Unit No: 3: External Painting Work

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External Painting Work


1 Unit no: 3
First Tri-Angale 1 22.6 3.7 41.81
Middle Tri-Angle 1 20.7 3.7 38.295
Last Tri-Angal 1 23.1 3.7 42.735

2 Dead wall
Raised conteen road side facing wall
-1 Unit-3 1 2 5.4 10.8
Raised conteen road side facing wall
-2 Unit-3 1 3.3 6.5 21.45
Unit-3 Dead wall from canteen side
road facing (2nd) 1 5 9.8 49
Unit-3 4rth Dead wall from canteen
side facing 1 5.3 9.8 51.94
Chajja unit -3 partion road facing
Chajja unit-1 from canteen side road
facing (lower) 1 13.6 1.85 25.16
Dead wall between top,middle and
lower chajja unit-3 6 15.4 1.25 115.5

dead wall below lower chajja unit-3 3 15.4 1.05 48.51

3 Findge
Top patta findge 44 1.52 0.5 33.44
Centeen patta for findge 44 1 1.62 71.28
Bottom patta for findge 44 2.4 0.6 63.36
Outer patta of findge 44 2.34 0.2 20.592
Patta findge 44 1.65 0.2 14.52

Column in chajja first fioor and

4 ground floor 11 0.61 1.34 8.9914
column in chajja first fioor and
second floor 24 1.1 1.32 34.848

Patta Behind findge (Smaii column) 44 0.17 0.9 6.732

Chajja bottom Patti 8 15.4 0.35 43.12
Chajja bottom Patti -10 1 13.6 0.35 4.76

5 Canteen
Column attached to the unit-3 and
canteen 1 0.61 2.13 1.2993

Bottom patta of canteen and unit-3

attached area (Right side part of
canteen entry from unit-3 side) 1 6.5 0.5 3.25

Top patta of canteen and unit-3

attached area (Right side part of
canteen entry from unit-3 side) 1 6.5 1.53 9.945

Column -in the middle of right side

part of canteen entry from unit -3 1 0.74 2.1 1.554

Canteen entry from unit-3 right side

column edge portion (InSide) 1 2.68 1.15 3.082

canteen entry from unit -3 side left

side column outer top partion
(patta) 1 7.83 1.15 9.0045

canteen entry from unit -3 side left

side column outer top partion
(patta) 1 2.71 1.18 3.1978

canteen entry from unit-3 left side

partion (parrt) above back window
top partion (patta) 1 3.27 1.7 5.559

Canteen entry from unit-3 side right

side coloumn outer back partion 1 1.26 2.4 3.024

Canteen entry from unit-3 right side

column edge partion (Inside) 1 0.24 2.08 0.4992
canteen entry from unit-3 side left
side column back guter 1 1.26 2.55 3.213

canteen entry from unit-3 left side

column back guter edge partion 1 0.26 2.08 0.5408
Raised canteen terrace unit-3 side
1St beam 1 7.72 1.02 7.8744
Raised canteen terrace unit-3 side
vertical wall 1 18.13 1.8 32.634

Raised canteen terrace petrol pump

side 2nd beam from left side 1 2.97 1.02 3.0294

raised canteen terrace petrol pump

side 3rd beam (center) beam from
left side 1 2.73 0.85 2.3205
Raised canteen terrace petrol pump
side 4th beam from left side 1 2.97 1.02 3.0294

Raised canteen terrace petrol p[ump

side 3rd beam edge small column 1 0.94 0.52 0.4888
Raised canteen terrace petrol pump
side top vartical wall 1 14.8 1.75 25.9
Raised canteen terrace petrol pump
side top vartical wall 1 0.65 1.75 1.1375

Raised canteen terrace petrol pump

side front top partion (patta) 1 16 1.3 20.8
Cateen entry from oetrol pump side
ceiling (white) 1 14.6 3.3 48.18

