Lightweight Mechatronics Design: An Integrated Approach
Lightweight Mechatronics Design: An Integrated Approach
Lightweight Mechatronics Design: An Integrated Approach
1. Introduction
One of the primary goals for a responsible and sustainable handling of natural resources and for a
limitation of the climatic change – caused by the greenhouse effect – are savings in fuel and energy
and the reduction of atmospheric greenhouse gases such as CO2. At the automotive sector for example,
CO2 emissions of recently registered cars are not allowed to exceed a limit of 120 grams per kilometre
according to new guidelines of the European Union from 2007. Parallel to the regulation of the CO2
emissions the fuel consumption is reduced. In contrast to this economisation strategy, growing safety
requirements, power enhancement and rising customer demands in comfort effect a permanent
increase of the car weight, e.g. the weight of VW Passat in 2005 (6th generation) is more than 50 per
cent greater than the one in 1975 (1st generation) [Goede 2007]. These aspects are often realized by the
use of mechatronics. By now, the mechatronic proportion of weight in car amounts more than 20 per
cent, the proportion of added value even more than 40 per cent. It must be assumed that this
percentage will significantly increase in the future – regarding the hybrid- and electro-mobility. To
solve the problem of weight increase lightweight design plays an important role. It is necessary to start
lightweight arrangements in order to reduce the weight of a car because all driving resistances except
of the aerodynamic resistance depend on the mass. With the weight reduction the fuel consumption
will decrease and an environmentally conscious use of resources and energy will be triggered.
The passenger car as the representative example of a mechatronic product shows that the increasing
percentage of mechatronics is contrary to the idea of weight reduction and savings in fuel and energy –
but only at the first sight. A precise consideration of the topic shows that there are some innovative
answers to reduce the weight of the overall system “car” by the application of mechatronic
components and systems, e.g. drive-by-wire, smart structures or adaptronic systems. For this purpose,
it is essential to point out the possibility of an integrated product development of both the disciplines,
mechatronics and lightweight design – the so-called lightweight mechatronics design which requires a
novel and special procedure during product development.
V model as macro-cycle
The V model characterises the generic procedure for designing mechatronic systems. The number of
runs through the macro-cycle depends on the characteristics of the specific development task. The
macro-cycle consists of different process modules. Starting point is the fixing of requirements which
are based on an actual development order. The requirements are the basis of validation for the later
product. Based on the requirements, a cross-domain solution concept which is described by physical
and logical operating characteristics is generated by breaking down the overall function into main sub-
functions. The concretisation of this jointly developed solution concept takes places separately in the
involved domains. The outcomes from the different domains are brought together to an overall system
to allow an investigation of the interaction. The system characteristics are checked on the basis of the
specified solution concept and the requirements. It has to be ensured that the actual system properties
coincide with the desired ones. The above-mentioned development phases are flanked and supported
with the aid of models and computer-aided tools for simulation. The result of a finished macro-cycle is
the product. Here, it should be noted that a mechatronic product is generally never the result of only
one macro-cycle, but also a certain number of cycles which represents the product maturity. For
example, maturity degrees are the different specimens, prototypes or the pilot-run product.
Potentials of mechatronics
Mechatronics achieves its success by taking advantage from the synergies of the three classical
engineering disciplines. This interdisciplinary perspective generates success potential to create new
products and applications [Jendritza 2003], [Möhringer 2005]. There are: improvement of functions
and behaviour of technical systems; reduction of space, weight and cost; integration of more functions;
increasing of dynamics; realisation of new functions; creation of self-optimizing, intelligent systems;
monitoring and human-machine-interaction; advancement of the cost-benefit ratio; extension of
durability and reliability; holistic and interdisciplinary view of the product.
Lightweight design strategies are needed to generate new and optimized structures. They unify a goal-
oriented application of different lightweight construction methods, material and manufacturing
technologies and allow support during the development process of lightweight products. In literature,
there are miscellaneous denotations for these strategies. They can be classified as follows [Henning
Conditional lightweight design: New lightweight potentials of a certain structure arise out of a
critical review of all requirements from external conditions of the society, politics and the
customer markets. Depending on the requirement it will be divided into purpose lightweight
design, savings lightweight design and eco-lightweight design.
Lightweight material design: The given requirements for the structure have to be realized by
using the lightest material. However, the different material properties and thus, the associated
constructive changes have to be kept in mind. A differentiation can be made between basic
material lightweight design and composite lightweight design.
Manufacturing lightweight design: Weight saving potentials arise in various processes of
production, manufacturing and assembly.
Form lightweight design: Adapting of components to a novel structure with an optimal force
distribution and a shape of minimal weight could result in weight savings. It is differed in
structural lightweight design and form lightweight design.
These different lightweight design strategies can be realized by certain construction methods.
differentiated design (additive connection of singular components to an overall structure)
integrated design (structure based on one part)
modular design (integration and bonding of function on modular level)
composite design (combination of different materials with better characteristics)
Often, there is more than one which will be utilized.
energy flow
information flow
actuators sensors environment material flow
optional unit
necessary unit
unit for weight optimization
basic system
3.3 Potentials
The coaction in lightweight mechatronics design offers success potentials for the creation of new
products and applications. There are three categories: technical, economic and ecological potentials.
Predominantly, there are new potentials on the economic and ecological side whereas the
technological ones are characterised by mechatronics. In detail, there are:
Technical potentials: The functions and the behaviour of technical systems will be improved
by increased dynamics caused by a weight reduction or by substitution of mechanical with
light mechatronic components. Moreover, there will be new fields of application, e.g. in very
light and small systems in the medicine technology or other fields. Furthermore, the
innovation potential will be saved by new lightweight mechatronic products. During the whole
3.4.1 Overview
Figure shows an overview of the framework of lightweight mechatronics design. The methodology is
the basis to which the different elements are connected. It places special demands on the development
process. These requirements are affected on one hand from mechatronics and lightweight and on the
other hand from the combination of both disciplines. The methodology should be designed in such a
way that beside the requirements of the two existing engineering disciplines the new ones are
completely fulfilled. The determination of the demands can be seen in the following sub-chapter.
The methodology of lightweight mechatronics design links the elements – which are especially the
process model, strategies and methods, system understanding, organisation, modelling and simulation
as well as knowledge and communication – among each other. In view of the fact that lightweight
mechatronics design is based on mechatronic design – as already mentioned above – the elements of
the new methodology resemble the ones of mechatronic design whereas the aspects of lightweight
design are regarded. The interaction between the several modules and the significance of the elements
for the development process will be investigated in further research.
modeling & simulation
3.5 Challenges
To describe the whole product development methodology for lightweight mechatronics design, some
challenges rising in the research have to be clarified. First, the influence of the different disciplines –
mechatronic design and lightweight design – symbolized by the question mark in Figure 2, will be
described. The different elements of the methodology (process models, knowledge and
communication, system understanding, methods and strategies, organisation structure, modelling and
simulation) will be declared in detail regarding the requirements given above, starting with an
approach of a process model in which analysis and synthesis step are involved and a lightweight index
has to be defined. Based on this, the requirements will be assured on this process model. Moreover,
the interaction between the lightweight-oriented modularisation and the mechatronics-oriented
partitioning is not determined just like the handling with knowledge. The difficulty assuring the
functional and lightweight properties as well as the simultaneous modelling and simulation of
mechatronics and lightweight aspects is a task to resolve. Mechatronic concepts to reduce weight will
be developed after fixing all outstanding issues.
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