Section1 - Instructions To Tenderer PDF
Section1 - Instructions To Tenderer PDF
Section1 - Instructions To Tenderer PDF
A. General
1. Scope of Tender 1.1 The Procuring Entity named in the Tender Data Sheet (TDS)
(hereinafter referred to as the “PE”) wishes to issues these e- Tender
Document (hereinafter referred to as the “e-TD”) for the supply of
Goods, and related services incidental there to, as specified in the
TDS. The name of the Tender and the number and identification of its
constituent lot(s) are stated in the TDS.
1.2 The successful Tenderer shall be required to complete the
delivery of the Goods and related services as specified in theGeneral
Conditions of Contract.
2. Interpretation 2.1 Throughout this e-TD
(a) “communication” means communication through e-GP System;
(a) Procuring Entity and/or the Development Partner shall exclude the
concerned Tenderer from further participation in the concerned
procurement proceedings;
(b) Procuring Entity and/or the Development Partner shall reject any
recommendation for award that had been proposed for that
concerned Tenderer;
(e) Development Partner shall cancel the portion of the loan allocated
to a contract if it determines at any time that representatives of the
Procuring Entity or of a beneficiary of the loan engaged in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices during the
procurement or the execution of that Development Partner financed
contract, without the Procuring Entity having taken timely and
appropriate action satisfactory to the Development Partner to remedy
the situation
4.5 Tenderer shall be aware of the provisions on corruption,
fraudulence, collusion, coercion (and obstruction, in case of
Development Partner) of the Public Procurement Act, 2006, the
Public Procurement Rules, 2008 and others as stated in GCC Clause
• Section 6 Drawings
16. Financial Criteria 16.1 Tenderer shall have the following minimum level of financial
capacity to qualify for the supply of goods under the contract
(a) Availability of minimum liquid assets i.e. working capital or credit
line(s) from any Scheduled Bank, net of other contractual
commitments of the amount as specified in the TDS.
(b) Satisfactory resolution of all claims, arbitrations or other litigation
cases and shall not have serious negative impact on the financial
capacity of the Tenderer’
17. Appointment of Subcontractor 17.1 Tenderer shall specify in its e-Tender the portion of the Goods
that will be subcontracted, if any, including the entity(ies) to whom
each portion will be subcontracted to, subject to the maximum
allowable limit for subcontracting of Goods specified in the TDS.
17.2 All subcontracting arrangement must be disclosed at the time of
e-Tendering, and subcontractors must be identified in the e-Tender
submitted by Tenderer.
17.3 A subcontractor may participate in more than one e-Tender, but
only in that capacity.
17.4 Subcontractors must comply with the provision of ITT Clause 5.
17.5 If the PE determines that a subcontractor is ineligible, the
subcontracting of such portion of the Goods assigned to the ineligible
subcontractor shall be disallowed.
D. Tender Preparation
18. Only One e-Tender 18.1 If an e-Tender for Goods is invited on ‘lot-by-lot’ basis, each lot
shall constitute a separate contract.
18.2 If an e-Tender for Goods is invited for one or more items on an
‘item-by-item’ basis, single item or assemble of more items shall
constitute a separate contract.
19. Cost of Tendering 19.1 Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of its Tender, and the PE shall not be responsible or liable
for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the e-
Tendering process
20. Sale of e-TD 20.1 e-TD can be accessed or downloaded in e-GP system by the
Tenderer after paying the document fees, up to the day prior to the
deadline for the submission of e-Tender through e-GP member bank’s
network and updated the payment transaction by the bank in e-GP
21. Language of e-Tender 21.1 The e-Tender shall be in English language. Communications and
documents relating to the e-Tender shall be in the English language.
Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Tenderer
may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an
accurate translation of the relevant passages into the English or
Bangla language, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the
Tender, such translation shall govern.
21.2 The Tenderer shall bear all costs of translation to the governing
language and all risks of the accuracy of such translation.
22. Contents of e-Tender 22.1 The e-Tender prepared by the Tenderer shall comprise the
(a) e-Tender Submission Letter (Form e-PG3-1) as furnished in
Section 5: e-Tender Forms;
(b) Tenderer information sheet (Form e-PG3-2) as furnished in
Section 5: e-Tender Forms;
(c) The completed Price and Delivery Schedule for Goods and
related services (Form e-PG3-3A and 3B) as furnished in Section 5:
e-Tender Forms as stated under ITT Clauses 23 and 24;
(d) Tender Security as stated under ITT Clause 29,30 and 31;
(e) The completed Technical specification and compliance of Goods
and related services (Form e-PG3-4) as furnished in Section 5: e-
Tender Forms as stated under ITT clause 25.2;
(f) Written confirmation authorising the signatory of the Tenderer
including National ID to submit the e-Tender, as stated under ITT
Sub-clause 35.4;
(g) Valid Trade license to be mapped from e-GP Common document
library of the Tenderer;
(h) Documentary evidence of Tax Identification Number (TIN) and
Value Added Tax (VAT) as a proof of taxation obligations as stated
under ITT Sub Clause 5.9 to be mapped from e-GP Common
document library of the Tenderer;
(i) The country of origin declarations, to establish the eligibility of the
Goods and related services as stated under ITT Clause 6, in the
Price and Delivery Schedule for Goods and related services (Form e-
PG3-3A and 3B) as furnished in Section 5: e-Tender Forms;
(j) Documentary evidence as stated under ITT Clauses 25, that the
Goods and related services conform to the e-TD;
(k) Documentary evidences as stated under ITT Clause 26 that the
Tenderer’s qualifications conform to the e-TD;
(l) Documents establishing legal and financial autonomy and
compliance with commercial law, as stated under ITT Sub-clause 5.4
in case of government owned entity; and
(m) Any other document as specified in the TDS.