Canteen entry from prtrol pump side

right side column front facing 1 3.9 2.14 8.346

Canteen entry from petrol pump

side center column front facing 1 3.6 2.14 7.704

Canteen entry from petrol pump

side left side column front facing 1 3.3 2.14 7.062

Canteen entry from petrol pump

side right dead wall (without
window) 1 3.2 2.09 6.688
Less windos (-) -1 1.78 1.2 -2.136

Canteen entry from petrol pump

side right dead wall (without
window) 1 3 2.09 6.27
Less windos (-) -1 2.8 1.23 -3.444
Canteen entry from petrol pump
side 3rd dead wall 1 1.6 2.09 3.344

Canteen entry from petrol pump

side 4th dead wall (without window) 1 3.2 2.1 6.72
Less windos (-) -1 1.78 1.22 -2.1716

Canteen entry from petrol pump

side tree side small coiumn 1 0.7 2.09 1.463
Canteen entry from petrol pump
side tree side pipe 1 0.4 1.9 0.76
Total 977.0114
IPS Work (Screeding)

1 Unit-3
Chajja-1 from canteen side road
facing (upper) 1 15.1 0.8 12.08
Chajja-2 from canteen side road
facing (Middle) 1 15.1 0.8 12.08
Chajja-3 from canteen side road
facing (lower) 1 13.4 0.8 10.72

Chajja-4 from canteen side middle

phase of unit -3 lower chajja 1 15.1 0.8 12.08

Chajja-5 from canteen side middle

phase of unit -3 middle chajja 1 15.1 0.8 12.08

Chajja-6 from canteen side middle

phase of unit -3 upper chajja 1 15.1 0.8 12.08

Chajja-7 from canteen side middle

phase of unit -3 upper chajja 1 15.1 0.8 12.08

Chajja-8 from canteen side middle

phase of unit -3 middle chajja 1 15.1 0.8 12.08

Chajja-9 from canteen side middle

phase of unit -3 lower chajja 1 15.1 0.8 12.08
Main gate LHS office atm terrace 1 9.35 4.85 45.3475
Total 152.7075

Water proofing caemical Work


1 Unit-3
1 Unit no: 3
First Tri-Angale 1 22.6 3.7 41.81
Middle Tri-Angle 1 20.7 3.7 38.295
Last Tri-Angal 1 23.1 3.7 42.735
2 Dead wall
Raised conteen road side facing wall
-1 Unit-3 1 2 5.4 10.8
Raised conteen road side facing wall
-2 Unit-3 1 3.3 6.5 21.45
Unit-3 2nd dead wall from canteen
side road facing 1 4.9 9.8 48.02
Unit-3 3rd dead wall from canteen
side road facing 1 4.9 9.8 48.02
Unit-3 4rth dead wall from canteen
side road facing 1 5.3 9.8 51.94
Chajja-1 from canteen side road
facing (upper) 1 15.1 0.8 12.08
Chajja-2 from canteen side road
facing (middle) 1 15.1 0.8 12.08
Chajja-3 from canteen side road
facing (lower) 1 13.4 0.8 10.72
Chajja-4 from middle phase of unit-3
lower side chajja 1 15.1 0.8 12.08
Chajja-5 from middle phase of unit-3
lower side chajja 1 15.1 0.8 12.08
Chajja-6 from middle phase of unit-3
lower side chajja 1 15.1 0.8 12.08
Chajja -7 last phase of unit -3 road
facing upper side chajja 1 15.1 0.8 12.08
Chajja -8 last phase of unit -3 road
facing middle side chajja 1 15.1 0.8 12.08

