01 - Orthodox Dogmatic Theology I
01 - Orthodox Dogmatic Theology I
01 - Orthodox Dogmatic Theology I
22-23 “These points of the faith are some kind of natural dogmas, theologoumena / kerugma
having their source in what we call the natural revelation world’s meaning’s restoration
through which God makes Himself known from the fact itself the world is good and not bad
that he created the world and the man and he imprinted in the world / the universe an infinite! The
the world and in the man the mentioned meanings. These world is not only something on immediate
points of the faith are recognition of the fact that the world danger of coming to an end and a useless
culminates in the human person who moves towards the and bad and limited prison we are living in,
union with the supreme Person. Far from reducing the but it is good and infinite! – of course there
existence to a closed up horizon, they open the horizon of the still is the danger of using bad the good
infinite to the world, trying to escape the world from the things of the world by excess
narrow and monotonous horizon that comes to an end with death is not the final end
the death. ”
23 “The person of my fellow human reveals to me some meanings man – God personalism, communion
of his own, but recognizing those meanings it depends, on the
other hand, on my freedom. Accepting those meanings freely
it supposes the faith. This acceptation by faith it is
characteristic to the domain of the relationship between the
human person and the divine Person, and to this relation’s
consummation on the plan of the eternity as meaning of the
II The Supra-Natural Revelation as Source of the Christian Faith
A The Supra-Natural Revelation – confirmation and Completion of the natural Faith
24 “(…) we are tempted to consider as sole given reality, the order senses
of the phenomena known through senses and through the
instruments prolonging these senses and which offer bodily
satisfactions, satisfactions connected to the passing existence
24 Through the supra-natural revelation (o. n.): “(…) the infinite supra-natural Revelation
and eternal Person enters, out of own initiative, in communion
communication with the man, giving through that also a
foundation to our communion with our fellow humans.”
25 “(…) the man weakens in himself the spirit called to eternal pleasures
life, by exclusively preoccupying himself with the passing sin
pleasures related to the body. Those temptations represent a death
weakness in the living for meanings, and therefore they are a
sin, and death is the consequence of this weakness, or of the
sin, as being the last collapse of the reality into the lack of
25 “(…) the supra-natural Revelation represents the bringing supra-natural Revelation
back of the human nature to its true state, giving it in the
same time power to reach its final target, towards which it
aspires naturally.”
25 “The natural Revelation isn’t fully revealed to us except natural Revelation
through the supra-natural revelation.” supra-natural Revelation
25 “If the first man’s sin hadn’t intervened, the man’s nature and ancestral sin
with it the world itself, they would have been advanced communion with God
naturally towards the target of eternal consummation into
God, being strengthened in the communion with Him while
still being on earth.”
26 “(…) the supreme Person (is, o. n.) the final target of the life’s meaning on earth
rational creature (…)”
26 “(…) the supra-natural Revelation accompanied ever since the natural Revelation
beginning (…) the natural Revelation.” supra-natural Revelation
27 “For this union with the supreme Person and with the person accepting death for communion
of his fellow humans, the man must accept even death, which
he cannot escape, but he can only postpone it.”
28-29 “Because what it can be known about God it is obvious in revelation of God in man’s heart
their hearts and God is the One Who made those things
29 “(…) through his supra-natural acts God showed to the salvation consequently to the supra-natural
conscious creature the possibility of rising up from the plan of revelation
the nature fallen under the slavery of death, which was
awakening the man’s faith in the possibility of achie3ving the
eternal meaning of the existence. The supra—natural acts of
the direct Revelation of God, they give to the conscious
creature the hope of being elevated, by the grace of God and
through liberty, above nature.”
23-30 “Even the death – and our helplessness in getting used to it – death as teacher
it teaches us not to attach ourselves to this world and it
shows that we are created for the eternal existence.”
30 “The man doesn’t know the possibility of fulfilling the purpose supra-natural revelation
of his life except out o9f the words and out of the acts of the salvation
supra-natural Revelation; only those words and acts show the dogmas
man that he can escape the nature’s corruption; only those
words and acts open to the believer the perspective of not
being dissolved in the nature that is submitted to the
corruption of all the individual forms, as also the possibility of
being save. Only the dogmas of the faith from the supra-
natural Revelation ensures the man the perspective of a
freedom from nature, while still being in the earthly life, and a
full freedom in the eternal existence.”
30 “(…) the acts of the supra-natural Revelation do not suppress personalism
the human nature as personal nature, but they elevate it from
that state is in, of weakness and corruption of its integrity, on
the plan of becoming eternal in the consummation the human
person aspires towards.”
