Manzana Insurance - Operations Management
Manzana Insurance - Operations Management
Manzana Insurance - Operations Management
- Decline in Profitability
- High Turnaround Time (TAT)
- Large number of Late Renewals & backlog of policies
- Uneven Workload
This resulted in oppurtunity to the competitor Golden Gate to capture the Market Share.
Also Fruitvale Branch Profitability is Declining and stagnating New Policies and Endorsements
From Page # 2
A Estimated requests per department Distribution Underwriting Rating Policy Writing
- Requests for New Insurance 22 22 22 22
- Requests for Renewals 17 17 17 17
Average (Expected) - Rounding off 40 40 40 40
Capacity Available (Hrs / Day) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Number of Months 6 6 6
Number of Days in a month 20 20 20
Average Number of Days 120 120 120 360
Avg. conversion ratio (RAP >> New 15% 15% 15% 15%
Policies ) - Page # 5
Avg No. of Requests / Day (E37 x E39) 0.95 0.64 0.66 2.25
I Cost Analysis
When using the 95% SCT, the bottleneck for RUN, RAP and RERUN - it is Underwriting
When using the Average Processing Time, the bottleneck for RUN and RAIN - it is Distribution
1990 1991
Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2
8,889.00 8,795.00 8,868.00 8,499.00 8,901.00
-0.03% -1.06% 0.83% -4.16% 4.73%
8.17% 6.59% 6.18% -4.42% 0.13%
as compared to 1990
It canbe seen that the Renewals is giving more Net Revenue than
the New Policies business by $ 877.65
Need to re-align the company incentive policy accordingly.
(1) Reduce the Variability of the Underwriters, will help to reduce the backlog….
No. of Emp.
ssing Time)
No. of Emp.
(1) It can be seen that RERUNs are given 1 day prior to Renewals. This should be given to the Distribution Clerks atleast
(2) We can look at automation for this to be achieved.
(3) Also, we can look at FIFO method, which will solve this problem of Renewals lost and bring a control on this losing streak.
(4) New Policy above established quota for Underwriters are incentivized resulting in concentration on RUNs.
But the revenue loss is mainly due to the RENEWALS LOST (RERUNs).
(5) Hence, there is recommendation to incentivize the Timely Renewals (or) penalize in case of non-Renewals
(1) Refer to the Point E (Analyzing by Time), wherein it can be seen that 95% SCT is an inappropriate way to calculate the timelines.
(2) By switching over to Average Processing Time instead of 95% SCT, it is clear that Distribution is the bottleneck for RUNs and RAINs
(3) It can be clearly seen that the Cycle Time per Employee is significantly lower with a potential to handle higher volume of requests
(4) For Golden Gate, they can also counter with 2 days of TAT, with the Average Processing time as the basis for activities.
(1) From the long Term perspective, Fruitvale branch should look at handling 50 Requests on average on daily basis
with an utilization percentage of 80%
(1) It is clear that when the Underwriting Teams are combined together, the capacity Utilization up to 82%
as compared by individual territory (Refer to Point F - Analyzing the Underwriting Bottleneck)
(2) This point also collaborates with Point 1C above, wherein the excess capacity in Policy Writing can be shifted to
Distribution Team, where it distributes the capacity utilization through cross-skilling
unlike the view prevailing in the company)
No. of Emp.
sing Time)
No. of Emp.
ing Team