Chajja-9 last phase of unit -3 (from

canteen side road facing lower
chajja 1 15.1 0.8 12.08
Total 410.43

Wall putty Work


Unit no: 3
First Tri-Angale canteen side 1 22.6 3.7 41.81
Middle Tri-Angle canteen side 1 20.7 3.7 38.295
Last Tri-Angal canteen side 1 23.1 3.7 42.735
Raised conteen road side facing wall
-1 Unit-3 1 2 5.4 10.8
Raised conteen road side facing wall
-2 Unit-3 1 3.3 6.5 21.45
Unit-3 2nd dead wall from canteen
side road facing 1 4.9 9.8 48.02
Unit-3 3rd dead wall from canteen
side road facing 1 4.9 9.8 48.02
Unit-3 4rth dead wall from canteen
side road facing 1 5.3 9.8 51.94
Total 303.07

Alumimium Window fixing Work


1 Fix window
DR room fixed window 1 2.98 1.64 4.8872
DR room next door window 1 2.95 1.64 4.838
Dr room next room window 2
behind net bracket 1 0.93 1.47 1.3671
Dr room net fixed window 1 90 1.18 106.2

2 mosquito net fixed window

Security changing room passage area
window 1 1.1 1.18 1.298
Changing room security cabin
window 1 2.7 1.18 3.186
Sliding masquito net 1 0.83 1.3 1.079

3 Alumimium sliding window

Right partion of varanda window
sliding 1 1.16 0.74 0.8584
Left portion of varanda window
sliding 1 2.3 0.74 1.702
Total 125.4157

Kota tiles polishing main gate RHS security office Work

1 Security Room-1
Passage near window (front
fromdoor entry 1 1.08 4.25 4.59
Remaining passage of room 1 3.15 4.46 14.049
Security Room-2 1 3.58 2.34 8.3772
Security Room-3 1 2.08 2.34 4.8672
Security Room-4 1 2.08 2.39 4.9712
Bathroom passage 1 1.15 4.08 4.692
Changing Room Passage room Part
-1 1 1.47 3.63 5.3361
Changing Room Passage room Part
-2 (short) 1 1.34 1.14 1.5276

Changing room (half is paver biock) 1 1.65 2.87 4.7355

Varanda passage 1 5.96 2.32 13.8272
Dr room (main gate rhs security
Room) 1 3.64 4.31 15.6884
Next room to Dr room (main gate
RHS security Office) 1 3.64 3.69 13.4316

2 Doors kota tile below door fromes

Door 1,door 2, door3, of security
room 1,2,3 3 0.87 0.25 0.6525

Door-4 (The area between bathroom

passage and security room 4) 1 0.27 1.15 0.3105
Door-5 (The area between bathroom
passage ) 1 0.31 1.01 0.3131
Door-6 (The area below changing
room door ) 1 1.03 0.28 0.2884
Door-7 and door- 8(the door
attached to the varandas) 2 1.03 0.28 0.5768

Door 9,And door 10 (The area below

door of Dr room and next room of Dr
room 2 0.99 0.29 0.5742
Total 98.8085

Internal Painting of main gate RHS security office Work

1 Security room-1
Wall Frant 1 0.45 4.2 1.89
Right Wall- 1 1 1.28 4.5 5.76
Right Wall- 2 1 0.5 1.13 0.565
Patta window 1 4.25 0.4 1.7
Ceiling 1 4.35 1.6 6.96
Wall ceiling 1 4.65 0.91 4.2315
Wall 1 2.68 0.76 2.0368
Column 1 3.9 2.7 10.53
Window patta .1 1 0.15 1.13 0.1695
Back side Wall 1 4.65 3 13.95
(less Door 1) -1 1.8 2.6 -4.68
(less Door 2) -1 0.87 2 -1.74
Jam -1 2 0.18 2 0.72
jam -2 1 0.18 0.88 0.1584
left side wall 1 4.2 3 12.6
(less loft) -1 0.93 1.6 -1.488
Ceiling of room-1 1 2.78 0.06 0.1668
Ceiling of room-2 1 2.78 4.65 12.927

