondents (𝜒 2 = 8.03,
Philippines Statistics Authority [44]. Census data were df = 2, p = 0.0180) and the more physically active peo-
from the latest census in 2015. Climate classifications ple were in their daily activities, the higher their heat
(based on Köppen-Geiger; figure S4 in supplementary stress levels (KW = 7.58, df = 2, p = 0.0226). Signifi-
materials) were obtained from the NASA Data Access cantly more women than men were in the highest heat
Tool (SDAT) [45]. stress category (37% vs. 30%). Other characteristics
Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 084009
which were expected to affect heat stress such as age, the low heat stress category decreased by 0.147% [(1-
income, time spent outside during the day, climate, the 0.99853)∗100 = 0.147] and in the medium heat stress
location (island group) and the use of air-conditioning category by 0.039% [(1-0.99961)∗100 = 0.039].
at work and at home had no significant direct impacts People living in a subtropical highland climate
on the levels of heat stress (see table 1). (Cwb) were 77% more likely (OR: 3.72) to be in the low-
Population density per km2 was positively associ- est heat stress category than those in the other climate
ated with the level of heat stress (KW = 11.22, df = 2, zones, which is unsurprising because temperatures are
p = 0.0037) with a median population density of 1467 generally cooler in highland areas. However, only a
for respondents in the lowest heat stress category, 2929 small proportion of the country has a subtropical high-
in the medium and 3044 in the highest categories land climate (Cwb) with the dominant climates being
(figure 1). This means that half of the respondents who equatorial/tropical rainforest (Af), monsoonal (Am)
felt little heat stress (9% of sample) lived in urban areas and tropical savanna climates (Aw; much of Metro
with a density of 1467 people per km2 or less, and that Manila). People in Mindanao (mostly Af) were 70%
half of the remaining 91% more severely impacted by less likely to be in the lowest (OR: 0.44), and 60% less
heat (medium and high levels) lived in areas from about likely to be in the medium heat category (OR: 0.68)
3000 people per km2 up to 41 500 km2 (Manila City). than people from the other two island groups.
The share of people little affected by heat was 11% Healthy respondents were 70% more likely
in all areas with fewer than 3000 people per km2 and [2.34/(2.34 + 1)] than unhealthy respondents to report
dropped to 7% for all areas with a population density low levels of heat stress. The higher their physical exer-
of 3000 or more. In areas of over 7500 people per km2 tion during the day, the less likely people were to
(the approximate average density experienced by those be in the low heat stress group. These results were
in the medium and high heat stress categories), this all as expected, including the non-linear relationship
share drops to 4.5% (see figure S1 in supplementary between heat stress and age, although our sample does
materials). not contain people older than 60 years. Older people
Air-conditioning at home and at work were highly were more likely to report low levels of heat stress,
correlated, so we only used air-conditioning at home which is most likely to be related to social conditions,
for further analysis (figure S2 in supplementary mate- such as a capacity to afford air-conditioning or the
rials) because cooling while sleeping may increase sleep extent to which they need to use public transport. The
quality and therefore the capacity to cope with heat the effect of age lessened as age increased (negative coeffi-
following day [51]. Also, respondents are likely to spend cient of ‘age squared’), which may have been associated
more time at home than at work. We had expected with poorer health.
that the use of air-conditioning would have relieved People with air-conditioning at home were 88%
heat stress, but there was no direct bivariate relation- more likely (OR: 7.56) to be in the lowest and 70% more
ship (table 1). However, the use of air-conditioning likely (OR: 2.35) to be in the medium heat stress cate-
and heat stress were both correlated with popula- gory than those without. The interaction effect between
tion density, with people in densely populated areas air-conditioning at home and population density (Air-
more likely to have air-conditioning at home (figure conditioning use ∗ Density) was highly significant and
1). Sixty-four percent of highly stressed respondents negative, confirming our earlier findings that having
had air-conditioning at home (vs. 45% on average). It air-conditioning at home increases the odds of being in
was therefore striking that people in the most densely the low and medium heat stress categories (i.e. relieving
populated areas were not less heat stressed if they had heat stress), but more likely for respondents who live
air-conditioning, but more. On further analysis we in less densely populated areas.
found that, while air-conditioning might help reduce
heat stress in less densely populated areas, no rela-
tionship could be detected for the densest populations 4. Discussion and conclusions
(figure S3 in supplementary materials).
