BLAKE® Silicone Drain Product Brochure 050018-171026

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BLAKE® Silicone

Designed to Channel
Better Patient

BLAKE® Drain 24FR Round Hubless shown

Benefits of BLAKE®
Silicone Drains

Excellent Drainage Greater Patient Comfort

• Four continuous channels provide greater tissue •P
 atients experience less discomfort upon removal2
contact area than regular perforated drains1 •S
 maller, more flexible tube3,4,5
• Offers multiple drainage routes to resist clogging1 •D
 ue to channel design, removal may be less traumatic to
• Constructed of silicone with solid center surrounding tissues in comparison to designs with holes3,6
designed for strength and flexibility

Enhanced Ambulation
• Patients experience greater ease of mobility postoperatively7
• Less discomfort during experimental patient movement
and deep breathing exercises in comparison to conventional
rigid tube8
• May help speed recovery compared to conventional
rigid tube1
Flexible in More
Ways Than One
Patented Bendable
Trocar Technology9
 an be angled to facilitate easier placement of
the drain (15FR and 19FR Round Hubless BLAKE
Drains only)

Indicated for Many

Anatomical Sites and
Procedures Including:
Plastic Surgery
• Breast reconstruction
• Breast reduction
• Abdominoplasty
• Circumferential body lift
Cardiothoracic Surgery
• Valve repair/replacement
General Surgery
• Bariatric surgery
• Mastectomy
• Carotid endarterectomy
Orthopedic Surgery
• Hip arthroplasty
• Knee arthroplasty
Features of the 24FR Larger Transition Zone
BLAKE® Silicone Drain •H
 elps minimize the chance of clotting

16-Inch Extension Tubing

 pecifically designed for cardiovascular
and thoracic procedures

Bifurcated Stripe
 asy to identify channel section on x-ray
 istinguishes drain from other wires or leads on x-ray
Improved Flow Geometry9 •P
 rovides a placement reference within the thoracic cavity
• Larger channel lumen compared to the 19FR Blake Drain
channel lumen 600 584
• Rounded inner lumen corners designed to maximize flow9
500 24FR

19FR 263
100 85

0 19FR
Saline Porcine Blood Anticoagulated

The flow rate of the 24FR BLAKE Drain is much

higher than the 19FR BLAKE Drain.
Instructions for Use
J -VAC™ Closed Wound Drainage System • BLAKE® Silicone Drains (Round Hubless)
The J-VAC™ Closed Wound Drainage System is a sterile, The product consists of a silicone drain with four channels
disposable, portable system used for closed wound drainage. along the sides, a blue radiopaque stripe along the length of
It consists of two component parts: J-VAC™ Reservoirs and the drain, a round silicone extension tube, and an adapter. It
Suction Drains. is available with or without a trocar.


