Water Supply Engineering
Water Supply Engineering
Water Supply Engineering
BEG 355 CI
Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to provide students with sound knowledge in the water supply system
development water treatment technology and its distribution system
Course Contents:
1.0 Introduction (2 hrs)
1.1 Water supply, its objectives, immediate and long term impact
1.2 Definition of portable, contaminated and wholesome water.
1.3 Major components of water supply systems
1.4 Need of water supply engineering
1.5 Water supply scheme : Urban and Rural
Five laboratory exercises will be performed in this course. These are:
(a) Physical tests of water: temperature, color, turbidity, and PH.
(b) Determination of suspended, dissolved and total solids in water.
(c) Determination of dissolved oxygen in water by Winkler method and D.O. meter.
(d) Determination of optimum does of coagulant by the jar test.
(e) Micro-biological test of water
Field Visit:
Field visit of water supply systems, group presentation and submission of individual report to the
respective teacher.
P.N.Modi, Water supply Engineering , Standard book house
B.C.Punimia, Water supply Engineering, Laxmi Publication-+
G.S. Birdie, Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, Dhanpat Rai and Sons Publishers.