23. Tender Prices 23.1 The unit prices shall be quoted by the Tenderer in the Price and
Delivery Schedule for Goods and related Services (Form e-PG3-3A
and 3B). The Total price will be generated automatically by the e-GP
system and computation will be done from these price schedules.
23.2 Tenders are being invited either for one or more items on an
‘item-by-item’ basis or a single lot or for a number of lots on ‘lot-by-lot’
basis, as specified in the TDS.
23.3 Tenders being invited for a single lot or for a number of lots on
‘lot-by-lot’ basis, price quoted shall correspond to 100% of the items
specified for each lot and to 100% of the quantities specified for each
item of that particular lot and shall correspond to 100% of the total
offered lot value,
23.4 If an e-Tender for Goods is invited for one or more items on an
‘item-by-item’ basis, in such case the offer for each item shall
correspond to full quantity under that particular item.
23.5 All applicable taxes, custom duties, VAT and other levies payable
by the Tenderer under the Contract, or for any other causes, as of
the date twenty-eight (28) days prior to the deadline for submission of
e-Tenders, shall be included in the unit prices
23.6 The price of a Contract shall be fixed in which case the unit
prices may not be modified in response to changes in economic or
commercial conditions.
23.7 The Goods covered by this Tendering process shall require to
be delivered in accordance with the Delivery and Completion
Schedule specified in the Price and Delivery schedule for Goods and
related Service (e-PG3 – 3A and 3B). No credit will be given for
earlier completion.
24. Tender Currency 24.1 All prices shall be quoted in Bangladesh Taka (BDT).
25. Documents Establishing the 25.1 To establish the conformity of the Goods and related services to
Conformity of the Goods and the e-TD, the Tenderer shall furnish as part of its e-Tender the
related services documentary evidence that the Goods and related services conform
to the technical specifications and standards in (Form e-PG-4).
25.2 Documentary evidence of conformity of the Goods and related
services to the e-TD may be in the form of literature, drawings, and
data, and shall consist of:
(b) that, if required in the TDS, a Tenderer that does not manufacture
or produce the Goods it offers to supply shall submit the
Manufacturer’s Authorization Letter (Form e-PG3-5) furnished in
Section 5: Tender and Contract Forms, to demonstrate that it has
been duly authorized by the manufacturer or producer of the Goods
to supply the Goods to Bangladesh.; and
(c) that, if required in the TDS, in case of a Tenderer not doing
business within Bangladesh, the Tenderer is or will be (if awarded the
contract) represented by an Agent in the country equipped and able to
carry out the Supplier’s maintenance.
27. Validity Period of Tender 27.1 Tenders shall remain valid for the period specified in the TDS
after the date of Tender submission deadline as stated under ITT
Clause 36.
28. Extension of e-Tender Validity 28.1 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the e-
and e-Tender Security Tender validity period, the PE may solicit, not later than ten (10) days
before the expiry date of the e-Tender validity, compulsorily all the
Tenderers’ consent to an extension of the period of validity of their
28.2 The request for extension of e-Tender validity period shall state
the new date of the validity of the e-Tender.
28.3 The request from the PE and the responses from the Tenderers
will be made through e-GP System.
28.4 Tenderer consenting to the request made by the PE under ITT
Sub-Clause 28.1 shall also correspondingly extend the validity of its
e-Tender Security for twenty-eight (28) days beyond the new date for
the expiry of e-Tender validity. Extension of validity of Tender security
will be done by the bank registered with e-GP System upon such
request to the Bank from the Tenderer.
28.5 Tenderer consenting to the request under ITT Sub- Clause 28.1
shall not be required or permitted to modify its Tender in any
28.6 If Tenderer are not consenting to the request made by the PE
under ITT Sub-Clause 28.1, its Tender will not be considered for
subsequent evaluation.
29. e-Tender Security 29.1 e-Tender security will be prepared by the bank registered with e-
GP system in favour of the PE upon such request from the Tenderer.
e-Tender security shall be kept in custody of the bank and transaction
information will be updated in the e-GP system.
