Fibre To Connect Communities, Countries and Continents The Ultimate Solution For TV Broadband Cabling

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The ultimate solution for TV Broadband cabling

Fibre to connect communities, countries and continents

Linking the future
Prysmian Group
With two internationally renowned commercial brands – Prysmian and Draka – in one united
company, Prysmian Group is the global leader in the cable industry. Based in 50 countries, with
98 plants supported by 22,000 employees, we’re relied on to support the development of the world’s
infrastructure, operating in industries that include utilities, construction, transport, oil and gas, marine,
renewable energy, telecoms and multimedia.
Drawing on over 130 years’ expertise and continuously investing in R&D, we apply excellence,
understanding and integrity to everything we do, meeting and exceeding the precise needs
of our customers across all continents and in every sector.
Through our experience, commitment to the planet and a passion for innovation, we’re driving the
evolution of our industry. In doing so, we’re connecting today’s opportunities to tomorrow’s possibilities.
In short, we’re linking the future.

Introducing xsNet
From aerial and underground
installations, through to both
simple and more complex residential
networks, Prysmian’s xsNet family
of products and solutions represents
a new standard in Fibre To The Home
(FTTH). Answering the critical need for
ease of deployment, flexibility, reliability
and cost-efficiency – and being backed
by a full suite of valuable support
services – xsNet is the ideal range
of cabling for today’s changing world.

Supported throughout by BendBrightXS fibre technology

A revolutionary system for fibre TV cabling
VeRTVXS is an optical Multi Dwelling Unit (MDU) TV cabling solution. The plug and play system
consists of patchcords of various lengths and floor boxes for splitting or tap-off. It has been designed
to make installation simple as no fibre optical experience is required for installation, and no fusion
or mechanical splicing is needed. Anyone familiar with copper cables, such as electrical engineers,
can easily work with this solution.
To ensure a balanced installation and a uniform signal to all users, VeRTVXS allows the installation of three tap-offs plus
one splitter ‘in cascade’. This means 32 users can be connected and the insertion loss is lower than 15dB. By means of a
1x2 splitter installed at the LNB exit, it is possible to connect 32 users. In this manner, the performance of one single dish
is fully optimised.

Technical Parameters
Maximum Insertion Loss for 16 outs 15 dB
Uniformity Insertion Loss < 1 dB
Return Loss ≥ 55 dB

Features & Benefits
– Plug and play – Fibre G657.A2/B2 BeNDBRIGHtXS – Qualified to Telcordia GR326 e IEC
(different fibres available upon request) 61300 standards
– Miniaturised for use in confined
spaces – Mini-to-mini patchcords supplied in – RoHS compliant materials
standard lengths of 3.5m, 5m, 10m
– Patented mini-adapters and – All connectors are supplied with
mini-connectors – Mini-to-FC patchcords supplied in ceramic ferrules
lengths according to customer’s
– Wide range of tap-offs and splitters request – Full traceability and test certification
supplied with each assembly
– Splitters integrated into tap-off – Cable diameter: 2mm
– Tailor-made solutions?
– Typical application: a cascaded 32 – Sheath colour of patchcords is white Contact Prysmian Group
user equalised configuration Sheath material is LS0H UV stable


– FTTx

– Telecommunication

– Data Networks

– Tests & Measurements

Additional Items
– Steel Pulling Wire

– Mini-to-Mini Adapters

– Cleaning Pen

– Inspection Probe

Main Components
Patchcord G657.A2/B2 BendBrightXS (1310/1550nm)
Maximum Insertion Loss ≤ 0.3 dB (Typical 0.2 dB)
Return Loss ≥ 55 dB
Intermateability IEC 874-14
Operating Temperature -40°C to + 85°C

Geometrical and Mechanical Parameters

Bending Radius 7mm ≤ R ≤ 20mm
Max Pulling Force 150 N
Connector Diameter 4mm
Cable Diameter 2mm

1x2 1x2 1x2 1x2 1x4
90/10 80/20 70/30 50/50
Maximum Insertion Loss (dB) ≤ 0.8/12.7 ≤ 1.5/8.5 ≤ 2.1/6.4 ≤ 3.9/3.9 ≤ 7.80
Uniformity Insertion Loss (dB) ≤ 0.6/1.2 ≤ 0.6/1.2 ≤ 0.6/1.2 ≤ 1.2 ≤ 1.00
PDL (dB) ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.2 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 0.25

Wavelength Range (Nm) 1310±50, 1490±10, 1550±30 for 1x2

1260-1650 for 1x4

Return Loss and Directivity (dB) ≥ 50 for the coupler and ≥ 55 for the PLC
Operating Temperature (°C) -40°C to +85°C
Maximum Input Power (mW) 500 mW

3/4 2/3 1/2
Max Insertion Loss of 4 Output Legs (dB) ≤ 15.00 ≤ 13.20 ≤ 10.90
Max Insertion Loss of Bypass Leg (dB) ≤ 2.5 ≤ 3.1 ≤ 3.8

Uniformity of Outputs (Client Legs) (dB) ≤ 1.00

Wavelength Range (Nm) 1260 to 1650 Nm
Return Loss (dB) ≥ 55
Operating Temperature (°C) -40°C to +85°C
PDL (dB) < 0.15

Pulling Wire
Stainless steel pulling wire with cable butt connecting system to the mini-connectors.
This avoids the need to prepare the cable end beforehand.

Also available with dielectric material.

Pulling Head for Optical Patchcord

The pulling head allows the installation of the pre-connectorised patchcord inside the duct.

Mini-to-Mini Adapter
Mini-to-mini adapter to connect together two patchcords equipped with mini-connectors.

Cleaning Pen
Used to clean the adapters and connectors on the splitter and tap-off boxes.

Each pen can be used for 500 cleaning operations.

Inspection Probe
An inspection kit for the mini-connector which includes a probe, a USB2.0 set, a 3.5" LCD
monitor, a special tip and a carrying bag.

One-stop-shopping with Prysmian’s
comprehensive integrated xsNet portfolio
Deploying a future-proof FTTx network is all about achieving the highest network reliability
and customer satisfaction, whilst making the most of available resources and keeping costs low.
Prysmian’s fully integrated range of connectivity products provides all you need to build or adapt
each segment of a low-maintenance FTTx network quickly and cost-effectively.
Our integrated xsNet range offers high grade optical fibre Prysmian Group’s fibre optic and
cables, carefully matched and easy-to-handle connectivity connectivity products
components and a choice of ducting solutions for indoor
– Combined portfolio brings down the cost of FTTx
networks, outside plant networks and POP. And there’s
more: flexible design software and engineering advice based – Reach every community with an extensive portfolio
on three decades of broadband network design. With minimal of cable, connectivity and deployment technologies
effort, any network design, regardless of complexity or size,
can be put together from scratch, updated or reconfigured.

Integrated XSNet concept

– Each standardised xsNet solution integrates
seamlessly with the rest of the portfolio
– Each xsNet solution contains everything
required to build a specific part of the network
– Operators can make service choices now, but
also accommodate future upgrades and expansion
– Reduces the need for skilled labour
– Excellent logistical support
– Proprietary design software maps, configures, optimises
and calculates costs of network concepts in seconds
– Changes and variations are easy to implement whilst
designing and even after installation
– Expert engineering and consultancy services, plus
professional support for building a winning business case

Linking communications
to communities

Prysmian Group, members of:

Prysmian Group
Viale Sarca 222
20126 Milan
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +39 02 6449 3500

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