DX Postop PT PDF
DX Postop PT PDF
DX Postop PT PDF
Postoperative Patient
This is a general nursing care plan for the postoperative patient. It should be
individualized and used in conjunction with a nursing care plan specific to the type of
surgery performed.
Nursing Diagnosis*
Impaired Breathing
Etiology: Use of opioid analgesia, respiratory irritation, increased secretions, and/or
airway obstruction
Supporting data: Dyspnea, crowing, shallow chest excursion, low O2 saturation level
Patient Goal
Maintains a breathing pattern that meets oxygen needs of the body
Measurement Scale
1 = Severe
2 = Substantial
3 = Moderate
Nursing Diagnosis
Acute Pain
Etiology: Surgical incision and reflex muscle spasm
Supporting data: Reports of pain, tense and guarded body posture, facial grimacing,
restlessness, irritability, moaning, diaphoresis, tachycardia
Patient Goals
1. Reports satisfaction with pain relief
2. Uses pain relief techniques effectively
Nursing Diagnosis
Etiology: Effects of anesthetic agents and gastrointestinal distention
Supporting data: Reports of nausea, refusal to consume fluids or solids, observed and/or
reported vomiting
Patient Goal
Has reduced or no episodes of nausea and vomiting
Nursing Diagnosis
Fluid Imbalance
Etiology: stress response to surgery and abnormal fluid losses and gains throughout the
perioperative period
Supporting factors: Changes in blood pressure and weight, orthostatic hypotension,
tachycardia, decreased urine output, electrolyte imbalance
Patient Goals
1. Maintains fluid and electrolyte balance required for metabolic needs
2. Has no signs of hypovolemia or hypervolemia
Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for Infection
Risk factors: altered skin integrity, inadequate nutrition and fluid intake, presence of
environmental pathogens, invasive instrumentation, and immobility
Patient Goal
Has no evidence of infection
Nutrition Management
• Determine, in collaboration with dietitian, number
of calories and type of nutrients needed to meet
nutrition requirements.
• Encourage calorie intake appropriate for body type
and lifestyle to facilitate adequate nutrition.
Nursing Diagnosis
Lack of Knowledge
Etiology: Lack of information about surgery and postoperative care
Supporting data: States desire to manage postoperative care and reduce risk factors for
complications, questions about postoperative care
Patient Goals
1. Describes home management of surgical wound and pain
2. Identifies signs and symptoms that must be reported to a health care professional
Infection Control
• Teach the patient on how to care for the incision to
avoid infection.
• Teach patient and caregiver about signs and
symptoms of infection (e.g., increased temperature)
and when to report them to the health care provider
to enhance the patient’s management of care.
Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for Bleeding
Risk Factors: Ineffective vascular closure, changes in coagulation, treatment regimen
Patient Goal
Has no evidence of bleeding
Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for Venous Thromboembolism
Risk factors: Dehydration, immobility, vascular manipulation, injury
Patient Goal
Has no evidence of venous thromboembolism
Nursing Diagnosis
Urinary Retention
Etiology: Supine positioning, pain, fear, analgesic and anesthetic medications, or surgical
Supporting data: Small voiding or absent urinary output, frequent voiding, bladder
distension, sensation of bladder fullness, overflow incontinence, residual urine
Patient Goal
Has no evidence of urinary retention
Collaborative Problems
Potential Complication
Postoperative ileus
Risk factors: Bowel manipulation, immobility, pain medication, and anesthetics