08 Hummingbird and Heron
08 Hummingbird and Heron
08 Hummingbird and Heron
Hu m m i ng b i rd
and Heron
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Long ago, both Heron and
Hummingbird ate fish. Hummingbird,
who was tiny and fast, ate tiny fish.
Heron, who was big and slow, ate
big fish.
One day, Hummingbird
shared with Heron what he had
been thinking.
“There may not always be
enough fish for all the birds like us,”
said Hummingbird.
“There may not be,” agreed
“Perhaps only one of us should
eat fish,” Heron suggested.
“Shall we have a race to
decide who that will be?” asked
“That seems fair,” said Heron.
The birds decided they would
race to a tree they both knew.
“It’s a long way from here,
though,” said big, slow Heron. “It
is clear to me that the race will take
four days.”
“I accept that,” Hummingbird
said, thinking he could get there
much faster.
They started the race the next
morning. Heron flew straight ahead.
Hummingbird flew in circles around
his friend.
Then Hummingbird flew down
to some flowers.
“What are you doing?” Heron
called from above.
“I am drinking sweet nectar,”
called Hummingbird.
“What’s that?” asked Heron.
“The honey inside the flowers,”
Hummingbird called back.
Heron didn’t hear Hummingbird’s
answer. He had already flown on
ahead of Hummingbird.
Suddenly, Hummingbird realized
Heron was not in sight. Off he raced
to join his friend again. That was
how the race continued.
Heron flew on and on, straight
ahead. Hummingbird stopped every
time he saw flowers. Then he raced
to pass Heron again.
Hummingbird stopped to rest at
night, too. He slept near flowers and
drank sweet nectar for breakfast.
Then he raced to catch up with
Heron, who just kept flying.
Hummingbird woke on the
last morning.
“It will take me only another half
hour to get to the tree,” he thought.
“I wonder where Heron is.”
When Hummingbird arrived, big,
slow Heron was already at the tree.
Heron won the race by flying without
stopping while Hummingbird rested.
That is how Heron became the
owner of all the fish in the rivers. It is
also why Hummingbird flies among
the flowers, drinking the sweet
nectar he so enjoyed along the way.