The J-VAC™ Reservoir is available in either a 150 ml, 300 ml, or Closed Wound Drainage Systems have been used as an adjunct
450 ml size. All are packaged sterile in a pre-compressed state in surgery to evacuate potentially detrimental collections of
and are capable of dual drainage. A standard anti-reflux valve certain fluids (e.g., pus, extravascular blood, bile) from wounds in
has also been incorporated to help prevent the reverse flow of body cavities and to reduce the risk of infection.
wound exudates during emptying and reactivation. Markers
are provided at increments along the side of the reservoir CONTRAINDICATIONS
to facilitate the approximate measurement of fluid. A drain Blood collected using the J-VAC™ Drain Adapter or in the J-VAC™
port with attached plug is provided as a method of emptying Suction Reservoir and J-VAC™ Bulb Suction Reservoir should not
exudate collected by the unit. be reinfused.
Caution: This Product Contains Natural Rubber latex Which
May Cause Allergic Reactions.
1. J-VAC™ Reservoirs of size 150 ml, 300 ml, and 450 ml
J -VAC™ BULB SUCTION RESERVOIR contain a metal spring and should not be exposed to strong
The J -VAC™ Bulb Suction Reservoir is available in 100 cc size. magnetic fields such as those used in magnetic resonance
It is packaged sterile and has a standard anti-reflux valve. imaging (MRls). An effective closed suction drain system
Markers are provided at increments along the side of the requires maintenance of the system to preserve patency.
reservoir to facilitate the approximate measurement of fluid. 2. The drain must not be allowed to occlude nor the reservoir
A drain port with an attached plug is provided as a method of to completely fill, and reservoir suction must be maintained.
emptying exudate collected by the unit. 3. In the event of occlusion of the drain, all wound drainage via
the drain ceases. Careful attention to the drain will minimize
SUCTION DRAINS the possibility of this problem. If occlusion does occur, the
Drains are made from silicone and are available in a wide drain can be aspirated by connecting suction to the reservoir
variety of sizes and configurations. All are individually outlet or by temporarily disconnecting the drain from the
packaged, sterile, and include an adapter used to attach the reservoir and applying suction directly to the drain.
drain to the reservoir. All are made from materials shown to be 4. If an airtight seal between the drain and the skin where the
nonpyrogenic. drain emerges is not achieved, the air leak must be rectified
• BLAKE® Silicone Drains (Flat, Full, or 3/4-Fluted) or the system must be converted to open drainage.
The product consists of a radiopaque flat silicone drain 5. An airtight seal between all system components (drain,
with four channels along the sides, a round silicone adapter, and reservoir) is necessary for proper system function.
extension tube, and an adapter. The flat drain is channeled
along either 75% or 100% of its length. Flat drains are
available with or without a trocar.
Instructions for Use
6. Leaving the soft silicone elastomer drain implanted for 5. An airtight junction between the tubing and tissue at the
any period of time so as to cause tissue ingrowth around drain entrance site must be ensured for proper functioning
the drain can interfere with easy removal and affect the of the system.
performance of the drain. The surgeon should monitor the 6. A tight fit must occur between the adapter and drain
patient’s rate of wound healing. tubing, and between the adapter and the reservoir to
7. J-VAC™ Bulb Suction Reservoir or J-VAC™ Reservoir ensure proper system function. Although the adapter
Systems should be used in cardiothoracic surgery only included with the drain is designed to allow the drain to
after the lung is fully expanded and all air leaks have sealed. fit most reservoirs, the user must ensure there is a tight fit
8. Drain channels must lie within the wound or cavity to be between the adapter and drain tubing, and between the
drained, otherwise inadequate drainage may result. adapter and reservoir for proper system integrity.
9. Use with appropriate care and attention to prevent tissue 7. If occlusion of a drain occurs, it may be necessary to
and blood vessel damage since the trocar needle is sharp. irrigate or aspirate the drain.
It has been reported that when trocar needles were used 8. Frequent inspection of the quantity and quality of fluid
in the cephalic region, serious complications such as drainage in the reservoir should be made and reported
epidural bleeding and subdural bleeding due to vascular to the surgeon as ordered. Failure to empty the reservoir
damage occurred. when full will reduce drainage efficiency.
10. Special attention is necessary when handling the drain 9. Suction should be discontinued prior to drain removal.
with instruments. The drain may be cut or torn by coming 10. The silicone elastomer suction drain tubing is soft and
in contact with sharp objects or when subjected to pliable. It should not be handled or come into contact
compression or excessive overpressure by a milking with pointed, toothed, sharp-cornered, or even blunt
roller, etc. instruments, as punctures, surface cuts, nicks, crushing, or
11. These products are designed for single use only. Discard other overstressing can lead to tearing or warping of the
promptly after single patient use. Do not resterilize/reuse. tubing and to subsequent structural failure of the drain
Reuse of this device (or portions of this device) may create and/or fragment retention within the wound.
a risk of product degradation, which may result in device 11. Do not suture through or cut into the drain as this may
failure and/or cross-contamination, which may lead to result in drain breakage and/or fragment retention within
infection or transmission of blood-borne pathogens to the wound.
patients and users.
PRECAUTIONS 1. Drain Placement
1. The operative site should be dry and free of debris prior •T
 he surgeon should irrigate the wound with sterile fluid,
to closure. then suction the irrigating fluid and gross debris from the
2. Proper placement of the wound drain(s) in tissue layers and operative site.
at the exit site should be observed to prevent tube kinking. • Tubes should lie flat and in line with the anticipated skin
3. An adequate number of wound drains should be used to exit. To facilitate later removal by manual traction, the
ensure that all areas will be drained. tubing should not be curled, pinched, or sutured internally.
4. Fluid retention may result from inefficient evacuation. This •P
 ositioning of the drain in the body cavity, as well as the
could occur as a result of the drain channels being outside number of drains indicated, should be determined by the
of the tissue layers. operating surgeon.
Instructions for Use
• Drain tubing should be placed within the wound by – If the reservoir does not completely reinflate when
approximating the areas of critical fluid collection. tested according to the procedure described above,