31 “(…) the supra-natural revelation, on one hand, it is done coherence within Creation
through direct speaking and through acts above nature, and Creation is good; the laws of God are
on the other hand, it doesn’t contradict the nature and the present in nature / God is present in nature
natural faith, but it confirms it and it consummates it.” the world is not evil = restoring the world’s
B The Convergence and the Difference between the Two revelations
a. The Objective Meaning of the Natural revelation
31 “Detaching the nature from God, through which He speaks the world (the Creation) is good because
and works, or speaks by working and works by speaking, it God in present in it; how could theologians
has led to diverse conceptions which wanted to explain the speak about the natural Revelation and the
work exclusively on the basis of an immanent reality. But the saying the world is the source of all sins?!...
natural Revelation is not-separated from the supra-natural
Revelation, and the believer feels himself also through it in an
immediate connection with God. But this is only if God
manifests Himself continuously through the natural
Revelation, continuously speaking and working, through all
the things and their combinations chosen by Him and
through all the thoughts brought by Him through these ones,
directly, in the human conscience, and thus leading the man
towards accomplishing the meaning of his existence in eternal
union with Him.”
31-32 “Actually, God continuously speaks and works through the Creation / world is good
created and reigned things, by creating always new
circumstances, through which He call s each man to fulfill the
his duties to him and to his fellow humans and He answers
the man’s appeals of each moment.”
32 “Through everything, God leads us, as through a continuous
dialogue, towards our consummation, by opening to us the
perspective towards fulfilling the meaning of our existence in
the communion with the infinite God.”
32 “Prophet David often affirms the speaking of God through the the origin of the troubles – brought, or at
greatness of the nature, but he doesn’t miss also to affirm the least allowed, by God!
speaking of God through diverse troubles or joys He brings
into man’s life.”
33 “The attitude God as Person has it regarding us it sometimes personalism
is shown also in his refusal to answer us. Maybe the
weakening of the evidence of the presence and work of God
through nature and through the man’s conscience, it is also
due to His refusal to answer to the ones who don’t call Him
with the whole their heart.”
b. The Supra-Natural Revelation as Ascertainment of the Natural Revelation
33 “(…) the supra-natural Revelation specifies the target of the the world is good; how could be bas a world
natural Revelation and the modalities of being, the natural lead by God?!...
revelation, accomplished. The Christians see in the light of communion
the supra-natural Revelation how God, both through things man’s becoming eternal
and happenings, through good and bad happenings in their
life, through the voice of their conscience or through their
ideas, to increasingly more communion with Him. But they
know that this communion it is fully accomplished into
Christ, who descended in a real mode to us, they know that
into Christ it has been put the sure base of the full union
between God and the man who believed in Him, and that the
man will become eternal into God.”
34 “(…) the supra-natural Revelation culminated into Christ.” supra-natural Revelation
34 “(…) through the supra-natural revelation, God makes to personalism
occur in the conscience of the believer, in a direct manner,
His words, or words making His person obvious (…) through a
speaking an through an action making clearer the presence of
His Person in leading the man towards the union with His
Person as the man’s final target.”
34 “(…) God enters the direct and obvious communion with the communion, personalism
believers, a fact that convinces the believer about the
existence of God, and it satisfied the man’s thirst for the
communion with the infinite Person, assuring the man, in the
same time, that he isn’t left in the hands of some blind forces
leading him towards disappearing, but he is elevated to the
connection with the supreme Person, and the Supreme
Person leads the man toward becoming eternal in a full
communion with the supreme Person.”
c. The Supra-Natural Revelation as More Direct Standing Out of God
34 “This more direct standing out of God (…) it is shown in the
fact that God sends special conscious organs, to whom He
reveals Himself by speaking to them, in order those ones to
communicate to other His thoughts and plans, which concern
35 “(…) this union (between man and God, o. n.) won’t be communion with the fellow humans, as
accomplished and isn’t being prepared in an isolated manner, basis for salvation
but in each one’s solidarity with his fellow humans (…) God
wants to save through the supra-natural Revelation not
isolated individuals, but the great multitude of the believers
in a reciprocal and common responsibility, because all of
them must help each other in advancing towards the target of
the consummation and of the eternal life and to strengthen
their communion which is based on the communion with
d. The Supra-Natural Revelation in Acts
e. The Acts of the Supra-Natural Revelation in the Old Testament and in the New Testament
36 “In the person of Christ, the supra-natural acts directed to
towards nature, they concerns mainly the human nature and
they correspond with the spiritual elevating of the human
nature, by indicating the causality of the spirit in the supra-
natural acts, but also the maximum level the human nature
is elevated into Christ on, and the perspective which He opens
to all the people who unite themselves with him by faith.”
f. The Supra-Natural Acts and the Maximum Spiritual Elevating of the Human Nature into Christ
36 “(…) the maximum spirituality in Christ it has in itself the
power of overwhelming the nature’s automatism.
Overwhelming this automatism of the repetition it doesn’t
take place through an external victory upon nature, as in
mythology, but it is the work of the actualization of the
superior power of the spirit, which overwhelms the nature
without suppressing it.”
36 “The Embodiment of Christ represents, in the same time, both Embodiment, communion, man’s deification
the descent of God to the full communion with the mankind
and the maximum ascent of the mankind. God made Himself
a man, for the man to be deified.”
