Civil Engineering MCQ's

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Civil Engineering MCQ’s

73. Which of the following factors influence the Ans. (d)

durability of concrete?
78. The factor of safety for steel as compared to
(a) The cover to embedded steel concrete is _____.
(b) The cement content and water-cement
ratio (a) higher
(c) The shape and the size of the member (b) same
(d) All options are correct (c) lower
Ans. (d) (d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
74. Torsion resisting capacity of a given
reinforce concrete section_____. 79. The strength and quality of concrete
depends on _____.
(a) decreases with decrease in stirrup
spacing (a) aggregate shape
(b) decreases with increase in longitudinal (b) aggregate grading
bars (c) surface area of the aggregate
(c) does not depend upon stirrup and (d) All options are correct
longitudinal steels Ans. (d)
(d) increases with the increase in stirrups
and longitudinal steels 80. The cable for a prestressed concrete simply
Ans. (d) supported beam subjected to uniformly
distributed load over the entire span should
75. When water is added to cement ______. ideally be _____.
(a) heat is generated
(b) heat is absorbed (a) placed at the centre of cross section
(c) chemical reaction is initiated over the entire span
(d) Both heat is generated and chemical (b) placed at some eccentricity over the
reaction is initiated entire span
Ans. (d) (c) varying linearly from the centre of cross
section at the ends to maximum
76. The bond strength between steel and eccentricity at the middle section
concrete is due to ____. (d) parabolic with zero eccentricity at the
(a) friction ends and maximum eccentricity at the
(b) adhesion centre of the span
(c) both friction and adhesion Ans. (d)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c) 81. In limit state approach, spacing of main
77. The lower water-cement ratio in concrete reinforcement controls primarily
(a) collapse
(a) more density (b) durability
(b) small creep and shrinkage (c) deflection
(c) more bond (d) cracking
(d) All options are correct Ans. (d)
Civil Engineering MCQ’s Page 1

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