• Care must be taken to ensure that all drain channels lie the reservoir should not be used.
completely within the wound or cavity to be drained. Connection to the Drain
• Taping or a triple loop suture (around and not • After drain placement, push the silicone drain tubing over
through the tubing) will aid in preventing accidental the adapter. To ensure a secure connection, use a twisting
drain displacement. motion to seat the drain over all adapter barbs. Remove
• Deep drainage is best accomplished by using one or the plug from the drainage port and insert the adapter
more drains for each level of tissue. Each level should be to the suction port. A tight fit is necessary to ensure the
evacuated by a separate source of vacuum. system’s integrity.
• Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the drain. • With the drainage plug removed, squeeze the reservoir
The tubing should be repeatedly checked during closure until it has collapsed.
for free motion to avoid breakage and/or fragment • Holding the reservoir in a collapsed position, insert the
retention within the wound. drainage plug to seal the drainage opening.
2. Additional Steps for Placement of Drains in Open • Release the squeezing pressure to allow the reservoir to
Surgical Procedures inflate for fluid collection.
• The drain tubing should be brought out through the stab • When used in cardiothoracic surgery, BLAKE® Drains
wound made with a trocar or scalpel 2 cm to 5 cm from may be connected to a JJ-VAC™ Bulb Suction Reservoir
the wound edge for connection to the reservoir. only after the lung is fully expanded and all the air leaks
Use of bendable trocar (available on certain sizes only) have sealed.
• Holding the trocar with both hands, bend the trocar in a 4. Activating the J-VAC™ Suction Reservoir
downward motion until desired angle is achieved. • After drain placement, push the silicone drain tubing over
• Once the angle of the trocar has been adjusted, avoid the adapter. To ensure a secure connection, use a twisting
repeated bending as this could result in structural failure. motion to seat the drain over all adapter barbs. Remove
3. Activating the J-VAC™ Bulb Suction Reservoir the plug from the port and insert the adapter. A tight fit is
It is important that the patency of the J-VAC™ Bulb necessary to ensure the system’s integrity.
Suction Reservoir be verified immediately prior to • After drain tubing is connected to the port, start suction
connecting it to the drain: by gently bending up the bottom flap. The unit will release
• With the drainage plug removed, squeeze the reservoir and suction will begin.
until it has collapsed. • When used in cardiothoracic surgery, BLAKE® Drains may
• Holding the reservoir in a collapsed position, insert the be connected to a J-VAC™ Reservoir only after the lung is
drainage plug to seal the drainage opening. fully expanded and all the air leaks have sealed.
• Release the squeezing pressure to allow the reservoir 5. Measuring Exudate and Emptying Reservoir
to inflate. In the event the reservoir does not completely • To measure exudate, relieve negative pressure by opening
inflate, the following corrective procedure should the exit plug. This completely expands the reservoir.
be employed: Once equilibrium pressure has been established within
– Repeat above steps for verifying patency of the J-VAC™ Reservoir, approximate fluid levels may be
the bulb suction reservoir. This repeated action determined against the calibrations indicated on the
should open the anti-reflux valve and permit it to side walls.
function normally. • Empty exudate into an appropriate container.
Instructions for Use
6. Reactivating the System 4. lf the reservoir is not emptied when it is full, equilibrium
• With the exit plug still removed, place the J-VAC™ between the drain and reservoir at wound pressure
Reservoir between fingers. Press firmly in the center until will ultimately occur and drainage from the wound site
the reservoir clicks. will cease. When the reservoir and drain are at the
• Bend the bottom flap backward slightly to secure. same pressure and the reservoir is full of fluid, the
• Replace the exit plug. likelihood of back-contamination across the anti-reflux
• Start suction by gently bending up the bottom flap until valve is increased.
the reservoir clicks. 5. When used to drain the pleural cavity in the presence of
7. Attaching BLAKE® (19 FR, 24 FR Hubless) Drains to a an air leak, BLAKE® Drains must be attached to an
Chest Drainage System Using BLAKE® Cardio Connectors appropriate pleural cavity drainage system to prevent
• BLAKE® Cardio Connectors are compatible with 19 FR and tension pneumothorax.
24 FR Round Hubless BLAKE® Drains and are available in 6. The silicone elastomer suction drain tubing is soft and
1:1, 2:1, and 3:1 configurations. pliable. It should not be handled or come into contact
• Using a twisting motion, connect BLAKE® (19 FR, 24 FR with pointed, toothed, sharp-cornered, or even blunt
Hubless) Drains to the smaller barbed fitting. instruments, as punctures, surface cuts, nicks, crushing or
• Connect the vacuum source tube to the larger other overstressing can lead to tearing or warping of the
barbed fitting. tubing and to subsequent structural failure of the drain
and/or fragment retention within the wound.
COMPLICATIONS 7. Do not suture through or cut into the drain as this may
1. Complications which may result from the use of this result in drain breakage and/or fragment retention within
suction drainage system include the risks associated with the wound.
methods utilized in the surgical procedure, as well as the
patient’s degree of intolerance to any foreign object placed STORAGE
in the body. No special storage conditions required. Do not use after
2. The advantages of wound drainage, particularly closed expiry date.
system drainage, are lost if an airtight seal between
the drain and the skin where the drain emerges is not HOW SUPPLIED
achieved, the drain is allowed to become occluded, or the All drains and reservoirs are packaged sterile, ten (10) units per
reservoir is filled to capacity and not emptied. box. Cardio connectors are packaged sterile, twenty (20) units
3. In the event an airtight seal is not achieved, the reservoir per box.
will rapidly fill with air from the leak; subsequent drainage
One standard drain adapter is included with each drain.
to the reservoir will occur only if allowed by gravity and by
Additional standard drain adapters are available in boxes of
wound exudate forcing the flow. Entry into the reservoir
100 units.
is allowed only by displacement of air in the reservoir by
wound exudate flow. In this displacement process, air reflux
from the reservoir to the wound can occur and increase
the likelihood of back-contamination across the anti-reflux
valve. In the event of drain occlusion by fibrin, clots,
or other particulate matter, all wound drainage via the
drain ceases.
Instructions for Use

