Water Supply Engineering

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Water Supply Engineering

BEG 355 CI

Year: III Semester: I

Teaching Examination Scheme Total Marks
Schedule Final Internal Assessments
Hours/week Theory Practical Theory Practical
L T P Duration Marks Duration Marks
3 1 2/2 3 80 - - 20 25 125

Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to provide students with sound knowledge in the water supply system
development water treatment technology and its distribution system

Course Contents:
1.0 Introduction (2 hrs)
1.1 Water supply, its objectives, immediate and long term impact
1.2 Definition of portable, contaminated and wholesome water.
1.3 Major components of water supply systems
1.4 Need of water supply engineering
1.5 Water supply scheme : Urban and Rural

2.0 Water Sources (3 hrs)

2.1 Surface source: lake, streams/rivers and impounded reservoir. Capacity calculation of
impounded reservoir
2.2 Underground sources: springs wells and infiltration galleries
2.3 Selection of water sources

3.0 Water Supply/Quantity (5 hrs)

3.1 Different types of water demand (domestic, livestock, commercial, industrial and public uses,
fire fighting, losses and wastage control measures, per capita demand) and its variation
3.2 Definition of design period
3.3 Population forecasting methods:
3.3.1 Mathematical method – Arithmetical, geometric/increment increase, decrease rate of
3.3.2 Graphical method – extension and comparison
3.4 Factors affecting demand of water

4.0 Water Quality (5 hrs)

4.1 Impurities in water ,their classification and effects
4.2 Hardness of water ,types of hardness, Alkalinity in waters
4.3 Living organism in water: virus, algae, worms and bacteria
4.4 Water born diseases: water-born, water-washed, water-based, water-vector, etc.
4.5 Physical, chemical and biological analysis of water: tests for temperature, color, odor, taste,
turbidity, pH, solids, MPN chlooiform etc
4.6 Water quality standard, WHO standard and Nepal standard for domestic use

5.0 Intake Works (3 hrs)

5.1 Site selection for intake
5.2 Characteristics of river ,reservoir and springs intakes

6.0 Water Treatment (14 hrs)

6.1 Objectives of water treatment
6.2 Treatment Systems:
6.2.1 Screening: Purpose; coarse and fine screens
6.2.2 Plain sedimentation: Purpose, theory of settlement, effect of temperature on settlement,
ideal sedimentation tank, design of sedimentation tank, and types of sedimentation
6.2.3 Sedimentation with coagulation: Purpose, types of coagulants, determination of optimum
dose of coagulant, flocculation and clarifier
6.2.4 Filtration: Purpose, theory of filtration, construction, operation and maintenance of slow
sand, rapid sand and pressure filters
6.2.5 Disinfection: Purpose chlorination, chlorine dose , residual chlorine, contact time,
forms of chlorination, plain chlorination, break-point chlorination, super chlorination,
and dechlorination, factors affect in chlorination, ozonation
6.2.6 Softening: Removal of temporary hardness by boiling and lime treatment, removal of
permanent hardness by lime soda, zeolite and ionization processes.
6.2.7 Miscellaneous treatments: Methods of aeration, removal of iron and manganese, and
removal of color, odor and taste

7.0 Reservoirs and Distribution System (6 hrs)

7.1 Different types of water reservoirs: clear water reservoir, service reservoir, balancing reservoir
and determination of the capacity of reservoirs.
7.2 System of water supply: continuous and Intermittent, radial, circular ,Grid iron, dead end
7.3 Layout of the distribution system
7.4 Method of water supply: Gravity and lift
7.5 Design of the distribution system

8.0 Conveyance of Water (3 hrs)

8.1 Different types of pipe: CI GI, WI, Steel, concrete, AC and PVC
8.2 Laying of pipes
8.3 Pipe joints and their types

9.0 Valves and Fittings (4 hrs)

9.1 Different types of valves: sluice valve, reflux valve, safety valve, air valve and drain valve
9.2 Different types of pipe fittings: stop cocks, nipples, sockets, joint coupling water taps and
9.3 Public stand post and break pressure tank
9.4 Operation and Maintenance of the water supply system

Five laboratory exercises will be performed in this course. These are:
(a) Physical tests of water: temperature, color, turbidity, and PH.
(b) Determination of suspended, dissolved and total solids in water.
(c) Determination of dissolved oxygen in water by Winkler method and D.O. meter.
(d) Determination of optimum does of coagulant by the jar test.
(e) Micro-biological test of water

Field Visit:
Field visit of water supply systems, group presentation and submission of individual report to the
respective teacher.

 P.N.Modi, Water supply Engineering , Standard book house
 B.C.Punimia, Water supply Engineering, Laxmi Publication-+
 G.S. Birdie, Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, Dhanpat Rai and Sons Publishers.

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