29.2 Amount of the e-Tender security may be determined on the basis
of different percentages for each lot, but the amount in fixed as
specified in TDS, if so indicated that the e-Tenders are invited on lot-
by-lot basis under ITT Sub clause 23.2,
29.3 One e-Tender security, at the percentage as specified in TDS,
of the total value of the items offered by the Tenderer, may be
submitted, if so indicated that the Tenders for one or more items are
invited on an ‘item-by-item basis’.,
30. Form of Tender security 30.1 The Tender Security as stated under ITT sub clause 29.1 shall:
31. Valid Tender Security 31.1 e-Tender not accompanied/equipped by a valid e-Tender
Security as stated under Sub-clauses 29, 30 shall be considered as
32. Return of e-Tender Security 32.1 No Tender Security shall be returned to the Tenderers before
contract signing
32.2 Unsuccessful Tenderer’s e-Tender security will be discharged or
released as soon as possible but within 28 days of the end of the e-
Tender validity period specified in ITT Sub-clause 27.1.
32.3 e-Tender securities of the Tenderers not consenting to the
request under ITT Sub-clause 28.1 in regard to extension of its e-
Tender validity shall be discharged or released forthwith.
32.4 The bank will release the e-Tender security only upon a request
from the PE.
33. Forfeiture of Tender Security 33.1 The Tender security may be forfeited if a Tenderer:
41. Preliminary Examination 41.1 TEC shall examine the e-Tenders to confirm that all
documentation requested in ITT Clause 22 has been provided, to
determine the completeness of each document submitted
41.2 TEC shall confirm that the following documents and information
have been provided in the tender. If any of these documents or
information is missing, the Tender shall be rejected.
42. Technical Examinations and 42.1 If a Tender is not responsive to the mandatory requirements set
Responsiveness out in the e-TD by the TEC and shall not subsequently be made
responsive by the Tenderer by correction of the material deviation,
reservation or omission.
42.2 A responsive tender is one that conforms in all respects to the
requirements of the e-TD without material deviation, reservation, or
omission. A material deviation, reservation, or omission is one that:
42.6 Provided that a tender is responsive, TEC may request that the
Tenderer submit the necessary information or documentation through
e-GP System within a reasonable period of time, to rectify
nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions in the tender related to
documentation requirements. Such omission shall not be related to
any aspect of the rates of the tender reflected in the Price Schedule.
Failure of the Tenderer to comply with the request may result in the
rejection of its tender.
42.7 TEC may regard a Tender as responsive even if it contains;
43. Clarification on Tender 43.1 The TEC may ask Tenderers for clarifications of their Tenders
through e-GP System, in order to facilitate the examination and
evaluation of the Tenders.
43.2 Any request for clarifications by the TEC shall not be directed
towards making an apparently non-responsive Tender responsive and
reciprocally the response from the concerned Tenderer shall not be
articulated towards any addition, alteration or modification to its
43.3 If a Tenderer does not provide clarifications of its Tender by the
date and time, its Tender shall not be considered in the evaluation.
43.4 Requests for clarification shall be through e-GP system and shall
be sent only by the Chairperson of the TEC.
44. Restrictions on the Disclosure 44.1 Following the opening of Tenders until issuance of Notification of
of Information Relating to the Award no Tenderer shall, unless requested to provide clarification to
Procurement Process its Tender or unless necessary for submission of a complaint,
communicate with the concerned PE.
44.2 Tenderers shall not seek to influence in anyway, the examination
and evaluation of the Tenders.
44.3 Any effort by a Tenderer to influence a PE in its decision
concerning the evaluation of Tenders, Contract awards may result in
the rejection of its Tender as well as further action in accordance with
Section 64 (5) of the Public Procurement Act 2006.
44.4 All clarification requests shall remind Tenderers of the need for
confidentiality and that any breach of confidentiality on the part of the
Tenderer may result in their Tender being disqualified.
45. Financial Evaluation 45.1 TEC shall evaluate each Tender that has been determined, up to
this stage of the evaluation, to be responsive to the mandatory
requirements set in the e-TD.
45.2 . The TEC shall evaluate and compare the Tenders taking into
(a) Lowest evaluated tender for each lotif Tender is “lot-by-lot” basis
(b) Lowest evaluated tender for each item if Tender is “item-by-item”
(a) the price of the lowest evaluated Tender exceeds the official
estimate, provided the estimate is realistic; or
(b) there is evidence of lack of effective competition; such as non-
participation by a number of potential Tenderers; or
(c) the Tenderers are unable to propose completion of the delivery
within the stipulated time in its Tender, though the stipulated time is
reasonable and realistic; or
(d) all Tenders are non-responsive; or
(e) evidence of professional misconduct, affecting seriously the
Procurement process, is established pursuant to Rule 127 of the
Public Procurement Rules, 2008.