Contains or presence of natural rubber latex Caution

Sterilized using irradiation Do not reuse

Use-by date Do not resterilize

Batch code Catalogue number

Manufacturer Contains or presence of phthalates

Do not use if package is damaged MR unsafe

Bulb Suction Reservoir Authorised representative in the European community

Drain Adapter Suction Reservoir

Silicone Round Drain Cardio Connector 1:1

Silicone Flat Drain Cardio Connector 2:1

CE mark and Identification Number of Notified Body. The

product meets the essential requirements of the Medical Device Cardio Connector 3:1
Directive 93/41/EEC
J-VAC™ Reservoirs – Sterile

Ordering Information
The J-VAC™ Reservoir is available in either a 150 ml, 300 ml,
or 450 ml size. All are packaged sterile in a pre-compressed
state and are capable of dual drainage. A standard anti-reflux
valve has also been incorporated to help prevent the reverse
BLAKE® Silicone Drains (Flat, Full, or 3/4-Fluted) – Sterile flow of wound exudates during emptying and reactivation.
The product consists of a radiopaque flat silicone drain with Markers are provided at increments along the side of the
four channels along the sides, a round silicone extension reservoir to facilitate the approximate measurement of fluid.
tube, and an adapter. The flat drain is channeled along either A drain port with attached plug is provided as a method of
75% or 100% of its length. Flat drains are available with or emptying exudate collected by the unit.
without a trocar.
Code Description Unit
Code Description Unit 2161 150 ml J-VAC™ Reservoir 10
2210 7 mm Flat, 3/4 Fluted drain 10 2162 450 ml J-VAC™ Reservoir 10
2211 7 mm Flat, Full Fluted drain 10 2163 300 ml J-VAC™ Reservoir 10
2212 7 mm Flat, Full Fluted drain, with 3/16" trocar 10
J-VAC™ Bulb Suction Reservoir – Sterile
2213 10 mm Flat, 3/4 Fluted drain 10 The J -VAC™ Bulb Suction Reservoir is available in 100 cc size.
2214 10 mm Flat, Full Fluted drain 10 It is packaged sterile and has a standard anti-reflux valve.
Markers are provided at increments along the side of the
2215 10 mm Flat, Full Fluted drain, with 3/16" trocar 10
reservoir to facilitate the approximate measurement of fluid.
2216 7 mm Flat, 3/4 Fluted drain, with 3/16" trocar 10 A drain port with an attached plug is provided as a method
2217 10 mm Flat 3/4 Fluted drain, with 3/16" trocar 10 of emptying exudate collected by the unit.