37 “Both by surpassing the laws of a fallen into sin nature, and Christ, communion, personalism
by the fact that on this way He leads to fully actualizing the
true human nature created for being – by being spiritualized –
in a communion with God the Person, an absolute and not-
submitted to the nature’s automatism Person, Christ made to
be Himself beginning to all the ones who believe in Him.”
37 “Christ’s words, by expressing His state of consummate man, Christ, union
they are also meant to help us to elevate ourselves on a
spiritual level resembling to His one, corresponding to His
state of Resurrection. For in Him it is shown the consummate
connection between the highest spiritual level and the
superior level of the nature’s laws which lead to death. The
Resurrection is the effect of the supreme spiritual level
reached by the mankind into Christ in union with the
g. The Supra-Natural Acts of Christ and the Revelation’s Progress
37-38 “God employs supra-natural extraordinary acts especially in Christ, salvation, communion, union with
the beginning of new periods in the history of the salvation God
plan. (…) But the truly new and ultimate period it is
inaugurated by the supra-natural extraordinary acts of Jesus
Christ, through which it is being formed everywhere the
people of God, which advances towards achieving by the man
of everything that is given to the human into Christ, in order
to participate to God through direct and maximum union with
God.” ”
38 “If all the extraordinary supra-natural acts of the Revelation Christ, salvation
are acts of great importance for the history of our salvation,
guiding us towards the final target, the supra-natural acts
done with our human nature into Christ, they place the
human nature under the ray of its final target.”
38 “Of course, the history of the salvation isn’t composed only of salvation
supra-natural acts, because of not being they, at their turn,
uninterrupted, as neither is uninterrupted the supra-natural
Revelation of God. Though, they have an ascendant spiritual
succession, and in this sense they have a history representing
the history of the salvation.”
38 ‘The supra-natural acts done upon some things and forces of theological language innovation / unusual
the nature (…), they make more obvious not only the words collocations / rhetoric catachresis
from the supra-natural Revelation, but also the words of God
from nature.
39 “(…) the sin is influenced, in some regards, by the level of the sin
knowledge and of the spiritual thinning the mankind reached
at through Revelation. The sin can take more refined forms.
Thus, the world is being carried by Revelation, generally
h. The Prophetic Character of the revelation
39 “The prophecy isn’t an external criterion by which a fact of the prophecy
supra-natural Revelation is proven, but the prophecy is part
of the supra-natural Revelation’s essence.”
39 “Even the natural Revelation had a prophetic dynamism.” prophecy
i. Fulfilling the Salvation Plan into Christ
39 “Christ represents the last stage of the supra-natural Christ, salvation plan, salvation’s history
Revelation and the fulfilling of the supra-natural Revelation.
Out of Him it irradiates the force of fulfilling this plan with the
entire Creation and with the entire Universe. That’s why the
period after Christ it is the last stage of the salvation’s
39-40 “The history, in its entirety, it is the time given for advancing history, salvation’s history, union with God
in fulfilling this plan (the salvation’s plan, o. n.), but the
consummation of this fulfilling it is being done beyond
history, in the future age. The part from before this plan is
propelled by Christ, Who attracts it to the eschatological state
– or that of the eternal consummation – to which he has
brought our nature, namely to the full union with god.”
40 “(…) Christ represents the peak of the supra-natural personalism
Revelation and the full confirmation and clarification of the
meaning of our existence by fulfilling this existence in Him, in
Who is accomplished our maximum union with God and,
through this, our consummation. But concomitantly to this, it
is shown the fact that the absolute we aspire towards, it
hasn’t an impersonal character, but is Person. We are called
to become an absolute according to the grace, by
part5icipating to the Absolute Who is personal by nature. The
personal Absolute by nature, he wants to share the human
person of His absolute character, because He makes Himself
a man. The conscious person is already by creation, a virtual
absolute, by certain participation.”
40 “Our person doesn’t participate to absolute by being personalism
overcome, but it remains man and is confirmed in this
quality. The Embodiment of God like man it brings to
consummation our absolute aspiration, through
40 “The salvation’s history it has now the purpose of giving the salvation’s history, personalism
believers the occasion to become capable of full participation
to the personal Absolute, together with Christ or into Christ.”
C The Work of the Godlike Word and of the Holy Ghost in the Unfolding of the Godlike Revelation
40-41 “The progress in the history of the salvation, determined by progress, salvation plan
Revelation, it is a progress in knowing and accomplishing the
meaning of our existence in God, as direct and consummate
communion, with the Absolute as person and, in Him, with all
the persons of our fellow humans; it is a progress in knowing
and accomplishing the salvation plan God has.”
41 “(…) the Revelation is the work of the Son and Word of God, Holy Trinity
according to Whose model the man is created, for the Son has
His origin into the Father and the Son answers the calling of
the Father; but the Revelation is the work of the Holy Ghost
too, as That One spiritualizes us continuously, strengthening
us increasingly more in the loving freedom that was liberated
from the nature’s automatism.”