2 Security room-2
Ceiling-1 1 2.35 3.6 8.46
(less) round -1 1 1 -1
Ceiling-2 1 1 1 1
Column 4 0.8 0.65 2.08
Wall 1 2.1 0.46 0.966
Left wall 1 3.6 2.8 10.08
Right wall 1 3.6 2.8 10.08
Back wall 1 2.35 2.8 6.58
Frant Wall 1 2.35 2.8 6.58
(less Door 1) -1 1.8 0.93 -1.674
(less Door 2) -1 1.8 0.93 -1.674
(Less window) -1 1.2 0.78 -0.936

3 Security Room-3
Ceiling 1 2.35 1.1 2.585
(Less Round) -1 1 1 -1
Ceiling 4 0.8 0.65 2.08
Wall 1 2.1 0.46 0.966
Left Wall 1 2.35 2.79 6.5565
Right Wall 1 2.35 2.79 6.5565
Back Side 1 1.1 2.79 3.069
Front Side 1 1.1 2.79 3.069
(less door) -1 1.8 0.8 -1.44
(Less Window) -1 1.2 0.78 -0.936
(Less Window) -1 2.5 0.78 -1.95

4 Security Room-4
Ceiling 1 2.45 4.87 11.9315
Right side wall 1 2.45 2.79 6.8355
Left side wall 1 2.45 2.79 6.8355
Front wall 1 4.87 2.79 13.5873
Back wall 1 4.87 2.79 13.5873
Window patta 1 1 2.23 0.1 0.223
Window Patta 2 1 2.23 0.25 0.5575
(Less door 1) -1 1.92 0.89 -1.7088
(Less Window 1) -1 0.78 1.2 -0.936
(Less Window 2) -2 2.5 2.23 -11.15
(Less Door 2) -1 1.9 1.9 -3.61

5 Bathroom Passage
Wall right side 1 4.35 2.91 12.6585
(Less Door Patta) -1 0.29 0.92 -0.2668
Door patta 1 0.29 1.2 0.348
Left side wall 1 4.35 2.91 12.6585
(less Door) -2 1.4 1.91 -5.348
ceiling 1 4.6 1.2 5.52

6 Bathroom Painting
Ceiling 1 1 2 2.65 5.3
Ceiling 2 1 0.81 2.65 2.1465
Patta 1 2 0.31 2 1.24
Patta 2 1 0.38 2.45 0.931
Jam 1 0.1 4 0.4

7 Changing Room Passage Painting

Ceiling 1 1 4.93 1.17 5.7681
Ceiling 2 1 1.45 0.13 0.1885
Wall 1 1 0.5 2.1 1.05
Patta 1 2 1 0.5 1
Patta 2 1 0.02 2.1 0.042
Wall 2 1 4.1 2.9 11.89
Patta 3 4 0.13 1.15 0.598
Beam 1 1 4.1 0.47 1.927
(Less door) -1 1.3 2.9 -3.77
Column 1 1 0.89 2.9 2.581
Column 2 1 0.3 0.47 0.141
Beam 2 1 0.47 0.35 0.1645
Wall 3 1 0.35 2.9 1.015
Wall 4 1 1.3 2.43 3.159
Door Patta (Nich) 1 4.62 0.14 0.6468
(Less door) -1 0.78 2.8 -2.184

8 Changing Room
Ceiling 1 3.65 2.8 10.22
Beam Patta 2 0.3 3.65 2.19
Wall Right Side 1 3.71 2.4 8.904
Column 2 0.33 2.4 1.584
Patta 1 2.1 0.16 0.336
Back Side Wall 1 2.82 2.43 6.8526
(less Window) -1 0.78 1.16 -0.9048
Front side wall 1 2.8 2.4 6.72
(Less door) -1 0.78 2.8 -2.184

9 RHS office
Door wall 1 3.58 0.88 3.1504
(Door)Lass -1 0.87 2 -1.74
Window (fix) 1 4.33 2.88 12.4704
Window (less ) -1 3 1.65 -4.95
Marble door frame wall next wall to
the main door 1 3.68 2.88 10.5984
less door frame -1 0.88 2.13 -1.8744
Left wall from door entry (R.C.C
window wall ) 1 4.5 2.88 12.96