BLAKE® Silicone Drains (Round Hubless) – Sterile
Code Description Unit
The product consists of a silicone drain with four channels
along the sides, a blue radiopaque stripe along the length of 2160 J-VAC™ 100 cc Bulb Suction Reservoir 10

the drain, a round silicone extension tube, and an adapter. It

J-VAC™ Adapters – Sterile
is available with or without a trocar.
Quantity/ Code Description Unit
Code Description Unit
2199 J-VAC™ Drain Adapter 1/4" 100
2226 10 FR Round drain 10
2209 J-VAC™ Drain Adapter 1/8" 100
2227 10 FR Round drain with 1/8" trocar 10
2298 J-VAC™ Drain Adapter 3/16" 100
2228 15 FR Round drain 10
BLAKE™ Cardio Connectors – Sterile
2229 15 FR Round drain with 3/16" trocar 10
2230 19 FR Round drain 10 Code Description Unit
2231 19 FR Round drain, with 1/4" trocar 10 BCC1 1:1, 3/8-1/2" X 3/16" 20

2232 19 FR Round drain, with 1/4" bendable trocar 10 BCC2 2:1, 3/8-1/2" X 3/16" X 3/16" 20

2233 15 FR Round drain, with 3/16" bendable trocar 10 BCC3 3:1, 3/8-1/2" X 3/16" X 3/16" X 3/16" 20

2234 24 FR Round drain 10 For more information or ordering information,

contact your local Ethicon sales professional, call
1-877-ETHICON (384-4266) or visit
1. Frankel TL. Silastic drains vs conventional chest tubes after coronary artery
bypass. Chest. 2003;124:108-113.
2. Greenberg RL. Use of the BLAKE Drain and J-VAC Reservoir to enhance
healing in plastic and reconstructive surgery.
3. Akowuah E, Ho EC, George R, et al. Less pain with flexible fluted silicone
chest drains than with conventional rigid chest tubes after cardiac surgery.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002; 124(5):1027-1028.
4. Hiroshi Niinami, Mimiko Tabata, Yasuo Takeuchi, et al. Experimental
Assessment of the Drainage Capacity of Small Silastic Chest Drains.
Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2006;14:223-226.
5. Lancey R, Gaca C, Vander Salm TJ. The Use of Smaller, More Flexible Chest
Drains Following Open Heart Surgery. Chest. 2001;119(1)19-24.
6. Obney JA. A method for mediastinal drainage after cardiac procedures using
small silastic drains. Ann Thorac Surg. 2000;70:1109-1110.
7. Gundry SR. Facile minimally invasive cardiac surgery via ministernotomy.
Ann Thorac Surg. 1998;65:1100-4.
8. Li X, Hu B, Miao J, et al. Reduce chest pain using modified silicone fluted
drain tube for chest drainage after video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS)
lung resection. J Thorac Dis. 2016 Feb; 8(Suppl 1):S93–S98. Retrieved
June 8, 2016:
9. M. Feinberg, B. Inamoto, J. Samon. Data on file. ETHICON, Inc., Design History:
DH0976 (bk7) - DH0979, DH0978: 24 Fr Blake Silicon Drain. 2003.

© 2017 Ethicon US, LLC. All rights reserved. 050018-171026

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