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Explorers Newspaper: Drug Awareness Red

Ribbon Week Edition

Portola Hills Elementary 8/29/2020

What Drug Addiction is Mentally Vulnerable

by: David Lopez
by: Matthew Hurtado
Note: The p-value means the
Drug addiction is not as clear probability for a result to
cut and simple as it has been support a hypothesis.
made to seem within society. A smaller p-value means
People who suffer from drug stronger evidence in favor of
addiction are not criminals or the hypothesis. A p-value
people with poor morals as under .05 shows significance
prejudice and stigma has made of data.
them out to seem. However,
drug addicts are actually people Family history of drug addiction
who suffer from mental illness. Say no to drugs! It only takes one results in a familial trait of being
Some people are born with a time to be addicted. more vulnerable to drug
higher chance than others to addiction (p=.03).
become afflicted by drug The Who, The What,
addiction and this is something Siblings that have a familial
very important to understand. It and the Why: Drug history of drug addiction are
is very important to say no to both similarly vulnerable to drug
Addiction addiction (p=.004).
drugs even if you know others
who have taken drugs and have
not become addicted because The who: Drug addiction is an A larger amygdala (part of the
your biology is different than issue that can affect all human brain) found in people addicted
your friends and it may only take beings while some may be more to drugs is not related to familial
one time to become addicted. It susceptible. history (p=.144).
is vital to realize that drug The what: Drug addiction must be
addiction should be seen as a viewed as mental illness to begin
mental illness such as
positively treating addiction.
schizophrenia and symptoms of
The why: Increasing awareness
addiction can appear after any
that drug addicts are ill and are not
number of times drugs are
abused. bad people will allow for more
research and possible effective
treatment options.

To Receive Direct help for yourself

or anyone suffering from Drug
Addiction call:
Through the scientific 1-800-662-4357
article, Abnormal Brain
Structure Implicated in Haiku Tale’s: Student Entries
Stimulant Drug
Addiction, it has become A drug is taken
evident in the fight A dependence has begun
against drug addiction I cannot break free
that, “Drug dependence -Matthew Hurtado (grade 6)
is increasingly
Peer pressure is not cool. Drugs are
recognized as a Once should be enough
not cool . Say no to drugs and be ‘relapsing brain I thought I would make more friends
disorder’”(Ersche). I am alone still
-Alex Lopez (grade 5)
Quick Fact

Drugs addicts are more

vulnerable to addiction
due to brain structure!

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