Room attached to doctor room

Marble door frame wall 1 3.65 2.97 10.8405
(Marble frame )less -1 0.88 2.13 -1.8744
window wall 1 5.96 2.97 17.7012
Less (window) -1 3 1.65 -4.95

The wall opposite to the meddle

frant wall (tubelight wall) 1 3.92 2.97 11.6424
Door wall and window wall 1 3.48 2.97 10.3356
Less (window) -1 0.96 1.51 -1.4496
less (Door) -1 0.87 2 -1.74
Steel mesh machine compound
(smoke Grey Oil paint 1 2.55 2.5 6.375
Tatal 333.7257








1 0.08 0.083333
2 0.08 0.166667
3 0.08 0.25
4 0.08 0.333333
5 0.08 0.416667
6 0.08 0.5
7 0.08 0.583333
8 0.08 0.666667
9 0.08 0.75
10 0.08 0.833333
11 0.08 0.916667
Polymer Modified Mortar upto 50mm Thick
Length( f Breadth Depth Area (Square
Sr No description Nos eet) (Feet) (Feet) Feet)
Main Gate LHS Office
Piller 1 1 1.75 10.58 18.52
Piller 2 1 1.58 10.58 16.72
Piller 3 1 2.58 7.33 18.91
Below Window 1 14.16 0.5 7.08
Piller 4 1 1.75 10 17.50
Piller 5 1 2.58 10 25.80
Below Window 1 12 0.58 6.96
Above Window 1 12 0.16 1.92
Piller 6 1 0.75 11.75 8.81
Above Window 1 12.75 1.5 19.13
Window Patta (Vertical) 1 1 8 8.00
1st Window Beam 1 11.58 2 23.16
2nd Window Beam 1 16 2.25 36.00
3rd Window Beam 1 13.5 2.25 30.38
ATM side Beam 1 13.33 2.25 29.99
Piller 7 1 1.75 10.75 18.81
Piller 8 1 1.5 9.5 14.25
Window side 1 13.5 2.25 30.38
Above Window 1 15.5 2.25 34.88
Above Window 2 1 13.41 2.25 30.17
Below Window 1 12.16 0.5 6.08
Piller 9 1 1.75 10.58 18.52
Piller 10 1 1.33 9.58 12.74
Piller 11 1 1.75 10.25 17.94
452.63 Sqare Feet
42.03 Suare Meter
Polymer Modified Mortar upto 25mm Thick
Length( f Breadth Depth Area (Square
Sr No description Nos eet) (Feet) (Feet) Feet)
Main Gate LHS Office
Piller 1 1 1.75 10.58 18.52
Piller 2 1 1.58 10.58 16.72
Piller 3 1 2.58 7.33 18.91
Below Window 1 14.16 0.5 7.08
Piller 4 1 1.75 10 17.50
Piller 5 1 2.58 10 25.80
Below Window 1 12 0.58 6.96
Above Window 1 12 0.16 1.92
Piller 6 1 0.75 11.75 8.81
Above Window 1 12.75 1.5 19.13
Window Patta (Vertical) 1 1 8 8.00
1st Window Beam 1 11.58 2 23.16
2nd Window Beam 1 16 2.25 36.00
3rd Window Beam 1 13.5 2.25 30.38
ATM side Beam 1 13.33 2.25 29.99
Piller 7 1 1.75 10.75 18.81
Piller 8 1 1.5 9.5 14.25
Window side 1 13.5 2.25 30.38
Above Window 1 15.5 2.25 34.88
Above Window 2 1 13.41 2.25 30.17
Below Window 1 12.16 0.5 6.08
Piller 9 1 1.75 10.58 18.52
Piller 10 1 1.33 9.58 12.74
Piller 11 1 1.75 10.25 17.94
Total 452.63 Square Feet
42.03 Square Meter

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