The results of the best fitting MNL model, run with We conclude that the Philippines already faces substan-
the three levels of heat stress (low, medium, high) as tial challenges because an increasing urban population
dependent variables (see Methods), also showed that is already severely heat stressed. The urban population
people in less densely populated areas were more likely appears to be coping poorly with heat, a problem that
to have reported low (p < 0.01) and medium (p < 0.05) will be exacerbated by climate change. Public health
levels of heat stress than high levels (table 2). The odds of interventions need to be directed at areas with the high-
being in the lowest heat stress category, compared to the est densities and where people of poor health live as well
highest, decreased by 0.9985 per person increase in pop- as those who cannot afford air-conditioning.
ulation density [exp(log(0.46)∗log(1.01)) = 0.99853] Our finding that air-conditioning might not deliver
and of being in the medium heat stress category heat stress relief universally, with people living in the
by 0.99957 [exp(log(0.81)∗log(1.01)) = 0.99961]. This densest areas gaining the least benefit, was particularly
means that for each person increase of the population notable. While there is little research directly linking
density (per km2 ), the likelihood that people are in poor sleep to coping with heat [51], heat affects sleep
Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 084009
Table 1. Sample description and statistics for testing impacts on the level of heat stress (N = 1161).
Figure 1. Boxplots showing the differences in heat stress level and air-conditioning use at home by population density. Note:
population density per km2 was transformed into log. Back transformation: 3.0 = 103 = 1000 people per km2 , 3.5 = 103.5 = 3162 people,
104 = 10 000 people.
quality [52] and sleep quality affects subsequent perfor- temperatures. However, our results suggest that cool-
mance [53]. We had therefore expected that those who ing relief at home is inadequate. We suspect that this is
could afford air-conditioning at home would be less because people still have to spend a substantial amount
heat stressed as they can relieve it by cooling through- of time in non-air-conditioned environments such as
out the night, minimising the cumulative effects of high in offices or public transport. The contribution of trans-
Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 084009
Table 2. Results of final MNL model with the dependent variable being the category of heat stress (three levels: low, medium, high) (N = 1161).
port to heat stress is likely to be particularly high in high and can therefore make people more susceptible to heat
density areas such as Manila. The traffic infrastructure see [58].
of the city is unable to adequately service the grow- Increasing the number of air-conditioning units
ing urban population, growing demand for mobility installed will contribute further to the UHI effect [11]
and increasing numbers of private and public vehicles and so may be counter-productive if adopted as the
[54]. The resulting traffic congestion means that peo- only solution. Instead, air-conditioning as an adapta-
ple spend extended periods commuting for work or tion strategy to heat needs to be combined with other
other daily activities; Manila has the sixth highest aver- planning policies such as the protection and creation
age commute time of any city in the world [55]. This of green and blue spaces such as parks [59], passive
transport problem aggravates the effect of heat stress cooling of buildings such as retrofitting of reflective
felt by the traveling public, especially public transport coatings to buildings [60], and modifications of the
commuters. Public transportation is largely undertaken existing built environment through, for example, green
in non-air-conditioned vehicles with ‘jeepneys’, buses, and cool roofs [61] and cool pavements [62]. Informa-
motorized and non-motorized tricycles being the main tion on the geographical location of people in high heat
transport modes used by commuters [56]. Many pub- stress categories can also help the planning of urban
lic vehicles are not air-conditioned and the comfort of infrastructure to reduce heat stress.
those that are (buses and metro rail transits) is offset However, if this strategy is adopted, care must be
by overcrowding, especially during peak hours [56]. In taken to avoid unintended consequences detrimental
addition to the actual commuting time, people often to the poorest members of society. In wealthier cities
wait for lengthy periods, mostly outside, to get trans- around the world, the gentrification of city centers has
port in the first place. Other urban agglomerations such followed the creation of public green spaces [63, 64],
as Davao and Cebu cities are also almost entirely road increasing rents and property prices. The gentrification
based, facing the same problems [56]. of cities in South East Asia, including Manila [65], has
Another reason why air-conditioning might not mostly been happening as a result of large-scale private-
have the desired effect is urban morphology. The lack sector development, preserving large green areas or
of airflow associated with overcrowded housing reduces creating new ones (see, e.g. [66]) but this may also push
air quality and raises heat and moisture levels inside, poorer people into cheaper, less green areas, potentially
making air-conditioning less efficient [57]. This is also requiring them to spend even more time commuting.
most likely in the densest areas where many people So in certain areas of high density where gentrification
share housing because rent is so expensive. An alterna- might become an issue, alterations to houses themselves
tive explanation would be that the widespread use of might be preferred as a more equitable adaptation strat-
air conditioning reduces physiological acclimatization egy. As it is, high levels of heat stress in the Philippines
Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 084009
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